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2、D MALESHERBES 75008 PARIS - FRANCE BUREAU CENTRAL DE LA CIE COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services RAPPORT DE COMITE TECHNIQUE DE LA CIE NOTE PRELIMINAIR

3、E Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 3. I “Performance visuelle. I I1 a r e p Iapprobation du Comit, et il est recommand pour tude et application. Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la CIE approuve par les Comit Nationaux des Pays Membres. I1 doit tre not que toute rec

4、ommandation y figurant est donne titre de conseil et non dobligation. PRELIMINARY REMARK This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 3.1 “Visual Performance. I It has been approved by the Committee and is recommended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE

5、 Recommendation approved by the National Committees of the Member Countries. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. VORBEMERKUNG Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen CIE-Komitee 3.1 “Sehleistung“ ausgearbeitet. Er wurde vom Komitee angenommen und w

6、ird zum zuknftigen Studium empfohlen. Er ist kein Offiziell Anerkannte CIE- Empfehlung, die von den Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedstander anerkannt wurde. Es muss daraud hingewiesen werder, dass alle Empfehlungen dieses Berichts nur als Anleitung dienen und nicht verbindlich sind. IS BN 9 2- 903 4

7、-0 1 9 -3 COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COMPOSITION OF TC-3.1 Members of the Committee at the time of preparation of the present report include

8、the following: Members J.F.M. Bryant G. Verriest N. Vassilev J.M. Chorlton J. Khek E. Frederiksen V. Ahponen A. Arnulf H.W. Bodmann P.R. Boyce A. Medgya szay B. Inditsky L. Rositani Ronchi T. Indow J.J. Vos H.H. Bjqrset W. Stanioch A. Celestino Goncalves da Cunha A. Ionescu J.T. Grundy M. Aguilar S.

9、 S. Bergstrm F. Fankhauser H. R. Blackwell O. M. Blackwell I .A. Shevelev D. Gligo General Consultants A. Levy W. Adrian R. G . Hopkinson S .W. Smith Special Consultants A.T. Fisher E. Barthes H. J. Hentschet J.B. deBoer A. B. de Graaff D. Fischer D.A. Schreuder Australia Belgium Bulgaria Canada Cz

10、echos1 ovakia Denmark Fin1 and France Germany (Federal Republic) Great Britain Hungary Israel Italy Ja pa n The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania South Africa Spain Sweden S Witz er1 and U. S .A. (Chairman) U. S.A. (Secretary) U.S.S.R. Yugos la via Canada Germany (Federal Republic) Great Br

11、itain U.S.A, Austratia France Germany (Federal Republic) The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Se

12、rvices CIE 19/2.L 81 I 9006145 0000701 004 FORFWORD The two volumes of the present CIE Report No. 19/2 represent a complete replacement for CIE Report No. 19 which was presented to the CIE by the Committee during the 1971 Congress in Barcelona and subsequently published by the CIE in 1972. The “unif

13、ied framework of methods for evaluating visual performance aspects of lighting“ described in Report No. 19 is now to be re- placed by the fully quantitative “analytic model for describing the influence of lighting parameters upon visual performance“ described in the two volumes of Report No. 19/2. T

14、he considerable expansion of coverage of visual per- formance aspects o lighting to be found in the present two volumes was made possible by meetings of the Committee in Berne, Edinburgh, Florence, Amster- dam, London, Paris, Munich, Karlsruhe, and Paris between 1971 and 1978. The two volumes of Rep

15、ort No. 19/2 contribute to the work of the CIE by providing potential bases for (a) determining selective standards of task il- luminance based upon visual performance criteria for different task conditions and observer ages, (b) evaluating the extent to which actual lighting instal- lations meet th

16、ese criteria, and (c) providing measures of overall performance of tasks with significant visual components for use in cost-benefit analyses of lighting. It is to be emphasized that, although the analytic model described in the present two volumes of Report No. 19/2 is believed to have potential use

17、fui- ness to the CIE in the areas of lighting applications listed above, the present two volumes do not describe application procedures for these purposes. It is anticipated that the development of such procedures will be undertaken in the future by appropriate agencies of the CIE and reported separ

