SolidCAM2005 What’s New.pdf

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《SolidCAM2005 What’s New.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SolidCAM2005 What’s New.pdf(78页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、SolidCAM2005 Whats New 1995-2005 SolidCAM LTD. All Rights Reserved. SolidCAM2005 Whats New2 Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. General 5 2.1 Tool Table 5 2.1.1 Part Tool Table 5 2.1.2 Working with Part Tool Table 6 2.1.3 Working with Current Tool Table 8 2.1.4 Managing Tool Tables 9 2.1.5 Tool Table dial

2、og 11 2.1.7 Selection of the tool in the Job screen 23 2.1.8 Tool Table settings 27 2.2 Multi-side home defi nition by selecting planar/cylindrical face30 2.3 Defi nition of Fixtures33 2.4 Associativity for Job Level Parameters 38 2.5 Choice of drill-type by user in the Drill Machining Process 43 2.

3、6 Multi-sided Rest Material calculation and simulation 44 2.6.1 Solid method settings 45 2.6.2 Rest Material Settings 46 2.7 Default Geometry names 49 2.8 Change Model Reference 51 3. 2D/2.5D Milling 53 3.1 Multiple fi nish paths in the Profi le Job.53 3.2 Trochoidal Milling in Profi le Job54 3.3 Cu

4、tting direction for Slot machining 56 3.4 Climb milling in Profi le Clear Offset58 3.5 Approach/Retreat for Translated Surface Job 60 3.6 Zero Compensation 62 SolidCAM2005 Whats New3 4. Turning 63 4.1 Multi-feed defi nition capability in one geometry chain63 5. 3D Milling 65 5.1 3D Model Offset Cutt

5、ing Extend to edge option 65 5.2 Milling of selected faces 66 5.3 Approach in 3D Model Job 69 5.3.1 Approach from outside 69 5.3.2 Go to clearance plane between Z steps 70 5.3.3 Drill points 71 5.4 Tangent Approach/Retreat in the Constant-Z Wall machining 72 5.6 Cutting direction for Hatching 75 Doc

6、ument number: SCWNENG05001 SolidCAM2005 Whats New4 Introduction 1. Introduction SolidCAM2005 R9.1 is a major release of SolidCAM which includes many improvements and new functionalities. The improvements cover the following main areas: tool tables, defi nition of fi xtures, multi-sided rest material

7、 machining and simulation, major enhancements in Turning with driven-tools on the solid model and miscellaneous enhancements in 2.5D and 3D Milling. The new functionalities include two major modules: Automatic Hole Feature Recognition and Machining and Simultaneous 5-axis Machining. SolidCAM2005 Wha

8、ts New5 General 2. General 2.1 Tool Table 2.1.1 Part Tool Table SolidCAM2005 introduces a new approach for managing and using the tools via the Part Tool Table. The Part Tool Table is the tool table that contains all the tools that are available for use within a specifi c CAM-Part. The Part Tool Tab

9、le is stored within the CAM-Part. When you start a new CAM-Part, if you want to automatically copy the contents of a specifi c tool table into the Part Tool Table of this CAM-Part, then you specify its name in the MAC-fi le of the CNC machine; this fi le is called Machine Tool Table. The Machine Too

10、l table is defi ned in the MAC-fi le by the following parameter: tool_table_name = name; where name (without extension) is the name of the Tool Table located in the SolidCAM Tool tables folder defi ned in the SolidCAM settings. Generally, the Machine Tool Table contains the tools situated in the Too

11、l Magazine of the specifi ed CNC Machine. SolidCAM2005 Whats New6 General SolidCAM enables you to defi ne any number of Tool Tables. Each tool from such Tool Tables can be imported into the Part Tool Table. SolidCAM enables you to defi ne one Tool Table that has a top priority in the list for import

12、; this is the Current Tool Table. 2.1.2 Working with Part Tool Table The Part Tool Table is the tool table that contains all the tools that are available for use within a specifi c CAM-Part. The Part Tool Table is stored within the CAM-Part. SolidCAM enables you to display the Part Tool Table dialog

13、. This dialog enables you to manage the tools contained in the Part Tool Table. SolidCAM2005 Whats New7 General Choose the Part Tool table option from the right-click menu on the Tool header in the CAM Manager. The Part Tool Table dialog will be displayed. SolidCAM2005 Whats New8 General 2.1.3 Worki

14、ng with Current Tool Table SolidCAM enables you to control your Current Tool Tables with the right-click menu available on the Tool header in the SolidCAM Manager. Set as Current Tool Table This option enables you to set the Current Tool Table. You have to specify the type of the Current Tool Table

15、(Milling, Turning or Milling they can be then changed inside the Job. Tool Material The Tool Material is used to describe one or more of the following properties of the tool: 0 Material of the tool (High Speed Steel, Carbide etc) 0 Working conditions of the tool 0 Use of tool (rough, fi nish, etc) T

