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1、 写在前面写在前面 一、前言 当今社会是一个信息的社会,尤其是互联网的兴起,使世界变得更易 沟通和交流,人们通过 INTERNET可以实现许多的梦想。就象是我们就是技术网站, 如果没有互联网,也就没有了与你的交 流,也可能没有了这个【PCBTech】 的软件! 二、为什么写【PCBTech】? 这要从我刚入线路板这个行业开始说起,当时想得到一些好的技术 文章,提高自己的专业技能是相 当困难的,从老师傅的言传中得到一点知识就如获 至宝的收集整理,结合日常控制中出现的工程、品质 问题的解决再自己总结一些, 都是非常的珍惜。也常常希望能有一些专业的文章让我们进行系统的学 习。 随着信息的发展,这些资

2、料的获得已经变得很方便,PCB行业的专业 杂志也是越办越好、越办越 多。但我却发现了另外的一外现象,就是现在的技术人员 不太在意这些工程技术文章了!可能是多了的 原因吧,可能是现在写文章的人越来越 不求甚解吧,可能是现在的工程人员越来越浮澡吧!可能 是。 既然现时是这样,我就更加想做一点此方面的事情,给同行们提供一个 交流的场所,给同行们一些 专业的文章,所以就有了就是技术网站,就有了 【PCBTech】 V1.0 版本。 三、如何使用【PCBTech】 这是一个非常简单的软件,其中主程序就是一个CHM格式的文件,而各位下载的 是一个ZIP格式的文 件(不会打不开ZIP文件吧!如果真得打不开,

3、请与我们联系!)。其中除了主程序外还包括我们的版权 说明(README。TXT)。 请将此文件解压到任何一个你的硬盘的一个目录下面,运行PCBTech.chm文件即 可! 另外,请各位如果将此软件放在自己的网站让别人下载时保持原样的组成格式,不要删除我们的版 权说明! 三、长远点的想法 制作了这个软件,建设了这个网站,只是一个起步。我想如果大家能够支持 ,我会逐步完善这个网 站和软件,丰富她的内容,也让大家能够多一个交流的空间。 当然如果资源充分,我会扩大网站的业务 范围,实现我们利通资讯社当时建设的想法,成为 PCB行业的门户站点! 四、补充几句 1、关於这个软件资料的来源问题:我原想将自己

4、的收集进行整理分类 后制作出来,后来在中国PCB 信息网 看到其关於工艺技术的介绍较为有条理并且已经录入成为电脑资料,就取而用之!如果你想得到 最新的资料,还是要去中国PCB信息网, 她是一个非常专业和有资源的网站!当然对其还是结合我的体 现进行了重新的调整,还加入几篇 从寻智公司和CIRCUITREE上面得到的文章。 2、关於这个软件是不是免费的问题,我也很矛盾!这些资料从网上得来,应当是不 收取费用的, 但大家一定也能体会到我在制作和维护这个网站时花费的精力及金钱,我在这里要说 得是制作这个软件 不容易,收集和整理这些资料也不容易。最后我还是决定会免费提供给各位同行! 不过我会加 一个密码

5、限制,请需要此软件的人写EMAIL或去就是技术留言给我们索要,目的是想知道这个软件到 哪里去了, 这个要求我想不过分吧! 3、【PCBTech】 V1.0版本共收入精彩专业文章111111篇。 4、如果哪个企业想在我们这个软件或网站上宣传自己的产品或企业形象,我们热烈欢迎!请与我们 联系,价格一定优惠得你想不到! Copyright2001-2002 94TECH 版权所有2001-2002 就是技术 页码,1/2:94TECH:就是技术: 2011-2-23mk:MSITStore:T:资料01-SMT工程02-PCBPCBTech.chm:/index.html 页码,2/2:94TECH

6、:就是技术: 2011-2-23mk:MSITStore:T:资料01-SMT工程02-PCBPCBTech.chm:/index.html 源自源自CIRCUITREECIRCUITREE 共有此类文章16篇共有此类文章16篇 Hungry for Growth: Taiwans Second-Tier Fabricators 中国印制电路工业现状 筹建电路板厂规划及实施浅述 生产SMB的新技术发展动向 表面安装印制板(SMB)的特点 双面印制电路板制造工艺 综述05-工艺技术 印制板技术水平的标志 PCB发展简史 印制板在电子设备中的地位和功能 PCB相关名词解释 印制电路工艺创新探讨 浅

