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1、f il I .-“ 1- r I , : I It. _.-l- r I I ; L, t- ) l . ; I ! I l l. i - A VISUAL DICT-IONARY OF ARCH ITECTURE r I_a AlZH) FRANCIS D.K. CHING fERANr7l ( MASONRY rul:1e R.,h fragments of Uroken storie or tht masonry ilt of such stones. ranacmru A N wan h:wlng discontInuous put approximately level peds

2、or courses. ashlu A sqtared 1kiln9 stone finely dressed on H fx.es pcent to those of other stones so as to permit very thin mortar joInts. 158 gallet To emPed small stone chips In the JnOrt.J:- joints of rough masonry to wedge I3rger stones In posltlon or add det.ill to the appearance. Also. garrtt.

3、 coursed ru1e A NDbIe wall hJvlng approximately leel Peds and rought at Intervals to continuous levd courses. random 3shLu Ashlar IT13soory i1t In discontinuous COJ rses . IU nipple . A rucw wall pullt of Siesteps. i?o5S A stone roughly formed and set In :-. COrPle5Up . Any of a series of steplike p

4、rojections that terminate a masonry !able above the surface of the roof. Also called crowsttp. saddle joint . A vertlcaljotnt raised above the level of the washes 011 a stone sill or copln! to prevent the penetration of rainwater. 7 / p13ce for 13terC3rv1n9. -.-. -.-_ _ t.1 in To f.ls ten a be:l m o

5、r stone Dy one erJ. m .-.- -.- - - - -.-h., ,“-“,c.-JI The part of a stof1e or urick projectlng from a wall. 1111el - .- -. -. -. -. -. - -: A R“.oIdir19 or drlpst.one CNer a door or WlnJo,., esp. one tha t e:tUnds horIz.olTta Ily 3 cress the t.op of the openli3 ana vertlc311y downward for a short d

6、istance at the sides. j.1m A stone. or one at the stones. formln! the 9mb of 3 door or window opening. embr3ure -“ A spb)ed enlargement of a door or window opening toward the Inner face of 3 1e cOfl. often servIng as a stop for tzie gutters or wall cornices. ,.-.-.- ,_._ . copestone A stone farming

7、a coping. r dripstone : A 5tOM moi01ng used as a drip. as or. a cornice over a wIndow or doorway. stringccu A horizontal course of brk;k or stone ftush with or projecting leyond the face of a UuIlng. often mok:led to rna“ ditislon In tM wall Alsa called l7elt COU corc:IDn A stringcourse. esp. one “v

8、l!g lIttle ex no prcJxtlon. 171e A course or Ir.lnd. esp. of II13sonry. !i3Y1“4 a distinctive form or posltlon. wztertable A projutln! stringcourse. mold1 or led!e placed 50 as to divert r2lnwaterfrocn 2 UuIlng. sc.a rcem ent A foetln! or ledge formed Dy a setv.;clln theface of a wa II. plinth A con

9、tinuous. usually projecting CO.ir5e of 5tof1es forming the base orfouna.;tlon of a wall Also called plinth COurse. 159 MASONRY concrete nuSOM) unit concr plock A precast ttaSOnI) unltof portland ca“oent. flne te. and water. IIIOUed Into t3rIous shapes. A hcllcw or solia COI“rete partltton ock A conc

10、rete sont) unit used In con non-wa-rearing walls. u a rlCmlnal thld:ness of 4 or61n. (102 or 152 11m). bull A con llt .:.;:. stul can be for emUedment In :.:- - grout. ndm A masonrycourse groutea and relnforuJ to senoe as a e3m, a horizontal tie. or 3 rlng course for struc1 mem!:ers. 160 open-end 1?

