The Association of the Neuronal Protective Effect of Cerebral Ischemic Preconditioning with Concentrations of Extracellular Amino Acids in Rats1.doc

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《The Association of the Neuronal Protective Effect of Cerebral Ischemic Preconditioning with Concentrations of Extracellular Amino Acids in Rats1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Association of the Neuronal Protective Effect of Cerebral Ischemic Preconditioning with Concentrations of Extracellular Amino Acids in Rats1.doc(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、精品论文大集合The Association of the Neuronal Protective Effect of Cerebral Ischemic Preconditioning with Concentrations of Extracellular Amino Acids in Rats1Zhang Min, Li Wenbin, Mei Heshan, Wang YongLi, Li LiHebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang (050017)E-mail: AbstractThe present study was undertaken t

2、o observe changes in concentrations of glutamate, aspartate and-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the CA1 hippocampus during the acquirement of brain ischemic tolerance induced by cerebral ischemic preconditioning (CIP) using cerebral microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography techniques in

3、rats. An initial, moderate and synchronous increasein glutamate, aspartate and GABA was first evoked by the lethal ischemic insult for 8 min which wasverified to induce delayed neuronal death (DND) in the CA1 hippocampus. GABA quickly recovered to and kept at control level after reperfusion, but bot

4、h glutamate and aspartate levels increased secondly in more magnitudes within the early stage of reperfusion. When the animals were pretreated 2 days before the lethal ischemic insult with a CIP for 3 min which protected the pyramidal neurons against DND normally induced by the lethal brain ischemia

5、, the second peaks of glutamate and aspartate was prevented completely. The results suggested first in vivo that the protective effect of the CIP against DND of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 hippocampus normally induced by lethal brain ischemia might be associated with suppressing the increase in ext

6、racellular concentrations of both glutamate and aspartate.Keywords: cerebral ischemic preconditioning; microdialysis; glutamate; aspartate; GABA1. IntroductionTransient sublethal cerebral ischemia could protect hippocampal neurons against delayed neuronal death (DND) induced normally by lethal ische

7、mic insult. The transient cerebral ischemia is usually referred to as cerebral ischemic preconditioning (CIP). The phenomenon was first found by Kitagawa et al 1 and proved by many other studies 2, 3. The mechanisms underlying the protective effect of CIP on neurons are yet not completely understood

8、 although a variety of evidence involved in the mechanisms have been provided such as immediate early genes and their proteins 4, adenosine receptors and ATP-sensitive K+ channels 5, nitric oxide 6, heat shock proteins7, mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAPK) family members 8, etc.Many studies indic

9、ated that changes in brain extracellular concentrations of amino acids such as glutamate, aspartate and -Aminobutyric acid (GABA) play an important role in some pathological processes including epilepsy, stroke, and other neurodegenerative disorders 9, 10. Glutamate is a major excitatory amino acid

10、(EAA) neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Glutamate uptake is transiently reduced and the extracellular glutamate is increased after hypoxia-ischemia insults in the brain 11, 12. Aspartate is another EAA, and released along with glutamate in certain excitatory pathways in the rat hippocampus. A

11、spartate level was found to be significantly increased by cerebral ischemia 11, 13. The excessive glutamate and aspartate in cerebral ischemia triggered a cascade of cellular and molecular events such as calcium overload, excessive production and release of NO and free radicals which then induce neu

12、ronal degeneration or death including necrosis and DND 14, 15. GABA is a major inhibitory transmitter and considered as putatively protective substance. Continuous increase in extracellular GABA level in the hippocampus after stroke was important for neuronal survival and thus attenuated ischemic da

13、mage16.Considering the involvement of these amino acids in neuro-damages or neuro-protections, we1 本课题得到国家自然科学基金(30770738),教育部博士点基金(20050089001),河北省自然科学基金(C200500720),河北省自然科学基金(C2008001042)的资助。- 15 -presumed that changes in concentrations of these amino acids may be associated with the protection of

14、 CIP on neurons. To the best of our knowledge, no direct evidence supporting the above presumption in vivo has been provided up to now. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to observe changes in concentrations of extracellular glutamate, aspartate and GABA in the CA1 hippocampus during the in

15、duction of brain ischemic tolerance by CIP in rats using cerebral microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography techniques. These findings can improve the knowledge involved in the development of brain tolerance to ischemic insults.2. Materials and methods2.1Animal and groupingTwenty four

16、 male Wistar rats (280-320 g in weight) were provided by The Experimental Animal Center of Hebei Medical University. Before experiment, the animals were fed in the experimental room for 2-3 days to habituate to the environment of the laboratory. Animal care and use conformed to guidelines for care a

