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1、 AS 2313.1.92005 Australian Standard Methods of test for single sided and double sided pressure-sensitive adhesive tape Method 1.9: AdhesionResistance to shear peel at elevated temperature AS 2313.1.92005 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 This Australian Standard was prepared

2、by Committee PK-025, Packaging Code. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 26 September 2005. This Standard was published on 28 October 2005. The following are represented on Committee PK-025: Australian Paints Manufacturers Federation Canmakers Institute of Australia De

3、partment of Defence Printing Industries Association of Australia Keeping Standards up-to-date Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between edition

4、s, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased. Detailed information about Standards can be found by vis

5、iting the Standards Web Shop at .au and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue. Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Global Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each mo

6、nth. Australian StandardsTM and other products and services developed by Standards Australia are published and distributed under contract by SAI Global, which operates the Standards Web Shop. We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us

7、immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 05308. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09

8、May 2008 AS 2313.1.92005 Australian Standard Methods of test for single sided and double sided pressure-sensitive adhesive tape Method 1.9: AdhesionResistance to shear peel at elevated temperature First published as AS 2313.1.92005. COPYRIGHT Standards Australia All rights are reserved. No part of t

9、his work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher. Published by Standards Australia GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia ISBN 0 7337 6953 5 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA

10、on 09 May 2008 AS 2313.1.92005 2 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee PK-025, Packaging Code at the request of Australia Industry. The objective of this Standard is to specify a method of test to determine shear peel strength of pressure sensitive adhesive tape at


12、stralia STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Methods of test for single sided and double sided pressure-sensitive adhesive tape Method 1.9: AdhesionResistance to shear peel at elevated temperature 1 SCOPE This Standard specifies the method to determine shear peel strength of single and double sid

13、ed pressure-sensitive adhesive tape at elevated temperature. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS 1683 Methods of test for elastomers 1683.15.2 Method 15.2: Durometer hardness 2193 Calibration and classification of force-measuring systems 3 REAGENTS 3.1

14、 Isopropynol Reagent grade is required. 4 APPARATUS AND MATERIALS The following apparatus is required: 4.1 Tension testing machine The tensile testing machine shall have a moving jaw or carriage with a rate of travel of 300 ?10 mm/min. The testing unit shall comply with the requirements of AS 2193 f

15、or Grade B machines over suitable load ranges. 4.2 Stainless steel panel Approximately 50 mm wide, at least 125 mm long, and approximately 1.5 mm thick and finished in the lengthwise direction to a bright annealed finish with a surface finish of 0.04 m. 4.3 Steel roller (see Figure 1) Of diameter 80

16、 ?5 mm and width 45 1 mm, covered with rubber approximately 6 mm thick, and having a durometer hardness of 80 ?5 Type A degrees (in accordance with AS 1683.15.2). NOTE: The mass of the roller proper (which applies pressure to the specimen) should be 2.0 ?0.1 kg. It should be so constructed that the

17、mass of the handle is not added to the mass of the roller during use. 4.4 Fresh absorbent cleaning material E.g. surgical gauze, untreated paper tissue. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 AS 2313.1.92005 4 Standards Australia .au 4.5 Specimen cutter Consisting of a 25 mm thick

18、?200 mm long ?25 mm wide aluminium bar stock. The edges for about 125 mm from one end shall be rounded slightly to form a handle. The width of the bar for 75 mm from the opposite end shall be narrowed to exactly 25 mm minus the thickness of a single razor blade (one of two razor blades used as cutti

19、ng edges). 4.6 Electric oven Thermostatically controlled at a temperature of 49 1C. 5 TEST CONDITIONS Testing shall be conducted at 23 5C and 50 5% relative humidity. 6 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMENS The roll shall be conditioned at 23 5C and 50 5% relative humidity for 24 1 h prior to testing. The t

20、est specimen shall be a minimum of 250 mm long. 7 PROCEDURE The procedure shall be as follows: (a) Dispense the isopropynol (3.1) on the clean stainless steel panel (4.2) and wipe until dry with the fresh absorbent cleaning material (4.4). Repeat this procedure for a total of three washes. Discard c

21、leaned panels showing stains, discoloration or scratches. Avoid contact of the panel surface with the fingers. NOTE: Either surgical gauze or untreated paper tissue can be used as the cleaning material, as these are lint free and contain no soluble additives. (b) Take test specimens from a freely ro

22、tating conditioned roll, the minimum width of which shall be 6 mm, by manually unrolling the roll radially and discarding the outer three laps of the roll. NOTE: The speed of removal of the test specimen from the roll is operator-dependent. Usually, a speed of approximately 300 mm/s is attained. (c)