11、lock A concrete masonry unit having one end open In which vertical I reinforcement can be placed for embedmeirt In grout. Ilntel1?lock A concrete masonry unit used In constructing a lintel or bona !:Ieam. having a U-shaped section In whlGh reinforcing ste.el can !:Ie placed for emment In grout. bk A

12、 concrete masonry unit having a portion of one face shell removed to receive he3ders In a onaed masonry wall und-al7so“,ing ma,onry unit A concrete masonry unit having a soIia top and a slotted fa shell. ana sometimes a fll:lrous filler. for Increased souna a!:lsorptlon. ,lump block A concrete mason

13、ry unit having an Irregular face and surface texture caused the settlement of a wet fl1fx during curing. plit-me ck A concrete masonry unit. split lengthwise I:Iy a machine after curing to produce a roog h. fractured face kxture. “ -.-:!:csonry unit having a “ special ceramic. glazed. or pohshed fac

14、e. . .e obtained if the a mount of concrete conta lned In a hollow masonry unit wert: recast without arry cellular spaces. used esp. to aetennlne the flre reslstan of a wan constructed with such units. abrption The wtlght of water a I1y a concrete masonry unit when Immersed In water. expresse.:lln p

15、ounas of water per cu1c foot of concrete. Grade N A grade of load-l1e3rlng concrete masonry unit sultal1le for gene 1“3 I use. as In exterior walls a!:lo.oe and elow gr3M, GradeS A grade of loaa-l1e3ling concrete masonry unit limited to use al70.0e grade. In exttrIor walls with weather- protective C

16、Oatlngs. or In walls not exposed to the weather. Type I A concrete masonry UI1!-t manufactured to a specified hmlt of moisture content In order to minImize the drying shrinuge that un cause cracking. TypelJ A concrete masonry unit not manufactured to a speclfled hmlt molstu re content. normal-weight

17、 Mock A concrete masonry unit made with 541nd. gravel. or other dense aggregate and weighIng fIIOrtl than 125 pcf(2000 kglm3). Ughtwelght 17lock A concrete masonry unit made with lightweight aggregate. as clnaer or expanded slag. and weighing less than 125 pef (2000 glm). ,urfau I10nalng The bonding

18、 of a concrete masonry wall by stacking the unIts without mortar ana trowenng on a stucco-II compound of white portlana cement and glass fiber. 1 i -! j J I I I L L L L L L I l ( . - ! . nd The a force Py which atoms.lans. er groups of as are bound together In a molecule oraystall1ne structure. Also

19、 called chemic.11 Pond. ionic pOM -. -. -i A chemical rond characteristic of salts and ceramic materbls. formed Py the complete tra nsfer of one or more electron s from ooe kind of Ian to another. Also called electrovalent Pond. p05itive ion A posltlvely charged Ian created by electron loss. Also ca

20、lled crtIon. negative ian _i matter That which ocstance that dlspbys aRor thech3r3Gter1st1c physlc3land chemlc31 of the su!?stance. conslstlng of one or more I1ke atoms In an elanent. or two or more cliff erent atoms In a compound. molecular weight The average Weight of a molecule of an element or c

21、ompound Cular arrangement of the chemical elements In related groups. formerly In the order of their atomic weights and now according to their atomIc numPers . _ OOfrfl i group. eief11.(;t1ts cerbln cluncterlstlc5 and bitl-ty to sust.ln a hh stress without yIeIdlng or rupturing. trength of It13nUllo

22、ad. - -.-.-.: axbf -me, tensile or sMs stress that to res!s; 311 mal force. fa I?rNI fa anJ uniformly M;f area of the cross sectSon. !Jsc c.albi direct 5tres s. ftOnft.11 . ccmprt5*“ The act of shorten in.g or st4 of Pei ng pushed. resu in a reduction In size or vo/ur.e of an elastic - ccmpfQru -. -

23、 - -. An applied force proa or t.endln.g to ptOdtU com In an ebstlc - ec.untric fa rce A fOfU applle% along different axes. as wood and other -“ .-=“ fl17rous materials. / “:d stress 1ntet1131 resistance or reactlon of an eiastlc rody to extemal forces a pplled to It. clU31 to the ratio of force f t

24、o area and expressed In units of force I per unit of cross-sectional area. Also I . called unit stress. I u ! The ax13l5treSs that develops at the I cross section of an elastic body to : resist the coll1near tensile forces I :;:a _ ._. _ _ ._J-: _ The atlon of a unit length of T mattrlal produced by

