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1、 - CIE 13-3 95 9006345 0000062 049 ISBN 3 900 734 57 7 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMM ISSION Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering Properties of Light Sources CIE 13.3-1995 UDC: 628.938 Descriptor: Influen

2、ce o f the colour of the light 628.97 628.981 Evaluation o f light sources Lighting with respect to object illuminated CIE 13.3 95 9006145 00000b3 T85 CIE 13.3 - 1995 This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Division 1 Vision and Colout and has been approved by the Board of Administration of t

3、he Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document is an in its technical content unchanged, editorially updated version of CIE 13.2-1974, it reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be u

4、sed by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par la Division I V

5、ision et couleur et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour etude et application. Le document est une edition ditorialement nouvelle, mais inchange dans son contenu, de CIE 13.2- 1974, traite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le d

6、omaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE o

7、u le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist von der Division der CIE 1 Sehen und Farbe ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument ist eine in seinem technischen Inhalt unvernderte, nur editorisch berarbeitete Neuausgabe der Empfehlung C

8、IE 13.2-1974, es berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschri

9、ft ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere hderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst evev care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going

10、 to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait to find the range of validity ofsuch rnehod. 2.2. To derive methods of me

11、asuring and specifying the colour mndering of light sounes based on colour shift of a group of test objects (surfaces)l involving fhe denvation of a single-number approximate colour rendering rating of the light some to be tested, supplemented by a more rigorous multi-number rating ancl/or Vpe of gr

12、aphical representation. 2.3. To derive further mehods if there is any necessity. 2.4. To establish, W possible, toiemnces, for light sources with regad to coiour rendering. The committee published an interim report on terminology in 1964 151, and decided that ultimately only one method will be recom

13、mended for specifying colour rendering 4,6. To achieve this goal the TC requested NCs to experiment both with the spectral band method and with the colour shif b) that one should take into account the effect of chromatic adaptation choosing the best way to do it; c) to evaluate the colour shiR in a

14、system, which allows for considerafion of lightness shiR also; d) that it is very convenient to have a single rating figure (general colour rendering index) but that more atfention should be paid to the special colour rendering indices thus supplementing the information given by the general colour m

15、ndenng index; e) that it should be suggested to abandon a graphic representation for the first time. Based on above considerations the Committee submitted a draft recommendation at its meeting in Vienna 161, noting that a more rigorous treatment of chromatic adaptation as well as colour differences

16、would be needed to be able to consider wider colour differences between the lamp to be tested and the reference illuminant. The fist edition of the CIE recommended method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of light sources, based on a fest colour sample method was published in 1

17、965 i 11 as In 1967 the Committee was entrusted 1121 to prepare a second edition of publication 13, mainly to include a correction for the adaptive colour shift. This work was based on the experiments by OUWELTJES 13, and MUNCH and SCHULTZ 14, and was done by applying a VON KRIES type transformation

18、 with a reference stimulus given by JUDO 15. It was pointed out that even this corrected form of colour rendering calculation was applicable only when the colour difference between the test and the reference lamp was not too large. The Committee agreed in 1970 that the chromaticity of the illuminant

19、 to be tested should be transformed to that of the reference illuminant. This involves a small step transformation which will be less sensitive to small variations in the reference stimuli and to the actual precision of the transformation than a large step transformation would be. lhe basis of asses

20、sment for the Colour Rendering Index is now the resultant colour shift after chromatic adaptation has been accounted for by the adaptive colour shift. The indices are calculated threedimensionally. This provides a common basis for both the General and Special Colour Rendering Indices. Comments regar

21、ding the meaning of the Colour Rendehg Indices were added, dealing with the uncertainties in the determination of R, influences of test conditions, just perceptible differences in terms of R and interchangeability of lamps with regard to their colour rendering properties. Also a footnote regarding T

22、c was added. This footnote concerns the definition of Tc given in the International Lighting Vocabulary l 6 1 . Moreover, the Committee stated that it was desirable to obtain an improved method for allowing for chromatic adaptation which could apply to illuminants having large chromaticity differenc

23、es between them, but this would necessitate more knowledge about chromatic adaptation. The method was improved substantially by using the suggested small step transformation as it reduced the dependence of the Colour Rendering Index on the temperature scale of the reference illurninants. Some furthe

24、r amendments compared to CIE 13-1965 were also undertaken, bringing the document in line with CIES fundamental publication on colour 17. The 2nd edition of CIE 13 was published in 1974 18. This publication contained a large number of tables that helped in using the method when doing the calculation

25、on paper. Unfortunately some misprints both in the text, the equations and the tables were observed after printing was completed, resulting in several corrections published during the years, leading up to a “Corrected Reprint 1993“ w i t h Revisionl, May 1994. CIE 13-1 965. 2 COPYRIGHT International

26、 Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 13.3 95 m 9006345 0000070 115 CIE 13.3 -1995 The terminology also changed during the 20 years since publication of CIE 13.2. It there

27、fore became necessary to publish a new edition, which does not change the calculation method. As this edition has the status of a “Technical Report“ and not of a “Recommendation“ or “Standard“ it is printed only in one language (English) and contains only those tables that are necessary to perform t

28、he calculations using modern computer techniques (Le. tables containing derived data form other tables have been omitted). The CIE Central Bureau provides also two application software programs programs on a disk: CIE13-3D.EXE is a program that calculates the special dour rendering indices and the g

