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1、2 中国区域经济统计年鉴2008 编辑委员会和编辑人员名单 编辑委员会 顾问:马建堂 主任:谢鸿光 副主任:李晓超 编委: (按姓氏笔划排列) 于秀琴王建农王忠山刘兴慧刘明宪杜威 杨景祥杨文章陈君张卫东汪景宁杨海涛 张世平李灿光杨天祥金汝斌林文芳欧卫东 胡敏谦姜志悌胡品生侯碧波唐英瑜陶谋立 刘柏呈梅廷彦黄卫东唐海川程建华蔡旭初 樊怀玉 编辑人员 总编辑:李晓超严建辉 副 总 编 辑:万东华王文波金桂芳张芃钟守洋 编 辑 部 主 任:郝胜龙李小维叶礼奇 编辑部副主任:卞丽华 编 辑 人 员: (按姓氏笔划排列) 马中勇马兰马玉蓉马建强王志方王洁 王海鹰王瑛邓海龙冯华春仲玲刘学军 刘雅杰孙士梅安静

2、朱涛张庆华张俊霞 李红波杨洪春武建华范菁雁郑子彬夏沁芳 陶宗华高昆高娓康玲章玲黄正坤 斯日古楞 熊建中 责 任 编 辑:郭栋 3 ChinaChinaChinaChina StatisticalStatisticalStatisticalStatisticalYearbookYearbookYearbookYearbook forforforfor RegionalRegionalRegionalRegional Economy-200Economy-200Economy-200Economy-2008 8 8 8 EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial Bo

3、ardBoardBoardBoard andandandand StaffStaffStaffStaff EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial BoardBoardBoardBoard Adviser:Adviser:Adviser:Adviser:Ma Jiantang Director:Director:Director:Director:Xie Hongguang Deputy-Director:Deputy-Director:Deputy-Director:Deputy-Director:Li Xiaochao EditorialEditorialE

4、ditorialEditorial BoardBoardBoardBoard: (in order of strokes of Chinese surname) YuXiuqinWang JiannongWang zhongshanLiu XinghuiLiu Mingxian Du WeiYang JingxiangYang WenzhangChen JunZhang Weidong Wang JinningYang HaitaoZhang ShipingLi CanguangYang Tianxiang Jin RubinLin WenfangOu WeidongHu MinqianJia

5、ng Zhiti Hu PinshengHou BiboTang YingyuTao MouliLiu Baicheng Mei TingyanHuang WeidongTang HaichuanCheng JianhuaCai Xuchu Fan Huaiyu E E E Editorialditorialditorialditorial StaffStaffStaffStaff ChiefChiefChiefChief Editors:Editors:Editors:Editors:Li XiaochaoYanJianhui DeputyDeputyDeputyDeputy ChiefCh

6、iefChiefChief Editors:Editors:Editors:Editors:Wan DonghuaWang WenboJin GuifangZhang Peng Zhong ShouYang DirectorsDirectorsDirectorsDirectors ofofofof EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial Department:Department:Department:Department:Hao ShenglongLi XiaoweiYeLiqi DeputyDeputyDeputyDeputy DirectorsDirec

7、torsDirectorsDirectors ofofofof EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial Department:Department:Department:Department:Bian Lihua EditorialEditorialEditorialEditorial Staff:Staff:Staff:Staff: (in order of strokes of Chinese surname) Ma ZhongyongMa LanMa YurongMa JianqiangWang ZhifangWang Jie Wang HaiyingW

8、ang YingDeng HailongFeng HuachunZhong Ling Liu XuejunLiu YajieSun ShimeiAn JingZhu TaoZhang Qinghua Zhang JunxiaLi HongBoYang HongchunWu JianhuaFan Jingyan ZhengZibinXia QinfangTao ZonghuaGaokunGaoWeiKang Ling Zhang LingHuang ZhengkunSirigulengXiong Jianzhong Coordinator:Coordinator:Coordinator:Coor

