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1、 1 /AUI ADINA ADINA-IN ADINA ADINA ADINA-IN 1 E = 2.07X1011 N/m 2 AUI AUIADINA Define Points (0)OK Define Lines Add1112 2 2OK Apply Fixity Point # 1OK Boundary Plot Apply LoadApply Load Load TypeForceLoad Number Define.Define Concentrated Forceforce 1 300,Y Force Direction -1OKApply Load Site # 2OKA

2、pply Load Load Plot 3 Cross Sectionscross-section 1WidthHeight0.02 OK Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,material 1Youngs Modulus 2.07E11OK CloseManage Material Definitions Define Element Groupsgroup 1TypeBeam OK Mesh LinesAuxiliary Point 3,Line # 1OK (s- )

3、4 ADINA,ADINA,ADINA-PLOT Saveprob01 (“Save as type” “ADINA-IN Database Files (*.idb)”)ADINAADINAData File/Solution prob01Run ADINASaveADINA “Solution successful, please check the results” ADINA-PLOTYesOpenprob01 Boundary Plot Load Plot 5 List_Extreme Values_Zone “Variables to List” Y-DISPLACEMENT ()

4、Apply AUI2y-3.62319E-02 Close DisplayElement Line PlotCreateElement Line Quantity BENDINGMOMENT-TOK DisplayElement Line PlotModifyElement Line Quantity SHEAR_FORCE-SOK 6 ADINA-PLOT AUI FileExitYes ADINA-AUI : AUI ADINAFile prob01.idb (FileRecently Opened Files for UNIX versions) Apply LoadClearOK Re

5、drawOK “No loads in load plot. Creating empty load plot” Apply LoadLoad TypeLineLoad Number field Define.Define Line Load 1Magnitude Force/Length 500OKApply Load Site #1Aux. Point 7 3OK Redraw 1 ADINA ADINA ADINA-IN FileSave Asprob01aOK Data File/Solution prob01aRun ADINASave ADINA prob01a -2.26449E

6、-02 8 : ADINAYesFile prob01a.idb Apply Fixity2OK Redraw Delete Mesh ,Line #1OK Subdivide Lines“Method” “Use Number of Divisions”, Number of Subdivisions2OK 9 Mesh Lines Auxiliary Point3Line # 1OK (P) ADINAADINA prob01b.idbADINAprob01b.datADINA prob01b.datprob01b Scale Displacements 10 -4.71769E-4 AU

7、I FileExitAUI 11 2 12 AUI AUIADINA ControlHeading “Problem 2: Plate with a hole in tension” OK ControlDegrees of FreedomX-TranslationX-Rotation, Y-Rotation Z-Rotation (yz AUIADINAx yz ADINAADINA) Define PointsX2, X3 (X1) OK 13 Coordinate Systems 1TypeCylindricalOKDefine Points OK Define Lines1TypeAr

8、c, P14 P2 9Center8Save2,P19P25Center8 OK 14 Define Surfaces1TypeVertex OK(12Add ) Point Labels Line/Edge Labels Surface/Face Labels Apply Fixity Define.Define FixityZTZ-TranslationSaveYTY-Translation OK 15 Apply Fixity “Apply to” Lines4YT 4 YTOK9YT6ZT OKBoundary Plot 6BU2 (y)U3 (z) 49CU2 (y)U3 (z) A

9、pply LoadLoad TypePressureLoad NumberDefine. Define Pressure pressure 1Magnitude -25OKApply Load “Apply to”LineSite #8 OKApply LoadLoad Plot 16 Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,1,Youngs Modulus7E4Poissons ratio 0.25OKCloseManage Material Definitions Define

10、 Element Groupsgroup number 1, Type2-D Solid Element Sub-TypePlane StressOK AUI MeshingMesh DensityComplete Model“Subdivision Mode”“Use End-Point Sizes”OKMeshingMesh DensityPoint Size“Points Defined from” “All Geometry Points”Maximum2OK 17 Mesh SurfacesSurface #1, 2, 3OK Delete Mesh “Delete Mesh fro

