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1、Volkswagen LogoOverviewIn this tutorial we will be going through how to use ArtCAMs vector fitting and editing tools in conjunction with a picture image. We will explore the different methods of fitting the vectors to an image so that we can acquire vectors to be used when building the 3D relief. Th

2、is process of fitting the vectors to this image in this example is done mostly using the manual method but it will hopefully demonstrate to you how fast, easy and flexible the software can be for Vectorizing a raster image. Getting Started; Opening The ImageWe will begin the project by loading in th

3、e starting artwork-image that we are planning to use to acquire the design vectors.1. Click on the Open file option in order to choose the image to load in.2. Be sure to change the Files of type option in the open dialog box to display .jpg files.3. Select and load the file called VWLogo.jpg4. On th

4、e Set Model Size page change the units to inches and adjust the Height to be 1”, Click OK to accept.Vectorizing The ImageWe will begin the project by getting the image ready to work with and then we will move onto manually drawing the vector to fit the image.1. From the Model Toolbar use the Reduce

5、Colours option and reduce the colours of the model from 48 to 2.The first few vectors that we will fit to the image are going to be the circular ring vectors. Be aware that the circles may not match up perfectly with the raster image. We will ensure that everything is symmetrical later in the projec

6、t so there is no need to worry if the vectors are not exactly on the bitmap. The important part is that the circles we create all share the same common centre point. 2. Create a circle vector with the circle centre at X: 0.5”X Y: 0.5” Start off with a circle Diameter size of 0.4” and hit the Preview

7、 button.3. In the work screen area use the adjustment-sizing node to enlarge the size of this circle to match up with the image.Use your own judgement and create the circle to a size where we can move the vector around and adjust it to the logo image. The circle we ended up fitting was 0.675” Diamet

8、er.4. Create the circle.5. Close the circle creation menu.6. On the Layers Tab change the vector colour on the default layer to Pink so that there is a contrast between the vector and coloured image. 7. In the work area select this circular vector and use the arrow keys to move and adjust it to bett

9、er match the image.Nudging it Up 2 times and to the Left 1 time seemed to position the vector fairly central to the raster image.8. With the circular vector selected, from the RM menu select the Edit Circle option. This will reopen the circle creation menu.9. Hit apply to confirm that you want to le

10、ave a copy of this circular vector in the current position.The new circle centre location after we have moved the first circle we created is X: 0.4963” and Y: 0.5075. The adjusted circle Diameter size is 0.8524”.10. After this circle has been re-applied and created it is now possible to adjust the c

11、ircle to a larger size in order to create a vector for the next required area.Sizing node has been circled in red to assist with sizing for the second circle.11. Once adjusted to satisfaction, hit the Create button in the circle editing menu.12. Again use the sizing node, adjust a third circle to su

12、ite the final circular vector required.13. Hit the Create button and Close the Circle Editing menu.To further help and assist with seeing the vectors in the 2D view work area try changing the solid black colour to something much lighter such as grey.14. Add the colour Grey into the colour palette. 1

13、5. Select Grey as your primary colour and Black as your secondary colour .16. Use the Merge Vector function from the 2D toolbar to turn the colour black into Grey. This will help with the contrast of the vector.With the circles fitted to the logo we are now ready to move onto the centre of the logo

14、and finish fitting the design vectors.17. Activate the Polyline Tool to begin tracing the inside detail.Start at the inside top of the logo and work your way down towards the bottom.Review the pictures below to help get an idea of where and how to trace the inside details:Remember that using the TAB

15、 key when creating Polylines is a fast way to close the shape.Dont worry about the overlap of the vectors that you are about to trace since these will get trimmed shortly after all inner vectors are fitted.Below is an image of all the inside vectors fitted to the logo.In order to ensure that the vec

16、tors you have just fitted by hand are symmetrical to the centre point that is being used we are going to need to “split the difference” of the geometry that we have drawn. Be aware: due to the fact that we have nudged and adjusted the original first circle we drew on this logo the main centre point

17、for these vectors is no longer the centre of the model!To achieve the difference and ensure the shapes are symmetrical to the rest of the geometry we are going to use a special trick of mirroring the vectors about the true centre of the geometry, mirroring the vectors across this centreline and then

