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1、INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLASSIFICATION SOCIETIES Interpretations of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 IACS Int. 2005 Contents, Page 1 CONTENTS AND STATUS Submitted toIMOSubmitted to Interpretation Reference Adopted IMO Aapproval governments Remarks LL1ApplicationArt.4(4)19681972y

2、es1972 LL2Depth for freeboardReg. 3(6)19681972yes1972 LL3SuperstructureReg. 3(10)(b)19681972yes1972 LL4Details of markingReg. 819681972yes1972 LL5DoorsReg. 1219681972yes1972 LL6Hatchways closed by weather tightReg.16 a foot-stop shall be provided. (c) A permanent walkway at least 0.6 m in width fitt

3、ed at freeboard deck level consisting of two rows of guard rails with stanchions spaced not more than 3 m. The number of courses of rails and their spacing are to be as required by Regulation 25(3). On Type B ships, hatchway coamings not less than 0.6 m in height may be regarded as forming one side

4、of the walkway, provided that between the hatchways two rows of guard rails are fitted. LL50 IACS Int. 1986/Rev. 4.1 1998 M LL50-2 LL50 (d) A 10 mm minimum diameter wire rope lifeline supported by stanchions about 10 m apart, or A single hand rail or wire rope attached to hatch coamings, continued a

5、nd adequately supported between hatchways. (e) A permanent and efficiently constructed gangway fitted at or above the level of the superstructure deck on or as near as practicable to the center line of the ship: - located so as not to hinder easy access across the working areas of the deck; - provid

6、ing a continuous platform at least 1.0 m in width; - constructed of fire resistant and non-slip material; - fitted with guard rails extending on each side throughout its length; guard rails should be at least 1.0 m high with courses as required by Regulation 25(3) and supported by stanchions spaced

7、not more than 1.5 m; - provided with a foot stop on each side; - having openings, with ladders where appropriate, to and from the deck. Openings should not be more than 40 m apart; - having shelters of substantial construction set in way of the gangway at intervals not exceeding 45 m if the length o

8、f the exposed deck to be traversed exceeds 70 m. Every such shelter should be capable of accommodating at least one person and be so constructed as to afford weather protection on the forward, port and starboard sides. (f) A permanent and efficiently constructed walkway fitted at freeboard deck leve

9、l on or as near as practicable to the center line of the ship having the same specifications as those for a permanent gangway listed in (e) except for foot-stops. On Type B ships (certified for the carriage of liquids in bulk), with a combined height of hatch coaming and fitted hatch cover of togeth

10、er not less than 1m in height the hatchway coamings may be regarded as forming one side of the walkway, provided that between the hatchways two rows of guard rails are fitted. Alternative transverse locations for (c),(d) and (f) above, where appropriate: (1) At or near center line of ship; or Fitted

11、 on hatchways at or near center line of ship. (2) Fitted on each side of the ship. (3) Fitted on one side of the ship, provision being made for fitting on either side. (4) Fitted on one side only. (5) Fitted on each side of the hatchways as near to the center line as practicable Notes: 1. In all cas

12、es where wire ropes are fitted, adequate devices are to be provided to ensure their tautness. 2. Wire ropes may only be accepted in lieu of guard rails in special circumstances and then only in limited lengths. 3. Lengths of chain may only be accepted in lieu of guard rails if fitted between two fix

13、ed stanchions. 4. Where stanchions are fitted, every 3rd stanchion is to be supported by a bracket or stay. 5. Removable or hinged stanchions shall be capable of being locked in the upright position. 6. A means of passage over obstructions, if any, such as pipes or other fittings of a permanent natu

14、re, should be provided. 7. Generally, the width of the gangway or deck-level walkway should not exceed 1.5 m. LL50 IACS Int. 1986/Rev. 4.1 1998 M M LL50-3 M LL51 Freeboards greater than minimum (Regulation 2(5) Where freeboards are required to be increased, because of such consideration as strength

15、(Regulation 1), location of shell doors (Regulation 21) or side scuttles (Regulation 23) or other reasons then: (a)the height of door sills Regulation 12 hatchway coamings Regulation 15(1) sills of machinery space openings Regulation 17 miscellaneous openings Regulation 18 ventilators Regulation 19

16、air pipes Regulation 20 (b)the scantlings of hatch covers Regulation 15 and 16, (c)freeing arrangements Regulation 24 and means for protection of crew Regulation 25, (d)windows and side scuttles on the actual freeboard deck may be as required for a superstructure deck, provided the summer freeboard