25、 a tensile stress. tlu etween a pressure and the corresponding fractional Change In volume produced. coniprj:7jJity The reciprocal of Pun.: modulus. ual to the ratio of tM fractfooal change In volume to the pressure applied to a substance. l u i U 6- r f ! r r- shea ring force An Internal force tang

26、ential to the surfau on which It acts. developed a rolly In response toa shearforce. For equihbrlumofa rectangularetement subject 1: sltJe relative to an ulJxtnt part In a direction E?rallel to their pbne of_ co(rt.t. - shearforce An applied force producing or talding to produce shear In a Polly . P

27、ending The !?owlng of an elastic Dody as an extern 1 force Is appl1ed transvtrSeiyto It.5 ngth. Ing Is the structunl mecfuni:sm that er1“!?les a load to l:re ch3nneled L, a dlrectlor. perpenalGular to Its application. I “._ _ . _ -traver5efo - - t!tr, concentration An Ircrease In stress that develop

28、s at dlsccntlnultles or flaws In a materl31. Stress concentrations In !1r1ttle rtt3terlals dev,o called transverse load. 5u m forrendlng . :“ tor,ue The moment of a force system Dt3 t causes or tends to cause rotation or torsion. tor,ion The twisting of an elastic rodyaPout Its IooJtudlrt31 axis cau

29、sed by two tqU31 and opposfte torques, producing shear stresses In the Polly. 163 MATERIAL aindUram A pPIrk: rtp of the reb unit stress values . and the ClrTtSpondll14-l1nlt strains for . altiItel elJstic . -.- -.- The ra of unit stttsses for which a materUI e:xnIDItS elastic deformation. t -. pl.1s

30、tic r.1nge :.-.-strain-lurdenin range : The range of unit stresses for which a : The range of unit stresses for which a ddo nn.rt:io n A wlI kI the shape or aJmenslons of a structure resultln from stress. _ :.: m_ater131 exhl!:lts plastic deformatl.on. 1 material exhl!:lts Increased stength with : s

31、ome 1055 of ductility. = 11 -v!-J V- I i eUdefon A tempcratJ change tn the dimensions or pe cia roay produced a 5tres$1c:s6 than the elastic hmlt of P1eml I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I pl.1st!c defortn.1tlon I I I I I A permanent chan In the dimensions or shape of a body produced a stress greate

32、r than theelastlc hmltofthe materl.al. remaining rlgJa under stresses of less than a certain Intensity. The molecular rorldsln a material that exhlults plastic UeIuv10r reform after Pelng stressed !:eyond the Ic hmlt. The material thus retains a measure of reserve streth. Also called plastJe flow. r

33、-ultJnuu strength I7ritt1s -. -.- - -r The prop:rlY of 3 rn4U:r1aI that ca uses I to rupWe suddenly under stress i !flth nme evl.:knt kfonnatlon. Since I The maximum tensile. compressive. or shearing stress a material can 1e expected to ear wtthout rupturing or fracturing. Atsa called uftint.1U stre

34、ss. PrittIe rtr1s lack the plastic I yield point -:-=- of ductile rruterials. they can I ;le no nee Wr 1onrrt:lT lnsnt. fracUJre - The urt3l:lng of 3 material resulting from the rupturing of Its atomic I10nds when stressed Peyond Its ultlmate strength. U) ,- el.15tic limit -_ . -. - auctility A SGt“

35、e of Il13ters .-esis14 to aef0r:n4t1on when stresse.d . ithln I;s elastic range. The maxfmum stress that can !:e appl1ed to a material without causing permanent deformation. ,nowm ,“ -. - -CD The maxirJJm unit stress permitted fc.-a 11n the deslgn of 2 .1ISU311y a fractlon OI Ntel“t3rse!astlc hmlt.y

