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1、 - CIE 112 94 6 900b11i5 0005145 4T7 ISBN 3 900 734 55 O COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION Glare Evaluation System for Use within Outdoor Sports and Area Lighting CIE 112 - 1994 UDC: 628.971.7 Descriptor: Lighting of

2、 sports grounds Lighting of public squares 628.971.8 Lighting for outdoor work 628.987 Evaluation of lighting installations COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling

3、 Services This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 5-04 of Division 5 Exterior and other Lighting Applications and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowl

4、edge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be

5、consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 5-04 de la Division 5 Eclairage extrieur et autres applications et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le docum

6、ent traite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine sp8cifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels

7、 amendements: consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NRNS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 5-04 der Division 5 Auenbeleuchtung und andere Lichtanwendungen ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das

8、Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Vewendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, dai3 das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist.

9、 Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsbenchte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere Anderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention o f organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to p

10、ress, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport a la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet ke

11、ine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich gro3e Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da13 diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1994 II COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services C

12、OPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE ll2 94 H 9OObl45 0005147 2T CIE 112 - 1994 FOREWORD The following members of TC 5-04, “Glare in Outdoor Areas“, took part in the preparation o f this technical report. The Technical Committee comes under

13、CIE Division 5, Exterior and other Lighting Applications. W.J.M. van Bommel H. Einhorn J. Gudum 3 , J. Lecocq K. Narisada K. Poulton E. Pritchard 2 , P. Pylvninen B. Rogers 3, A. Stockmar 4, Netherlands South Africa Denmark France Japan Australia Great Britain Finland Great Britain Germany 1) chairm

14、an to 1985 2) from 1987 3) to 1987 4) chairman from 1985 III COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 112 - 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD SUMMARY ZUS


16、 8 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services - CIE 132 94 PII 7006145 0005347 Oq2 = CIE 1 i 2 - 1994 GLARE EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR USE WITHIN OUTDOOR SPORTS-

17、AND AREA LIGHTING SUMMARY This technical report describes a practical glare evaluation system for outdoor sports- and area lighting. The system can be used both for checking the glare situation of existing installations, provided suitable measuring instrumentation is available, and for predicting th

18、e degree of glare at the design stage for new installations, but the validity of the system is restricted to viewing directions below eye level. For the main categories of these applications, general glare rating limits are specified. The report concerns glare and glare restriction in, or very close

19、 to, the lighted area and not the effect of spill light outside this area. BLENDUNGSBEWERTUNGSSYSTEM FR AUSSENBELEUCHTUNGSANLAGEN UND BELEUCHTUNGSANLAGEN FUR SPORT IM FREIEN ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dieser Technische Bericht beschreibt ein Blendungsbewertungssystem fur Auenbeleuchtungsanlagen und Beleuchtung

20、sanlagen fur Sport im Freien. Das System kann zur berprUfung der Blendsituation von bestehenden installationen verwendet werden, vorausgesetzt, geeignete Meinstrumente sind verfugbar, sowie auch zur Vorhersage des Ausmaes mglicher Blendung bei der Planung neuer Anlagen, die Gltigkeit des Systems ist

21、 jedoch auf Sehtichtungen unter Augenniveau begrenzt. Fr einige wichtige Anwendungsfalle werden allgemeine Grenzen der Blendungsbewertung angegeben. Der Bericht beschftigt sich mit der Blendsituation innerhalb oder in der Nhe der beleuchteten Flche, nicht aber mit dem Effekt der empfundenen Strung d

22、urch Streulicht auerhalb der betrachteten Beleuchtungsanlage. METHODE DEVALUATION DE LEBLOUISSEMENT POUR LECLAIRAGE EXTERIEUR DES SPORTS ET DES GRANDS ESPACES RESUME Ce rapport technique dcrit une mthode pratique dvaluation de lblouissement pour Iclairage extrieur des sports et des grands espaces. C

23、ette mthode peut tre utilise aussi bien pour la vrification dinstallations existantes - condition de disposer du matriel de mesure adquat - que pour la prdiction du degr dblouissement au stade du projet pour les nouvelles installations, mais la validit du systme est limite aux directions de vue au-

24、dessous du niveau de Ioeil. Les limites du taux dblouissement GR (Glare Rating) sont spcifies pour les principales catgories dapplications. Le rapport concerne lblouissement et la limitation de lblouissement lintrieur ou tr6s prs de la zone claire mais ne tient pas compte de leffet de la lumire rpan

25、due au-del de cette zone. COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 112 94 9006345 0005150 b4 W CIE 112 - 1994 1. INTRODUCTION The quality of most light

26、ing installations can be expressed in terms of average lighting levels, uniformities and glare restriction. There has not, until now, been a generally accepted glare evaluation system for outdoor areas. The glare concepts, “threshold increment TI“ and “glare control mark G“, commonly used in road li

27、ghting for motorked traffic I, cannot be applied directly for area lighting. This is because the direction of view of observers is variable and not fixed; the lighting points are not necessarily positioned in regular line arrays; and the mounting heights and lighting levels are often outside the ran