18、ately. The present Volume I of CIE Report No. 19/2 presents a description of the technical foundations of the analytic model insofar a s it describes the effects of lighting parameters upon “visual performance potential, I a measure of the maximum visual performance to be expected under various ligh

19、ting situations. Volume II presents a summary description of the analytic model, tabular and graphical representations of the effects of lighting parameters upon visual performance potential, and application guidelines including mathematical mithods for estimating task performance and overall perfor

20、mance from visual performance potential. It is suggested that the visual performance specialist begin with the present Volume I, turning to Volume II if information is desired with respect to application guidelines or the relationships between task per- formance and/or overall performance and visual

21、 performance potential. (It is suggested that the applications engineer begin with Volume II, turning to the present Volume I if additional information is desired with respect to the technical foundations of the model.) -iv- COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information

22、Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE L/2.3 A3 9006345 0000702 T40 sl SUMMARY The present report provides a description of a comprehensive analytic model for describing the influence of lighting parameters upon the visual p

23、er- formance potential of observers engaged in tasks with significant visual com- ponents, and describes the tines of evidence used to develop each phase of the model. The model has been derived from study and analysis of the exten- sive published literature relating visual performance potential to

24、various lighting parameters which included two basic technical approaches, which may be described as the “empirical I and “analytical “ methods for studying visual performance. Empirical studies involve measurements of the speed and accuracy of task performance under real or simulated conditions of

25、visual work. Anaiytical studies involve measurements of the operational character- istics of processes believed to be operative in visual work either taken singly or in relatively simple combinations, with subsequent synthesizing of the operational characteristics of the individual proces ses into a

26、 quantitative model intended to describe visua 1 performance potential under conditions of visual work. The analytic model described in this report was derived from all suitable experimental data of which the Committee is aware, obtained in these two classes of experiments during the last 50 years.

27、In all, more than 2,200 members of the populations of CIE Member Countries were involved in these studies either as experimental observers or a s unknowing participants in field observations. The basic approach of the model is to begin by specifying the level of visual performance potential to be ex

28、pected as a function of the Level of actual task luminance or illuminance obtained in an idealized photometric sphere, considered as providing “reference lighting conditions. I The model is then extended to include actual lighting systems by use of the concepts of “equivalent reference luminance I a

29、nd “equivalent reference illuminance. I The equivalence of actual lighting systems to reference lighting at one or another intensity level is established by means of quantitative factors repre- senting the numerical effects of physical attributes of luminous environmznts upon visual performance pote

30、ntial including the geometry and polarization of illuminance, and the point-to-point patterns of luminances of the surround of the visual task relative to the luminance of the task background. The model expresses the functional relation between visual performance potential and the level of reference

31、 luminance or illuminance in terms of each of two classes of transfer functions operating in series. The first class of transfer functions relates “task visibility level “ to reference luminance or illuminance. The second class of transfer functions relates visual perform- ance potential to task vis

32、ibility level. Thus, task visibility level is used as the “intervening“ variable required to relate visual performance potential to lighting parameters. The first class of transfer functions is expressed in terms of the “relative contrast sensitivity I or RCS of the human visual system provided by d

33、ifferent levels of reference luminance or illuminance. It is found convenient to use F.SS to describe the effects of reference luminance or illuminance since the -V- COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Ill

34、umination Licensed by Information Handling Services CIE 39/2.L 81 Is 9006345 0000703 987 Is numerical effects of lighting parameters other than the level of luminance or illuminance can be conveniently expressed as modifiers of the value of RCS. The model develops a family of “RCS functions of lumin

35、ance, I with parame- ters which depend upon task detail size, task demand level , and observer age. The second class of transfer functions consists of composites of the operating characteristics of three critical visual proces ses believed invol ved in realistic visual work. There is the critica1 se

36、nsory process involved in obtaining information concerning task details, and two critical oculomotor processes, one involved in the maintenance of steady ocular fixation during pauses in the process of ocular search and scanning, the other involved in the control of saccadic eye movements. The analy

37、tic model is first desc-ribed in its simplest form for reference iighting conditions for a “reference observer, “ representing the average of normal individuals in the 20-30 year age range. The model is then extended to include modifying factors required to take account of physical differences betwe