7、析多层印制电路板内层短路工艺因素 高密度、细导线、窄间距制造工艺发展动态 印制电路板制造简易实用手册 21世纪的微特电机技术 Copyright2001-2002 94TECH 版权所有2001-2002 就是技术 Hungry for Growth: Taiwans Second-Tier Fabricators By Steve Gold The capstone article in our Taiwan series examines alternatives to Compeq and Nan Yas manufacturing models. Over the last two m

8、onths, weve looked at two distinct Taiwanese business models: Compeqs R which in turn owns Taiwans second-leading IC foundry. Unlike many vertically integrated companies, the UMC group likes cross-fertilization between its companies. As a result, company leadership is a combination of semiconductor

9、and circuit board cultures. CircuiTree visited World Wisers spotless new Shan-Ying facility, the focal point of its high-tech production effort. Here is where the companys vision of the future is crystallized. Its sister company, UniMicron Technology Corp. (UMTC), shares part of the factory (though

10、none of the production overlaps) and will occupy the expansion being built next door. Operational since last July, the facility produces approximately 200,000 square feet of high-density PWBs per month. Fanning Out Unlike most Taiwanese companies, World Wiser used acquisitions to complement internal

11、 growth. Established in Taoyuan in 1970 as the World Wide Company, it was reorganized into World Wiser in 1990. At the time, fabricators in Taiwan were offering unreasonably low prices to bring in business, and World Wiser had done little to distinguish itself from the pack. But by 1994, World Wiser

12、 became profitable; its restructuring effort had taken root, and it began acquiring companies. World Wiser acquired plants in Lu-Chu and Chung-Li; Lu-Chu now handles high-volume production of conventional boards while Chung-Li does burn-in service and test work. The added capacity helped the company

13、 move into higher volume work. During peak production periods last year, Lu-Chu lines were churning out about 900,000 square feet of 页码,1/41:94TECH:就是技术: 2011-2-23file:/C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp. PWBs per month. Lu-Chu also became more involved in World Wisers R he cite

14、d lower turnover and a higher productivity as examples of how the stock option gift still keeps giving back to the company-even after the company went public and long-time employees could cash out their options. “1995 was the year we gave 90 percent of the earnings to all of the employees. After tha

15、t, the sales just jumped-more than 2.5 times,“ Wang recalled, sounding as if he could hardly believe the result. Would the company pursue this type of strategy in China? “Most of the workers in Mainland China do not have any idea about stock options,“ stated Tseng. He drew closer and confided with a

16、 large smile, “Most of them want cash.“ Motherlode Market: Northeast Asia World Wisers future lies abroad, but not necessarily in the West. Wang said, “Taiwan is still the major market for us, but America, Europe and Northeast Asia are increasing rapidly.“ Of the three areas targeted by World Wiser,

17、 Wang believes Northeast Asia will grow the most: “I think . . . next year Northeast Asia will double because of the China and Korea markets.“ How can you argue that opinion when you consider a potential electronics market of over 1 billion people in China alone? Product mix is a familiar story. Wan

18、g said, “The six-layer and above is increasing year after year while the four-layer and double- sided have been decreasing. I think by next year, the four-layer and double-sided will be less than 25 percent of production but the six-layer and above percentage will continue to increase. . . . Our maj

19、or product is still the computer-related PCBs. The second major group is telecommunications, which include the network, cellular phone and set-top box boards. As the PC industry moves into 页码,2/41:94TECH:就是技术: 2011-2-23file:/C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp. Mainland China, .

