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1、492004年第3期 水击泄压阀在长输油管上的应用 李勇 (中石化管道储运分公司,徐州221008) 摘要详细介绍了DANFLO水击泄压阀的结构和操作原理,以及长输管道发生水击的原因,并根据水击泄压阀在输油管道上的使用情 况,提出在运行中的操作和维修建议。 关键字泄压阀结构操作原理运行分析 1前言 水击泄压阀是由美国DANIEL阀门公司制造,用 于保护输油管线安全,防止在输油过程中因意外或 阀门紧急关断造成管线过压和紊流。DANFLO水击 泄放系统可以减小水击冲击波,避免因输油管线超 压而导致管线发生破裂事故。 2结构和操作原理 2. 1泄压阀结构 DANFLO水击泄压阀结构见图1所示。 1阀

2、体2导向套3柱塞4定位器5座环6导向套 7定位O型圈8阀座固定环9柱塞O型环10支承架 12排放口旋塞13阀体旋塞14导向套旋塞15导向套螺栓 16定位器螺栓18控制装置19缓冲气瓶(埋入地下) 图1DANFLO水击泄压阀结构示意图 2. 2氮气控制系统 如图2所示,氮气控制系统主要用于为泄压阀 提供充足的气源和稳定的工作压力。 一方面,当阀门 中氮气压力低于设定值时,氮气控制系统可自动向 泄压阀充入氮气直至达到设定值。另一方面当气源 的供气瓶缺少氮气时,它通过自动化监控系统自动 切换备用氮气瓶,并发出缺气信号。 此外为了防止泄 压阀充气超压在控制系统中安装有安全泄压阀。 图2氮气控制系统 2

3、. 3操作原理 DANFLO是氮气加载的水击泄压阀,它是一种轴 流式阀门。 阀门并联安装在与受水击保护管线上,阀 门上游一侧与受水击保护的管线相连通,下游一侧 与水击泄放管线相连。在投用前应预先向阀门的柱 塞腔内充入确定数量的氮气,这样柱塞腔内氮气的 压力将使阀门的柱塞与密封环紧贴。输油管线在正 常压力下运行时,管线中的液体不会通过泄压阀,当 输油管线因某种原因产生瞬时的水击波,使管道内 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 50化 工 设 备 与 管 道第40卷 的压力超过泄压阀预先设定

4、的氮气压力值时,水击 压力顶开泄压阀的柱塞,此时管线中的水击波通过 阀门,并将部分液体泄放到水击泄压管线中,从而达 到保护输油管线的目的。 水击泄压阀是通过阀柱塞腔内的氮气充装压力 来跟踪水击压力的,当水击压力衰减到小于氮气压 力设定值时,阀门将会缓慢平稳关闭,并自动恢复到 水击泄放前的初始状态。 DANFLO水击泄压阀是一个全自动阀门,它可 以根据压力的需要人为干预设定值和报警值,这一 点在使用过程中是非常重要的。 DANFLO水击泄压阀核心部件是柱塞组件,它 是依靠氮气压力来达到与管道内液体的压力平衡。 通过柱塞轴向滑动来实现阀门对液体的通过或隔 断。水击泄压阀顶部控制器装置的充气阀是用来

5、向 柱塞腔内充入氮气,阀门的充气是由氮气控制盘的 T escom压力调节器来进行的。 3泄压阀的特点 (1)流通能力强,总体最大泄放量可达1358m 3/ h ,因此可以有效的避免突发原因造成的水击现象的 发生,确保管线在输油过程中的安全。 (2)反映灵敏,泄压阀可跟踪阀前端水击压力的 变化,当阀前压力达到水击压力设定值时,阀门迅速 开启,直到水击压力波衰减至设定值以下15分钟内 自动关阀,图3为水击泄压阀开启前后压力波变化 曲线。 图3泄压阀安装前后压力波变化 (3)工作适用性强 由于将氮气做为泄压阀动力气体,因此适用于 易燃易爆工作环境,以及地理环境差的工作条件下 稳定工作。 (4)自动化

6、控制程度高 当水击泄压阀因某种原因达到泄放值开始泄压 时,输油泵仍可以正常工作,直到压力达到管道最高 停运设定值时输油泵才停止工作。 4DANFLO型泄压阀在库鄯输油管道上的运 行 4. 1库鄯线简介 库鄯输油管线位于新疆维吾尔自治区,西起库 尔勒市,东至终点鄯善,管道水平长度474. 59 km;管 道管材采用API5LX65(部分为API5LX60) ;管径 8. 0MPa时水击泄压阀 开始泄放,如果当泄放时间 15分钟泄压阀仍未关 闭或当出站压力 8. 8MPa时,为确保管线的安全, 全线将保护停运。 5操作及维护 (1)在运行时应定期核对压力表示数是否正确, 如果运行压力有增加或者减少

