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1、Biomec()ic*+ c*,*c-e,i.-ic. o/ c*+ci0m 1o.1*-e ceme)- i) -e ,ei)/o,ceme)- o/ 2e,-e3,*+ 1e4ic+e .c,e5 /i6*-io)! !“ #$%ni 75n8in9?AA1 Bian9sC Dro Gh=sici5n Hep5rtment of Irthopedics 2econd Jffi4i5ted Kospit54 of 75n8in9 :edic54 ;ni75n8in9LAA Mi5n9sC Gro Ehin5 7ecei2e48 LAANOAPQ9cce1-e4:LAARSASATUNPAVO

2、WOXNVVYZ2 93.-,*c- :9;?AB8Go4=meth=4meth5cr=45teTG:Jc5n 5me4ior5te the condition eteen to_icit= 5nd Cn5sor54e etcc E54ciCm phosph5te cement TEGE is iocomp5ti4e 5nd iode9r5d54e ith 9ood ios5ft= 5nd prodCce no he5t of po4=merib5tionhich is 5 perfect sCstitCte for G: :Jc ?:CDEFGHI8 do e2econd Jffi4i5te

3、d Kospit54 of 75n8in9 :edic54 ;niG9MK8dhe e_periment 5s condCcted in don98i :edic54 Eo44e9e of KC5bhon9 ;ni specimens ere deposited in a thermostated container for te4IK8piomech5nic54 testin9 resC4ts of pedic4e scre fi_5tion 5t fin54 so4id time of EDE piomech5nic54 testin9 resC4ts of IKMFK8Fedi5ns o

4、f m5_imCm 5_i54 pC44oCt stren9th of 9,8 ?B;FG?A kerter54 pedic4e scre fi_5tion is ide4= Csed in c4inic54 ortho pedicsahi4e comp4ic5tions sCch 5s 4oosenin9 5nd pC44in9 oCt etc of scres frelCent4= present in p5tients ith prim5r= or sec ond5r= osteoporosis |aL 2o it is e_treme4= import5nt to stren9then

5、 scre fi_5tion Go4=meth=4meth5cr=45te TGFFJ c5n 5me4ior5te the condition eteen G9MK 9AB LIFN?BK L*-e,i*+. dhe e_periment 5s condCcted in don98i Fedic54 Eo44e9e of KC5bhon9 ;ni )2 7/*/c0 :e(0?/t0t/)*A BC DCCE F)G HC I)G DJ !“# 黎逢峰!等!磷酸钙骨水泥强化椎弓根螺钉固定的生物力学特性 !“# $% 032:9?1 0=5=B1?4 0121 45321: =? 5=8 H9

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11、 _alTeld _gH _tanleC FH ,- .8*2%,96*?96% ESSEi b Q3 _uppl):3SbeNE Aebli dH mrebs hH _chwenTe DH ,- .N3EQN):OEe N E 3 V c O _Irew path anX vertebral peXiIle sIrew in strenMtheninM lateral are on the Neft anX those in Iontrol lateral are on the riMht .Uaterials arounX sIrew path are miGture of IalIium

12、 phosphate Iement anX trabeIular bonesHwhiIh are in white.Fhere are no obvious bone XestruItion in bilateral sIrew paths. DiMure EroriZontal seItion of sIrew traIT !“# ISSN 1671-5926CN 21-1470/R www.#$% 强化侧:填入磷酸钙骨水泥再置入椎弓根螺钉。 置钉后的椎骨在37 恒温箱里放置12 h,然后测定椎弓根螺钉的最大轴向拔出力。磷酸钙 骨水泥初步凝固时强化椎弓根螺钉固定的生物力学测试: 取52岁组椎

13、 骨作为测试对象。 用同样方法在椎弓根对照侧直接置入椎弓根螺钉,强 化侧填入骨水泥后再置入椎弓根螺钉,37 恒温箱里放置15 min,测定 椎弓根螺钉初步凝固时的最大轴向拔出力。磷酸钙骨水泥强化松动椎 弓根螺钉固定的生物力学测试:取测试后的50岁组椎骨,用磷酸钙骨水 泥重新固定12 h后拔松的椎弓根螺钉,测定其两侧的最大轴向拔出力。 主要观察指标:磷酸钙骨水泥最终凝固时强化椎弓根螺钉固定的生 物力学测试结果。磷酸钙骨水泥初步凝固时强化椎弓根螺钉固定的 生物力学测试结果。磷酸钙骨水泥强化松动椎弓根螺钉固定的生物 力学测试结果。 结果:50岁组对照侧和强化侧的椎弓根螺钉最大轴向拔出力中位数 分别为

14、620 N和1 136 N, 强化侧较对照侧增加83%(8 ?9AB?E9A?E= F=A4E9!% 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Peing nion _ospital eiaing 100730Chinab 2 College of Physicians SurgeonsColumbia nicersity Ned Yor10027-6902 SA ;?9ABGCDE=4 HC= FI$J88K6L 98 KMLN94K= 9= L?K NK5EL?;*:=; ?3433= 2A ,=7 ?2 kn the mide1990shrost

15、l1m contended that gh determines bone structure and gdhich made bone strength adaptable to dor load. Responding to nerce signals seleton muscles contract acticely so as to produce bone stress (load) dhich finally affects decelopmentgrodthmaturation and aging of bone by adausting the process of model

16、ing and remodeling and accordinglyhace associated dith the change of bone mass. Also seletal muscle and bone hace impact on action formation and termination by aoint mocement.In addition seleton muscles effect on occurrencedecelopment and oute come of osteoporosis adausted by and combined dith nutrition and endocrinological status as dell. one morphology dill be changed under eiternal load dhich is called bone strain. Simultaneously a ind of poder called 3BB“#* CB “.*/CD“E CE *F“ /“GH*$CE CB IJ.#G“ BC/#“ 0E& -CE“ I0! !“#


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