18、 merging the results with the original. Doing this will ensure any deviations are removed and that everything is symmetrical.We must first figure out where the true centre of our geometry lies.1. Select the first circle that you drew when we began fitting vectors to the logo.2. From the RM menu or u

19、sing E on the keyboard open the circle editing menu.3. Note-record the X value for the centre of the circle.4. Close the circle editing menu.5. Drag a guideline into your 2D work area from the Y axis ruler.6. Right mouse click on the guideline to open the Position Guide menu .7. Position this guidel

20、ine at the X value you recorded. This location should be the centre point for all of the geometry that you have drawn.8. Hit Apply and OK to close the menu.9. Use the Polyline Tool and draw a straight line vector through the logo to split it in the X. When drawing this vector line: Watch for the sna

21、p cursor to indicate you are snapped on the guideline before you begin to draw the line and use the CTRL key to allow you to draw a straight line quickly.In order to keep things simple and clear you may wish to toggle off the guidelines.10. At the intersection of the X and Y axis toggle the guidelin

22、e visibility OFF. 11. Select the centreline first then V-shape vector at the top of the inside detail.12. From the Vector Editing Toolbar open the Mirror Vectors Menu 13. Tick the Copy the Original Vectors check box and then use the About Line as your mirroring option.14. Deselect all vectors by cli

23、cking off in a vector free area of the model.15. Now mirror the second set of vector geometry. Again selecting the centreline vector first and then the vector to be mirrored. Keep and use the same options as above.16. Again deselect all vectors and move onto the next shape to mirror. Do the A type s

24、hape in the bottom centre.For the two shapes left at the bottom outside of the W it is only going to be necessary to have one of them. This is due to the fact that these are located away from the centre of the logo.17. Delete the vector for this area that appears on the right hand side of the logo.B

25、efore we mirror the final shape across the centreline we need to verify the two areas where this vector intersects the inner circle.You will want to make sure that the vector extends far enough past the circle vector so that when the vectors are trimmed we end up with good results. OKOK BAD18. Mirro

26、r this vector across the centreline to get the same vector on the other side of the logo.Now we need to address the double vectors in the three areas on the inside details of the logo that we just created using the mirror function.To do this we are going to use the Vector Merging function Weld Vecto

27、rs. Doing this will combine the two vectors together and basically leave us with nice symmetrical vectors.19. Start off at the top and select the two V-shaped vectors.20. On the Vector Merging Toolbar use the Weld Vector function to combine these two vectors together.21. Repeat the same process with

28、 the next set of double vector that are in the shape of a W.22. Finish off the merging process by doing the third area at the bottom thats shaped in the form of an A.23. At this point it is now necessary to go around using the trimming tool to clean up all the areas that overhang the circle vector.I

29、n the diagram below we have done our best to outline all the approximate areas that are going to need to be trimmed out using the scissors-trimming tool. Please keep in mind some of the areas may require more attention-trimming then what is outlined in the diagram below.24. Activate the Trim Vectors

30、 to Intersections tool and begin trimming the necessary areas.When finished this first trimming operation the vectors outlining the inside detail of the logo should look much cleaner.There is going to be a second trimming operation required on these inside vector details.Before you trim these areas

31、it would be a good idea to either move the centreline vector to a new layer or it could be deleted. The choice is yours.See the image below for the target areas that need to be trimmed out:The logo should appear as follows when you are complete the above step.The vectors that have been fitted and tr

32、immed to the inside details look ok but in reality they are all individual little sections of vectors.The final step in getting these vectors fitted to the logo is going to be joining them all together.25. Select all the vector detail on the inside of the logo.26. Activate the new Vector Merging too

33、l- Join from the Group Merge Join Vectors section in the assistant page.27. Use a Tolerance of 0.01”.Take a second to notice the Number of Vectors Now and Number of Vectors After display to make sure that the defined tolerance is going to join the vectors the way you desire.28. Hit the Join button.2

34、9. Select each vector entity individually to verify that they are all now joined-closed vectors.This project is now complete.Now mirror the shape from the left hand side across to the right hand side. Selecting the centreline vector first and then the vector to be mirrored. Keep and use the same options as you did above.


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