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1、 CIE 94 93 9006145 0004li08 385 )a PJ f ISBN 3 900 734 3 1 3 C O M M I SS I O N I NTE R NAT I O NA LE D E L C LA I RAG E 1 NT ER NAT I O N AL C O M M I SS I O N O N I LLU M I NAT I O N INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMM ISSION GUIDE FOR FLOODLIGHTING Pub. No. CIE 94 1st Edition 1993 UDC: 628.971.7:625.

2、712.45 Descriptor: Lighting of public squares (for festivities, etc.) Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

3、ense from IHS -,-,- CIE 94 93 W 9006345 0004409 231 W II This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 5-06 of Division 5 Exterior and other Lighting Applications and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and app

4、lication. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatoiy. Th

5、e latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 5-06 de la Division 5 Eclairage extrieur et autres applications et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de

6、 IEclairage, pour etude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes e t de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de ia lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresses. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indic

7、atif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus de la C I E ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 5-06 der Division 5 Auen- beleuchtung und andere Lichtanwendungen ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Com- miss

8、ion Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den denehigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet. von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da d

9、as Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the co

10、mpilation of any lists, up to the time o f going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnu

11、ng von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1993 Copyright International Commission on Illuminatio

12、n Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 94 93 I 9006345 0004430 T33 Ill PREFACE At the XXth congress of the CIE at Amsterdam in 1983, t

13、he Technical Committee TC 5-06 was formed to study floodlighting, later extended to include exterior decorative lighting. During the early meetings it became apparent that many of the elements contained in CIE Publication 37 (1 976) were of value and should be brought up to date and incorporated in

14、the new publication. This has been done and the present Guide now replaces Publication 37. The active members of the Cornmittee have been: Jean PRIEUR Philippe JOYE Paul PHILIPPOT Joseph HORVAM Ramon SAN MARTIN France (Chairman) Switzerland (Secretary) Belgium Hungary Spain Copyright International C

15、ommission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 74 73 I 7006345 0004433 9T IV LIST OF CONTENTS PREFACE LIST OF CONTENTS

16、 LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES SUMMARY ZUSAMMENFASSUNG RESUME 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 SURVEY OF SUBJECTS 1.2SCOPE 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 TYPES OF SUBJECT 2.1.1 Classic buildings 2.1.2 Commercial and industrial buildings 2.1.3 Natural sites 2.1.4 Constructions 2.1.5 Artworks and pavilions 2.1.6 Parks, garde

17、ns and flowerbeds 2.2.1 Static floodlighting 2.2.2 Dynamic floodlighting 2.2.3 Outline lighting 2.2.4 Self-luminous effects 2.2.5 “Son et Lumire 2.2 LIGHTING EFFECTS 3. DECORATIVE LIGHTING: ITS CONCEPT AND ACHIEVEMENT 3.1 PRELIMINARY RESEARCH 3.2 PRIVATE AND ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORIZATION 3.2.1 Owner

18、authorization 3.2.2 Administrative authorization 3.2.3 Community and third-party interests 3.3 DOCUMENTATION . 3.3.1 Maps and plans 3.3.2 Photographs 3.4 PRELIMINARY SITE STUDY 3.4.1 Surrounding night-time lighting 3.4.2 Seasonal influences 3.4.3 Access 3.4.4 Viewing points 3.4.5 Power supply 3.4.6

19、Financial considerations 3.5 PRELIMINARY PLAN 3.5.1 Procedures and criteria 3.5.2 Energy conservation Page 111 IV VIII VIII IX IX IX 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicens

20、ee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 94 93 H 9006345 0004412 806 D 3.6 FINAL PLAN FOR THE PROJECT 3.7 INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT 4. LIGHT SOURCES 4.1 INCANDESCENT LAMPS 4.1.1 Ge

21、neral lighting service lamps 4.1.2 Sot-glass reflector lamps 4.1.3 Crown-silvered lamps 4.1.4 Extra-low-voltage lamps 4.1.5 Halogen lamps 4.1.6 Sealed-beam (PAR) lamps 4.2 DISCHARGE LAMPS 4.2.1 Fluorescent lamps 4.2.2 Cold cathode lamps 4.2.3 High-pressure mercury lamps 4.2.4 Metal-halide lamps 4.2.