11、m” SurfaceSurface # 1,2OK MeshingMesh DensityPoint Sizethe Mesh Size for points 4, 5, 9 1.0OK 18 12Mesh SurfacesSurface # 1,2OK ADINA, ADINA, ADINA-PLOT Saveprob02ADINAADINA Data File/Solutionprob02Run ADINASave ADINAADINA-PLOT Open“Files of type” “ADINA-IN Database Files (*.idb)” prob02OpenOpenprob

12、02 ADINA-INADINA-PLOT 19 Show Original MeshScale Displacements Pick Dynamic Pan Dynamic Resize 20 Mesh Plot Dynamic Pan Ctrl “TIME 1.000”pick Erase DelDelete “TIME 1.000”“DISP MAG”Create Band PlotBand Plot Variable (Stress: STRESS-ZZ)OK Mesh Plot TIME 1.000 Quick Vector Plot 21 :ClearNode LabelsZoom

13、 467Query 467 AUI“Node 467, curr=(0.00000E+00, 4.99614E+00, 0.00000E+00)”space467 467ViewMessage Window AUI “Element group 1, element 122,side 1” space AUI 22 DefinitionsModel LineGeneralSYMMETRY “LINE 6” ()OKAUI “9 nodes in gnline”ADINA-IN ADINA-INClear GraphResponse Curve (Model Line)Model Line Na

14、meSYMMETRYX Variable (Coordinate: DISTANCE)Y Variable(Stress: STRESS-ZZ)Y Smoothing TechniqueAVERAGEDApply Display Response Curve (Model Line) Line Name SYMMETRYX Variable(Coordinate: DISTANCE)Y Variable(Stress: STRESS-YY)Y Smoothing Technique AVERAGEDGraph Attributes Plot NamePREVIOUSOK GraphModify

15、 23 PGraph Depiction.Title Attributes TypeCustomGraph Title “Stresses on horizontal symmetry line” ()OKApply pick Action “Modify the Axis Depiction”P YAxis Depiction.Label Attributes TypeCustomLabel“Stress (N/mm*2)” OKApply Action “Modify the Curve Depiction”P Curve Depiction.Legend AttributesTypeCu

16、stomLegend“Stress-zz ” OKApply “Stress-yy” GraphListSTRESS-ZZ 1.08832E+02 (N/mm2).Close AUIFileExitAUI 24 3ADINA-M 32ADINA-M (ADINA ) ADINA-M 900ADINA SystemADINA-M ControlDegrees of FreedomX-TranslationX-Rotation, Y-Rotation Z-RotationOK ( ) 25 Define PointsX2, X3 (X1) OK Define Lines 5TypeCircle“D

17、efined by” “Center, P1, P3” Center6, P15, P32OK 1234 Define Lines6TypeCombined1, 4, 2, 3 OK Line/Edge Labels 26 65Define Bodies1, TypeSheetExternal Loop Line # 65OK Apply Fixity Define.Define FixityZTZ-TranslationOKApply Fixity “Apply to” Edges3,ZTSave Apply Fixity Define.Define FixityZTZ-Translatio

18、nOKApply Fixity “Apply to” Edges3,ZTSave 27 Apply Fixity Define.Define FixityZTZ-TranslationOKApply Fixity “Apply to” Edges3,ZTSave y3(3)Apply Fixity “Apply to” Points3OKBoundary Plot Apply LoadLoad Type PressureLoad Number Define.Define Pressure pressure 1Magnitude -25OK 28 Apply Load “Apply to”Edg

19、eSite # 1Body # 1OKApply Load Load Plot Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,1,Youngs Modulus7E4Poissons ratio 0.25OKCloseManage Material Definitions Define Element Groups1,Type2-D SolidElement Sub-TypePlane StressOK 5 6MeshingMesh DensityComplete Model“Subdiv

