IEEE Std C57.12.23-2002 IEEE Standard for Underground Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase, Distribution Transformers with.pdf

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《IEEE Std C57.12.23-2002 IEEE Standard for Underground Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase, Distribution Transformers with.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《IEEE Std C57.12.23-2002 IEEE Standard for Underground Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase, Distribution Transformers with.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright 2002 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Published 8 August 2002. Printed in the United States of America. Print: ISBN 0-7381-3307-8 SH95

2、006 PDF: ISBN 0-7381-3308-6SS95006 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. IEEE Std C57.12.23 -2002 (Revision of IEEE Std C57.12.23-1992) IEEE Standard for Underground Type, Self

3、-Cooled, Single-Phase, Distribution Transformers with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors; High Voltage 25 000 V and Below; Low Voltage 600 V and Below; 167 kVA and Smaller Sponsor Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Approved 13 June 2002 IEEE-SA Standards Board Abst

4、ract: Electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics and certain safety features of single-phase, 60 Hz, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, distribution transformers with separable in- sulated high-voltage connectors are covered. Ratings, testing, and construction are discussed. Keywords: d

5、istribution transformer, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, single-phase, submersible, subsurface, transformer, underground IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE

6、 develops its standards through a consensus develop- ment process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the fi nal product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Institute and serve wit

7、h- out compensation. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus devel- opment process, the IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards. Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly

8、 voluntary. The IEEE disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other dam- age, of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other IEEE Standard document

9、. The IEEE does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fi tness for a specifi c purpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free

10、from patent infringement. IEEE Standards documents are supplied “ AS IS .” The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpo

11、int expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every fi ve years for revi- sion or reaffi rmation. When a

12、 document is more than fi ve years old and has not been reaffi rmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly refl ect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard. In

13、 publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is the IEEE undertaking to perform any duty owed by any other person or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other I

14、EEE Standards document, should rely upon the advice of a com- petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specifi c applications. When

15、 the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance

16、of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its soci- eties and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. Comments for revision of IEEE Stand

17、ards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affi liation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addres

18、sed to: Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fe

19、e is paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange for payment of licensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Customer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can als

20、o be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center. Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mat- ter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any

21、 patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Copyright 2002 IEEE. All rights r

22、eserved. iii Introduction (This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.12.23-2002, IEEE Standard for Underground Type, Self-Cooled, Single- Phase, Distribution Transformers with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors; High Voltage 25 000 V and Below; Low Voltage 600 V and Below; 167 kVA and S

23、maller.) This standard covers certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics and takes into consideration certain safety features of single-phase, 60 Hz, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, underground distribution transformers with separable insulated high-voltage connectors. These

24、transformers are generally used for step-down purposes from an underground primary cable supply and are suitable for occasional submerged operation. This standard is intended for use as a basis for determining performance, interchange- ability, and safety of the equipment covered, and to assist in t

25、he proper selection of such equipment. The 1986 revision to the standard expanded the scope to include 167 kVA. In addition, the dielectric test lev- els were updated and maximum test levels introduced to be consistent with other transformer standards. The 1992 revision to the standard added the cla

26、use on storage and installation with particular emphasis on the position when stored and consideration of the angle of tilt when installed. This revision was reaffi rmed in 1999. The 2002 revision further expands the scope to include all high-voltage ratings 25 000 volts and below, including transfo

27、rmers designed for phase-to-phase connection. Previous revisions only included transform- ers designed for phase-to-ground connection. Also, the scope was expanded to include low-voltage ratings 600 volts and below. Previous revisions only covered a 240/120 volt rating. The 2002 revision is the fi r

28、st standard in the C57.12.2X series to use the SI units of measure exclusively. The intent of this revision is to simply convert the in-lb units of the 1992 revision to SI units. Users of this stan- dard should use judgement when converting from SI units back to the in-lb equivalent. Participants At

29、 the time this standard was completed, the working group had the following membership: Roger J. Lee, Co-Chair Alan R. Traut, Co-Chair Donald Duckett Ken Hanus Mike Hardin Thomas Holifi eld Gael R. Kennedy Samuel E. Michael Daniel H. Mulkey Edward Smith Ronald J. Stahara iv Copyright 2002 IEEE. All r

30、ights reserved. The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 13 June 2002, it had the following membership: James T. Carlo, Chair James H. Gurney,

31、 Vice Chair Judith Gorman, Secretary *Member Emeritus Also included is the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison: Alan Cookson, NIST Representative Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative Catherine Berger IEEE Standards Project Editor Samuel Aguirre David Aho Paul Ahrens Glenn Andersen

32、Martin Baur John Borst Donald Chu Tommy Cooper Jerry Corkran Stephen Dare Alan Darwin Ronald Daubert Randall Dotson Horgan Edward Gary Engmann Jorge Fernandez Eduardo Garcia Manuel Gonzalez Randall Groves Robert Grunert Wayne Hansen Ken Hanus Michael Hardin Thomas Holifi eld James D. Huddleston, III

