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1、 UGS PLM Solutions Inc. 2003. All right reserved. ?Abo) http:/ NX ? 2 ? ?. Spline? Lesson 1 Spline? Lesson 2Spline? Lesson 3Spline? Lesson 4Spline? ?.? Lesson 4 Through Curves (?) Lesson 5 Through Curve Mesh? Lesson 6? 6.1 Swept Feature ? 6.2Studio Surfaces 3 Lesson 7? 7.1Edge Blend (?) 7.2Face Blen

2、d (?) 7.3Soft Blend (?) 7.4Styled Blend (?) 7.5Bridge (?) 7.6Section Features (?) 7.7N-sided Surface(N?) Lesson 8? 8.1Face Analysis ? ? Reflection (?) 8.2Deviation (?) 8.3Deviation Gauge(?) 8.4Section Analysis (?) ? 4 Lesson 9? 9.1Edit Feature Parameters 9.2X-form 9.3Enlarge Sheet 9.4Transform Sheet

3、 9.5Deform Sheet Lesson 10? ? 5 ?. Spline? 6 Lesson 1 Spline? ? ?Spline?4? 1?Spline 2?Spline by Points 3?Spline by Poles 4?Curve on Surface 7 Lesson 1 Spline? ? 1?Spline?(Degree) ?Spline? Degree?2,UG?24?Spline?Order=Degree+1 2?Spline?(Segment) Spline?(Single Segment)?(Multiple Segment)? ?Spline?=?1

4、?Spline?25? Spline?Spline? Spline? ?Spline? Spline? ?Spline ?)? ?Spline? 222 )()(rkyhx? Polynomials and Degree of Curves ? 7X+5X-3 =35 (degree = 2 ) 2t 3t+t = 6 (degree = 3 ) 8 3?(Defining Points) ?Spline?By Pole?Spline?Spline? ?Spline? ? 4?(Knot point) ?spline segment?Spline?Spline? ? Lesson 1 Spli

5、ne? poles = segments? + order 9 Degree 3, 5 poles, 2 segments Knotpoints: Pole: 1Defining points: + 1 Lesson 1 Spline? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Segment 1 ?pole 1 pole 4? Segment 2 ?pole 2 pole 5? + + + + + 5? 10 ?Spline? ?Spline Insert ? Curve ? Spline ?Spline by Points Insert ? Curve ? Spline by Points ?Fit

6、 SplineNEW ?Spline by Poles Insert ? Curve ? Spline by Poles ?Curve on Surface Insert ? Curve ? Curve on Surface Lesson 1 Spline? ? ? ? ? ? 11 Lesson 1 Spline? ?Spline ?Spline? 1?(By Poles) Spline?Spline?Spline ? 2?(Through Points) Spline? 3?(Fit) ? Spline?Spline ? ?Spline? ?Spline? ?Fit?Spline? 12

7、Lesson 1 Spline? 1?Spline - By Poles?Through Points Closed Curve(?Spline) ?By Poles? Through Points?Spline(?)? ? ?Spline? ? Point From File(?) ?Spline? ?xxx.dat 13 Lesson 1 Spline? ? Chain From All? ? ? ? Chain With Rectangle? ? ? ? ? ? Chain With Polygon? ? ? ? ? ? Point Constructor? Crv_Spline_1 1

8、4 Lesson 1 Spline? Assign Slope (?) ?Through Points?Spline?Spline? ? ? ? Automatic Slope? ? Vector Component? Spline?DXC?DYC? DZC? Direction to Point ? ?Spline? ? Vector to point?Direction Point? ? Slope of Curve? Spline? Angle? X? 15 Lesson 1 Spline? 2?Spline - Fit Change Weight (?) ? ? ? ? ? ? Ass

9、ign End Slope (?) ?Fit?Spline? 3?Spline - Perpendicular to plane ? Crv_Spline_2 16 Lesson 1 Spline? ?Spline by Points Create Assign Slope/Curvature Edit Points Delete Points ?Spline?Spline ?Through Points?6? 1)?Spline? ?Spline? 2)?Spline by Points? Infer Point? ? 3)? ? 4)?Spline? ? 5)?Curve Degree =