9、dinator:Guo Dong 4 编 者 说 明 一、 中国区域经济统计年鉴2008是一部全面、系统反映中国区域经济与社会发展状 况的大型统计资料书。全书收集了 2007 年全国及其 7 个经济区域、31 个省级行政单位、330 多个地级行政单位和 2000 多个县级行政单位的主要社会经济统计指标。主要内容涵盖自然状 况、人口与就业、国民核算、固定资产投资、财政、物价、人民生活、农业、工业、建筑业、 运输邮电业、国内贸易、对外经济贸易、旅游、金融保险、教育、科技、文化、卫生、社会福 利、环境保护和市政建设等社会经济发展的各个方面。本书未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台 湾省资料。 二、书中部分

10、指标因全国或全省数据有调整,故存在分地区数据相加不等于总计的情况。 三、本书资料表使用符号说明: “#”表示其中主要项; “空格”表示数据不详、无数据或 数据不足最小计量单位。 四、本书有关加工数据因小数取舍产生的误差均未做人为调整。 五、 本书全部资料来源于各级政府统计年报或相关的抽样调查资料, 并经科学加工、 整理, 数据翔实可靠,且具有广泛的可比性。 编者 2009 年 1 月 5 PrefacePrefacePrefacePreface .China Statistical Yearbook for Regional Economy-2008is a massive statistic

11、al publication, which comprehensively describes Chinas regional economy and social development status. This yearbook has collected major social and economic indicators of China in 2007. There are indicators at national and provincial level (including 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipaliti

12、es), indicators of 7 economic zones, indicators of prefecture (over 330 prefectures including city at prefecture level) and indicators of county (over 2000 counties including city at county level). It contains the following aspects: national conditions, population and employment, national accounts,

13、investment in fixed assets, government finance, price indices, peoples livelihood, agriculture, industry, construction, transportation, postal and telecommunications, domestic trade, foreign trade, tourism, banking and insurance, education, science, culture, public health, social welfare, environmen

14、t protection and city planning. Statistical data in this yearbook exclude those of Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province. . For some indicators in this yearbook, the sum of each regional data is not equal to the total of the national one since some adjustments on national and provincial data

15、have been made. . Notions used in this yearbook: “#” indicates the major items of the total; “(blank)” indicates that data are not available or the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table. . Data in this yearbook are not adjusted manually for the errors occurrin

16、g from summing or rounding off. . All figures listed in this yearbook are from statistical yearly reports at all governmental levels or related sampling surveys. The figures are full, accurate and comparable since it has been processed and checked by the editors. Editors January 2009 1 1 目录 Contents

17、ContentsContentsContents 第一章经济区域统计资料 ChapterChapterChapterChapter 1. 1. 1. 1. StatisticsStatisticsStatisticsStatistics ofofofof EconomicEconomicEconomicEconomic ZoneZoneZoneZone 1-1东部 10 省(市)国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2007 年)3 Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of 10 Eastern Provinces (

18、2007) 1-2中部 6 省国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2007 年)5 Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of 6 Middle Provinces (2007) 1-3西部 12 省(区、市)国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2007 年)7 Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development of 12 Western Provinces (2007) 1-4东北 3 省国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2007 年)9 Main Indi

19、cators of National Economic and Social Development of 3 Northeastern Provinces (2007) 1-5民族自治地方国民经济和社会发展主要指标 (2007 年) 11 PrincipalAggregate Indicators on National Economic and Social Development of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas (2007) 1-6珠江三角洲经济区主要经济指标13 Main Economic Indicators of The Pearl

20、 River Delta Economic Zone 1-7长江三角洲经济区主要经济指标14 Main Economic Indicators of Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone 第二章省、自治区、直辖市统计资料 ChapterChapterChapterChapter 2. 2. 2. 2. StatisticsStatisticsStatisticsStatistics ofofofof ProvinceProvinceProvinceProvince 2-1全国行政区划 (2007 年底)17 Divisions ofAdministrativeAr

21、eas in China (End of 2007) 2-2主要能源、黑色金属矿产基础储量 (2007 年)18 Ensured Reserves of Major Energy and Ferrous Metals(2007) 2-3主要有色金属、非金属矿产基础储量 (2007 年)19 Ensured Reserves of Major Non-ferrous Metal and Non-metal Mineral(2007) 2-4水资源情况 (2007 年)20 Water Resources (2007) 2-5森林资源情况 21 Forest Resources 2-6湿地面积22