38、en actual lighting systems and the reference lighting condition and modifying factors required to take account of differences in the visual re- sponses of different classes of individual observers from those of the refer- ence observer. Finally, the analytic model is used to provide analytical funct

39、ions fitting each of twenty sets of visual performance data obtained under conditions of real or simulated visual work. these functions was instrumental in suggesting simplifications which could be introduced into the model without significant loss in its ability to fit the data sets, and in reveali

40、ng suitable values for some of the model parameters. Experience with fitting ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der vorliegende Bericht gibt eine vollstndige Beschreibung eines umfassenden analytischen Modells, das den Einfl uss von Beleuchtungspara- metern auf das Sehleistungspotential eines Beobachters erfasst sowei

41、t die Arbeitsaufgabe relevante visuelle Komponenten enthalt. Der Bericht beschreibt insbesondere die Grundlage zur Entwicklung der einzelnen Phasen des Modells. Das Modell sttzt sich auf die umfangreiche Literatur ber Zusammenhange zwischen Beleuchtung und visueller Leistung. In diesen Untersuchunge

42、n verfolgt man grundstzlich zwei Wege, die man a 1 s empirisch oder analytisch bezeichnen kann. Empirische Untersuchungen erfassen die Geschwindigkeit und die Genauigkeit der Leistung unter realen oder simulierten Arbeits- bedingungen . Analytische Untersuchungen sttzen sich auf operationelle Vorgan

43、ge beim Sehprozess, die, einzeln oder kombiniert , bei visueller Arbeit auftreten und sich zu einem quantitativen Modell zusammenfgen lassen. Das beschriebene analytische Modell basiert auf Daten, die auf beiden Wegen in den letzten 50 Jahren gewonnen und dem Komitee bekannt geworden sind. Insgesamt

44、 waren dabei mehr als 2200 Test-Personen aus verschiedenen CIE- Mitgliedslndern beteiligt. Zunchst spezifiziert das Modell das Sehleistungspotential als Funktion der Leuchtdichte bzw. der Beleuchtungsstrke der Arbeitsvorlage bei ideal -vi- COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed

45、by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illumination Licensed by Information Handling Services diffuser Beleuchtung, die als Referenzsituation fr reale Beleuchtungsanlagen dient. Reale Beleuchtungsaniagen werden durch die Begriffe quivalente Ref erenzt euc ht dicht e u

46、nd aquival ente Refer enzbel euc ht ung s strke ge kenn- zeichnet. Die quivalenz einer realen Beieuchtungsanlage und der Referenz- beleuchtung wird bei gegebener Leuchtdichte der Arbeitsvorlage bestimmt mit Hilfe von Faktoren, die den Einfluss verschiedener Beleuchtungsparameter wie die Geometrie un

47、d Polarisation der Beleuchtung und die Leuchtdichte- Verteilung in der Umgebung der Vorlage auf das Sehteistungspotentiat wiedergeben. Im Modell wird der funktionel L e Zusammenhang zwischen Sehleistungs - potential und Referenzleuchtdichte (oder -beleuchtungs starke) mit Hilfe zweier Klassen von be

48、rtragungsfunktionen ausgedrckt. Die erste Klasse stellt den Zusammenhang zwischen dem “Sichtbarkeitsniveau“ der Vorlage und der Referenzleuchtdichte (oder -beleuchtungsstarke) her. Die zweite Klasse ver- knpft das Sichtbarkeitsniveau der Vorlage mit dem Sehleistungspotential . Damit erhlt das Sichtb

49、arkeitsniveau die Rolle eines Verbindungsgliedes . Die erste Klasse von bertragungsfunktionen wird durch die relative Kontrastempfindlichkeit (oder RCS) des visuel t en Systems definiert I die mit vers chiedenen Referenzleuchtdichten (oder -beleuchtungs starken) verknpft ist. Einfluss aller Beleuchtungsparameter als Modifikation des RCS Wertes aus- drcken lasst. Im Modell wird eine Familie von RCS-Funktionen entwickelt , die von der Detailgros se, der Aufgaben-Anforderung und dem Beobachteratter abhngen. Die Wahl von RCS hat sich als zweckm


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