17、is such that the resulting draught will not be greater than that corresponding to the minimum freeboard calculated from an assumed freeboard deck situated at a distance equal to a standard superstructure height below the actual freeboard deck. Similar considerations may be given in cases of draught

18、limitation on account of bow height (Regulation 39). LL51 (1983) (Rev. 1 1986) IACS Int. 1986 M Weathertight closing appliances for ventilators (Regulation 19(4) Where required by Regulation 19, weathertight closing appliances for all ventilators in positions 1 and 2 are to be of steel or other equi

19、valent materials. Wood plugs and canvas covers are not acceptable in these positions. Treatment of moonpools Where moonpools are arranged within the hull in open communication with the sea, the volume of the moonpool should not be included in calculation of any hydrostatic properties. An addition sh

20、ould be made to the geometric freeboard, if the moonpool has a larger cross-sectional area above the waterline at 0,85D than below, corresponding to the lost buoyancy. This addition for the excess portion above 0,85D should be made as prescribed for recesses in LL 48/rev 1. If an enclosed superstruc

21、ture contains part of the moonpool, deduction should be made from the effective length of the superstructure. Effective length of superstructures (Regulation 35(3) When calculating the freeboard for a ship with excessive sheer but without any superstructure at 0,2L amidships, the deduction for sheer

22、 per Regulation 38(15) is not to be granted. However, where a poop or forecastle of less than standard height is fitted, when applying Regulation 35(3), credit may be given to the height of the poop or forecastle by increasing it by the difference between the actual and the standard sheer profiles.

23、(b)Regulation 35 When the height of the superstructure, clear of the slope, is less than the standard height, its effective length E shall be its length S as obtained from (a)(i), reduced in the ratio of the actual height to the (b) IACS Int. 1989 LL52LL54 LL52 (1983) LL53 (1987) LL54 (1989) M M M M

24、 M M Least Moulded Depth for a Ship with a Rake of Keel (Regulation 3 (1) For a ship with a rake of keel, least moulded depth, D mld, is found by drawing a line parallel to the keel line of the vessel (including skeg) tangent to the mounlded sheer line of the freeboard deck, as illustrated in the ab

25、ove sketch. The least moulded depth is the vertical distance measured from the top of the keel to the top of the freeboard deck beam at side at the point of tangency. Depth for freeboard, D, may then be found. Block Coefficient of a Pontoon (Regulation 3 (7) When calculating the block coefficient of

26、 a pontoon, according to the definition of Regulation 3(7), the 96%-length, if applicable, shall be used disregarding the fact that this might lead to a coefficient greater than 1,0. LL55-LL56 LL55 (1993) IACS Interpretations 1993 M M LL56 (1993) M M LL57 Block Coefficient of a Multi-hull Craft (Reg

27、ulation 3 (7) When calculating the block coefficient (Cb) of a multi-hull craft according to the definition of Regulation 3(7), the full breadth (B) as defined in regulation 3(4) is to be used and not the breadth of a single hull. LL57 (1996) IACS Interpretations 1996 M M LL57-1 LL58 Machinery space

28、 and emergency generator room ventilator coaming heights Regulations 17(2), 19 (3) and 19 (4) Regulation 17(2) requires that the coamings of machinery space ventilators situated in exposed positions on the freeboard and superstructure decks be as high above the deck as is reasonable and practicable.

29、 In general, ventilators necessary to continuously supply the machinery space and, on demand, immediately supply the emergency generator room should have coamings which comply with regulation 19(3), without having to fit weathertight closing appliances. However, where due to vessel size and arrangem

30、ent this is not practicable, lesser heights for machinery space and emergency generator room ventilator coamings may be accepted with provision of weathertight closing appliances in accordance with regulation 19(4) in combination with other suitable arrangements to ensure an uninterrupted, adequate

31、supply of ventilation to these spaces. LL58 (1997) IACS Interpretations 1997 M M LL59 Cargo manifold gutter bars - freeing arrangements and intact stability (Regulation 26) Where gutter bars are installed on the weather decks of tankers in way of cargo manifolds and are extended aft as far as the af

32、ter house front for the purpose of containing cargo spills on deck during loading and discharge operations, the free surface effects caused by containment of a cargo spill during liquid transfer operations or of boarding seas while underway require consideration with respect to the vessels available

33、 margin of positive initial stability (GMo). Where the gutter bars installed are greater than 300 mm in height, they are to be treated as bulwarks according to the Load Line Convention with freeing ports arranged in accordance with Regulation 24 and effective closures provided for use during loading

34、 and discharge operations. Attached closures are to be arranged in such a way that jamming cannot occur while at sea, ensuring that the freeing ports will remain fully effective. On ships without deck camber, or where the height of the installed gutter bars exceeds the camber, and for tankers having