20、ision Mode” Use Length, “Element Edge Length” 2OKSubdivide Edges 5, “Element Edge Length”1,6OK 29 Mesh FacesElement Shape Quadrilateral 1OK ADINA, ADINA, ADINA-PLO T Saveprob03ADINAADINA Data File/Solutionprob03Run ADINASave ADINAADINA-PLOT Openprob03 Scale DisplacementsQuick Band Plot 30 Clear Defi

21、nitionsResult ControlResult Control NameDEFAULTCoordinate System Define Coordinate System 1,Type CylindricalOKDefine Result Control DepictionCoordinate System 1 OKMesh PlotModify Mesh Plot Element DepictionDisplay Local System TriadTypeResult Transformation SystemOK 123 31 ClearMesh PlotCreate Band

22、PlotBand Plot Variable (Stress:STRESS-22)OK AUIFileExitAUI 32 4 AUI AUIADINA ControlHeading“Problem 4: Cylinder subjected to tip load” OK ControlDegrees of FreedomX-TranslationX-Rotation, Y-Rotation Z-RotationOK 33 Define Points OK Define Lines1TypeExtrudedInitial Point 1the components of the Vector

23、 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 OK Define Surfaces1TypeRevolvedInitial Line 1the Angle of Rotation 360the AxisYCheck Coincidence OK Define Volumes1,Type Extruded the Initial Surface 1the components of the Vector 0.0, 1.0, 0.0Check Coincidence OK 1Apply Fixity “Apply to” Surfaces 1OKBoundary Plot1 34 PickDynamic Rot

24、ate (XY) Dynamic PanShift Apply LoadLoad Type ForceLoad NumberDefine. Define Concentrated Force force 1Magnitude1000Direction (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) OKApply Load Site # 6 OKApply Load Load Plot 35 Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,1, Youngs Modulus2.07E11Poissons

25、 ratio 0.29OKCloseManage Material Definitions Define Element Groups1,Type3-D Solid OK uvwu vwSubdivide Volumes u, v wNumber of Subdivisions8, 5 2OK Mesh Volumes1OK ADINA, ADINA, ADINA-PLO T Saveprob04ADINAADINA Data File/Solutionprob04Run ADINASave ADINAADINA-PLOT Openprob04 36 Create Band PlotBand

26、Plot Variable (Stress: STRESS- YY) OK Smooth Plots () AUIFileExitAUI 37 5 2D3D 900ADINA System6179 AUI AUIADINA ControlHeading“Problem 5: Round bar with circumferential groove subjected to tip load”OK ControlDegrees of FreedomX-TranslationX-Rotation, Y-Rotation Z-Rotation OK 38 Define PointsX2, X3 (

27、X1) OK Coordinate Systems1Origin (0.0, 0.05, 0.2)OK Define Lines1TypeRevolvedInitial Point2Angle of Rotation180AxisXOK Coordinate Systems 39 Set Global OK Define SurfacesOK z = 0Query 9Apply Fixity “Apply to” Lines9OKBoundary Plot 40 Apply LoadLoad Type ForceLoad NumberDefine. Define Concentrated Fo

28、rce load 1Magnitude200Direction (0, -1, 0)OKApply Load Site # 1OKLoad Plot Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,material 1, Youngs Modulus2.07E11Poissons ratio 0.29OKCloseManage Material Definitions Define Element Groups1,Type2-D Solid OK MeshingMesh DensityCo

29、mplete Model“Subdivision Mode” “Use End- Point Sizes”OKMeshingMesh DensityPoint Size“Points Defined from” “All Geometry Points”, Maximum0.03ApplyDefine Point Size Mesh Size for Point Labels 2, 3, 6, 7 0.02OK 2DMesh Surfaces ,1, 2, 3OK 41 3D MeshingMesh Revolve “No. of Elements in Revolve Direction”

30、16 Angle of Revolution360 Z Direction of Axis1.0“Assign Fixity Conditions on Generated Nodes Corresponding to Original Nodes”“Check Coincidence” OK Iso View 1z=0 ADINA, ADINA, ADINA-PLO T Saveprob05ADINAADINA Data File/Solutionprob05Run ADINASave ADINAADINA-PLOT Openprob05 42 Iso View 2Load Plot Sca