16、he Tool Material is used to defi ne the Speed and Feed defaults. When you choose the Tool material, the feed type will be changed to Fz and the spin type to V. The Feed and Spin values are default system values since the Work material has not been defi ned yet. Loading the tool to a job will connect

17、 the Tool material to the Work material and the correct Feed and Spin values will be loaded from the Speed/Feed defaults table. Feed This fi eld defi nes the feed rate of the tool. It defi nes three feed values: 0 Feed XY - Feed-rate in the XY plane. 0 Feed Z - Feed-rate in the Z direction. 0 Feed F

18、inish - Feed-rate used for fi nish milling. The feed value can be defi ned in two types of units, namely: F and Fz. 0 F is the default and it signifi es Units per minute. 0 Fz signifi es Units per tooth and is calculated according to the following formula: Fz = F/(Number of Teeth * S). Spin This fi

19、eld defi nes the spindle speed of the tool. It defi nes two spin values: 0 Spin Rate - Normal spin-rate; used in rough milling. SolidCAM2005 Whats New22 General 0 Spin Finish - Finish spin-rate; used in fi nish milling. The spin value can be defi ned in two types of units, namely S and V. 0 S is the

20、 default and it signifi es Revolutions per Minute. 0 V signifi es Material cutting speed in Meters/Minute in the Metric system or in Feet/Minute in the Inch system; it is calculated according to the following formula: V = (S * PI * Tool Diameter) / 1000 Diameter Offset Number This parameter defi nes

21、 the number of the Diameter Offset Register of the current tool in the Offset table of the CNC machine. Length Offset number This parameter defi nes the number of the Length Offset Register of the current tool in the Offset table of the CNC machine. SolidCAM2005 Whats New23 General 2.1.7 Selection o

22、f the tool in the Job screen The Job dialog enables you to choose the tool for the machining and to manage the parameters of the chosen tool. The Select button enables you to edit tool parameters or defi ne the tool you want to use for this job. When the tool for the job is not defi ned, this button

23、 displays the Part Tool Table dialog which enables you to choose the tool from the Part Tool table. SolidCAM2005 Whats New24 General Choose the necessary tool from the Part Tool Table and click on the Select button. The tool will be chosen for the Job. The Tool dialog will be displayed with the para

24、meters of the chosen tool. When the tool for the job is defi ned, this button displays the Tool dialog. This dialog enables you to edit the tool parameters. You can also choose tools from the Part Tool table. This dialog enables you to edit the tool defi nition. User Tool Type This fi eld shows the

25、tool type. SolidCAM2005 Whats New25 General Part Tool table This button enables you to choose the tool from the Part Tool table. The Part Tool Table dialog will be displayed. The Topology page contains the Topology Data of the tool like diameter, length, angle, corner radius etc. The Job Data page c

26、ontains the default Tool Material data, Feed and Spin data and diameter and length offset numbers. SolidCAM2005 Whats New26 General The Data button in the Job screen displays the Tool Data dialog. This dialog displays the tool material, feed and speed parameters and the diameter and length offset nu

27、mbers used in the current job. When the tool is selected for the job, SolidCAM fi lls this dialog with the default data of the selected tool. The Tool Data dialog enables you to edit the tools for the specifi c job only. This dialog is corresponding with the Job Tool Data page. It means that the cha

28、nges made in the Job Tool Data page will be propagated to the Feed if the tool with the same number is already existing in the tool table, SolidCAM assigns to the imported tool the next number in order that is not used. SolidCAM2005 Whats New30 General 2.2 Multi-side home definition by selecting pla

29、nar/ cylindrical face A new method of Home defi nition was added in SolidCAM2005 to facilitate the Home defi nitionprocess.SolidCAM2005enablesyoutodefi nea newHome by selecting a face. The face can be one of the following: Planar face In this case the Z-axis of the Home will be normal to the face. C

30、ylindrical/Conical face In this case the Z-axis of the Home will be parallel to the axis of the revolution of the specifi ed cylindrical/conical face. The interface of the Home dialog was changed. SolidCAM2005 Whats New31 General The Select Face option was added to the Define Home options list. Pick

31、 Face This button enables you to select the face on the model for the Home defi nition. Change to opposite/Change to original This button enables you to change the direction of the Z-axis of the home either to the opposite of the existing direction or back to the original. Place home origin to: Corn

32、er of Model Box In this case the box surrounding the model will be calculated. The upper plane of the model box is parallel to the XY-plane of the defi ned Home. SolidCAM2005 Whats New32 General The Home Position will be located in the corner of the model box with the following coordinates (XMIN, YM