10、 5? 6)?Spline. 17 Lesson 1 Spline? 1.?Infer Point ?Spline?(Infer Point)? ? ? 18 Lesson 1 Spline? 2.Assign Slope/Curvature 1)?Create?Assign Slope/Curvature? ? 2)?Spline?MB2?Spline? ?Assign Slope/Curvature? ?Assign Slope/Curvature? ? ? ?4?(Move Point)? ? ? ?(Change Slope)?(Change Curvature) ? (Change

11、Tangent Magnitude)? 19 Lesson 1 Spline? Assign Slope/Curvature 1)?4? ? ? 2)?(Analysis ? Curve ? Combs)? ? 3)Slope?Curvature? ? Shading? ? 20 Lesson 1 Spline? 3.Edit Points ? 4.Delete Points 1)?Create?Delete Last Point? ? 2)?Assign Slope / Curvature?Delete Constraint? ? 3)?Edit Points?Delete Points?

12、? 21 Lesson 1 Spline? ?Spline by Poles ?Spline?Spline by Points?Spline by Poles? Assign Slope/Curvature? 22 Lesson 1 Spline? Symmetric Constrained Splines(?Spline) ?Spline by Points?Spline by Poles(? Bridge Curve)? ? ? ?(C3)? ? 1?spline 2?spline?Assign Slope/Curvature? 3?spline? 4? Change Curvature?

13、 5? 23 Lesson 1 Spline? ?Fit Spline 24 Lesson 1 Spline? fit_spline_1.prt 25 Lesson 1 Spline? 26 Lesson 1 Spline? Fit_spline_2 27 Lesson 1 Spline? 28 Lesson 1 Spline? Fit_to_face.prt 29 Lesson 1 Spline? ? ? ? ? ? UG? ? ? ?:? (?Cn ? n ? ? ? ?)?(?Gn ?) ?Gn ? ? ? ? G0? G1? ? ? ? G2? ? ? ? G3? ? ? ? ? ?

14、30 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 31 Lesson 1 Bridge Curve(?) ? ? ? ? ? idss_bridge_curve_1.prt 32 ?Tangent? ? ? ? ? ? 3 Lesson 1 Bridge Curve - Tangent ?Start/End Location? ? ? ? ? ? ?Shape Control? ? ? ? ? ?End Points? ? ? ? ? ? 33 ?Peak Point? ? ? ? ? ?(Conic) - ? ? ? Lesson 1 Bridge Curve - Tangent 34 Lesson 1 B

15、ridge Curve - Curvature ?Stiffness Control? ? ? ? ?“?”? ? ? ? ? ?Auto? ? ?Low? ? ?High? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? G3(? ?) 5? ? G2 5? G3 ? ? ? G3 7?( ? v ?) ? 35 Lesson 1 ? 1. Continuity Method = Curvature ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Filter = Datum?Vector ?Datum? Datum ?“? ?”?Datum? ?Vector? “Vector?”? ? “?”? 36 Le

16、sson 1 Bridge Curve 37 Lesson 1 Bridge Curve 38 3?Curve on Surface Curve on Surface?Spline ? ? ? ? Curve on Surface?Spline ? Lesson 1 Spline? 39 Lesson 1 Spline? Question: ?Curve on Surface?Spline?Spline by Points? Spline by Poles?Spline?(?Near to Surface?)? ? ? ? Answer: 1?Spline? 2?Analysis ? Devi

17、ation ? Curve to Face? 40 Exercise Activity 3-1 Associative Spline By Points Activity 3-2 Associative Spline By Poles Activity 15-3 Create Symmetric Constrained Splines Activity 15-4 Creating a Curve on Surface ?Activity 3 / Activity 15 41 Lesson 2Spline? ? 42 ? ? 1?spline? 2?Analysis Shape?Analysis

18、 ? Curve? ?spline? 3?“Combs(?)”?“Peaks(?)”?“Infections(?)” ? 4? ? ? Lesson 2Spline? idss_curve_analysis.prt 43 Lesson 2Spline? Deviation Gauge(?) 1? Analysis ? Deviation Gauge idss_dev_gauge.prt 2? Analysis ? Deviation Checking 44 Lesson 3? ? ? ? ? ? 8.1 Face Analysis ? ? Reflection (?) 8.2 Deviatio

