【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc

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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc_第1页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc_第2页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc_第3页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc_第4页
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【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc_第5页
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《【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【AS澳大利亚标准】AS 1217.1-1985 Acoustics-Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the preperation of noise test codes.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、AS 1217.11985Licensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.Australian StandardACOUSTICSDETERMINATION OF SOUND POWER LEVELS OFNOISE SOURCESPart 1GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF BASICSTANDARDS FOR THEPREPARATION OF NOISE TEST CO

2、DESLicensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.This Australian standard was prepared by Commit tee AK/2, Techniques for Measurement. It was approved on behalf of the Council of the S tandards Association of Australia o

3、n 30 August 1984 and published on 31 January 1985.The foll owing interests are represented on Commit tee AK/2: Australi an Acousti cal S ocietyCS IRO, Division of Building ResearchCS IRO, Nati onal Measurement LaboratoryDepartment of AviationDepartment of Industrial Relations, N.S.W . Department of

4、Housing and Constructi on Environment Pr otecti on Authorit y of Victoria Metal Trades Industry Associati on of Australia National Acoustic LaboratoriesTelecom Australi aUniversity of AdelaideUniversity of QueenslandReview of Australian St andards. To keep abreast of progress i n i ndustry, Australi

5、an Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the i ssue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. I t is im portant t herefore t hat Standards users ensure t hat t hey are i n possession of t he latest edit ion, and any amendments thereto.Full details of all Australi an

6、Standards and related publi cati ons wil l be f ound i n t he Standards Australia Catalogue of Publications; t his information i s supplemented each month by the magazine T he Australi an Standard, which subscribing members receive, and which gives detail s of new publications, new edit ions and ame

7、ndments, and of wi thdrawn Standards.Suggesti ons for i mprovements t o Australian Standards, addressed to t he head off ice of Standards Australi a, are welcomed. Notif ication of any inaccuracy or ambiguit y found in an Australi an Standard should be made wi thout delay in order that the matter ma

8、y be investigated and appropriate action taken.This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 82052.AS 1217.11985Australian StandardACOUSTICSDETERMINATION OF SOUND POWER LEVELS OFNOISE SOURCESPart 1GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF BASICSTANDARDS FOR THEPREPARATION OF NOISE TEST CODESFi rst publi

9、shed ( as AS 1217) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1972AS 1217.1 f ir st published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985Licensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.PUBLI SHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION

10、OF AUSTRAL IA)1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140IS BN 0 7262 3589 XPREFA CEThis standard was prepared by the Associati ons Committ ee on Techniques for Measurement. It supersedes AS 12171972, Methods of Measurement of Airborne Sound Emitt ed by Machines.This standard is based on IS O 3740, Acoustics

11、Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise S ourcesGuidelines for the Use of Basic St andards and for the Pr eparation of Noise Test Codes.CON TEN TSPageLicensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.FO REW ORD . . . .

12、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3SE CTI ON 1. SC OPE AND GENER AL1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.2 Fi eld of Appli cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

13、.3 Referenced Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5SE CTI ON 2. SE LEC TION OF APP ROP RIATE BAS IC ST ANDARD FO R DETER MINATION OF SO UND P OWE R LEVEL2.1Quantiti es to be Measured and Determined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.2Considerations Affecti ng Choice of

14、 Measurement Method . . . . . .62.3Synopsis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.4Test Environments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.5Pr ocedure for Selecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

15、SE CTI ON 3. PR EPA RATION OF NOIS E TE S T CODES3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.2 Use of Basic St andards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3 Data Pr esentati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16、. . . . . . . . . . . .9ASynopses of the Basic St andards on S ound P ower LevelDeterminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10BFactors Affecting Choice of Measurement Method . . . . . . . . . . .13CAcoustical Test Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17、. . . . . . . . . . . 15DPr eferred F ormat for Reporting Octave and One-third OctaveBand S ound Power Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16AP P ENDICES15AS 1217.11985Licensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on


19、ds for determining the sound power levels of machines and equipment.The most important factor in the selection of a noise measurement method is the ultimate use of the data that are to be obtained. This standard introduces a series of six other standards being published as AS 1217.2 to AS 1217.7, de

20、scribing various methods for determining the sound power levels of machines and equipment. Sound power level data are useful for(a) calculating the approximate sound pressure level at a given distance from a machine operati ng in a specified environment;(b) comparing the noise radiated by machines o

21、f the same type and size; (c) comparing the noise radiated by machines of different types and sizes;(d) determining whether a machine complies with a specified upper li mit of sound emission;(e) planning in order to determine the amount of transmission loss or noise control required under certain ci

22、rcumstances; and(f) engineering work to assist in developing quiet machinery and equipment.The sound power level of a source is essentially independent of the environment in which the source is operati ng. This is one of the reasons for using sound power level of characterize the noise emit ted by v

23、arious types of machines and equipment. These basic standards specify the acousti cal requirements for measurements of sound power appropriate for different test environments and accuracies.Where these basic standards are appli ed to sound measurements on specific machines, it is necessary to decide

24、 which one of the basic standards is most appropriate for the parti cular class of machine or equipment, and for the purpose of the test it is also necessary to decide on specific detail s for mounting and operating the machine to be tested within the general principles stated in the basic documents

25、.Guidelines for making these decisions are provided in this standard. These guidelines are essenti al to the proper appli cation of the basic acoustical measurement standards and to the preparati on of specific sound test codes for various types of machines and equipment.If no specific sound test co

26、de exists for a parti cular type of machine, the most suitable of the basic documents should be foll owed and the mounting and operating conditions used should be described in the test report. These condit ions should be in accordance with the general principles given in the basic documents.Control

