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1、FEKO Users Manual Suite 5.3 July 2007 Copyright 1998 2007: EM Software horizontal movement is ignored). Rolling the mouse wheel also zooms. (Pressing while rolling the mouse wheel slows down zoom- ing.) CADFEKO tries to zoom in / out on the object below the mouse pointer, hence rolling the mouse whe

2、el while the cursor is not in the centre of the screen will also have a panning eff ect. After a zoom operation the model will rotate around a point that is more or less in the middle of the screen and at a distance approximately equal to that between the current viewpoint and the model geometry. Th

3、e display can be panned (moved inside the display window) by clicking and dragging while pressing the key or clicking and dragging with the middle mouse button. 3.2.2Colouring and visibility The direction of the normal vector associated with specifi c faces is often important. For example, an edge b

4、etween two faces with opposite normals is not redundant and cannot be deleted.For this reason the front (in the normal vector direction) and back sides are coloured diff erently in the default colour view (see section 3.2.3) and it is possible to manually reverse the face normals (see section 4.4.4)

5、. CADFEKO provides an option to hide (see section 3.2.10) specifi c items in the 3D view. If an item is hidden, it is removed from all 3D views independent of the setting on the 3D view toolbar (see section 3.2.3). In some cases the display may show parts of items that should be hidden. These render

6、ing problems are very much hardware dependent and CADFEKO allows some confi guration July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-7 in this regard. Select Options Rendering to open the dialog shown in Figure 3-3. The Rendering mode group shows the algorithm used to remove hidden lines. If Aut

7、o-detect is unchecked, it can be confi gured manually. This may improve the display accuracy, but it can have a signifi cant impact on the rendering performance and memory usage. Hardware rendering is only enabled when available on the users system. The sliders change the face displacement for geome

8、try and meshes. The face displacement provides a trade-off between edges appearing broken and supposedly hidden lines being visible. The relative positions of the sliders also determine what is visible if both the geometry and mesh are displayed. Diff erent settings may be required for diff erent vi

9、ew directions. These options are stored in the CADFEKO confi guration fi le. Figure 3-3: Rendering options dialog 3.2.3The 3D view toolbar The 3D view toolbar is located at the top of the 3D view window, and is shown in Figure 3-4. Visibility controls The fi rst ten toggle buttons on the toolbar at

10、the top of the 3D view control the visibility of objects Geometry (solids, surfaces and lines), geometry points, mesh elements, mesh vertices, mesh element normals, named points, solution confi guration indicators, the global axes, the workplane and the grid can be shown or hidden. (If the button is

11、 toggled on (down) the corresponding items are shown.) Hiding the workplane also hides the grid, but not the other way around. Note - the Highlight mesh edges button on the main toolbar (see section 3.5) also controls element visuibility, but it is relevant only to the selected items and applies to

12、all 3D views simultaneously. July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-8 Workplanes, cutplanes and the viewpoint The other buttons on the 3D view toolbar relate to management and activation of the workplanes and cutplanes (Edit workplane, Transform workplane and Specify cutplanes buttons)

13、as well as the viewpoint shown in the 3D window. The Vertical Z axis button controls the rotation of the model in such a way that the z-axis remains vertical on the screen (i.e. locking it in place). The next two buttons zoom to the full model extent or to a selected window, respectively. (To zoom t

14、o a window after clicking this button, click and drag the mouse, without releasing the button, to defi ne the window.) The Restore default view button resets the view angles to the standard position. An Undo view action and Redo view action button (these can also accessed with the short-cut keys and

15、 ) are also provided. These apply to all view manipulations in the current view. View manipulations history is stored in a separate list from the one used to store model manipulations. View operations can therefore be undone independent of geometry modifi cations. The Undo / Redo buttons are disable

16、d if there are no additional undo / redo operations available in the view transformations history. Figure 3-4: The 3D view toolbar 3.2.4Viewing the geometry and mesh The Show/hide geometry and Show/hide mesh toggle buttons on the 3D view toolbar control the display of the geometry and mesh parts of

