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2、 BUREAU CENTRAL D E LA CIE 52, BOULEVARD MALESHERBES 75008 PARIS - FRANCE COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE b3 B Y 9006345 0002521 915 This repo

3、rt has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4.6 Road Lighting. It has been approved by the majority of the Technical Committee and is recommended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation approved by the National Committees of the Member Countries of t

4、he CIE. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE-JOURNAL should be consulted regarding the current status of this report and possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique 4.6 Eclairage d

5、es voies publiques. I1 a t approuv par la majorit du Comit Technique et il est recommand pour tude et application. Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la CIE, approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la CIE. I1 doit tre not que toute recommandation y figurant est donne

6、a titre de conseil et non dobligption. En ce qui concerne la situation prsente de ce Rapport et dventuelles modifications, il faut consulter le plus rcent Compte Rendu de Session ou JOURNAL de la CIE. Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen Komitee 4.6 Strassenbeleuchtung ausgearbeitet. Er wurde durch

7、die Mehrheit des Technischen Komitees gebilligt und wird zum Studium und zur Anwendung empfohlen. Dieser Bericht ist keine offiziell anerkannte CIE-empfehlung, der die Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslnder der CIE zugestimmt haben Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass jede Empfehlung in diesem Bericht al

8、s Anleitung dient und nicht verbindlich ist. Was den gegenwrtigen Status dieses Berichtes und mgliche Nachfolge-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-Tagu 100- o I - n ( C = O Y t =O. I sec. 1 Original X L55x 1,75 Nakamichi et al. % Original data n Y 5 50- (c=25%, t , =o. 5 sec. i 20. Figure 2

9、2. The luminance to be provided i n the tunnel (L2) as a function of the distance of the observers eyes a t which the object has t o be perceived (DI. Comparison of data by Schreuder and Nakamichi e t al. 1 superimposed, which is caused by the gradual increase of t h e area of t h e r e l a t i v e

10、l y dark tunnel during approach. (The surrounding luminance i n t h e simulator was maintained unchanged). z I n t h i s respect, it must be noted t h a t the r e s u l t s of t h e t w o investigations, one by Schreuder ani! t h e o t h e r by Nakamichi-Narisada compared above, as shown i n Figure

11、3 and 22, are, strictly speaking, v a l i d only for simplified or simulated conditions under which each of their r e s u l t s were obtained. lorzF 6 40 2 As discussed later i n t h i s report, the a c t u a l slope of t h e curve; which represents t h e course of the decrease of t h e equivalent l

12、uminance of t h e standard f i e l d (L1) of t h e approaching drivers eyes, is determined by t h e luminance s t r u c t u r e s i n t he access zone. O .- 53 - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumin

13、ation Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE bL 64 . P 9006345 0002581 3T “ O n d - - d a Figure 23. O - 1 4 4 I I I 200 150 100 50 O o. 1 The equi val ent luminance of the stanca.rd f i e l d (LI11 measured a t twenty-two fintrances of motorway tunnels as a function of the distance from t h

14、e entrance (DI. Tunnel Portal I Direction of driving Figure 24. R el at i ve v a r i a t i o n s of equivalent luminance of the st andard f i e l d (LI11 as a function of t h e distance from t h e tunnel ( 3 ) . The values measured a t 100 m were plotted as a standard = 1.0. - 54 - COPYRIGHT Interna

15、tional Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 63 84 9006345 0002582 226 I n Figure 23, v a r i a t i o n s of L I 1 measured during approach to twenty-two entrances of motor

16、way tunnels are given. Despite t h e f a c t t h a t the luminance s t r u c t u r e s near t h e entrances o f t h e tunnels d i f f e r e d considerably f r o m one tunnel t o another, t h e general tendency of t h e variations of the equivalent luminance of t h e standard f i e l d (L1) during ap

17、proach were found to be similar. The similarity may be reasoned t h a t the c e n t r a l part of the d r i v e r l s field of view where t h e l e v e l o f t he equivalent v e i l i n g luminance to be caused is most s t r o n g l y influenced is occupied by the dark tunnel. whicli dimensions are

18、roughly t h e same. I n Figure 24, t h e values of LI1 are normalized at a distance of 100 metres from t he tunnel entrance and the relative variations shown as a hatched area. The t h i c k curve i n t he hatched area i n the figure shows a re-plotting of t h e data by Nakamichi, Narisada and Yoshi