22、5 High-pressure sodium lamps 4.2.6 Low-pressure sodium lamps 4.2.7 Xenon lamps 4.2.8 Ultraviolet (UV) lamps 5. STATIC FLOODLIGHTING 5.1 PRINCIPLES 5.2 CHOICE OF SUBJECT 5.2.1 Architectural and aesthetic character 5.2.2 Hierarchy of subjects 5.2.3 Characteristics of the surroundings 5.3 FLOODLIGHTING

23、 TECHNIQUES 5.3.1 Angle of incidence 5.3.2 Direction of the lighting 5.3.3 Viewpoint and lighting direction 5.4 POSITIONING OF FLOODLIGHTS 5.4.1 Determining the positions 5.4.2 Daylight appearance 5.4.3 Glare 5.4.4 Access for maintenance and adjustment 5.5 FLOODUGHT CHARACTERISTICS 5.5.1 Photometric

24、 characteristics 5.5.2 Mechanical characteristics 5.6.1 Recommended luminance of subject 5.6.2 Illuminance level and reflectance 5.6.3 Luminous flux 5.6.4 Calculation of the number of floodlights 5.6 LAMP RATINGS 5.7 BACKLIGHTING 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16

25、16 16 16 18 18 18 18 i a 18 18 19 21 21 21 24 24 24 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,

26、- CIE 94 93 I I b345 0004433 742 VI 5.8 USE OF COLOURED LIGHT 5.8.1 Precautions and limits of use 5.8.2 Sources of coloured light 5.8.3 Colour filters 5.9 MAINTENANCE 6. DYNAMIC FLOODLIGHTING 6.1 PRINCIPLES 6.2 RANGE OF USE 6.3 JUSTIFICATION 6.4 PLANNING 6.4.1 Subdivision of the subject 6.4.2 Study


28、TATUES, SCULPTURES, MOBILES AND FLAGS 7.1 O WINDOWS 7.1 1 WATER FEATURES 7.1 1.1 Fountains 7.1 1.2 Still water and lakes 7.1 1.3 Equipment quality 7.12.1 Principles 7.12.2 Selection and arrangement of equipment 7.3 MULTIPLE-FACE TOWERS 7,12 PARKS AND OPEN COUNTRY 8. OUTLINE LIGHTING 8.1 PRINCIPLES A

29、ND LIMITATIONS 8.2 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES 8.3 METHODS 8.3.1 Incandescent lamps 8.3.2 Cold cathode lamps 8.3.3 Fluorescent tubular lamps 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 32 32 32 35 35 35 37 40 40 40 43 43 43 44 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 9. SELF-LUMINOUS EFFECTS 9.1 PRINCI

30、PLES 51 51 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 94 93 I 90061145 00044114 689 W 9.2

31、 DECORATIVE STRINGS AND LUMINOUS MOTIFS 9.2.1 Decorative strings 9.2.2 Luminous motifs 9.2.3 Lamps 9.2.4 Power supply 9.2.5 Control of animation effects 9.3.1 Ion lasers 9.3.2 Use 9.3.3 Safety 9.4 HOLOGRAMS 9.4.1 Principle of the hologram 9.4.2 Production limitations 9.4.3 Types of hologram 9.4.4 Re


33、1 THE NEED FOR MAINTENANCE 11.2 DEPRECIATION 11.2.1 Lumen output of lamps 11.2.2 Rated life of lamps 1 1.2.3 Deposits on the equipment 1 1.2.4 Operating conditions 1 1.2.5 Alterations of the adjustment 11.3.1 Periodic inspection and testing 11.3.2 Light-source replacement 11 -3.3 Cleaning 11.3.4 Adj

34、ustment 11.3.5 Mechanical and electrical maintenance 1 1.3.6 Tree trimming 11 -3.7 Maintenance personnel 11.3.8 Estimation of maintenance costs 11.3.9 Operating schedule 11.3 MAINTENANCE 11.4 PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 11.5 PHOTOGRAPHING THE LIGHTING EFFECTS 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY 12.1 REFERENCE WORKS