7、时,一方面可能是运 行的输油管线或输油泵存在问题;另一方面可能是 充气系统有故障。因此准确判断是那一类故障是十 分重要的。 (2)要定期对阀内通过液体处进行清洗,避免因 杂质堆积导致在阀门开启或关闭时阀门损坏,以及 泄压阀工作时出现误判现象,导致管线发生不必要 停输。 (3)当发现阀门动作迟缓时应及时投用备用阀, 清理柱塞腔内的液体以保证阀门动作快速灵敏。 (4)无论是测试或是维修泄压阀,还是正在使用 的压力调节器发生故障时,都必须切断气源并排放 阀中的气体,避免发生气体压力超高引发伤人事 故。 (5)在维修控制盘时应关掉水击泄压阀的充气 阀,并逆时针转动压力调节器的手柄,排泄掉控制盘 和氮气

8、管路中的压力,方可维修。 参考文献 1原油管道工程,石油工业出版社,1994 2严大凡,输油管道设计与管理,石油工业出版社,1986 欢迎订阅2004年 化工设备与管道 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 4PROCESS EQUPMEN T leak location Application of Pressure Relief Valves against Water Hammer in Long Oil Pipeline Li Yong Pipeline Storage and T

9、ransport Subcompany Xuzhou 221008 Abstract : The structure and operating principle of the DAN2 FLO type pressure relief valves against water hammer were in2 troduced in detail. The causes of water hammer occurred in long oil pipeline was also explained in this paper. Based on the service conditions

10、of the pressure relief valves in the long oil pipeline , some recommendations on operation and mainte2 nance of them in service were put forward. Key words : pressure relief valve , structure , operating princi2 ple , running - analysis Experience in Revamping Centrifugal Compressors in Synthetic Am

11、monia Plant Wei Zongsheng Chengda Engineering Corporation of China Chengdu 610041 Abstract : In this paper , the experience in revamping the pro2 cess air compressor and the synthetic gas compressor in the 1000 t / d ammonia plant for its technical modification project with a ca2 pacity increase of

12、50 %was introduced.For the modification of process air compression , it is a method with less revamping work amount , less risk and less investment to add a parallel compressor that is a multi - shaft motor - driven centrifugal compressor than to modify the existing process air compressor unit , whi

13、ch can save millions of RMB. For the modification of synthetic gas compres2 sion , changing the internal parts or renewing the HP/LP casings of the synthetic - gas compressor should be quoted by the two manu2 facturers rather than only by the original manufacturer to avoid high price from a single o

14、ffer. The existing steam turbines for the synthetic gas compressor unit do not need to revamp as their power is enough to drive after having increased the efficiency of the com2 pressor and modified the synthetic process. Key words : synthetic ammonia , centrifugal compressor , tech2 nical modificat

15、ion Failure Analysis of Mechanical Seals for Residual Oil Pumps and Technical Improvement Zhuang Yongfu Ethylene Plant of Tianjin Petrochemical Corporation Tianjin 300271 Abstract : In this paper , the causes on frequent failure of me2 chanical seals for the residual pumps in the ethylene plant were

16、 analyzed. By improving the structure of the mechanical seals and selecting the compatible flushing fluid , a good sealing effect was achieved. Key words : mechanical seal , failure , analysis , flush Reliability Analysis and Development of Application of Aluminized Steel Tube Bundle Wang Hong , Jia

17、ng Guanghong Shandong Qilu Petrochemical Engineering Corporation Wang Peiwen Shandong Qilu petrochemical construction corporation Zibo 255400 Abstract : In this paper , the demonstration through test and analysis on the reliability of the aluminized steel tube bundle in ap2 plication to the sulphur

18、- bearing medium was presented. The dif2 ficult problems in the fabrication of the aluminized steel tube bundle were researched and its fabricating process was determined. Keyword : aluminized steel , aluminized steel tube , reliability analysis , tube - to - tubesheet joint , fabricating process Sc

19、ale and Size of Drawing Sheets in CAD for Chemical Equipment Jia Shunxing Henan Capa Chemical Co., Ltd. Gongyi 451200 Abstract : Some matters needing attention on selection of the scale and the size of drawing sheets in CAD for chemical equipment were presented in this paper. Key words : chemical equipment , CAD , scale , size of drawing sheet 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


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