29、eneral colour rendering index on an IBM PC or compatible running under DOS 3.2 or higher. CIE13-3W.EXE is a modification of the above program to be run on an IBM PC 386 or 486 or compatible under MS-WINDOWS 3.1. Using one of these programs the calculation method described in the publication can be f

30、ully implemented. The disk also contains data files in a separate subdirectory useful for one to develop his or her own color rendering index program. These tables are extracts of CIE DISK D002-1991 “CIE Colorimetry and Colour Rendering Tables“. Another subdirectoiy presents general information on C

31、IE publications and software. 3 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 1 3 - 3 95 I 900bL45 0000071i 051 I CIE 13.3 -1995 2. PURPOSE This specificati

32、on establishes the CIE recommended method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of light sources based on resultant colour shifts of test objects, named Test- Colour Method for short. This method is to be considered as the fundamental method for appraisal of cofour rendering proper

33、ties of light sources and is recommended for type testing as well as for testing individual lamps. for definitions of terms used in this specifications and not specified in the ILV 76, see Appendix 1 of this publication. 3. SCOPE This specification applies to most general purpose illuminants (e.g. t

34、ungsten filament lamps, tubular and compact fluorescent lamps, and all other kinds o f gaseous discharge electrical lamps except sources of predominantly monochromatic radiation such as low pressure sodium). This method may also be applied to modified daylight. 4. RATING It is recommended that the r

35、ating shall consist of a General Colour Rendering Index which may be supplemented by a set of Special Colour Rendering Indices. The derivation of the Special Colour Rendering indices shall be based on a general comparison of the lengths of colour difference vectors in the 1964 Uniform Space 17, and

36、shall be carried out according to the method described in sections 5 and 6. 5. RATING PROCEDURE 5.7. General remarks To apply the recommended Tesf-Colour Method the resultant colour shifts for suitably chosen test- colour samples (see section 5.4.) must be calculated. For doing this, fisrst the CIE

37、1931 tristimulus values of the various test-colours must be determined for both the illuminant to be tested and the reference illuminant. The next step is to transform these tristimulus values into co-ordinates of the 1960 UCS diagram* 17. The adaptive colour shift is accounted for by a VON KRIES tr

38、ansformation with the fundamental primaries given by JUOD 15. The difference between the chromaticities of the illuminant to be tested and the reference illuminant should be small enough to achieve a satisfactory approximation of the effect of chromatic adaptation (see section 5.3). Then the colour

39、differences of the test-colour samples will be calculated in the 1964 Uniform Space 17. 5.2. Reference Illuminant The appraisal of colour rendering properties of a light source shall always be referred to a Reference lllurninanf, which may be defined mathematically. This reference illuminant shall b

40、e of the same or nearly the same chromaticity as the lamp to be tested. * The 1960 UCS diagram and 1964 Uniform Space are declared as obsolete recommendations in CIE 15.2-1986, but have been retained for the time being for calculating colour rendering indices and correlated colour temperature (see n

41、ext page) . 4 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 13.3 -1995 For tolerances in the choice of reference illurninants, see section 5.3. Unless other

42、wise specified, the reference illuminant for light sources with correlate colour temperature below 5 O00 K shall be a Planckian radiator and from 5 O00 K one of a series of spectral power distributions of phases of daylight 17. For special cases, CIE or other specific standard illurninants may serve

43、 as reference illuminant. In all cases a full description in terms of spectral power distribution for wavelength intervals no greater than I O nm over the visible spectrum shall be supplied for reference illurninants. 5 . 3 . Tolerances for reference illuminant The reference illuminant i s intended

44、to be of the same or nearly the same chromaticity as the lamp to be tested. It shall be selected so that the chromaticity difference DC is smaller than 5,4.10-3, if this is possible. This tolerance is suggested as a practical limit of difference. The chromaticity difference DC between the lamp to be

45、 tested (uk, Vk) and the reference illuminant (Ur,Vr) will be calculated as DC = (Uk Ur) + (vk - Vr) (5-1 1 The tolerance of DC = 5,4.10-3 corresponds to about 15 MK-I (reciprocal megakelvin) along the Planckian locus. If the chromaticity difference between the lamp to be tested and the reference il

46、luminant is greater than the tolerance o f DC = 5,4.10” the resulting Coiour Rendering Indices may be expected to become less accurate. In all cases the reference illuminant shall be indicated in brackets after the rating figure e.g. Ra = 90(D65). 5.4. Test-colour samples A set of eight CIE-1974 tes

47、t-colour samples (Ti, i= 1 . 8y* is specified by the spectral radiance factors in Section 8, Table 1. These samples cover the hue circle, are moderate in saturation, and are approximately the same in lightness. Data for further CIE-1974 test-colour samples (q, i = 9 . 14)” representing a strong red,

48、 yellow, green and blue and representing complexion and foliage colours, are supplied in Section 8, Table 2. These samples vary widely in lightness and saturation. n CIE test colour samples: Other individual test-colour samples (Ti, i 14) may also be used. They must always be specified by accurate s

49、pectral radiance factor data. 5 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 33.3 95 E 9006345 0000073 924 C I E 13.3 -1 995 For calculating Special Colour Rendering Indices recommended by this method data of any individual test-colour samples may be used (see section 6.2), whilst the calculation of the General Colour Rendehg Index is recommended to be based


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