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2、Interior lighting Evaluation of lighting installations Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -

3、,-,- CIE 97 92 I 900b345 0004573 225 I ISBN 3 900 734 34 8 No. I COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE M a r c h Page 9, Table 3.3: For elapsed time in years 2.5, N at size 2.5 and 5.0, value is .74. 1995 Page 20, Note 4th line: Cost of owning. Page 12, equ. 4.4 and page 21: letter S under INTERNAT

4、IONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTU NGSKOM M ISSION MAINTENANCE OF INDOOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING SYSTEMS CIE 97 - 1992 CIE 97.1-1995 Revision I I Revision I Date I Revision Notes square root sign changed to 2. UDC: 628.972 628.987 Descriptor: Interior lighting Evaluation of lighting

5、 installations Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 97 92 900bL45 0004572 Lbl H II

6、This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 3-10 of Division 3 Interior Environment and Lighting Design and has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and

7、experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted

8、 regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 3-10 de la Division 3 Environnement intrieur et tude de lclairage et a t approuve par le Bureau dadministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document tr

9、aite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indique de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amend

10、ements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 3-1 O der Division 3 Innenraum und Beleuchtungsentwurf ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berich

11、tet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CI

12、E-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time o f going to press, these may

13、not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apporte la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait es sind daher entsprechende Wartungsprogramme zu erarbeiten, um die Abnahme einzuschrnken. In

14、 diesem Bericht werden die Parameter, die den Wertminderungs- proze beeinflussen, sowie ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung des Verminderungsfaktors fr lnnenbeleuchtungssysteme mit elektrischem Licht beschrieben. Es bietet Hilfe bei der Wahl von Gerten und beim Ausarbeiten von wirtschaftlichen Wartungszykl

15、en und gibt Auskunft ber Wartungstechniken. MAINTENANCE DUNE INSTALLATION DECLAIRAGE INTERIEUR SOMMAIRE Pendant la dure de vie dune installation dclairage, la lumire disponible dcrot progressivement. La vitesse de cette baisse est fonction de lenvironnement, des conditions de fonctionnement et de lg

16、e de linstallation. Lors de la conception dun clairage, nous devons prendre cette baisse en consideration en utilisant le facteur de dprciation et en dressant des programmes dentretien appropris afin de limiter la dgradation. Ce manuel contient une description des paramtres ayant une incidence sur l

17、e processus de dprciation et expose une mthode destimation du facteur de dprciation pour les systmes dclairage lectrique intrieur. II fournit des informations sur le choix de lquipement, lvaluation des cycles conomiques de maintenance et donne des conseils sur les techniques dintervention. Copyright

18、 International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 97 92 I 9006345 O004576 807 = 1 1. introduction The ill

19、uminance initially provided by a lighting installation will decrease gradually throughout the life of the installation. Several terms to describe the factor which accounts for this reduction have been used. In the current International Lighting Vocabulary (CIE Pub.No.17.4) the English term Light los

20、s factor is given with “Maintenance factor shown as obsolete. The equivalent term in French is “Facteur de dprciation“. For the purposes of this report it has been decided to retain the term “Maintenance factor“ as this is the more commonly used and understood term. The definition is precisely that

21、given in publication 17.4; .e Ratio of the average illuminance on the working plane after a certain period of use of a lighting installation to the average illuminance obtained under the same conditions for the installation considered conventionally as new. Notes: 1. The term depreciation factor has

22、 been formerly used to designate the 2. The light losses take into account dirt accumulation on luminaire and room reciprocal of the above ratio. surfaces and lamp depreciation. The recommended illuminance for lighting design is now based on “maintained illumin- ance which is the average illuminance

23、 at the certain period“ of the above definition, when maintenance has to be carried out. Lighting systems have different maintenance characteristics and this should be one of the important assessments made in the early stages of project design. This guide discusses the various influencing factors an

24、d gives data based on practical solutions which enable the maintenance factor for types of systems, buildings and locations to be derived. The derived maintenance factor should be applied to all formulae used for lighting scheme calculations, such as illuminance, luminance on areas or at points. Met

25、hods for estimating economic maintenance periods and advice on cleaning techniques are also given. The guide also provides a limited selection of typical data to allow the calculation methods to be explained. However, to take advantage o f the continuing development of lighting products, up-to-date

26、data should be obtained from manufacturers. The bibliography contains a short list of publications used as the basis for this guide where further information may be obtained. 2. Need for maintenance All lighting schemes within a building will deteriorate progressively from the moment they are put in

27、to use. The losses are due to the accumulation o f dust and dirt on all exposed surfaces of lamps, luminaires and room surfaces - reducing the transparency or reflecting power - and to the decay in lamp lumen-output, failing lamps and aging of surfaces. If this process is unchecked, it will result i

28、n the illuminance falling to very low values as shown in figure 2.1, and the scheme becomes unsightly and dangerous. As the decay in illuminance is gradual, the workers may not notice the loss immediately. But over a period this gradual reduction will cause increased visual strain, more errors and m