17、the model. Colouring options The drop-down arrows next to the Geometry and Mesh view toggle buttons allow selection of the colouring scheme for the geometry or mesh respectively. The colouring schemes are useful to verify that the media properties have been specifi ed correctly. The colouring applie

18、d to the geometry and to the mesh are independent, and are local to each 3D view. When both geometry and mesh are shown in the same 3D view, the chosen colouring of the geometry will take preference where the mesh and geometry representations are coincide. The available view types (shown in Figure 3

19、-5 and Figure 3-6) are described below. July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-9 Default view All parts are drawn with the same colour. The two sides of faces are coloured diff erently to indicate the normal direction of the faces. On the geometry, the normal side is coloured green, whi

20、le the reverse side is coloured red. On the mesh, the normal side of each element is coloured blue, while the reverse side is coloured brown. Colour by region medium Each region medium is indicated according to the media list under Media in the tree (see section 5.1 and section 5.1.2). In the mesh v

21、iew, surface mesh elements are coloured on each side according to the medium on that side of the face. For example, when viewing the mesh of a dielectric/metallic object, the entire object will have the free space colour when viewed from outside, but the view from inside (utilising a cutplane or aft

22、er some elements of the region boundary have been deleted) will be the colour of the dielectric/metallic medium of the inside region. In the geometry view, regions are, however, displayed using the colour of the internal medium (whether viewed from outside or inside the region). If the display of th

23、e segment radii and coatings are activated on wire mesh elements, these are coloured according to respectively the core medium or the layered medium defi ned as coating for that wire. Colour by face medium The faces are displayed according to the material type of each face. There is no diff erentiat

24、ion of the colouring according to the direction from which faces are viewed on the mesh. In the mesh view, the display of segment radii is automatically activated for wire elements in the mesh and these are coloured according to the core medium. (The segment radii display may be manually deacti- vat

25、ed if required, in which case no specifi c colouring will be shown for wire elements in the mesh) Colour by coating medium All faces with coatings are coloured according to the colours indicated under MediaLayered Structures in the tree view. Faces and segments without any coatings are coloured acco

26、rding to the face medium (as they would be in the Colour by face medium view). In the mesh view, the coating radii of wire segments are automatically displayed. The segment coating display may be man- Figure 3-5: The colour by media views for geometry elements. Figure 3-6: The colour by media views

27、for mesh elements. July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-10 ually deactivated if required, in which case no specifi c colouring will be shown for wire elements in the mesh) Wire-frame view Only the edges of the model are shown. This allows viewing hidden objects, but can result in a co

28、nfusing display. For example, since only the edges are displayed, cylinders will look the same as two disks and spheres are completely invisible. For meshes, it is also possible to display segment radii and the radius of segment coatings. (Selecting to display coatings will also display segment radi

29、i and turning off radii will also turn off coatings.) These selections only have eff ect if the geometry / mesh is shown, otherwise all items are hidden. If Show ports is unchecked in the geometry / mesh list, the port markers for ports applied to the geometry / mesh will not be shown. Named points,

30、 solution entities and annotations The visibility of named points (see section 3.4.2), requested results (see section 5.8) that have a representation in the 3D view and port annotations can be toggled on the 3D view toolbar. When Show/hide port annotations is on, a tag will be displayed at each acti

31、ve port, indicating the port name, and the names of the excitations and loads that are applied at that point. Annotations are shown for both the geometry and mesh manifestations of each port, and are only displayed if the ports are shown. 3.2.5The workplane Each 3D view has an associated workplane w

32、hich is used to specify 3D coordinates in a local coordinate system. The workplane is represented in the 3D view by the u, v and n axes, and the boundary of the workplane is indicated by a blue rectangle on the uv-plane. The workplane display can be switched off by clicking Show / hide workplane on

33、the 3D view toolbar. This applies to the current view only and will also hide the grid. (There is also a separate button to only hide the grid.)To set the position / orientation of the workplane, right click on the 3D view and select Workplane Edit or press while the 3D view has the focus there is a

34、lso an Edit workplane button on the 3D view toolbar these actions will open the dialog shown in Figure 3-7 where the active workplanes and list of saved workplanes can be managed. The workplane is specifi ed in terms of an Origin which defi nes the position, and the U vector and V vector directions