36、leki . -ebstklty S“ c.-u/tlrrgte stlength. The The property of a I!4terlal wesses fc.-V3r1ous that enal?les It to deform In NteNls art: spifteJ ulld1ng response to an applleJ force cedes. SCtdetIes. ana and to recover Its original size t.ndct as:socI;rtlons. Pased on and shape upon retTl0V3l of the

37、s and IIIethods of testl force. by the Al!erlcan Society jlll-.- T lnd M1s. Nsa called wnit ,. woricln - -r-t )ield 5tre -.- -.- “-. ,- +-+-+-+-+ stres5 r.ecessry to produce a lInltl penNnent set In a terblllSUally O of Its original th M ttd !n tension. Yield . 5trengti Is useJ to tkttrmlne. the lim

38、it cf ttSefvi.ess of a materfal having a defI;, y1d pughne55 The property of a Il13terl3l that enau!es It to a energy 1efore rupturing. rep try the area under the stress- strain curve derivea from a tensile test of the material Ductile materials are tougher than brittle materials. l - ; I l . i 1;-

39、I If L J L J l . i.: . moture expansion An Incse ill the IxIIk of a IT13terIaI caused the a!1sorptloo of water or );lr V6por. Also C311eJ Uulklng. aas-o rptlon The adhesion of 3 thin, condensed layer of gas, hquld, or dissolved substance to the surface r:i a solid, usually lthout rtj physical or che

40、mical change In the ITlJterial w uthero meter A device for Inl the weather re5lstance of a /113rlJll1y sul7jectlng a L srn.en to accemtea t. leraW weathering A proc.ess for exposing a materlJl to uftmlolet r7yS, Vtdtel sprays. alid he;3tln elements In order to simulate the 1ong-tm1 effects of sun. r

41、ain, and temperature ch4nge5. Also C3l1ed uulerateJ Ing. etr.ain-rate effea trlttle behavior an Increased rate of load application can cause In a nonrully d IT13terlal tem pent4re effect -“ coefficient of expansion : The fractional change In length, area, or volume of a material per unit change In t

42、emperature at a given constant pressure. Also called expanslvtty. -Ir _J I MATERIAL dimensional stainUty The property of a material that enables It to IT13lntaln Its olnal shape and dimensions when subjected to changes In temperature Or humidity. kinetic theory of heat The theory that the temperatur

43、e of a substance Increases with an Increase of the average kinetiC energy of Its particles when hea t Is a bsorbecI. -thermal expansion . An Increase In gth. area, or volume of a I : -4 material caused I1y a rise In temperat.Ure. thermal contraction A decrease In length. area, orme Of a =-= material

44、 caused I1y a drop In temperature. . i _ . _ . thermal5tress abrasion resistance The property of a mattNl that enables It to resist ng worn away I1yfrlctlon when rul7l1ed wft.h another object. Amslon resl5ta nee Is a mea5U of toughness rather than hardness and Is a necessary qualJty of flooring mate

45、rials and surface ftnlshes. .jIbrasion-isbnu inkx A me3sure of the abrasion reslst3nce of a 1TlJterl31. com manly expressed as tM depth of etratlon or material loss after testir.g with a we9h abrasive wheel for a speclfted number of cycles. The tensile or COOl presslve stress aeveloped In a material

46、 constrained against thermal expansion or contraction. thermal shock The sudden stress a rapid change In temperature can produce In a material h.ardnes The property of a material that enaUles It to resist def0rtn3tlon compression, Indentation. or penetration. Moh5le A scale for measuring the hardnes

47、s of a mineraI. Its degrees, In Increasing hardness, (lre: I, talc; 2.l:IYPsum; 3, calcite; 4, flUOrite; 5, apatite; 6, feldspar. 7, quartz; a.top3Z: 9, sapphire; la, diamond. 5rinefl numl1er A measure of the hardness of a rruterl3l determined pressl“9 a standard stu! Inllinta a test plea using a standard force and dlvldlng the load by the area of Indentation. The higher the numb-er. the harder the material. Rockwell number The tlme-nt decrease In -.-. -+-71i-+-+-!-+-l-!-1 btigu The l/e3i:ening orfal


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