29、istakes in the work; the task will take longer to complete and accidents may occur. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitt

30、ed without license from IHS -,-,- 2 Regular maintenance is, therefore, most important for an effective lighting installation. The lighting system should not only be cleaned correctly and thoroughly but the cleaning should be carried out at regular intervals. A well designed maintenance programme wil

31、l maintain the required illuminance, reduce capital and operating costs and run the system safely. It will ensure satisfactory appearance and comfort for the occupants. However, even with a well designed and operated maintenance programme some loss of illuminance is inevitable. This loss has to be e

32、stimated, at the time the lighting scheme is planned, and an allowance in the form of maintenance factor should be included in the scheme design calculations. Fia 2.1 VARIATION OF ILLUMINANCE THROUG H LIFE. TUBULAR FLUORESCENT LAMP INDUSTRIAL REFLECTOR ) 5. Non-recoverable losses -L-,-. Benefit of c

33、leaning at regular intervals I I Maintained Value Un maint ai ned - System - O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (Thousands of Hours) 1 2 3 4 (Years) Years in Use Fig 2.7: Variation of illuminance through life (tubular fluorescent lamp industrial reflector luminaire operated with spot lamp replacement). A - Loss due

34、 to lamp lumen depreciation B - Loss due to room surface depreciation C - Loss due to dirt on lamp and luminaire optic 2.1 Influencing factors There are several factors which can reduce the light output. These are grouped under non-recoverable and recoverable depreciations. Non-recoverable factors,

35、such as ageing, are inherent in the installation and its environ- ment and cannot be improved during normal maintenance or are uneconomical to overcome. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for

36、 Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 97 92 111 9006345 0004578 68T 3 At the specification stage of a lighting installation, these factors should be taken into account together with the planning of a maintenance programme. If the i

37、nfluence of other factors such as voltage, frequency, temperature and ballast, are permanent and significant then at the design stage the magnitude of these effects should be estimated and an allowance similar to the maintenance factor should be made in the calculations. The influence of random occu

38、rrences may be ignored, provided they do not harm the operation of the lighting system. Recoverable factors of lamp lumen maintenance, lamp survival, luminaire maintenance, room surface maintenance can be made good during routine maintenance by relamping, cleaning, replacement of components or paint

39、ing surfaces. The value of such maintenance programme is indicated as an example in figure 2.1. Clearly the illuminance in the unserviced scheme will fall to 40 % of the initial value within 3 years and will continue to decline. But by annual cleaning and tri-annual relamp and repaint the decline is

40、 checked at over 60 % of the initial value. At three years the maintained scheme is providing an illuminance 50 % higher than the unmaintained system. Once the non-recoverable reductions by ageing or soiling have occurred they cannot be brought back to their original condition and replacement of the

41、 luminaire may be necessary. This is the case with luminaires if they are in, say, dusty or oily atmospheres so that dust or oil particles become burnt onto the reflector. In such cases it is not economically viable to bring the reflector back to its original condition and, therefore, it is advisabl

42、e (sometimes essential) to replace the reflector. If this is not done the lighting installation will not provide the maintained illuminance. It is well known that good lighting helps to prevent accidents, particularly at work and for good lighting the installation must be maintained at the design co

43、ndition standard. There are also sound economic arguments for regular maintenance o f lighting installations. The clean system will reduce wasted energy and maintain productivity. 2.2 inspection Intervals and cleanliness category Regular inspection of lighting installations is advisable. In some cou

44、ntries the provision of adequate illuminance for working is required by law. The levels are enforced by independent inspectors. As a guide for those who have their lighting inspected and/or measured, Table 2.1 shows maximum intervals for various areas. Table 2.1 also indicates the cleanliness catego

45、ry of typical places of work. Note: There may be cases particularly in certain industrial processes, where the environment is exceedingly dirty which are outside the scope of the above classification. 2.3 Cleaning schedule To assist operators of a maintenance schedule Table 2.2 gives a quick indicat

46、ion of the cleaning intervals for different luminaires used in the various environments. As far as main- tenance is concerned Table 2.2 can also be used for the selection of luminaires for the particular environment. The data is typical of all lamp types with the exception of high pressure discharge

47、 reflector lamps which will have characteristics similar to type B luminaire. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:36:28 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

48、hout license from IHS -,-,- Table 2.1 ING ENVIRONMENTS. RECOMMENDED INSPECTION INTERVALS OF LIGHTING SYSTEMS IN DIFFERENT WORK- NORMAL DIRTY INSPECTION INTERVAL 3 YEARS 2 YEARS Office, shops, schools, laboratories, restaurants, warehouses, assembly workshops Steelworks, chemical works, foundries, welding, polishing, woodwork 1 1YEAR CLEANLINESS CATEGORY I TASK AREAS CLEAN Clean rooms, computer centres, electronic assembly, hospitals * * For reason of hygiene control more frequent inspection may


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