BS-7755-1.1-1997 ISO-11074-1-1996.pdf

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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 7755-1.1: 1997 ISO 11074-1: 1996 Soil quality Part 1: Terminology and classification Section 1.1 Terms and definitions relating to the protection and pollution of soil ICS 01.040.13; 13.080 Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:2

2、3:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Health and Environment Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 February 1997 BSI 12-1998 The following BS

3、I references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference EH/4 Draft for comment 93/504584 DC ISBN 0 580 26920 5 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee EH/4, Soil quality, upon which the following bod

4、ies were represented: Association of Consulting Scientists Association of Environmental Consultancies Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists Association of Public Analysts British Gas plc British Society of Soil Science Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Chartered Inst

5、itution of Water and Environmental Management Chemical Industries Association Department of the Environment (Water and Land Directorate) Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Environment Agency Institute of Groundsmanship Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Laboratory of the G

6、overnment Chemist Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Society of Chemical Industry Soil Survey and Land Research Centre Water Research Centre Water Services Association of England and Wales Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.DateComments Licensed

7、 Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 BSI 12-1998i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover National foreword ii Introduction1 Scope 2 Normative reference 2 1 Terms relating to

8、 properties of soils and substances 3 2 Terms relating to processes in soils 7 3 Terms relating to the quality of soils 9 4 Terms relating to soil protection 13 5 Additional terms 15 List of references Inside back cover Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri D

9、ec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 ii BSI 12-1998 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee EH/4 and is identical with ISO 11074-1 Soil quality Vocabulary Part 1: Terms and definitions relating to the protection and pollu

10、tion of soil, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 11074-1 was prepared by Subcommittee 1, Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification, of Technical Committee ISO/TC 190, Soil quality, with the active participation and approval of the UK. BS 7755 is bei

11、ng published in a series of Parts subdivided into Sections and Subsections that will generally correspond to particular international standards. Other Parts of BS 7755 are, or will be, as follows. Part 1: Terminology and classification; Part 2: Sampling; Part 3: Chemical methods; Part 4: Biological

12、methods; Part 5: Physical methods. For ease of production some of the French, Russian and German versions of the text have been retained. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct applicatio

13、n. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Cross-reference Publication referred toCorresponding British Standard ISO 6107-6:1986aBS 6068 Water quality Section 1.6:1996 An additional 41 terms (Identical) a Superseded by ISO 6107-6:1996. Summary of

14、 pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front c

15、over. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 BSI 12-19981 Introduction The assessment of the quality of a soil is a complex matter in view of the variety of uses, hazards and changes o

16、f soils. ISO/TC 190 has decided to give priority to two aspects: the quality of the environment (including water) in which the soil plays an essential part; the quality of the medium for agricultural production provided by the soil. Given the importance attached to the problems of widespread or loca

17、lized hazardous substances, erosion, compaction and other problems associated with agricultural production, it is essential to clearly establish defined concepts and common terminology to describe soils. In this part of ISO 11074, most of the terms that are defined describe changes in the chemical c

18、omposition of the soil and the effects of such changes on soil functions. Where feasible, attention has also been paid to physical and biological changes. There are several possible definitions of the term soil. For the purposes of this part of ISO 11074, soil is the upper layer of the Earths crust

19、composed of mineral particles, organic matter, water, air and organisms. In the context of soil protection, attention must be paid to topsoil, subsoil and deeper layers, and to associated mineral deposits and ground water. Attention must also be paid to the presence, within or on the soil, of man-ma

20、de materials such as domestic and industrial wastes, sludges, dredged materials and mine tailings. They may provide a source of substances hazardous to soil and affecting neighbouring natural soils. Soil processes take place in these man-made materials in the same way as they do in natural bedrock a

21、nd surface deposits. It should also be noted that construction activities frequently require the excavation and redeposition (translocation) of natural soils. Soil functions describe the role of soils for man and the environment. Important soil functions include controlling element and energy cycles

22、 as a compartment of eco-systems; supporting plants, animals and man; giving support to mans constructions and buildings; agricultural production; bearing ground water and deposits; holding a genetic reservoir; serving as an archive of natural history; serving as an archaeological and paleo-ecologic

23、al archive. In addition, man uses soils for the deposition of man-made materials (see above), and atmospheric and water-borne pollutants can accumulate in soils. This part of ISO 11074 is concerned with soil pollution. Technical Committee ISO/TC 190 found it particularly difficult to agree upon defi

24、nitions for terms such as pollution and contamination. Technical Committee ISO/TC 190 recognizes the importance of distinguishing between different states of soils bearing potentially hazardous substances. In practice, the concentration of substance in soil may be a) at background level; or b) above

25、 background concentration because of anthropogenic influences. With increasing concentration 1) a concentration is reached which may cause an adverse effect on specified soil function; and 2) finally the soil can be considered as a damaged soil. High concentrations of a substance may also occur natu

26、rally and these may also cause adverse effects on soil functions. The terms pollution and contamination and their equivalents in other languages have been applied to the conditions b), 1) and 2) respectively, with little consistency within and between countries. Different professionals or expert gro

27、ups and responsible authorities use them in different contexts and in different ways. Sometimes they are treated as synonyms and sometimes attempts are made to confine the use to only a restricted sense. They are used in describing the process and in stating the quality of a soil. Technical Committe

28、 ISO/TC 190 has therefore avoided definitions of the terms contamination and pollution, but instead emphasizes that those using them should make it clear what they intend by the use of these terms. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:

29、00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 2 BSI 12-1998 ScopeDomaine dapplication This part of ISO 11074 defines a list of terms used in certain fields of soil quality characterization. It covers terms relating to soil protection and pollution, and some miscellaneous terms. La prsente par