17、nd use of laboratory animals. The rats were divided randomly into sham, CIP, brain ischemic insult, and CIP + brain ischemic insult groups (n=6 in each group).2.2Establishment of global brain ischemic modelThe rat global brain ischemic model was established by four-vessel occlusion 17. First, the bi

18、lateral vertebral arteries were electrocauterized under chloral hydrate anesthesia (350 mg/kg) administered by abdominal injection as following. An incision of skin, 1.5 cm in length, directly overlying the first cervical vertebra was made on the dorsal side of the neck behind the occipital bone. Th

19、e paraspinal muscles were separated from the middle, and the bilateral alar foramina of the first cervical vertebra were exposed. An electrocautery needle burned in advance was inserted into the alar foramen and the bilateral vertebral arteries were electrocauterized permanently. Silver ball electro

20、des were mounted on the parietal bone to record the electroencephalogram (EEG). After a recovery for 2 days from the operations, the bilateral common carotid arteries (BCCAs) of the rats were occluded to produce global brain ischemia. Briefly, the BCCAs of the rats were exposed under ether anesthesi

21、a and local anesthesia with 1% procaine solution. After the rats recovered from the ether anesthesia, the BCCAs were clamped using clips. An occlusion in a short period of 3 min was normally used as CIP, or a relative long one for 8 min was used as ischemic insult, which is lethal for CA1 pyramidal

22、neurons and usually results in DND. When the CIP was followed by the 8 min ischemic insult, the interval between them was 2 days. Changes in pupils and EEG were observed to determine whether the brain ischemia was induced. Global brain ischemia was considered to be successful only in cases of animal

23、s in which the pupils enlarged, the EEG showed decreases in frequency and amplitude or even approached isoelectric level, and the righting reflex disappeared during the four-vessel occlusion.The wounds were sutured after each operation. The body temperature of the animals was kept at approximately 3

24、7 C by irradiating the whole body of animals with a heating lamp during the above operations and treatments until the rats returned to normal.The rats in Sham group were subjected to all procedures for the global brain ischemia except for occlusion of the BCCAs.2.3Preparation of artificial cerebrosp

25、inal fluid (aCSF)The aCSF (pH 7.4) was prepared according to methods described by Thmen 18, which contained 125 mM NaCl, 4 mM KCl, 2 mM (CaCl22H2O), 1.14 mM (MgSO47H2O), 1.29 mM KH2PO4, and 25 mM NaHCO3. The aSCF was stored at 4C. Before using, 5.3 mg glucose was added in every 5 ml aSCF.VAO and IGS

26、I2-day intervalCIP for 3 min7-day interval2.4Recovery experiments of the microdialysis probe in vitroBefore inserting the microdialysis probe into the brain, the recovery rate for each probe was determined. In brief, the probe connected via polyethylene tube to a syringe selector, and to an 1 ml syr

27、inge mounted on a Bee Syringe Pump (MF-9090, BAS Company, USA) was immersed into the calibration solution containing 39.06 M glutamate, 19.53 M aspartate and 39.06 M GABA. Then, the probe was perfused with the aCSF at a constant rate of 2 l/min by a Bee Syringe Pump. The outflow of aCSF passed the p

28、robe was collected in a period of 20 min and stored at 80 C for later analyzing the recovery rate by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. The recovery rate in vitro was used for normalizing the recovery rate of microdialysis probe in vivo.2.5Brain microdialysisThe experiments were c

29、arried out on conscious, freely moving rats. BAS Beekeeper System for Awake Animals (MD-1576, BAS Company, USA) and BR-2 brain microdialysis probes were used for the microdialysis. First, an intracerebral guide and stylet (MD-2250, BAS Company, USA) was implanted into the dorsal hippocampus of the r

30、ats. The head of the rats was secured on a stereotaxic frame (SAS-4100, ASI Instrument Company, USA) under anesthesia of chloral hydrate (350 mg/kg, i.p.). According to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1997), a hole was made on the parietal bone 4 mm caudal to the bregma and 1.7 mm lateral to the mi

31、dline using a high-speed dental drill (XL-30W, OSADA Company, USA). After the dura was carefully incised, the intracerebral guide and stylet was inserted vertically into the CA1 subfield of the dorsal hippocampus (1.5 mm ventral to the surface) and fixed to the skull with dental cement. After recove

32、ry from the anesthesia, animals were returned to individual cages and allowed access to food and water ad libitum. The rats then were used for furtherexperiments after a recovery for 2 days. The details of the protocols were indicated in Figure 1.VAO and IGSI2-day intervalBCCA exposure7-day interval

