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1、 v 1.1 8 2.1 10 2.2 11 2.3 13 2.4 15 2.5 16 2.6 Java.18 3.1 Java.20 3.2 B/S22 3.3 Servlet.24 3.4 27 3.5 29 4.1 WebGIS.38 4.2 Web39 4.3 41 4.4 45 4.5 MapJ.47 4.6 .50 5.1 51 5.2 .52 5.3 53 5.4 54 5.5 54 5.6 54 5.7 HTTP55 5.8 58 5.9 58 5.10 GIS58 WebGIS vi 3.1 30 3.2 .31 3.3 .31 3.4 .32 4.1 WebGIS.36 4

2、.2 WebGIS.37 5.1 GIS56 5.2 57 vii 1 B/S Brower/Server / 2 C/S Client/Server / 3 CGI Common Gateway Interface 4 GIS Geographic Information System 5 GPRS General Packet Radio Service 6 GPS Global Positioning System 7 GSM Global System for Mobile 8 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 9 ITS Intelligent Tra

3、nsport System 10 JVM Java Virtual Machine Java 11 J2EE Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Java2 12 J2ME Java 2 Platform Micro Edition Java2 13 J2SE Java 2 Platform Standard Edition Java2 14 JSP Java Server Page Java 15 LBS Location Based Service 16 MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile 17 PDA Perso

4、nal Digital Assistant 18 RMS Record Management System 19 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Intemet Protocol / 20 URL Uniform Resource Locator 21 WMS Web Map Service , () 1 2 15% 12 2006 3 ITS-Intelligent Transportation SystemITS 4 1998“ ” WebGIS 2 GPSGPS/DRGPS/DR/BB “+DSP” ITS PCPDA(Personal Dig

5、ital Assistant)/ 1ITS 2070 5 ERGS COST30CACS 90 Global Positioning SystemGPS 19953“ 729 2005 5 7 ITS 56 ATIS AVCSACVO ITS 56 56 3 400 ITS ITS (Geography Information SystemGIS) ITS 2ITS 2070 678 80 “ ITS GPS IT IT ITSITS ITS ITS 7 (1) ITS (2) (3) WebGIS 4 (4) (5) ITS (6) WebGIS WebGISGIS89Internet GI

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8、 GPRSInternet GIS MapXtreme For Java GISGIS WebGIS WebGIS GISJ2MEDell X50V PDANokia3230GPRSJ2ME WebGIS GIS 1.1 WebGIS 8 GIS 1.1 9 GIS GPS GPRS Internet PDA GPRS 1 JAVAPDAGPRSInternet WebGISWeb 2.1 WebGIS 10 GPS GPRS Internet Web 2.1 2 2.2 11 GPS GIS Java HTTP MapXtreme JavaScript 2.2 2.2WebGIS WebGI

9、S WebGIS WebGIS WebGIS 12 GPSGIS WebGIS WebGIS 1 Java JavaPDA Tomcat5.5Java ServletHtml/Jsp InternetGPRS Web WebGIS Sql2000 MapXtremeJava GIS 2 ITS 13 GIS Web WebGISGIS 2.3 GPRS GIS Web 2.3 2.3 Web GIS Internet Web WebGIS 14 3 Web 2.4 15 2.4 2.42.3 2.2 13 Web GIS GISGIS WebGIS 16 2.5 GIS Web GIS GP

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11、 3J2EE(Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition Java 2) J2SE( Java2 Platform Standard EditionJava 2)J2ME(Java2 Platform Micro EditionJava 2) J2SEJ2EE J2MEJAVA(Java Virtual MachineJVM) J2EEJ2ME WebGIS 18 J2EESun 18 Java (Java Database ConnetivityJDBC) JSP(Java Server Page)ServletWeb Web J2ME 19 J2MESun Java

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13、t WebGIS 20 ITS B/SServlet 3.2.1 21 JSP J2MEServlet Java 3.1 18 JSPMIDletServletSqlGIS 3.1 Java C/SB/SC/SClient/Server PC B/SBrower/ServerBrowser Internet ExplorerSQL Server WWW 21 Web Server C/S C/SB/S 21 (1) B/SWeb Server Java “” (2) WebPC B/SWeb (3) Web Server WebGIS GIS B/S C/S B/S Web WebGIS 22

14、 JSP JavaScript B/S3.2 HTML/JSP Servlet JSP JavaScript Sql2000 GIS 3.2 B/S 3.2Html/JSP JavaScript ServletJavaWeb ServletServlet JSP B/SGIS Web JavaScript “” WebGIS Servlet 23 1Servlet ServletJavaServletJavaWeb 1722 Servlet Web Servlet Servlet Web ServletServlet Servlet Servlet 21 (1) SevletJava Serv