35、 cargo tanks exceeding 60% of the vessels maximum beam at midships regardless of gutter bar height, gutter bars should not be accepted without an assessment of the initial stability (GMo) for compliance with the relevant intact stability requirement taking into account the free surface effect caused

36、 by liquids contained by the gutter bars. LL59 (1997) IACS Interpretations 1997 M M LL59-1 LL60 Freeing ports in way of wells in combination with open superstructures (Regulation 24 (1) and 24 (4) In the case of vessels having open superstructures on the freeboard or superstructure decks, which open

37、 to wells formed by bulwarks on the peripheries of the open decks, the convention leaves to the satisfaction of the Administration how the freeing port areas for the open spaces within the superstructures are to be calculated. Since water can enter only through the end bulkhead openings, the freeing

38、 port areas for the open spaces within the superstructures should be a function of the breadth of the end openings and the extent to which wells formed by the open decks and common spaces within the open superstructures are covered by the open superstructures. To determine the minimum freeing port a

39、rea on each side of the ship for the open superstructure (As) and for the open well (Aw), the following procedure is recommended: 1Determine the total well length (lt) equal to the sum of the length of the open deck enclosed by bulwarks (lw) and the length of the common space within the open superst

40、ructure (ls). 2To determine (As): 2.1Calculate the freeing port area (A) required for an open well of length ltin accordance with regulation 24(1) with standard height bulwark assumed. 2.2Multiply by the factor of 1.5 to correct for the absence of sheer, if applicable, in accordance with regulation

41、24(2). 2.3Multiply by the factor (bo/lt) to adjust the freeing port area for the breadth (bo) of the openings in the end bulkhead of the enclosed superstructure. (Note: this cancels the ltterms from the calculation.) 2.4To adjust the freeing port area for that part of the entire length of the well w

42、hich is enclosed by the open superstructure, multiply by the factor: 1-(lw/lt)2 where lwand ltare defined in 1 above. 2.5To adjust the freeing port area for the distance of the well deck above the freeboard deck, multiply by the factor: 0.5 (hs/hw) where hw is the distance of the well deck above the

43、 freeboard deck and hs is one standard superstructure height. 3.To determine (Aw) LL60 (1997) (Corr.1 April 1998) IACS Interpretations 1997, Corr. 1 1998 M LL60 3.1The freeing port area for the open well (Aw) is to be calculated in accordance with step 2.1 above, using lwto calculate (A), and then a

44、djusted for the actual height of the bulwark (hb) by the application of one of the following area corrections, whichever is applicable: For bulwarks greater than 1.2 m in height: Ac= lw(hb-1.2)/(0.10) (0.004) m2 For bulwarks less than 0.9 m in height: Ac= lw (hb-0.9)/(0.10) (0.004) m2 For bulwarks b

45、etween 1.2 m and 0.9 m in height: Ac = 0.00 m2 3.2The corrected freeing port area, (Aw= A + Ac), is then adjusted for absence of sheer, if applicable, and height above freeboard deck as in steps 2.2 and 2.5 above, using hsand hw. 4.The resulting freeing port areas for the open superstructure (As) an

46、d for the open well (Aw) are to be provided along each side of the open space covered by the open superstructure and each side of the open well respectively. 5.The above relationships are summarised by the following equations, assuming lt, the sum of lw and ls , is greater than 20 m*: Freeing port a

47、rea Awfor the open well: Aw= (0.07 lw+ Ac) (sheer correction) (0.5hs/hw) Freeing port area Asfor the open superstructure: As= (0.07lt) (sheer correction) (bo/lt) (1-(lw/lt)2) (0.5hs/hw) * Where ltis 20 m or less, the basic freeing port area is A = 0.7 + 0.035ltin accordance with Regulation 24 (1). U

48、nits are to be consistent with those in the Convention. LL60 contd IACS Interpretations 1997, Corr. 1 1998 M M LL61 Method of correction for the effect of free surface of liquids in tanks (Regulation 10(2), UR L3 and UI LL45) 1For all loading conditions, the initial metacentric height and the righti

49、ng lever curve should be corrected for the effect of free surfaces of liquids in tanks. 2Free surface effects will exist whenever the filling level in a tank is less than 100% and greater than 0%. Where the total free surface effects of nominally full (i.e. 98% or above) tanks is small in relation to the metacentric height of the vessel, with the agreement of the administration the effects for such tanks may be ignored. Free surface effects should be considered whenever the filling level in a tank is less than 98%. 3Tanks which are taken into consideration when determining th


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