19、kawa (1967). It can be seen t h a t the curve obtained by them, shown i n Figure 24, represents a typical decrease of the equivalent luminance of t h e standard f i e l d (LI11 during approach to the entrance of the tunnel, t h e surroundings of which are constructed with r e l a t i v e l y l i g h

20、 t s t r u c t u r e s , and t h a t t h i s curve can be applied to m o s t practical cases with a s u f f i c i e n t s a f e t y margin. dl Conclusions: It can be concluded t ha t: 1) the location of t he f i x a t i o n point as w e l l as t h e percentage fi xat i on t i m e of the approachinq

21、drivers eyes on t h e r e l a t i v e l y dark tunnel ahead during approach, and hence, t h e eye scanning behaviour, have no strong relevance t o t he luminance i n the threshold zone to be c a l c u l a t e d f o r the equivalent luminance of the standard f i e l d (LI11 of t h e drivers eyes, sta

22、ndard f i e l d of t h e d r i v e r s eyes (Ll) during approacb (to which t h e threshold zone has to be designed) depends s t r o n g l y on t he luminance s t r u c t u r e of t h e access zone of t h e tunnel under consideration, standard field ( L 1 ) can, possibly, be represented by a curve as

23、 shown i n Figure 24, for most cases, standard f i e l d ( L I 1 1 can be approximated and measured along t h e a x i s of t h e access road with a luminance meter whose measuring f i e l d i s 2 x 10 degrees, as described i n t h e annex ta CIE Publication No.26, (19731, provided t h a t t h e lumi

24、nance value obtained is increased by a factor of 1.5. 2) t he gradual change of t h e equivalent luminance of the 3 ) t he gradual change of t h e equivalent luminance of t h e 4 ) t he gradual change of t h e equivalent luminance of the - 55 - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Lice

25、nsed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE b3 84 W 7006345 0002583 Lb2 Chapter 4: DRIVING EXPERIWENTS AND DETECTION DISTANCE Bonomo (1980) has c a r r i e d oct. driving experiments at an I t a l i a n tunnel

26、. The detecting distance for t h e object located i n t h e tunnel was measured, keeping t h e lmiinance i n t h e tunnel constant, under various daylight conditions a t various d r i v i n g speeds. The luniinance i n t h e access sone was measured a t d i f f e r e n t d i s t a n c e s from the t

27、unnel portal. Based on t h e results obtained, t h e ratio between t h e luminance i n t h e tunnel (L2) and t h e luniinance i n t h e access zone ( L o ) , i.e, L2/Lo, was surveyed with respect t o d e t e c t i n g distance. As a consequence, it was found t h a t : - The detecting d i s t a n c e

28、 depends on the ratio (L2/Lc). - The d e t e c t i n g di st ance does n o t depend on t h e d r i v i n g speed, a t l e a s t n o t for t h e speeds used i n t h e experiment (80 and 110 km/h). - The method described i n Appendix 1 o the 1973 CIE recom- mendations i n which t h e weighted average

29、of the luminances a t t hree d i f f e r e n t distances i n f r o n t of the tunnel is used as a basis fcr determining t h e L2 value is n o t confirned ( t h i s is i n agreement with the note of Section 3.4 part c.). - L i g ht s c a t t e r i n g on t he layer of air between a driver and t h e t

30、 unnel portal decreases t h e apparent c o n t r a s t of an object wi t h its background and therefore decreases t h e d e t e c t i n g distance. The thicker t h i s layer of air t h e more important t h i s negative effect. A t higher d r i v i n g speeds an approaching driver m u s t be able t o

31、 see an object i n t h e tunnel from a p o i n t f u r t h e r away from t h e tunnel e n t rance and from t h i s p o i n t t h e layer of air is of course t h i c ker. Consequently a higher L2/Lo ratio is needed w i t h higher speeds. - Also the l i g h t scatter on t h e windscreen of cars has a

32、negative influence on the d e t e c t i n g sistance. - 56 - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services Chapter 5: VARIATION OF THE: LUMINANCE IN THE ACCESS

33、ZONE (Lo) DUE TO TIME, WEATHER AND SEASONAL CHANGES 5.1. Variations of d a y l i g h t levels: As may e a s i l y be understood, in order to ensure t r a f f i c s a f e t y a t the entrance zone of tunnels under a l l circumstances, p r i n c i p a l l y , t h e luminance level t o be provided i n

34、t h e threshold zone (LS) has t o be designed to t h e highest value of the luminance in the access zone (Lo) which can possibly occur during the year. As is known, however, t h e daylight l e v e l varies according to time, weather anC! seasons, and variations of daylight l e v e l w i l l be very