35、which defi ne the orientation of the workplane. Only the directions of the vectors are relevant, i.e. using the vector (2,0,0) is the same as using (1,0,0). When calculating the v-axis, the component of V vector parallel to the U vector July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-11 Figure 3

36、-7: The workplane dialog and saved workplanes management tab is removed to ensure that the two axes are orthogonal. Thus, the V vector need not be specifi ed exactly orthogonal to the U vector, but may not be specifi ed exactly parallel to U vector. The n-axis is normal to the uv-plane and in the di

37、rection u n. The Origin, U vector and V vector fi elds may be specifi ed using the mouse (see sec- tion 3.7). This means that the current workplane may be used to enter values which will defi ne the settings of a new workplane. (Clicking on the view while any of the Origin, U vector or V vector fi e

38、lds has focus will modify its values and shift the focus to the next fi eld.) The Apply button updates the workplane without closing the dialog. Thereafter, all mouse-click point entry will be referenced to the new workplane. For all mouse interactions, the workplane extends to infi nity, i.e. point

39、s can be selected outside the blue rectangle workplane representation in the 3D view. The Size fi eld in the Edit workplane dialog controls the extents of the blue workplane boundary rectangle and grid displayed on screen. The workplane extents need not be symmetrical they may, for example, extend f

40、rom -1 to 3 in the u direction and need not include the origin. The visible workplane may also extend from -3 to -1 or from 1 to 4. While the Auto enlarge check-box is checked, the workplane representation will automat- ically resize to include all geometry created. This does not, however, resize th

41、e workplane relative to the existing geometry. Automatic resizing of the workplane relative to existing July 2007FEKO Users Manual INTRODUCTION TO CADFEKO3-12 geometry can be initiated by right clicking on the 3D view and selecting Workplane Fit to geometry or clicking on the Zoom to extents button

42、on the 3D view toolbar. The Grid spacing controls defi ne the density of the grid lines. If the workplane size is increased to the extent that the number of grid lines is more than 10 000 in either direction, the grid display button is automatically toggled off . The grid can still be displayed by a

43、ctivating this button again. However, if the number of lines exceeds 100 000 the grid can not displayed. For convenience sake, three buttons are provided in the Set to plane group that will adjust the workplane defi nition to the fundamental planes in the global X Y Z coordinate system. The saved wo

44、rkplanes list Multiple workplane defi nitions may be saved to a saved-workplanes list so that they can referred to or reused later. The Save workplane button saves the workplane to a list, under the specifi ed name. If the chosen name overlaps with a workplane already in the saved-workplane list, th

45、at workplane will be replaced with the new workplane defi nition. When workplanes have been saved to the saved-workplanes list, the Saved workplanes tab on the Edit workplane dialog will be activated. This tab (shown in Figure 3-7) can be used to manage the workplanes in the saved-workplanes list. S

46、aved workplanes may be selected and renamed, or removed from the list. The saved-workplane list may be referenced from various places in CADFEKO. To set the current workplane to a saved workplane, open the Edit workplane dialog and click on the dropdown list of the Set to workplane button. To refer

47、to a saved workplane during the defi nition of any geometry primitive (see section 4.3), uncheck Use global coordinates, and select the required workplane defi nition on the Set to workplane drop-down list on the Coordinates tab. (Note that the Set to workplane option will only contain a dropdown if

48、 the saved-workplane list is not empty. If the saved-workplane list is empty, then Set to workplane will reference the current active workplane defi nition.) The saved workplane list is considered part of the CADFEKO model, and is therefore saved in the *.cfx fi le, and not in the *.cfs session fi l

49、e. Transforming the workplane The Edit workplane dialog defi nes the workplane in global coordinates. For arbitrary workplanes, however, it can be very diffi cult to move the workplane normal to itself, or to rotate it around one of its own axes using the Edit workplane dialog. The Transform workplane dialog allows translation and / or rotation using the three workplane axes (u, v, n). The dialog is launched by selecting Workplane Transform from the pop-up menu of the 3D view or click the Transform workplane button on the 3D view toolbar. The workplane settin


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