35、12.2 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=le

36、ee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 5.3.1 .A 5.3.1 .B 5.3.2 5.5,l.Z.A-B 5.6.2 7.2.A-D 7.2.E-F 7.3.A-C 7.4.A-D 7.5 7.6.A-B 7.8 7.9.A-C 7.9.D-F 7.1 1 .i .A-8 7.1 1.1.C 7.1 1.1 .D-F 7.12.2.A-D 7.1 2.2.E-G 7.1 2.2

37、.H 7.1 2.2.1-K CIE 94 93 9006145 0004415 5L5 W VIII LIST OF FIGURES Oblique lighting reveals texture. Weak texture requires greater obliquity. Localized lighting to soften shadows. Polar diagrams of intensity distributions. Intensity distribution curves in Cartesian co-ordinates for narrow beams. An

38、gles involved in floodlighting. Arrangements for a cylindrical tower. Arrangements for a cylindrical tower. Arrangements for a square or a multiple-faced tower. Arrangements for lighting roofs. Arrangement for lighting balconies. Arrangements for lighting colonnades. Arrangement for lighting a high

39、wall. Arrangements for lighting a statue. Arrangements for lighting a flag. Arrangements for lighting vertical jets. Arrangement for lighting inclined jets. Arrangements for lighting waterfalls. Arrangements for lighting trees and shrubs. Arrangements for lighting an open group of trees. Arrangement

40、s for concealing floodlights. Arrangements for lighting flowerbeds. LIST OF TABLES 1 Principal characteristics of light sources. 2 Recommended illuminance values (including correction factors). 16 17 17 20 20 22 29 30 31 33 34 34 36 38 39 41 41 42 45 46 47 48 13 23 Copyright International Commission

41、 on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 07:57:03 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE 94 93 Bp 900b145 0004436 Y51 IX SUMMARY The purpose of this Guide from CIE Techn

42、ical Committee TC 5-06 is to provide information on how to use exterior lighting for the decoration of the night time urban landscape. Of the many possible applications of lighting in an urban environment, this Guide deals with those having a purely aesthetic and decorative purpose. Such lighting ca

43、n be used every night, as is often the case in the lighting of monuments, public art, commercial buildings, or used only periodically on the occasion of afestival or public gathering. The lighting of natural sites, parks, and gardens is also dealt with in this Guide. Permanent lighting for traffic o

44、r public safety, although affecting the quality of a citys night time ambience, is not dealt with in the Guide. The Guide provides tools for the exterior lighting designer and ideas for the town architect. For those who have to make the decisions on expenditure, this Guide explains the possibilities

45、 of combining outdoor urban beautification with economical and energy friendly decorative lighting. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diese Verffentlichung des Technischen Komitees der CIE TC 5-06 hat zum Zweck, Informationen darber zu geben, wie die Auenbeleuchtung dekorativ in der nchtlichen Stadtlandschaft eingese

46、tzt werden kann. Von den vielen mglichen Lichtapplkationen in der Stadt behandelt diese Verffentlichung solche, die einen sthetischen und dekorativen Zweck erfllen. Diese Beleuchtung kann jede Nacht eingesetzt werden, wie z. B. bei Denkmlern, Kunstwerken, ffentlichen Gebuden, oder nur periodisch bei

47、 Festen oder Versammlungen. Ferner wird in dieser Verff entlichung auch auf die Beleuchtung von Naturlandschaften, Parks, Grten und Blumenbeeten eingegangen. Die stndige Beleuchtung zum Zwecke der Verkehrssicherheit oder der ffentlichen Sicherheit wird in dieser Publikation nicht behandelt, obwohl s

48、ie sich auf das nchtliche Wohlbefinden in den Stdten auswirkt. Diese Verffentlichung bietet auch Hilfsmittel fr den Designer von Auenbeleuchtungen und ideen fr den Stadtplaner. Fr Entscheidungstrger wird die Mglichkeit der Verschnerung des Stadtbildes durch energiesparende dekorative Beleuchtung beschrieben. RESUME Lobjectif de ce guide, prpare par le Comit Technique TC 5-06 de la CIE, est de donner des informations sur les diffre


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