19、n (?) 8.3 Deviation Gauge(?) 8.4 Section Analysis (?) 45 Lesson 8.1 Face Analysis ? ? Reflection Reflection? ? ? ? Black Line (?) Colored Line( ?) Simulate Horizon (?) User Image (?) ? ? ? ? ? ? Photo Horizon (?) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?+? ? ? ? ? ? ? Analysis ? Face ? Reflection xxx_studio_surf_1.prt 46 Les

20、son 8.2Deviation Deviation? 1?Curve to Curve? ?(?)? ? 2?Curve to Face?/? ? 3?Edge to Face? 4?Face to Face? ? 5?Edge to Edge? Analysis ? Deviation dev_gauge_2.prt 47 Lesson 8.3Deviation Gauge Analysis ? Deviation Gauge Deviation Gauge? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 48 Lesson 8.3Deviation Gauge Measurin

21、g Method(?)? 3D?3D? Vector Component?3D? Vector? Work View? ? ? Plane? ?Plane? ? Cross Curve Deviation(?)? ? ? Deviation Display(?)? Vectors? Marks? Numbers? 49 Deviation Gauge Object(?) ?Vector?Mark?Number? ?“?”? ? ? ? ? Lesson 8.3Deviation Gauge 50 Lesson 8.4Section Analysis Section Analysis? ? ?

22、? ? ? 51 Lesson 8.4Section Analysis Analysis ? Section Parallel Planes Radial Planes Perpendicular to Curve U Constant V Constant 52 Exercise Activity 5-1 Obtaining Information about a Spline P.166 P.167 Activity 5-4 Deviation Gauge P.185 P.190 ?ids18_v1.pdf 53 Exercise 2?mini_car_body.ppt ?(Phase 2

23、 2)?Datum CSYS?Sketch? 3)?Sketch? 171 ?Datum? 1)?Datum CSYS? ?Datum CSYS?Datum CSYS? ?Datum Plane? 2)?Fixed Datum Plane? Lesson10.3 ?(Base Feature)? 172 Lesson10.4? 1. ?(Layer)? 2. ? ? ? 3. ?,?Examine Geometry ? 4. ? ? Curve ?Edit ? Transform?Feature Operation ? Instance ?Curve Operation? Extract ?

24、Edge Curve? ?Form Feature ? Extract ? Curve 5.? 173 Separate feature operation Lesson10.4? ?(Unite, Subtract, Intersection)?Create? ?Model Navigator? 174 Lesson10.5? Blend?Taper? ?Blend?Taper ? ? ? ? ?Taper? ?Taper?Blend ? ? ? ?Taper? ?Taper?Blend 175 Lesson10.6? 1? Examine Geometry ? 2? 3? Part Cle

25、anup ? 4? (Part Attribute) 5?Reference Set? ?(?Body)?(facet)? 6?(?)?Wireframe? ?Shaded? 176 Lesson10.7 ?(Examine Geometry) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?CAM? ? Unigraphics ? 177 ?(Objects) ?(Tiny) ? ? ?2 ? ?)? ?(Misaligned) ? XC ?YC ? ZC ? ? Lesson10.7 ?(Examine Geometry) 178 ?(Data Structures) ? ?(Bodies) ?(Consist

26、ency) ? ? G1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(Face-Face Intersection) ?-? ? 1mm ? 5mm ? ? ?-? ? ?(Sheet Boundaries) ? Lesson10.7 ?(Examine Geometry) 179 ?(Smoothness) ? b ?“?”? b ? ? ?(Faces) ?(Self-intersection) ? ?/?(Spikes/Cuts) ? ? ? ? ? ?“?”? ? Lesson10.7 ?(Examine Geometry) 180 ? 1 181 ? part_model1_org.prt 182 ? part_model1.prt 183 ? 2 part_model2.prt part_model2_org.prt 184 ? 3 ? ? ? ? ?


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