22、 Area of Wetlands 2-7国内生产总值和地区生产总值 (2007 年) 23 Gross Domestic Product and GrossRegional Product(2007) 2-8地区生产总值收入法构成项目 (2007 年) 24 IncomeApproach Components of Gross Regional Product (2007) 2-9支出法地区生产总值 (2007 年)25 Gross Regional Product by ExpenditureApproach (2007) 2-10 资本形成总额及构成 (2007 年)26 2 Gross

23、 Capital Formation and Its Composition(2007) 2-11最终消费支出及构成 (2007 年)27 Final Consumption Expenditure and Its Composition(2007) 2-12居民消费水平 (2007 年) 28 Household Consumption Expenditure (2007) 2-13人口数和出生率、死亡率、自然增长率 (2007 年)29 Total Population and Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate (2007) 2-

24、14人口城乡构成 (2007 年) 30 Population by Urban and Rural Residence (2007) 2-15按三次产业分就业人员数 (2007 年底) 31 Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata of Industry (2007) 2-16按城乡分就业人员数 (2007 年底)32 Number of Employed Persons in Urban and RuralAreas(End of 2007) 2-17按行业分城镇单位就业人员数 (2007 年底)34 Number of

25、 Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector (End of 2007) 2-18职工工资总额和指数 (2007 年)37 Total Wages Bill of Staff and Workers and Related Indices (2007) 2-19职工平均工资及指数 (2007 年)38 Average Wage of Staff and Workers and Related Indices(2007) 2-20职业介绍工作情况(2007 年)39 Situations of Job Services(2007) 2-21城镇登记失业人员

26、及失业率 41 Registered Urban Unemployment Persons and Unemployment Rate 2-22按城乡分全社会固定资产投资 (2007 年)42 Total Investment in FixedAssets in the Whole Country by Rural and UrbanArea (2007) 2-23按登记注册类型分全社会固定资产投资(2007 年)43 Total Investment in FixedAssets in the Whole Country by Status of Registration (2007) 2-

27、24全社会固定资产投资资金来源 (2007 年)45 Sources of Funds of Total Investment in FixedAssets in the Whole Country (2007) 2-25全社会住宅投资 (2007 年)46 Total Investment in Residential Buildings in the Whole Country (2007) 2-26按主要行业分的全社会固定资产投资 (2007 年)47 Total Investment in FixedAssets in the Whole Country by Sector (2007

28、) 2-27全社会施工、竣工房屋面积和价值 (2007 年)50 Value and Floor Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed in the Whole Country (2007) 2-28房地产开发企业(单位)建设房屋建筑面积和造价 (2007 年)51 Floor Space and Cost of Buildings Developed by Enterprises for Real Estate Development (2007) 2-29按用途分商品房屋销售面积 (2007 年) 52 Floor Spac

29、e of Commercialized Buildings Sold by Use (2007) 2-30按用途分商品房屋平均销售价格 (2007 年)53 Average Selling Price of Commercial Buildings by Use (2007) 2-31财政收入 (2007 年)54 Government Revenue (2007) 2-32财政支出 (2007 年)57 Government Expenditure (2007) 2-33居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 (2007 年)59 Consumer Price Indices and Retai

30、l Price Indices (2007) 2-34居民消费价格分类指数(2007 年)60 Consumer Price Indices by Category (2007) 2-35农业生产资料价格分类指数(2007 年) 61 Price Indices of Agricultural Means Production by Category(2007) 2-36固定资产投资价格指数63 3 Price Indices of Investment in FixedAssets 2-37城镇居民平均每人全年家庭收入来源 (2007 年)64 Per CapitaAnnual Income of Urban Households by Sources(2007) 2-38城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出 (2007 年)65 Per CapitaAnnual Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households (2007) 2-39城镇居民家庭平均每百户耐用消费品拥有量 (2007 年底)66 Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households (End of 2007) 2-40按来源分农村居民家庭人均纯收入 (2007 年)


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