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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 17166 CIE S 007/E First edition 1999-12-15 Erythema reference action spectrum and standard erythema dose Spectre daction rythmale de rfrence et dose rythmale normalise Reference number IS0 17166:1999(E) CIE S 007/E-1998 o IS0 1999 Copyright International Commission on Illu

2、mination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 171 66:1999(E) o IS0 1999 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no pari of th

3、is publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-I21 1 Genve 20 Switzerland Internet

4、II Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 171 66:1999(E) Foreword IS0 (the Internatio

5、nal Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been

6、established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non- governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standa

7、rdization. International Standard IS0 17166 was prepared as Standard CIE S 007/E by the International Commission on Illumination, which has been recognized by the IS0 Council as an international standardizing body. It was adopted by IS0 under a special procedure which requires approval by at least 7

8、5 % of the member bodies casting a vote, and is published as a joint ISO/CIE edition. The International Commission on Illumination (abbreviated as CIE from its French title) is an organization devoted to international cooperation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters

9、relating to the science and art of lighting. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. O IS0 1999 -All rights reserved . 111 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resal

10、e, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or netwo

11、rking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 171 66:1999(E) Standard Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard Erythema Dose Spectre daction erithmale de rfrence et dose erithmale normalise Erythemale Referenzwirkungsfunktion und standardisierte Erythemdosis CIE Standard

12、s are copyrighted and shall not be reproduced in any form, entirely or partly, without the explicit agreement of the CIE. CIE Central Bureau, S 007lE-1998 Kegelgasse 27, A-I 030 Vienna, Austria UDC: 612.014.481 Descriptor: Optical radiation effects on humans 614.898 Protection of the skin Copyright

13、International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 17166:1999(E) Ervthema Reference Action

14、 SDectrum and Standard Ervthema Dose Con tents Foreword 1. Introduction 2. Scope 3. Normative references 4. Definitions 5. The concept of erythemal irradiance and dose 5.1 Erythemal effective irradiance 5.2 The erythema action spectrum 5.3 The standard erythema dose (erythemal quantity and radiometr

15、ic equivalence) Annex A Bibliography (Non-normative annex) 1 1 1 1 2 4 O CIE, 1998 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitte

16、d without license from IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 17166:1999(E) Ervthema Reference Action SDectrum and Standard Ervthema Dose Foreword Standards produced by the Commission Internationale de lclairage (CIE) are a concise documentation of data defining aspects of light and lighting, for which inte

17、rnational harmony requires such unique definition. CIE Standards are therefore a primary source of internationally accepted and agreed data, which can be taken, essentially unaitered, into universal standard systems. The CIE undertook a major review of its official recommendations on photobiological

18、 effects, their dose relationships and measurement. Based on these investigations the present standard describes present day knowledge of the subject. This Standard has been approved by the National Committees of the CIE and supersedes the recommendations made in Publication CIE 10614 - 1993 (reprin

19、t from ClE-Journal 6l1 17-22 1987) A reference action spectrum for ultraviolet induced erythema in human skin. This CIE Standard reflects present day knowledge of UV radiation effect on humans, specially erythema, but does not absolve those carrying out experiments with humans from their responsibil

20、ity for the safety and well being of the subjects involved. 1. Introduction The problem of dosimetry in skin photobiology lies in the fact that the ability of ultraviolet (UV) radiation to elicit erythema in human skin depends strongly on wavelength, encompassing a range of four orders of magnitude

21、between 250 nm and 400 nm. Thus a statement that a subject received an exposure dose of 1 Jcm-2 (IO4 J.m-2) of UV radiation conveys nothing about the consequences of that exposure in terms of erythema. If the radiation source was a UVA fluorescent lamp, no erythemal response would be seen apart from

22、 in people exhibiting severe, abnormal pathological photosensitivity. The same dose delivered from an unfiitered mercury arc lamp or fluorescent sun-lamp would resuit in marked violaceous erythema in most white skinned individuals. Consequently, photobiologists have long recognised the need to expre

23、ss the exposure as an erythemally-weighted quantit4. Recently the term minimal erythema dose (MED) has been used widely as a measure of erythemal radiation. This is unreasonable because the MED is not a standard measure of anything but, on the contrary, encompasses the variable nature of individual

24、sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Variables which affect the MED include optical and radiometric characteristics of the source; determinants of the exposure such as dose increment and field size; nature of the skin such as pigmentation, previous light exposure, and anatomical site; and observati

25、onal factors such as definition of the end point, time of reading after exposure, and ambient illumination. To avoid further confusing misuse of the term MED, we propose that this term be reserved solely for observational studies in humans and other animals, and that a new term, the standard erythem

26、a dose (SED) be used as a standardized measure of erythemogenic UV radiation. 2. Scope This Standard specifies the erythema reference action spectrum (se), and the Standard Erythema Dose (SED). 3. Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,

27、constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying most recent editions of the standards indicated bel

28、ow. Members of CIE, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) maintain registers of currently valid international standards. CIE 17.4-1987: CIE 90-1991: Sunscreen testing (UVB). CIE 98-1992: International Lighting Vocabulary - eq

29、uivalent to IEC 50(845) Personal dosimetry of UV radiation. 1 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