23、 Where the width of a roll is 25 mm wide or less, use the test specimens direct. (d) Where a roll is greater than 25 mm wide, cut the roll, using the specimen cutter, to a width of 25 mm. (e) Apply the specimen, adhesive side down, to the centre of the surface of the stainless steel panel and parall

24、el to its long axis, leaving sufficient of the specimen extending beyond the panel to be accommodated in the tensile testing machine. Do not allow the adhesive surface to come in contact with the fingers and other foreign objects, or to become contaminated with dust. NOTE: Where a test specimen is t

25、aken from a roll less than 25 mm wide, cut other strips from the same roll and apply these strips parallel and adjacent to the test specimen to provide a total width of approximately 25 mm, for rolling purposes only. (f) Using the steel roller (4.3), roll the test specimen on the steel panel once in

26、 each direction along its length at a rate of approximately 5 mm/s. Ensure that no pressure additional to the mass of the roller is applied and that no air bubbles are entrapped. (g) Measure and record the width of the specimen to the nearest 0.5 mm. Allow the specimen to stand for 20 5 min. (h) Dou

27、ble back the free end of the specimen at an angle of 180 degrees and peel off approximately 25 mm of the specimen from the panel at the doubled end. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 5 AS 2313.1.92005 .au Standards Australia (i) Attach the exposed (doubled) end of the steel pa

28、nel to one jaw or carriage of the tension testing machine, and attach the free end of the specimen to the other jaw or carriage of the tension testing machine. (j) The testing assembly is to be placed in an electric oven (see Figure 2), maintained at 49 1C and allow to condition in the oven for 10 1

29、 min. (k) Operate the tension testing machine at a uniform speed of 300 10 mm/min so that the specimen continues to double back at an angle of 180 degrees and in alignment with itself. (l) Take at least five readings at equidistant intervals as the specimen is peeled from the panel, disregarding the

30、 removal, from the steel panel, of the first and the last 20 mm. (m) Reject any specimen which breaks and substitute an additional specimen. (n) Repeat Steps (a) to (l) using another two test specimens taken from the same roll. 8 CALCULATION The adhesion strength, in newtons per 25 millimetres, for

31、each specimen, shall be calculated from the following equation: specimenofwidthMeasured 25 readingsofNumber readings theof Sum Adhesion= 9 TEST REPORT The following information shall be reported: (a) The average adhesion strength of the three specimens taken from the same roll, expressed in newtons

32、per 25 millimetre width to the nearest 0.1 N/25 mm. (b) Reference to this Australian Standard, i.e. AS 2313.1.9. FIGURE 1 ROLLER FOR ADHESION STRENGTH Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 AS 2313.1.92005 6 Standards Australia .au 90 Tape strip Aluminium strap FIGURE 2 TEST METHOD

33、 Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 7 AS 2313.1.92005 NOTES Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 AS 2313.1.92005 8 NOTES Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 Standards Australia Standards Australia is an independent company, limited by gu

34、arantee, which prepares and publishes most of the voluntary technical and commercial standards used in Australia. These standards are developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding wit

35、h the Commonwealth government, Standards Australia is recognized as Australias peak national standards body. For further information on Standards Australia visit us at Australian Standards Australian Standards are prepared by committees of experts from industry, governments, con

36、sumers and other relevant sectors. The requirements or recommendations contained in published Standards are a consensus of the views of representative interests and also take account of comments received from other sources. They reflect the latest scientific and industry experience. Australian Stand

37、ards are kept under continuous review after publication and are updated regularly to take account of changing technology. International Involvement Standards Australia is responsible for ensuring that the Australian viewpoint is considered in the formulation of international Standards and that the l

38、atest international experience is incorporated in national Standards. This role is vital in assisting local industry to compete in international markets. Standards Australia represents Australia at both ISO (The International Organization for Standardization) and the International Electrotechnical C

39、ommission (IEC). Electronic Standards All Australian Standards are available in electronic editions, either downloaded individually from our web site, or via On-Line and DVD subscription services. For more information phone 1300 65 46 46 or visit Standards Web Shop at .au Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF S

40、OUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 GPO Box 476 Sydney NSW 2001 Administration Phone (02) 8206 6000 Fax (02) 8206 6001 Email .au Customer Service Phone 1300 65 46 46 Fax 1300 65 49 49 Email .au Internet ISBN 0 7337 6953 5 Printed in Australia Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA

41、on 09 May 2008 This page has been left intentionally blank. Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA on 09 May 2008 ?This document has expired. To access the current document, please go to your on-line service.?Please note that material accessed via our on-line subscription services is not intended for off-line storage, and such storage is contrary to the licence under which the service is supplied.


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