20、. . we will concentrate on telecommunications.“ Unlike Compeq and Nan Ya, World Wiser is not pushing its layer count. It is focused on high-technology boards that complement UMTCs substrate business. By keeping its product line less than twelve layers, World Wiser can also relentlessly pursue higher

21、 yields. “We have improved the yield rate around 8 to 10 percent in the third quarter of 2000. Its quite an achievement, and it improved the profit rate a lot,“ stated Wang. While this sounds similar to other fabricator approaches to yield, dont forget that World Wiser makes three-mil lines and spac

22、es with six-mil mechanically drilled holes and four-mil laser microvias in mass production. “We hope that we can get the hole size down to three mils . . . next year,“ said Tseng. UMTC Developing Substrate Market On the substrate side, UMTC is achieving even finer features. The spin-off decision was

23、 made once World Wiser realized substrate production and circuit board production require different manufacturing processes. “In 1996,“ explained UMTC President David Cheng, “we started BGA substrate development at World Wiser. At that time . . . our technical education was just starting. The yield

24、was so low. At the end of 1996, we decided BGA substrates are not compatible with PCB manufacturing. We decided to set up this new company.“ Construction of a dedicated BGA substrate line began and by 1998 UMTC qualified cores down to 0.1 mm. “At that time,“ said Cheng proudly, “nobody could produce

25、 as thin substrates in the world. We were the first ones. We cooperated with a high-volume cellular phone manufacturer. . . .“ Cheng claimed cell phone manufacturing demand for thin substrate packages has justified UMTCs investment. Obviously, this demand for substrates has lost steam this year. But

26、 when the cell phone market gets its second wind, UMTC will be ready with capacity in four Taiwanese plants: part of Shan-Ying and its expansion, part of the Lu Chu campus, the Subtron plant, and its most recent acquisition, the Thin Film Module Co. (TFM). TFM is a flip-chip manufacturing and design

27、 operation purchased in May of last year. Though the capacity might be difficult to fill right now, there few at World Wiser believe TFM is the end of its capacity expansion. All together, these sites give UMTC more than 800,000 square feet of manufacturing space for production of higher technology

28、BGA and flip chip packages. This kind of substrate volume is expected in Japan, not Taiwan; it is practically unheard of elsewhere in the world. In light of UMTCs rapid ascension and the companys UMC parentage, Tseng believes World Wiser better understands the relationship between semiconductor, pac

29、kage, and circuit board. “We can benefit from this kind of combination,“ he asserted. “When the bigger parent company, UMC, makes their transition for their customers, they also give World Wiser this customer vision.“ Though UMC does not dictate World Wiser or UMTCs direction, it does give both comp

30、anies a leg up on future package and circuit board demands. Domestic Price Wars Chairman Tseng is determined to keep developing higher tech products at both UMTC and World Wiser. “If the product becomes a commodity, the price will drop. So, . . .we focus on high-tech, small boards that are not commo

31、dities.“ Wang concurred, saying, “Theres always someone catching up and the price goes down. Take . . . HDI boards for instance. In the beginning of 2000, the price was quite considerable. However, by the third quarter there was a fifteen percent discount because some followers are catching up. But

32、they cannot get enough profit out of this low price. They need some credit, to show customers they are making HDI boards.“ The battle has many fronts. On top of domestic price pressure, UMTC competes with Ibiden, JVC and other storied Japanese manufacturers on the substrate side while World Wiser is

33、 trying to out-R Americans ask questions and challenge the status quo. The first step in turning around a corporate culture is to infuse it with new blood. Chairman Shui Zhi Cheng and CEO Ken Chu hired Dr. Shen-nan Tong as president and vice CEO. Dr. Tongs background in polymer materials and twenty

34、years of industry experience is an instant asset. Formerly a leader of ITRI, Taiwans government-funded research organization that helped develop the countrys fledgling semiconductor industry, Dr. Tong also served as mayor of Taiwans technology capitol, Hsinchu City. According to Wu-a former student-

35、Dr. Tong is one of the islands true electronics leaders. “Mr. Cheng and Mr. Chu, really wanted to get Dr. Tong out of the government and help our leadership.“ Along with Dr. Tong, Dr. Victor Huang also was hired to oversee flip chip development. “We have leaders who are very creative,“ proclaimed Wu

36、. “Compeq, Nan Ya-they are already far ahead of us. World Wiser, they are a very big company. Each of them has their own . . . way of doing things.“ Unicaps way will focus on creative solutions to problems like thermal management. “Were going to have the R the American companies gain an Asian presen

37、ce without having to expand while Tripod brings orders and technology in-house that it would not have had access to otherwise. Its a familiar business practice: American companies develop technology and transfer it abroad where production is cheaper. “We have some technologies available but how can

38、we get business faster than our competitors in Taiwan? The way is a technology transfer from the States. How can we do 24 layers? Even if we have the equipment already, we need time. . . . “ said Chiang. In a press release announcing the Honeywell Advanced Circuits partnership, Chairman Jimmy Wang s

39、aid, “The partnership with Honeywell . . . will enable us to grow at an even faster pace. . . .“ Chiang certainly agreed, saying, “Instead of fighting against the PCB shop in the States-we work together. The United States, Taiwan, China-we work as a team. If we work together, this is good strategy.