31、le Displacements Create Band PlotBand Plot Variable(Stress:STRESS-ZZ) OK AUIFileExitAUI 43 6 ADINA-F AUI AUIADINA-F ControlHeading“Problem 6: Square wall-driven cavity“ OK ModelFlow Assumptions “Flow Dimension” “2D (in YZ Plane)”, Default Upwinding Type Finite Element“Includes Heat Transfer” OK 44 D

32、efine PointsX2, X3 (X1) OK Define Surfaces1TypeVertex Point 11Point 2 2Point 33, Point 4 4P OK ModelSpecial Boundary Conditions1TypeWall EscDefine Special Boundary Condition 2, 3, 4OKDefine Special Boundary Conditions 45 0 Apply Fixity Define. Define Zero ValuesPRESSUREY-VelocityZ-Velocity PressureO

33、K Apply Zero Values“Apply to”Points3 PRESSUREOKBoundary Plot Apply Load Load Type VelocityLoad Number Define. Define Velocity 1YZ Prescribed Velocities10OKApply Usual Boundary Conditions/Loads “Apply to” LineSite # 1OKApply Usual Boundary Conditions/Loads Load Plot 46 Manage Materials ConstantDefine

34、 Material with Constant Properties1Viscosity 0.01 Density1OK CloseManage Material Definitions Define Element Groupselement group number 1, Type 2-D FluidElement Sub-Type PlanarOK 25x25( )Subdivide Surfaces u v “Number of Subdivisions” 25 u v“Length Ratio of Element Edges” 10 “Use Central Biasing”OK

35、Mesh Surfaces1OK 47 ADINA-F, ADINA-F, ADINA-PLOT Saveprob06ADINA-F ADINA-FData File/Solutionprob06Run ADINA-F SaveADINA-F ADINA-PLOTOpen “File type” “ADINA-IN Database Files (*.idb)”,prob06Openprob06 ADINA-INADINA-PLOT Show Geometry Load PlotBoundary Plot Save Mesh Plot Style 48 Mesh Plot “TIME 1.00

36、0” Model OutlineSave Mesh Plot Style Quick Vector Plot “Velocity” Mesh Plot “TIME 1.000” DisplayParticle Trace PlotCreateTrace Rake fieldDefine Trace Rake TypeCoordinatesAutoAuto Generation OK 49 Define Trace Rake9Z=0.1, 0.2, , 0.9 OKDefine Trace RakeCreate Particle Trace Plot 9 Trace Downstream 0.0

37、0.2277 0.00.2277( “ ”)Trace Downstream 50 Trace Downstream DisplayParticle Trace PlotModifyTrace Calculation fieldCurrent Particle Time50OK Mesh Plot “TIME 1.000” Quick Band Plot 90 Modify Band PlotBand TableValue Range Minimum1 Maximum1OK band table“Maximum” 51 DefinitionsModel Point (Combination)G

38、eneralCAVITY “LINE 2”“LINE 3” “LINE 4” ()OK “76 nodes in gncombination” ListValue ListModel Pointvariable 1 (Reaction: Y-REACTION)Apply AUI -2.57474E-012, 3,4 y+2.57474E-01 ( 0 1 1126126y02250 100225 DefinitionModel Point CombinationNode 2, , 25) Close AUIFileExitAUI 52 7 Previous Solution, Next Sol

39、ution, Last Solution First Solution contact tractions (AVI, GIFFLC) AUI AUIADINA ControlHeading “Problem 7: Contact between a block and a rigid cylinder” OK 53 ControlDegrees of FreedomX-TranslationX-Rotation, Y-Rotation Z-RotationOK Define PointsX2, X3 (X1) OK Point Labels Define Lines1TypeArc, Def