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16、vlet 3.3 Servlet 3.3Servlet Servlet Servlet Servlet 23 3.3 25 Servlet Servlet B/S JSP ServletHtmlHTTP CookiesSessionServlet Web Servlet Servlet GPRS GSMGPRS 24 GSMGPRS GSM GPS GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service 25 GSM(3G) BTCellent1983GSM GPRSGSMGSM GPRSGPRSGSM WebGIS 26 IP GPRSGSM 25 2627 (1) GPRS171

17、.2Kbps 20-40Kbps GSM9.6Kbps GPRS GPRSGPRS GSM GPRS GPRS . GSM (2) GSMWAP GPRS GPRS (3) GPRS GSMWAP GPRSGPRS 27 “”“” GPRS GPRS GPRS 2729 3.4 1 GPRSTCP/IP 3.4 3.4 GPRSServlet GPRS 2 JavaJ2ME HTTPGPRSHTTP/ WebGIS 28 HTTP TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Intemet Protocol/ )GPRS Servlet Servlet HttpH

18、andleHTTP ITSReceiverServlet InfoHandle ServletReceiverServlet TCP/IP TCP/IP 3.5ReceiverServlet 29 ReceiverServlet Servlet InfoHandle InfoHandle 3.5 GPRS WebGIS 30 303132 3.1 3.2 3.1 L * 7 *SIM 13 *YearMonthDay 10 *Hour:Minute:Second8 * 16 * 16 * 7 * * 2 3 L*TF9527*13914328471*2007-06-23*11:23:46*11

19、8.814658333333 *32.0343111111111*36.0km/h*ne*2m. 3.1TF9527 07623112346118.814658333333 32.034311111111136.0/2 3.5ReceiverInfoHandleInfoHandle L * 31 3.2 A*10*SIM13*Year MonthDay*Hour:Minute:Second*6 M*10*SIM13* YearMonthDay*Hour:Minute:Second*2 * 3GIS 31 GIS 3.3 3.3 C*10 M* 3.5InfoHandleInfoHandle S

20、ervlet 1 3.4 2932 34 WebGIS 32 3.4 car_no Varchar(7) PrimaryKey sim_no Varchar(13) Sim the_date datetime(8) PrimaryKey the_time datetime(8) PrimaryKey north float(8) east float(8) speed Varchar(7) orient Varchar(2) 2 location_info CREATE TABLE location_infocar_no Varchar(7), sim_no Varchar(13), the_

21、date datetime(8), the_time datetime(8), north float(8),east float(8),speed varchar(7),orient varchar(2) Primary Key(car_no, the_data, the_time) 3 ServletServletJava JavaJDBC-ODBC Sql2000 Class.forName(“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver“); conn=DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:gps_locate“,“sa“,“); 2

22、/12 / 3536 1 33 CREATE INDEX on (the_date) 25 “select*from location_info where the_time2007-5-1AND the_time2 /2(58-61) delete from location_info where datediff(month,the_date, getdate()2 or (datediff(month , the_date, getdate()=2 AND datepart(day ,the_date) = datepart(day , getdate() B/SC/SServlet W

23、ebGIS 34 GISGIS GIS GIS WebGIS MapXtremeWebGISMapXtreme WebGISWebGIS GIS GIS GISGIS WebGISGISInternet/Intranet WebGIS WebGIS B/S WebGISGISURL(Uniform Resource Locator)HTTP 35 TCP/IPGISWebGIS 37 (1) Intemet/IntranetGIS (2) /WebGISGIS WebWebGIS (3) GISGIS WebGIS Web() GIS (4) GISWeb 1 GISWebGIS WebGIS

24、 38 Applet( JAVA) Applet applet WebGIS 36 C/S Web CGI(Common Gateway Interface)JSP GoogleMapBar /WebGISGIS WebWebGIS B/SWebGIS4.1 4.1 WebGIS JAVA JAVA JSPJavaScript JAVA Applet AppletGIS B/S B/S GISWebJavaScript 2GIS WebGISMapInfo 37 MapXtremeESRIArcIMS9InterGraphWebMap 3738 SuperMap ISGeoSurf MapWE