28、ges for which the road lighting concepts have validity. The degree to which a lighting installation causes glare depends upon the luminous intensity distribution and aiming of the luminaires, their number, their arrangement and mounting height and on the brightness of the illuminated area. This repo

29、rt describes and recommends for practical use, a glare evaluation system that takes into account all the above factors. The system is based on extensive field tests and has shown its applicability in different installations of adequate uniformity due to common specifications. The validity of the sys

30、tem is restricted to viewing directions below eye level. It is assumed that the problem of intolerable glare experienced, when looking up and straight into a luminaire, is kept to a minimum by paying careful attention to the siting of the luminaires relative to the main directions of view. CIE repor

31、ts on the lighting of the various kinds of floodlighting application fields give guidance in this respect 2, 3,4. Before a glare evaluation concept can be employed as a practical aid in lighting design, it is necessary to agree on standard observer positions and viewing directions. Standard position

32、s and directions will be specified with the intention of getting information on both the highest degree of glare and on the size of the area with a relatively high degree of glare. For the main categories of outdoor area lighting installations, general glare restflction limits will be specified. 2.

33、FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DEGREE OF GLARE According to the definition in the CIE Vocabulary 5, the term “glare“ normally refers to a “condition of vision“ which includes two separate psycho-physical effects. These are: a) discomfort glare, which causes discomfort without necescaflly impairing the visi

34、on of b) disability glare, which impairs the vision of objects without necessarily causing discomfort objects and details. These two forms of glare are quite different phenomena. Disability glare depends mainly on the quantity of light falling on the eye and is relatively unaffected by the luminance

35、 of the source; whereas in the case of discomfort glare, source luminance is one of the major contributory factors. Furthermore, disability glare is little affected by time, whereas the other form can cause considerable discomfort where people are exposed to high luminance sources for long periods 6

36、. it is generally agreed that discomfort glare produced by an individual source depends on four main parameters: i, os O Lf According to the Holladay formula, the disability glare effect is described as an equivalent uniform luminance resulting from the stray light in the eye which superimposes on t

37、he location of the vertical image, thus lowering contract. This equivalent veiling luminance depends mainly on two parameters I: Source luminance in the direction of the observers eye Solid angle subtended by the source at the observers eye Angular displacement of the source from the observers line

38、of sight General field luminance controlling the adaptation level of the observers eye. I COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 112 94 9DDbL45 ODD51

39、51 7TD CIE 112 - 1994 Es O the illumination on the observers eye produced by the glare source in the plane perpendicular to the line of sight the angle between the centre of the glare source and the line of sight. Having obtained the total equivalent veiling luminance of an installation, the amount

40、of disability glare, and thus the lowering of apparent contrast, is also determined by the background luminance of the task against which it has to be perceived. The background luminance is the surrounding luminance of the object and corresponds nearly to the adaptation luminance. In outdoor sports-

41、 and area lighting, disturbing glare will occur for viewing directions directly toward the luminaires, as well as for viewing directions not directly toward the luminaires but toward the area under consideration. The degree of disturbance for these latter viewing directions is dependent on factors s

42、uch as type of luminaires, type of lamps in the luminaires, on their arrangement, mounting heights and aiming directions 7. Investigations have shown that the following two lighting parameters correlate best with the glare assessments in outdoor sports- and area lighting 17, 8, 9 1 : LVl the veiling

43、 luminance produced by the luminaires Lve the veiling luminance produced by the environment. These investigations were, in principle, studies into the effect of discomfort glare. As the correlating parameter LVl has been used up to now for the description of disability glare, this report will make n

44、o further distinction between discomfort and disability glare, but use the above two parameters L , I and Lve to describe glare in general. The veiling luminance is the equivalent veiling luminance as defined by Holladay-Stiles. LVl is simply the equivalent veiling luminance produced by that light f

45、rom the luminaires which is directly incident on the eye, whereas Lve i s the equivalent veiling luminance caused by light reflected towards the eye by the environment, such as the area in front of the observer. 3. BASIC GLARE EVALUATION FORMULA The degree of glare on an illuminated area may be diff

46、erent for each observer position and for each different viewing direction. For a given observer position and a given viewing direction, below eye level, the degree of glare is dependent on the equivalent veiling luminance produced by the luminaires and the equivalent veiling luminance produced by th

47、e environment in front of the observer (Lve). . Here the equivalent veiling luminance (in cd/m2) is defined as: L“ = 1 0 2 i=l where Eeyej is the illuminance on the observers eye, in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight, produced by the i-th light source; in lux. is the angle between the obser

48、vers line of sight and the direction of light incidence of the i-th light source on the eye; in degrees (1,5“ O,1,5“) will, for fvl, automatically be fulfilled if only viewing directions of 2“, or more, downward from the horizontal are considered. For Lve it means that the part of the illuminated ar

49、ea coinciding with the central field of view (2x1,5“ should not be taken into account. The relationship between the degree of glare control and the lighting parameters iVl and LVe can be described as: 2 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services - CIE 112 94 9006145 O005352 637 = glare control ma


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