30、tie de lISO 11074 dfinit une liste de termes employs dans certains domaines de la caractrisation de la qualit du sol. Elle recouvre les termes relatifs la protection et la pollution des sols, et quelques termes divers. NOTEIn addition to the terms and definitions in the three official ISO languages

31、(English, French and Russian), this part of ISO 11074 gives the equivalent terms and their definitions in the German language; these have been included at the request of Technical Committee ISO/TC 190 and are published under the responsibility of the member bodies of Germany (DIN), Austria (ON) and

32、Switzerland (SNV). However, only the terms and definitions in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions. NOTEEn complment des termes et dfinitions utiliss dans les trois langues officielles de lISO (anglais, franais, russe), la prsente partie de lISO 11074 donne les terme

33、s quivalents et leurs dfinitions en allemand; ils ont t inclus la demande du comit technique ISO/TC 190 et sont publis sous la responsabilit des comits membres dAllemagne (DIN), dAutriche (ON) et de Suisse (SNV). Toutefois, seuls les termes et dfinitions donns dans les langues officielles peuvent tr

34、e considrs comme termes et dfinitions ISO. Normative referenceRfrence normative The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 11074. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to

35、 revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 11074 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying La norme suivante contient des dispositions qui, par suite de la rfrence qui en est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la prsente partie de lISO 11074. Au mom

36、ent de la publication, ldition indique tait en vigueur. Toute norme est sujette rvision et les parties prenantes des accords fonds sur la prsente partie de the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. l

37、lSO 11074 sont invites rechercher la possibilit dappliquer ldition la plus rcente de la norme indique ci-aprs. Les membres de la CEI et de lISO possdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur un moment donn. ISO 6107-6:1986, Water quality Vocabulary Part 6. ISO 6107-6:1986, Qualit de leau

38、 Vocabulaire Partie 6. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 BSI 12-19983 1 Terms relating to properties of soils and substances 1 Termes relatifs aux proprits des sols et des substan

39、ces 1.1 partition coefficient ratio between the concentrations of a substance in two environmental compartments 1.1 coefficient de rpartition rapport des concentrations dune substance dans deux compartiments environnementaux 1.1.1 soil-water partition coefficient Kd ratio of the concentration of a s

40、ubstance in the soil solid phase to that in the soil-water phase 1.1.1 coefficient de rpartition sol-eau Kd rapport de la concentration dune substance dans la phase solide du sol celle dans la phase liquide du sol 1.1.2 soil organic matter-water partition coefficient ratio of the concentration of a

41、substance in the soil organic matter fraction to that in the soil-water phase 1.1.2 coefficient de rpartition matire organique du sol-eau rapport de la concentration dune substance contenue dans la matire organique du sol celle dans leau NOTEThis partition coefficient is often expressed in relation

42、to the soil organic carbon content (hence: Koc). NOTECe coefficient de rpartition est souvent exprim par rapport la teneur du sol en carbone organique (do: Koc). 1.1.3 bioconcentration factor BCF ratio of the concentration of a substance in an organism to that in the soil 1.1.3 facteur de bioconcent

43、ration FBC rapport de la concentration dune substance dans un organisme celle dans le sol 1.1.4 soil-plant partition coefficient ratio between the concentration of a substance in soil and in plant material 1.1.4 coefficient de rpartition sol-plante rapport de la concentration dune substance dans le

44、sol celle dans une plante 1.2 filter characteristics ability of a soil to retain or bind solid, dissolved or gaseous substances 1.2 caractristiques de rtention capacit dun sol retenir ou lier des substances solides, dissoutes ou gazeuses 1.3 sorption reversible binding of a substance by soil constit

45、uents 1.3 sorption liaison rversible dune substance avec les constituants du sol NOTEMechanisms of sorption include, for example, ion exchange, surface adsorption, dissolution of organic chemicals in the soil organic matter. NOTELes mcanismes de sorption comprennent, par exemple, les changes dions,

46、les adsorptions de surface, les dissolutions de composs chimiques organiques dans la matire organique du sol. Licensed Copy: London South Bank University, London South Bank University, Fri Dec 08 10:23:26 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 7755-1.1:1997 4 BSI 12-1998 1 Begriffe zu Eigensc

47、haften von Bden und Stoffen 1.1 Verteilungskoeffizient Quotient aus den Konzentrationen eines Stoffes in zwei Umweltkompartimenten 1.1.1 Verteilungskoeffizient Boden-Wasser Kd Quotient aus der Konzentration eines Stoffes in der festen Bodenphase und in der Bodenwasserphase 1.1.2 Verteilungskoeffizie

48、nt organische Bodensubstanz-Wasser Quotient aus der Konzentration eines Stoffes in der organischen Bodensubstanz und in der Bodenwasserphase ANMERKUNG Der Verteilungskoeffizient wird oft im Verhltnis zum organischen Kohlenstoffgehalt eines Bodens ausgedrckt (deshalb Koc). 1.1.3 Biokonzentrationsfakt

49、or (BCF) Quotient aus der Konzentration eines Stoffes in einem Organismus und im Boden 1.1.4 Verteilungskoeffizient Boden-Pflanze Quotient aus der Konzentration eines Stoffes im Boden und im Pflanzenmaterial 1.2 Filtereigenschaften Fhigkeit eines Bodens, feste, gelste oder gasfrmige Stoffe zurck- oder festzuhalten 1.3 Sorption Umkehrbare Bindung eines Stoffes in austauschbarer Form durch Bodenbestandteile ANMERKUNG


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