40、ined by P1, P2, P3, Angle, Starting Point, P1 5, End Point, P2 6, In-Plane Point, P3 1, Included Angle 180OK Line/Edge Labels Define Surfaces1TypeVertexPoint 11, Point 22, Point 33, Point 44OK Surface/Face Labels 54 Apply LoadLoad TypeDisplacementLoad Number Define.Define Pressure displacement 1Y Tr

41、anslation0 Z Translation -1 OKApply Load “Apply to” Line Site #2OKApply LoadLoad Plot Manage Materials Elastic Isotropic Define Isotropic Linear Elastic Material ,1, Youngs Modulus1E6 Poissons ratio0.3 OKCloseManage Material Definitions 55 ModelContactContact Group contact group 1Contact Surface Typ

42、e PlanarOK ModelContactContact Surfacecontact surface number 1, Line Number1Savecontact surface number 2Line Number4OK ModelContactContact Paircontact pair number 1Target Surface 1 Contactor Surface2OK Define Element Groupsgroup number 1, Type2-D Solid Element Sub-TypePlane StrainOK 5x5Subdivide Sur

43、faces uv“Number of Subdivisions”5OK Mesh Surfaces1OK Subdivide Lines 56 line 1, Number of Subdivisions180OK ModelContactMesh Rigid Contact SurfaceContact Surface 1 OK 1ControlTime Function OKRedraw 57 ADINA, ADINA, ADINA-PLOT Saveprob07ADINAADINA Data File/Solutionprob07Run ADINASave “No element con

44、nection for node .” ADINAADINA-PLOT Openprob07 Quick Vector Plot ADINAYesFile prob07.idb0.02 m10 Now we will use 10 time steps to apply a total displacement of 0.02 m. ControlTime FunctionOK ControlTime StepNumber of Steps10OK Redraw 58 Previous SolutionNext Solution First SolutionLast Solution ADIN

45、ASaveData File/Solution prob07aRun ADINASaveADINA ADINA-PLOTOpen prob07a Show Segment Normals Movie Load StepAUI 1AnimateAUI 59 DisplayAnimateMinimum Delay 5Apply Minimum DelayCancelAnimate Refreshpick Movie Load Step AUI2 Animate AUIUNIX2PostScript PostScriptAVIPostScriptFileSnapshot/Movie Setup Po

46、stScriptOutput Media “PC Screen: 640x480”OKFileSave Movie Movie Number2mov2.psOK AUIWindows2AVISave AVI mov2 ,Play AVI Movie After SavingSaveAVIAUI WindowsFileExit RefreshLoad Plot 60 RefreshQuick Band Plot Refresh Previous SolutionNext SolutionFirst SolutionLast Solution DisplayReaction PlotCreateR

47、eaction Quantity DISTRIBUTED_CONTACT_FORCE OKpick 61 ADINA 210 5 Highlight “CONTACT SEGMENT 5 OF CONTACT SURFACE 2”()OK DefinitionsModel PointContact Segmentsegment CENTERContact Surface2Contact Segment 5OK ClearGraphResponse Curve (Model Point)X Variable (Time:TIME_FUNCTION_1)Y Variable (Traction:

48、NORMAL_TRACTION) OK AUI:FileExitAUI 62 AUIUNIXAVI, GIF FLC PCAVI, GIF FLC PowerPoint Media PlayerAVI browserGIFMoyagerFLC AUIUNIXAVI, GIF FLC (AUIWindowsFileSave AVI AVIGIFGIF Construction Set Professional FLCVideoMach) AFPL GhostScript GIF Construction Set ProfessionalVideoMach APFL GhostScriptGIFA

49、VIGIF Construction Set Professional (AVIVideoMach)AVIFLC VideoMach Windows AFPL GhostScript: PostScriptWindows UNIXWindows WindowsAFPL GhostScriptWeb browser http:/ GhostScript gsviewbinAFPL GhostScriptPSTOPCX.BAT (C:gsAFPL GhostScript 8.14C:gsgs8.14bin ) - - - - GIF Construction Set ProfessionalGIF Construction Set Professional Windows GIF Construction Set Professional http:/ GIF Construction Set Prof


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