25、BMapEngine 4.2 4.2 WebGIS WebGIS JAVA ArcIMS9 MapXtreme WebMap MapEngine MapInfoMapXtreme for Java 4.2 MapXtreme for Java100%JavaJava TOMCATWeb MapXtremeSQL SERVERORACLE 3MapXtreme MapXtremeMapJMapJMapJ MapJLayer Feature MapXtreme MapXtremeTabMapXtreme WebGIS 38 B/S WebGISB/S 39 ServletWebGIS4.1 - -

26、 - 4.1 WebGIS MapXtremeInternet/IntranetWebGIS WebMapXtreme MapXtremeWebGIS 39 Web 1MapJ WebWeb JavaScript 4.2 JavaScript Web Servlet MapJ MapXtreme Servlet MapXtreme Web Servlet Tab Session Html Servlet MapXtreme 4.2 Web Servlet MapJMapJMapJ 4041 MapJ MapJMapJ MapJ MapJ showmap=new MapJ(); WebGIS 4

27、0 / showmap.loadMapDefinition(“E:programesnj_mapnj_citynj_city.mdf “); showmap.setDeviceBounds(new DoubleRect(0,0,1000,740);/ showmap.setDistanceUnits(LinearUnit.kilometer);/ m_map.setCenter(dp); / m_map.setZoom(4); / 2 4.2 MapJMapJ 3940 40 MapXtreme Servlet /(MapJ,) ImageRequestComposer irc =ImageR

28、equestComposer.create(showmap,256,Color.white,myType); / MapXtremeImageRenderer renderer = new MapXtremeImageRenderer(URL); renderer.render(irc); / renderer.toStream(sos); / renderer.dispose();/ 4.3 41 4.3 1 JavaScript 4243 JavaScript newx=window.event.clientX newy=window.event.clientY document.all.

29、imgmap.src=“mapHandle?req_type=pan AnnotationDataProviderHelper dpHelper = new AnnotationDataProviderHelper(); LocalDataProviderRef dpRef = new LocalDataProviderRef(dpHelper); FeatureLayer annotLayer =(FeatureLayer) mymap.getLayers().insertLayer(dpRef, annTableDesc, 0, “Annotations“); FeatureLayer a

30、nnotLayer1 = (FeatureLayer)mymap.getLayers().insertLayer(dpRef, annTableDesc, 0, “Annotations“); MapJ WebGIS 44 2Web Html Html JavaScript function chgMap() getlabel.open(GET,scFind?req_type=fresh,false); getlabel.send(null); var label=getlabel.responseXML.selectSingleNode(“/label”).text; if(label=”y

31、es”) document.all.getElementById(“mapimg“).src “mapHandle?req_type=mointer“ +i setInterval(chgMap, 10000);/ MapJ MapJ JavaScript DIVDIV 45 “” 4.4 4.4 4.3 Google WebGIS JavaScript 4.4.1 MapJ WebGIS 46 MapJ 36 MapJ WebGIS POI Id ()MapJ “ Map(MapJ)“MapJSession MapJ n(20)MapJ MapJ (5)n Session MapJ MapJ

32、 MapJ MapJ MapJ4.5MapJ 47 MapJPool MapJ N MapJPool MapJ MapJ MapJ MapJPool 4.5 MapJ 4.5Servlet MapPoolMapJ MapJn /MapJ private synchronized void fillPool(int size) throws Exception while (m_pool.size() size)/ MapJ tempmap = new MapJ();/MapJ tempmap = initMapJ(map_type); m_pool.addElement(tempmap);/

33、WebGIS 48 tempmap = null; sleep(delay)Java MapJ MapXtreme1000 74025.2826.11156PNG 180400 MapJ6 70-180 1 GoogleWebJavaScript WebGISJavaScriptJavaScriptWeb JavaScriptWeb 1JavaScriptWebGIS JavaScript3 Html JavaScriptHtml JavaScriptWebGIS JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript GIS 49 JavaScript DIV JavaScript

34、WebGIS 2 JavaScript 44 MapJ Session JavaScript var num1 = Math.PI/180; var num2 = 1 / num1; x1 = this.toGeoX(x1) * num1;/ y1 = this.toGeoY(y1) * num1; x2 = this.toGeoX(x2) * num1; y2 = this.toGeoY(y2) * num1; return (111120*num2)*Math.acos(Math.sin(y1)*Math.sin(y2) + (Math.cos(y1) * Math.cos(y2) * M

35、ath.cos(x2 - x1);/ dx=abs(x1-x2);/x dy=abs(x1-y2); dis=Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)/ JavaScriptDIV42 WebGIS 50 4.6 4.6JavaScript GoogleEarth JavaScriptWebGIS JavaScriptWebGIS MapXtremeWebGISWeb MapJ JavaScriptWebGIS GIS 51 Java GIS WMSWeb Map Service PDA Dell X50V PDA+J2MENokia3230 5.1 5.1 CPU 5.2.1 5.2