35、d i f f e r e n t f o r various tunnels i n various co u nt ri es. This means t h a t , t o obtain t h e highest p o s s i b l e luminance i n t h e access zone, variations of daylight levels o v e r a considerable period, a t least one whole year, must be examined. In t h e 1973 CIE recommendations

36、, fer example, Postmas recoros of dayl i ght illuminance i n t h e Netherlands shown i n Ficpre 25 (Postma, 19361, are r e f e r r e d to. The f i g u r e gi ves t h e cumulative frequency d i s t r i b u t i o n s of t h e hori zont al illuminance (illumination 1 f o r the whole year as well as for

37、 t he months of May, June, July and August. The values represent t h e mean of the recordings for 1O:OO a.m., noon and 2:OO p.m. Therefore, Postmas records were not concerned d i r e c t l y with t h e occurrence of t i m e , but r a t h e r with t he occurrence of days on which average readings tak

38、en exceeded a c e r t a i n illuminance value. For t h e frequency of occurrence of d a y l i g h t horizont a l illuminance a t any t i m e during the year (for England), one can r e f e r to Hunts study (Hunt, 1979). For t h i s purpose, Yoshikawa, Sumi and H o r i i (1976) have conducted continuo

39、us measurements of v a r i a t i o n s of t h e luminance i n t h e access zone (Lo) a t t h e entrance of a t y p i c a l motorway tunnel located i n a mountainous area of c e n t r a l Japan (Ten-no-z,an tunnel, 1 490 metres long, see Figure 26) for one whole year from September Ist, 1974 to Augus

40、t 31st, 1975. A luminance det ect or with a c i r c u l a r measuring f i e l d of 2 x 10 degrees was located a t a height of about 4.5 metres from t h e l e f t hand hard shoulder (for l e f t hand t r a f f i c ) of t h e access roa2 a t a di stance of 150 metres from the tunnel portal. The mounti

41、ng height was chosen so as t o eliminate as much as possible t he d e t e r i o r a t i o n of the photo-electrical s e n s i t i v i t y of t h e Luminance detector due to t r a f f i c fumes and dust over the period of the measurements. The e f f e c t s of t he mounting h e i g h t of t h e lumin

42、ance detector on t h e measuring results were checked, experimentally, and found to be n e g l i q i b l e f o r t he purpose of t h i s experiment. The photo-electric current from t h e detector showing the - 57 - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling S

43、ervices COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE bL 84 7006145 0002585 T35 average readings at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 h. I I 5000 10000 20 O00 50000 100000 Eh (lx) Figure 25. Cumulative frequency d i s t r i b u t i o n s of t h e horizontal illum

44、inance i n t h e Netherlands during the period 1 O : O O - 1 4 : O O h (Postmal. Figure 26. General view of t h e entrance of Ten-no-zan tunnel where the laininance in the access zone (Lo) was measured. - 58 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services

45、 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services luminance value was continuously recorded by a nine-channel recorder developed by t h e i r laboratory. I n t h e recorder, t h e photo-electric current was c l a s s i f i e d i n t o nine different l e v

46、e l s e l e c t r o n i c a l l y , according to the level of t he luminance, by means of precise level detectors t h erei n. The durations of the t i m e during which each luminance level was recorded were automatically and independently accumulated within nine s p e c i f i c ranges, e.g, between

47、1 000 and 2 000, 2 O00 and 3 O00 cd/m2, etc. 20. I n Figure 27, t h e cumulative frequency d i s t r i b u t i o n of the luminance i n t h e access zone (Lo) constructed from th e r e s u l t s obtained is shown, taking 40 cd/m2 as 100%. recorded was about. 110,OOO lux As a r e s u l t , it was fou

48、nd that: i 1) a t t he entrance of t h i s tunnel, the luminance i n th e access zone never exceeded a value of about 3 O00 cd/m2 (corresponding value of L1 = 4 500 cd/m2), 2) for approximately 95% of the daytime throughout the year, t h e luminance measured i n the access zone (Lo) was below about

49、2 O00 cd/m2 (corresponding value of LI1 = 3 O00 cd/m2). Attention must be paid to the fact t h a t the entrance of th e tunnel where t h e measurements were carried o u t was a typical motorway tunnel i n a mountainous area of c e n t r a l Japan and t h a t t h i s district of Japan is semi-tropical i n its climate. I n t h i s connection, however, f u r t h e r measurements have to be c a r r i e d o u t a t t he entrances of other tunnels as w e l l . h Be


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