30、m IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 17166:1999(E) Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard Erythema Dose CIE 103/3-1993: Reference action spectra for uitraviolet induced erythema and pigmentation of different human skin (CIE Collection in Photobiology and Photochemistry). CIE 125-1997: Standard

31、Erythema Dose, a Review. 4. Definitions erythema action spectrum (s,XA) erythemal effective irradiance ( Eer) erythemal effective radiant exposure (Her), also called the effective dose or erythemal dose: minimal erythema dose (MED): standard erythema dose (SED): ultraviolet radiation (UVR): Spectral

32、 dependence of the ability of UV radiation to produce erythema in human skin. Note: It is usual to tabulate and plot the ser(A) normalized to its maximum. Quantity defined by the equation: Eer = . ser (2)d where E, is the spectral irradiance in W.m-2.nm-1 and seXA) is the erythema action spectrum no

33、rmalized to its maximum. The time integral of erythemal effective irradiance defined by the equation Her = 1 Ser (2) d l dt where E, is the spectral irradiance in W.m-2.nm-1 and seXA) is the erythema action spectrum. A subjective measure based on the reddening of the skin; it depends on many variabl

34、es, e.g. individual sensitivity to UVR, radiometric characteristics of the source, skin pigmentation, anatomic site, elapsed time between irradiation and observing the reddening (typical value: 24 hours), etc. It should be reserved solely for observational studies in humans and other an i mals. Stan

35、dardised measure of erythemogenic UV radiation, 1 SED is equivalent to an erythemal effective radiant exposure of 100 J.m-2. Optical radiation in the 1 O0 nm to 400 nm wavelength range. 5. The concept of erythemal irradiance and dose 5.1 Erythemal effective irradiance The erythemal effective irradia

36、nce (Eer) from a source of uitraviolet radiation is obtained by weighting the spectral irradiance of the radiation at wavelength A in nm by the effectiveness of radiation of this wavelength to cause a minimal erythema and summing over all wavelengths present in the source spectrum. This can be expre

37、ssed mathematically as: or E, is the spectral irradiance in W.m-2.nm-1 at wavelength A in nm and AA is the wavelength interval used in the summation. se) is a measure of the effectiveness of radiation of wavelength A in nm relative to some reference wavelength in producing a minimal erythema. Integr

38、ation has to be carried out in the wavelength range where neither E, or se) equal zero. As it is a ratio, s(A) is of dimension unity. The effective irradiance is equivalent to a hypothetical irradiance of monochromatic radiation having a 2 Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided

39、by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 17166:1999(E) Ervthema Reference Action SDectrum and Standard Ervthema Dose wavelength at

40、 which seXA) is equal to unity. The time integral of effective irradiance is the erythemal effective radiant exposure (also called the effective dose or erythemal dose). The dose (expressed as an erythemal quantity) received after an exposure period of t seconds is Her= Eer . t l (2) where is the nu

41、merical value in J.m-2 equivalent to one erythemal quantify. 5.2 The erythema action spectrum The ability of UV radiation to produce erythema in human skin is highly dependent upon the radiation wavelength, and is expressed by the erythema action spectrum. Erythema action spectra have been the subje

42、ct of experimental and theoretical interest for over 70 years. The CIE first considered the adoption of a so-called standard erythemal curve in 19351. The erythema action spectrum defined in this standard was first introduced by the CIE in 19873 (See also 4-6). It is represented by relatively simple

43、 functions over three clearly defined spectral regions: seXA) = l,o for 250 5 A 5 298 nm (3) seXA) = I 0,094(298-a) for 298 A 5 328 nm (4) seXA) = 10,015(140-a) for 328 A 5 400 nm (5) 5.3 The standard erythema dose (erythemal quantity and radiometric equivalence) There are many biological endpoints

44、in photobiology in which the effectiveness varies with wavelength. For this reason the new quantity shall contain the word erythema to make it explicit that we are referring here only to that specific biological response. The term standard erythema dose7, acronym SED, shall be used to express this q

45、uantity. 1 SED is equivalent to an erythemal effective radiant exposure of 100 J.m-2. Note: When deciding upon the numerical value of the radiometric equivalence, the choice is arbitrary - there is no right value. However in order to avoid confusion between MED and the SED we do not want the SED to

46、be interpreted as the MED in some particular skin type. Consequently 1 SED is equivalent to an erythemal effective radiant exposure of 100 J.m-2. The MEDs in subjects with skin types I to IV would be expected to lie between erythemal effective radiant exposures of 150 J.m-2 to 600 J.m-2, equivalent

47、to 1 3 SED to 6 SED. Copyright International Commission on Illumination Provided by IHS under license with CIELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=leee, leee Not for Resale, 11/24/2007 08:53:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CIE S 007/E-1998 IS0 17166:19

48、99(E) _ Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard Erythema Dose 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Annex A Bibliography (Non-normative annex) Diffey BL. Whatever happened to the erythemal unit? Photodermatology 1984; 1: 103-105. International Commission on Illumination. Berlin. Comptes Rendus de la Commission Internationale de lclairage 1935; 9: 596-625. McKinlay AF, Diffey BL, A reference action spectrum for ultraviolet induced erythema in human skin. C


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