33、 Vladimir Khalin Brian Klaponski William Larzelere Roger J. Lee Donald Lowe Gregory Luri William Maguire J. Dennis Marlow Tito Massouda John Matthews Thomas McCaffrey Nigel McQuin Samuel E. Michael Gary Michel Daniel H. Mulkey Kyaw Myint Krste Najdenkoski Larry Nunnery Gerald Paiva Paulette Payne Th

34、omas Pekarek Linden Pierce Madan Rana Arlise Robinson John Rossetti James Ruggieri Hyeong Sim Tarkeshwar Singh David Singleton Edward Smith Brian Sparling Ronald J. Stahara John Sullivan John Teixeira Alan R. Traut Shelby Walters James Wilson William Wimmer Sid Bennett H. Stephen Berger Clyde R. Cam

35、p Richard DeBlasio Harold E. Epstein Julian Forster* Howard M. Frazier Toshio Fukuda Arnold M. Greenspan Raymond Hapeman Donald M. Heirman Richard H. Hulett Lowell G. Johnson Joseph L. Koepfi nger* Peter H. Lips Nader Mehravari Daleep C. Mohla William J. Moylan Malcolm V. Thaden Geoffrey O. Thompson

36、 Howard L. Wolfman Don Wright Copyright 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved. v Contents 1.Overview1 1.1 Scope1 1.2 Purpose.1 2.References1 3.Ratings.2 3.1 Kilovoltampere ratings.2 3.2 Voltage ratings.3 4.Basic lightning impulse insulation levels and dielectric test levels.3 5.Tests.4 5.1 General.4 5.2 Di

37、electric tests4 6.Construction.4 6.1 General.4 6.2 Connectors and terminals.5 6.3 Instruction nameplate.8 6.4 Oil preservation8 6.5 Tanks8 6.6 Components for primary cable system 9 7.Storage and installation9 7.1 Storage.9 7.2 Installation9 Copyright 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved. 1 IEEE Standard f

38、or Underground Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase, Distribution Transformers with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors; High Voltage 25 000 V and Below; Low Voltage 600 V and Below; 167 kVA and Smaller 1. Overview 1.1 Scope This standard covers certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical cha

39、racteristics and takes into consideration certain safety features of single-phase, 60 Hz, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, distribution transformers with separable insulated high-voltage connectors. These transformers are rated 167 kVA and smaller, with high voltages of 25 000 V and below and with

40、 low voltages of 600 V and below. These transformers are generally used for step-down purposes from an underground primary cable supply and are suitable for occasional submerged operation. This standard does not cover the electrical and mechanical requirements of any accessory devices that may be su

41、pplied with the transformer. 1.2 Purpose This standard is intended for use as a basis for determining performance, interchangeability, and safety of the equipment covered, and to assist in the proper selection of such equipment. 2. References This standard shall be used in conjunction with the follo

42、wing publications. When these publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply: ANSI C57.12.20-1997, American National Standard for Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers, 500 kVA and Smaller: High voltage, 34 500 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 7970/13 800 Y Volts and Be

43、low. 1 1 ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA (http:/ IEEE Std C57.12.23-2002IEEE STANDARD FOR UNDERGROUND TYPE, SELF-COOLED, SINGLE-PHASE, DISTRIBUTION 2 Copyright 200

44、2 IEEE. All rights reserved. ANSI C57.12.70-1978 (Reaff 1987), American National Standard Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and Power Transformers. ICEA S-66-524/NEMA WC7-1991, Standard for Cross-Linked-Thermosetting-Polyethylene-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Dis

45、tribution of Electrical Energy. 2 IEEE Std C57.12.00 -2000, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. 3 IEEE Std C57.12.80 -1978 (Reaff 1992), IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers. IEEE Std C57.12.90 -1999, I

46、EEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regu- lating Transformers. IEEE Std C57.91 -1995, IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers. IEEE Std 386 -1995, IEEE Standard for Separable Insulated Connector Systems for Power Distribution Systems Above 600 V. NEMA

47、 C57.12.32-1994, Submersible EquipmentEnclosure Integrity. 4 NOTEThe IEEE standards referred to in this clause are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated. 3. Ratings 3.1 Kilovoltampere ratings Kilovoltampere ratings shall be continuous and based on, b

48、ut not exceeding, an average winding temperature rise of 55 C and a hottest-spot temperature rise of 70 C. The temperature rise of the insulating oil shall be measured near the top of the tank and shall not exceed 55 C. The transformers shall have a temperature-rise insulation system of 65 C. Kilovo

49、ltampere ratings shall be as follows: 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 167 The kilovoltampere ratings for transformers conforming to this standard shall be suitable for continuous operation at the rated kilovoltamperes, provided that the temperature of the cooling air (enclosure ambient temperature) does not exceed 50 C and the average temperature of the cooling air does not exceed 40 C for any 24-hour period. 2 This standard has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from Global Engineering, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704, USA, tel. (303) 792-2


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