40、We have integration, geographically and technologically, and I think that will make us a very strong team.“ 页码,6/41:94TECH:就是技术: 2011-2-23file:/C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp. Steve Gold is the Editor and Publisher of CircuiTree. 源自源自中国PCB信息网中国PCB信息网 Shoring Up Core Competen

41、cies Tripods broad customer base does not mean it tries to be everything to everybody. In each sector, the company identifies its strongest competency. For example, Chiang explained, Tripod has a strong presence “in the memory module industry . . . We had Samsung to help us prove our Rambus capabili

42、ties. That brought us to the more complicated impedance control requirements.“ Chiang claims controlled impedance is Tripods “specialty.“ Chiang said automation equipment-some of it proprietary designs built either in-house or over at the Industrial Automation division-has certainly helped Tripod to

43、 remain competitive regardless of market swings. “How do you make this board test-effective?“ he asked holding up a Rambus module as if he were in front of a lab full of college freshmen. “The effective way is . . . automatic stack-up. Even the Rambus testers-fully automatic.“ Tripod is also in a to

44、ugh neighborhood. Its margins are much thinner than Compeq or Nan Yas. “We have to be more cost competitive. Were looking at how to improve yield rates, how to manage production, how to improve the cost to make a board profitably.“ Perhaps prophetically, Chiang harkened back to the oversupply situat

45、ion in 1999. It was over- supplied . . . and everybody was cutting price, so who can win? The one that has good process control can win, can control costs.“ A refined process control system helps during the hard times. Finding trouble early in a production run is critical. As Chiang put it, “The ear

46、lier we scrap, the less money we scrap.“ So Tripod developed its own automated SPC system that helps them keep an eye on every variable. Every manager has access to the system, and it is updated hourly. “Once we know what the problem is, we have to face it and correct it.“ These three fabricators re

47、present a cross-section of Taiwanese companies trying to ensure competitiveness in the next decade. Each is aggressively seeking market share by paying attention to the kinds of details not expected from Taiwanese manufacturers. If Western fabricators dont learn from these various Taiwanese business

48、 models-lessons like investing profit back into HDI R显影机、翻洗板、洗网及内层蚀板等产生; (处理方式:入酸化池 反应池(加Ca(OH)2、PAC) 综合调节池 斜板沉淀 过滤器 排放池 外排 污泥浓缩池 板框压渣机 排渣 B, 重金属离子水(Cu,Ni,Sn):沉铜、电镀线等产生; (处理方式:直接进入综合调节池,之后同上) C,络合物废水:(铜氨络合物、含氰化合物EDTA);蚀刻、微蚀、镀金产生; (处理方式:先通过氯碱法破氰,再加CaCL2,破络合物再进入综合调节池,之后同上) D,火山灰废水:干、湿菲林磨板机产生; (处理方式:入火

49、山灰沉淀池,再经综合调节池) E,铜粉废水:粗、细磨板机产生(一般可采用机边装铜粉回收机): F,铜氨废母液:蚀刻产生(一般装桶或池由回收公司回收;) G,含金、氰废母液:镀金产生(由回收公司回收); (2) 废气处理工程:可按当地环境要求选择如下两个方案: 方案一:要求不高,分类选择性处理或直排。 A, 电镀夹棍退镀产生废气,用废气处理塔循环水喷淋,吸收,再抽至屋顶; B, 碱性蚀刻氨气处理:同上; C, 沉铜、电镀车间废气:用循环水喷淋吸收,加装较大功率防腐离心风机,设置防腐风 管,局部位置加装轴流排气扇,抽至屋顶; D,喷锡(热风整平),炉产生废气;接驳防腐离心风机、风管抽到屋顶; 页码,11/41:94TECH:就是技术: 2011-2-23file:/C:Documents and SettingsAdminis


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