27、of noise from machines or equipment requires effecti ve exchange of acoustical information among the several parties concerned. These include the manufacturer, specifier, installer and user of the machine or equipment. This acoustical informati on is obtained from measurements. These measurements ar

28、e useful only if they are carried out under specified condit ions to obtain defined acousti cal quanti ties using standardized instruments.The set of basic standards being published as parts of AS 1217, for which this standard serves as the introducti on, includes the foll owing:Part 2P recision Met

29、hods for Broad-band sources in Reverberati on RoomsPart 3P recision Methods for Discrete-frequency and Narrow-band S ources inReverberation RoomsPart 4E ngineering Methods for Special Reverberation Test RoomsLicensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribu

30、tion or use on network prohibited.Part 5E ngineering Methods for Fr ee-field Conditions over a Reflecti ng P lanePart 6P recision Methods for Anechoic and Hemi-anechoic RoomsPart 7S urvey MethodAddit ional standards may be added to the series in the future.In principle, the methods of measurement se

31、t out in AS 1217.2 to AS 1217.7 cover all types of machines and equipment. F or noise measurements on a particular kind and size of machine or equipment, or when only certain kinds of facili ties are available for the measurements, only one of these standards may be applicable. F or type testi ng, o

32、nly one method should be prescribed.The basic standards prescribe the acousti cal condit ions for the noise measurements and the instruments to be used. Only general information is given on the install ation and operation of the sound source during the measurements. Different types of machines and e

33、quipment require more detailed instructions concerning the installation and operation of the equipment during the noise tests.SECTIO N 1. SCOPE A ND G EN ERA LCOPYRI GHTLicensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited.1.1 S

34、C OPE. This standard providesguideli nes comprising the following:(a) Brief explanati ons of the principles underlying the set ofbasic standards,publishedas AS 1217.2 to AS 1217.7, for measuring the noise emitt ed by machines and equipment.(b) Assistance in the selecti on of the appropriate basic st

35、andard.(c) General informati on on supplementing the basic standardswith instructionsconcerningthe installati on and operating condit ions for the parti cular type of machines or equipment; such instructions are usually incorporated in test codes.1.2 FIELD OF APPL ICATION. These guideli nes are appl

36、icable to the preparati on of all noise test codes for any type of machine or equipment, wit h the exception of moving vehicles or other non-stati onary equipment. These guideli nes apply only to airbornesound and are applicable only to test codes requiringthe determination of sound power levels of

37、noisesources.1.3 REFE RENCED DOCUMENTS . The following documents are referred to in this standard:AS 1217.2AcousticsDeterminati onofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,Part 2P recision Methods for Broad-band sources in Reverberati onRoomsAcousticsDeterminati onofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,P

38、art 3P recision Methods for Discrete-frequency andNarrow-bandS ou rcesinReve rber atio nRoomsAcousti cs-DeterminationofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,P art 4Eng ineeringMetho dsf orSpecialReverberati onTestRoomsAcousticsDeterminati onofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,Part 5E ngineering Meth

39、ods for F ree-fie ldC ondi tion sov eraReflecti ng P laneAcousticsDeterminati onofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,Part 6Pr e c i s i o nMe t h od sf o rAnechoic and Hemi-anechoicRoomsAcousticsDeterminati onofS oundPower Levels of Noise Sources,Part 7S urvey MethodAS 1633Glossary of Acousti c Ter

40、msSA A MP44 Guide for the Use of S ound MeasuringEquipmentPart 1P ortable Sound Level Meters*IS O 2204AcousticsGuidetoInternational St andardsonthe Measurementof Air born e A cous tica l No isea nd Evaluati on of its Ef fects on Human BeingsIE C 263Scales and S izes for P lott ing F requencyCharacte

41、risti cs and Polar Diagrams.* SAA MP44, Part 1, i s i n cour se of re vision and is to be issued asAS 2659, Part 1.SECTIO N 2. SELECTIO N OF A PP ROP RIA TE BASIC STA ND A RD FO R DE TERMIN AT IO N O F SO UN D PO WER LEVE LLicensed to mark b bell on 19 Aug 2005. 1 user personal user licence only. St

42、orage, distribution or use on network prohibited.2.1 QUANTITIES TO BE M EASU RED AND DETERM INED.Methodsareprescribedfor measuringthesoundpressure levels,eit her A-weighted or in frequency bands, in a specified acoustical environment. Fr om these data, the sound power level of the source is calculat

43、ed either as an A-weighted value or in frequency bands.NOTE: Ot her fr equency- weightings such as C- weighting may giveadditi onalinfo rm ationconcern inglow- fr equency components.The sound power levels are mean values obtained by ti me and space averaging. F or certain kinds of noise and under ce

44、rtain measurement conditions, it is useful to supplement the sound power level data with information concerning fluctuations of the values in both space and ti me.NOTE: Ti me-w eighti ng char acteri stics such as im pulse may give additi onal i nf or mati on concern ing i mpulsive components.2.2 CON

45、S IDERATIONS AFF ECTING CHOICE OF M EASU REME NT M ETHOD. The applicabil it y of the basic standards is determined by the foll owing:(a) The size of the noise source which, for laboratory measurements, is given in terms of the percentage of test room volume.(b) Thetestenvironmentavailableforthe measurements.(c) The character of the noise produced by the source, e.g. broad-band, narrow-band, discrete frequency, steady, non-steady, impulsive.(d) Fr equency range of interest.(e) The highest grade of accuracy required.(f) The acoustical data required including the sound powerleveld


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