33、Sham groupCIP groupI I groupCIP+I I groupVAO and IGSI2-day intervalII for 8 min7-day intervalVAO and IGSI2-day intervalCIP for 3 min2-day intervalII for 8 min7-day intervalmicrodialysisneuropathologic evaluationStabilization period120 minSample collection250 minProbe insertion60 min 30 min160 minS1S

34、3 S4S13S14S21Figure 1 Experimental protocol for each group. The lower inset shows the details for brain microdialysis and sample collection. Briefly, after a stabilization period of 120 min from the insertion of the microdialysis probe intothe CA1 hippocampus, the dialysate were collected. Dialysate

35、 were first collected every 20 min for 1 h to detect control levels of the amino acid (sample 1 to sample 3 in order). From the beginning (pointed out by the arrow head) of the BCCA exposure in sham group or the last time of the BCCA occlusion in other groups, the samples were collected consecutivel

36、y for 190 minutes as follows. The outflow of dialysate during a period of 3 min was collected as a sample and total 10 samples (sample 4 to sample 13 ) were gained within the initial 30 min. Afterward, the outflow of dialysate during a period of 20 min was collected as a sample and total 8 samples (

37、sample 14 to sample 21) were gained within the following 160 min. Abbreviations: VAO, bilateral vertebral artery occluding; IGSI, intracerebral guide and stylet inserting; BCCA, bilateral common carotid arteries; CIP, cerebral ischemic preconditioning; II, lethal ischemic insult; S1S3, sample 1 to s

38、ample 3; S4S13, sample 4 to sample 13; S14S21, sample 14 to sample 21On the brain microdialysis time as shown in Figure 1, the microdialysis probe was inserted into the rat CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus through the chronically implanted intracerebral guide under ethylether anaesthesia to prev

39、ent animals from distress or pain 3 h before the BCCA exposure in the Sham group or the last time of brain ischemia in the other groups. Before the insertion, the integrity of the probe was checked and recovery rate was tested in vitro as mentioned above. After the insertion, the probe was continuou

40、sly perfused with the aCSF at a constant rate of 2 l/min by a Bee Syringe Pump. After a stabilization period of 120 min, the dialysate were collected to an Eppendorf tube by a refrigerated fraction collector (MF-9096, BAS Company, USA). The detail protocols for the collection of dialysate were shown

41、 in Figure 1. Briefly, dialysate were collected every 20 min for 1 h, which was named as sample 1 to sample 3 in order, to detect control amino acid levels before the BCCAs exposing in the sham group or the last time of the BCCAs occlusion in the other groups. From the beginning of the BCCAs exposin

42、g or the last time of the BCCAs occlusion, the samples were collected consecutively for 190 minutes as follows. The outflow of dialysate during a period of 3 min was collected as a sample and total 10 samples (sample 4 to sample 13) were gained within the initial 30 min. Afterward, the outflow of di

43、alysate during a period of 20 min was collected as a sample and total8 samples (sample 14 to sample 21) were gained within the following 160 min. All dialysate samples were kept at 80 C until analysis.After microdialysis, the rats were returned to the cages and allowed access to food and water ad li

44、bitum. All animals were sacrificed 7 days after the exposure of the BCCA or the last time of brain ischemia for neuropathologic evaluation (details showing in Figure 1).2.6Neuropathological evaluationTo check the position of the microdialysis probe and neuropathological changes, neuropathological ev

45、aluation was performed. Briefly, on the 7th day after the exposure of the BCCA or the last time of brain ischemia, the animals were deeply anesthetized with 10% chloral hydrate and perfused through the ascending aorta with normal saline and followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. The brain was then removed

46、 and a 3 mm-thick brain slice including the bilateral hippocampus was excised coronally behind the optical chiasm. The brain slice was sectioned coronally on a freezing microtome in a thickness of 20 m after post fixation with the same fixative. The sections were stained with thionin for verificatio

47、n of the probe placement and neuropathological evaluation under light microscopy. Only dialysate samples collected from rats in which the probe was verified to locate in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus were used for analysis.The histological changes of the hippocampal CA1 subfield were divi

48、ded into four grades (HG) according to the methods described by Kitagawa et al 1 and Kato et al 19. The standard of the division was as follows: grade 0, no neuron death; grade I, scattered single neuron death; grade II, mass neuron death; grade III, almost complete neuron death. The neuronal density (ND) of the hippocampal CA1 subfield was determined by counting the number of surviving pyramidal neurons with intact cell membrane, full n


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