36、 44 WebGIS 52 PDA GPRS Internet 5.2 5.2 / JavaJ2ME GIS GISGIS (1) 53 (2) HTTP GIS 1 45 5.3 Logo POI GIS MIDlet 5 5.3 J2MEMIDP WebGIS 54 MainControlMainControl switch case FormList Canvas 5.4 5.5 5.6 2HTTP GPRS 46 GPRSMIDP HTTP Servlet/ HTTP ServletHttpConnection POSTGET 5.7 55 terminalMIDl

37、et ReceiverServlet HttpHandle HTTP InfoHandle InfoHandle (Post) 5.7 HTTP /HTTP conn= (HttpConnection)Connector.open(“ReceiveServlet“); dis = new DataInputStream(conn.openInputStream(); / dos=new DataOutputStream(conn.openOutputStream();/ dos.writeUTF(“.”);/ message=dis.readUTF();/ RMS HTTP LBSLocati

38、on Based Servic GIS GIS CPUJava GIS/GIS WebGIS 56 Java GIS JavaWMSGIS 46 GISGIS Web PNGGIFJPEG GETHTTP HTTP URLURL GIS 5.1 4748 5.1 GIS REQ_TYPE=map WIDTH=width HEIGHTheight FORMATpng ERROR=e_format NORTHDATA=32.04136666666666 EASTDATA=118.81331666666667 ACTIONlocate URL URL=http:/

39、3/webgis/map_wms?EASTDATA=“+east+“ / ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); /512k byte buffer = new byte512; WebGIS 58 int length = 0; int read = 0;/ while(length = is.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length) != -1) read = read + length; baos.write(buffer, 0,length); byte data = baos.toByte

40、Array(); try / Image image = Image.createImage(data, 0, data.length-1); 5.7“” 5.8“”5.9GIS 5.8 5.9 5.10 GIS 5.8“”5.9“” 12 710Internet GIS 59 MIDPMIDlet Record Management System RMSRMSJ2ME 45 RMS J2ME J2ME GISJ2MEJ2ME J2MEGPRSGIS J2MEJ2ME J2ME try /J2ME rs.addRecord(data,0,data.length) catch ( RecordS

41、toreNotOpenException excpt0 ) byte data = null; try data = getRecord(0);/ catch ( InvalidRecordIDException excpt0 ) showmap=Image.createImage(data,0, data.length); MIDletRMS GPRS WMSGIS WebGIS 60 GIS 61 WebGIS 1 WebGIS WebGISITS 2 (1) Servlet ServletServletServlet (2) GPRSHTTP (3) 3 WebGIS 62 (1) Ma

42、pXtreme for Java GISWebGIS (2) JavaScript Web (3) MapJ 0 4GIS CPU HTTPWebGIS Web GIS 1 2GISGIS 3WebGIS 63 120041731 22000:2345 32006 http:/ 4Jeffery, D.J, Intelligent transport systems for traveler information, Highways and Transportation, 1999, 46(4):2123 5JC Thrill, Geographic Information Systems

43、for Transportation in Perspective, Transportation Research Part C, 2000, 2(8):511 6199941025 7ITS http:/ 8“” 2004 9Kang-sung Chang20062397 10 W3CTechnical Report Public Policy http:/www.w3.org/2005/07/pubrules2005 11 Sheat, Dennis, Thompson, Intelligent transport stems applications for the future, B

44、ritish Telecommunications Engineering, 1999, 18(1):2529 12GIS1996:19221 13WebGISGIS http:/ 14Web ServiceGIS 2005 15 Sheat, Dennis, Thompson, Intelligent transport stems applications for the future, British Telecommunications Engineering, 1999, 18(1):2529 16GPS/DRMAP 2000 17 Sun Java, The Source for

45、Java DevelopersAPI Specifications, Java Technology, WebGIS 64 http:/ 18 Bruce EckelThink In JavaPrentice Hall2001:1791 19 Machael Juntao Yuan Enterprise J2ME Developing Mobile ApplicationsPrentice Hall Professional Technical Reference2004.1 20 I, JavaScript Source, The Network for Technology Professionals, http:/ 21BS2006 110179 22ServletJSP 2004 103156 23ServletWebGIS20073 9498 24 Brayn Basham, Kathy Sierra, Head First Servlet&JSP2006 91 165 25, 2005 26 He Xiufeng, Chen


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