33、IN, ZMAX). Center of Revolution Face The origin will be located at the intersection of the rotation axis of the part and the face of the model box with a maximal Z coordinate (the Z-axis is directed along the rotation axis). SolidCAM2005 Whats New33 General Home #1 The Home origin will be in the sam

34、e location of the Home #1 origin. This option is active only if the fi rst Home is already defi ned. 2.3 Definition of Fixtures SolidCAM2005 enables you to defi ne the Part Fixtures such as like clamps, vises, jig plates etc This feature enables you to get a more realistic picture during the simulat

35、ion and check possible collisions between the cutting tools and fi xtures. SolidCAM2005 Whats New34 General The Fixture is defi ned with the Define Fixture item from the right-click menu available on Jobs. The Fixture dialog will be displayed. This dialog enables you to defi ne theFixture geometry.

36、SolidCAM2005 Whats New35 General Define 3d Model This button enables you to select the 3D model for the Fixture. The 3D Geometry dialog will be displayed. When the geometry is selected, click on the Finish button. The Geometry name dialog will be displayed. In this dialog, confi rm the default Fixtu

37、re name or type a new one. Confi rm this dialog. The Fixture dialog will be displayed. SolidCAM2005 Whats New36 General Show on Model You can highlight the selected Fixture model in the SolidWorks window with this button. SolidCAM2005 Whats New37 General Show You can display the Fixture in the Rest

38、Material window of SolidCAM with this button. When the Fixture is defi ned, SolidCAM adds the Fixture item to the CAM Manager. SolidCAM enables you to defi ne any number of Fixtures that can be used at different stages of the CAM-Part. The defi ned fi xture will be displayed with the SolidVerify sim

39、ulation. SolidCAM2005 Whats New38 General SolidVerify enables you to show/hide Fixture with the icon. SolidVerify automatically checks the possible gouges of the fi xture. 2.4 Associativity for Job Level Parameters A Job in SolidCAM contains a number of parameters describing different milling levels

40、. The value of these parameters is the Z-coordinate. These parameters can be defi ned either by the entering the value in the edit box or by picking a specifi cpointonthesolidmodel.Inthelattercase,theparameters are associative to the solid model. Associativity enables SolidCAM to be synchronized wit

41、h the solid model changes; SolidCAM automatically updates the CAM data when the model is modifi ed. SolidCAM2005 Whats New39 General The following Jobs parameters are associative to the SolidWorks model. Clearance level Job Upper Level Job Lower Level SolidCAM enables you to defi ne these parameters

42、 by picking the solid model. The Depth parameter used in some Jobs (Profi le Job, Pocket Job etc) is indirectly associative. SolidCAM enables you two possibilities: To defi ne the Depth by manual input. To defi ne the Job Lower Level by picking on the model. In this case the Depth will be calculated

43、 automatically. In this case the associativity will be established in the Job Lower Level. When either the Job Upper Level or the Job Lower Level is synchronized, the Depth will be updated. The associativity will be saved only for the following picked items: Vertex; Sketch Point; Reference point; Pa

44、rt Origin; Planar Face parallel to the XY plane of the current Home; Plane parallel to the XY plane of the current Home. SolidCAM2005 Whats New40 General The Pick dialog displays the Z-coordinate of the picked point. If the value is associative to the model, the edit box will be highlighted in orang

45、e. When the parameter is defi ned by on-model pick, SolidCAM displays the Z-coordinate of the pick in the related edit box. The background of the edit box will be changed. The value displayed in this editbox is associative to the solid model. If you type in this edit box, the associativity is remove

46、d. SolidCAM2005 Whats New41 General The associative parameters are displayed in the CAM Manager under the Job name. When the parameters are not synchronized, the parameters and the parent Job are marked with the synchronization mark. The synchronization commands available for jobs in the right-click

47、 menu. SolidCAM2005 Whats New42 General The Synchronize button enables you to synchronize the parameters value with the updated model. The Synchronize the Z-Buffer mode will be used. SolidCAM2005 Whats New49 General 2.7 Default Geometry names SolidCAM2005 enables you to defi ne and use default names

48、 for all geometry types. The Default Geometry names tab was added to the SolidCAM Settings dialog. This dialog enables you to defi ne the Default names for Profi le, Slot, Fixture and other geometries. SolidCAM2005 Whats New50 General When a new geometry is defi ned, the default name will be display

49、ed in the Geometry name dialog. You can confi rm it or change it. If the default name is already used for a previously defi nedgeometry,SolidCAM offers you the default name with a next sequential number. SolidCAM2005 Whats New51 General 2.8 Change Model Reference SolidCAM enables you to change the reference to original SolidWorks model. This operation enables you to substitute the DesignModel component of the CAM-Part assembly with some SolidWorks model. Choose the Change Model Reference command in the m


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