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2、Enclosure G. 1. Purpose. This instruction establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities, consistent with the guidance in Enclosure G, for achieving international military RSI agreements with allies and other friendly nations in the areas of operations, doctrine, materiel, training, logistics,

3、 and in-service equipment. This instruction does not apply to terminology. 2. Cancellation. CJCSI 2700.01D, 30 October 2010, is canceled. 3. Applicability. This instruction applies to Department of Defense (DOD) components (the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairm

4、an of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the combatant commands, the DOD Office of the Inspector General, DOD agencies, field activities, and all other DOD organizational entities) that have responsibility for achieving RSI, regardless of which agency has lead responsibility. 4. Policy. See Enclosure A. 5.

5、Definitions. See Glossary. 6. Responsibilities. See Enclosure B. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 2 7. Summary of Changes. This CJCSI reflects the revised organizational roles and responsibilities of the former U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) and Joint Staff J-6 directorate. 8. Releasability. This

6、 instruction is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DOD components (to include the combatant commands), other federal departments and agencies, and the public may obtain copies of this instruction through the Internet from the CJCS Directives Home Page- http:/www.dtic.mil/cjcs_di

7、rectives. 9. Effective Date. This instruction is effective upon receipt. FOR: Enclosures: A - Policy on International Military Agreements for Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability B - Responsibilities C - Lead Agency Staffing Procedures D - Procedures for Ratification, Promulgation,

8、 and Implementation of International Military Agreements for RSI E - DOD Organizations Involved in International Military RSI and U.S. Lead Agents Provided by Each DOD Organization F - Offices of Record for International Military Agreements for RSI G - References GL - Glossary WILLIAM E. GORTNEY VAD

9、M, USN Director, Joint Staff CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 i DISTRIBUTION Distribution A, B, C, and JS-LAN plus the following: Copies Secretary of Defense . 2 SHAPE Liaison Office . 2 Chairman, U.S. Delegation, UN Military Staff Committee . 2 U.S. Military Representative to NATO . 2 U.S. Military R

10、epresentative to HQ SACT 2 U.S. Military Representative to SHAPE . 2 Chairman, U.S. Military Communications-Electronics Board 2 President, National Defense University . 2 President, Defense Acquisition University . 2 Commandant, Industrial College of the Armed Forces 2 Commandant, Joint Forces Staff

11、 College 2 Commandant, Army War College 2 Commandant, Army Command and General Staff College 2 Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard 2 President, Naval War College 2 Commander, Air University 2 President, Marine Corps University 2 CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 ii (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) CJCSI 2700.01E 18 Janu

12、ary 2012 A-1 Enclosure A ENCLOSURE A POLICY ON INTERNATIONAL MILITARY AGREEMENTS FOR RATIONALIZATION, STANDARDIZATION, AND INTEROPERABILITY (RSI) 1. Purpose. To establish guidance for international military agreements for RSI in which DOD components have responsibility. 2. Scope. This instruction pr

13、escribes policy for achieving and implementing international military RSI agreements. It covers agreements with allies including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Coalition partners, and other friendly nations in the areas of operations, doctrine, training, materiel, logistics, and Serv

14、ice equipment. It complements the references in Enclosure G for acquisition of materiel, materiel interoperability and standardization, policies and procedures for the Defense Acquisition System, including cooperative research, development, test, evaluation, production, and support of materiel and s

15、ystems, multinational interoperability, and standardization. Additionally, this instruction complements guidance for command and control (C2) and communications system support in reference d, and for U.S. and NATO terminology in reference e. 3. Policy. It is in the best interest of the United States

16、 that its Armed Forces be interoperable with its allies, Coalition partners, multinational organizations, and other friendly nations. The desired level of interoperability cannot be ascertained within a general statement of policy. That level is dependent on factors unique to each area where interna

17、tional military RSI is the goal. a. CJCS policy encourages Service, Joint Staff, DOD agency, and combatant command participation in multinational organizations, with the object of enhancing national security as expressed in the National Security Strategy. b. The desired degree of international milit

18、ary RSI is necessarily subject to financial, technical, legal, and policy considerations. An international military RSI standardization agreement will be written and negotiated in line with the following standardization principles: (1) Not an end in itself. (2) Essential where effective implementati

19、on of the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations, operational plans, or validated joint capabilities depends on it. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 A-2 Enclosure A (3) Desirable where operational plans and military economy would be enhanced. (4) Flexible and practical. (5) If ratified without register

20、ing an appropriate reservation, will be fully implemented and complied with. c. Operational standardization should be achieved on a worldwide basis so that U.S. forces may operate as effectively as possible with forces of all allied, Coalition, multinational and/or friendly nations. d. Enhancing mul

21、tinational military operations and warfighting capability is the key objective. RSI should be directed at providing capabilities for multinational forces to: (1) Operate and fight together using common or compatible doctrine to include tactics, techniques, and procedures. (2) Communicate effectively

22、 at all anticipated levels of multinational force operations, particularly to prevent fratricide, and exchange data and information in the most expeditious manner possible. (3) Share consumables consistent with relevant agreements and applicable law. (4) Care for casualties in accordance with releva

23、nt agreements and applicable laws. (5) Increase military effectiveness by harmonizing capabilities of military equipment. (6) Increase military efficiency through common or compatible Service support and logistics. (7) Increase military efficiency by permitting over flight and access to foreign terr

24、itory through streamlined clearance procedures for diplomatic and non-diplomatic personnel. 4. Guidance. The process of achieving RSI involves many U.S. participants within OSD, the Services, the Joint Staff, DOD agencies, combatant commands, and other federal departments and agencies. The United St

25、ates actively participates in hundreds of international groups that meet regularly to CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 A-3 Enclosure A address far-ranging aspects of international military RSI. U.S. participation in this international effort should be guided by the following considerations: a. Free an

26、d consistent exchange of information in the pursuit of standardization and interoperability is governed by national security policy. References f and g provide security review of international transfer of defense-related technology by the Joint Staff. Separate Service and DOD agency instructions add

27、ress policy on the release of national security-related information and technology. b. Nations are responsible for training, organizing, and equipping the forces they have earmarked for, or assigned to, an alliance or Coalition. U.S. defense requirements may constrain the desired level of RSI. c. U.

28、S. representatives to international organizations or meetings must present consistent national positions based on consensus developed through working group sessions and staffing, bearing in mind that national positions can, and do, change in the course of actual negotiations or meetings. Contradicto

29、ry positions by different U.S. delegates undercut U.S. and allied effectiveness. Fully coordinated staff work is essential throughout the development of all standardization agreements in order to ensure that the resulting U.S. positions promote the optimum attainable goals of the United States and i

30、ts allies or Coalition partners, in as fully consensual a form as practical. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 A-4 Enclosure A (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 B-1 Enclosure B ENCLOSURE B RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Purpose. To enunciate responsibilities of OSD, the Joint Staff or an agency

31、 of the Joint Staff, the combatant commands, the Services, and other DOD components when negotiating and concluding international military RSI agreement activities. 2. Applicability. This enclosure outlines responsibilities for DOD participants in conducting international military RSI agreement acti

32、vities and explains the lead agency (LA) concept. 3. Responsibilities a. Secretary of Defense (1) Provides DOD international military policy for RSI in coordination with appropriate government departments and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2) Establishe

33、s overall international military RSI policy. (3) Manages international military RSI agreements through the LA concept (see paragraph 3.c.(4) following). OUSD(P) is the principal contact within OSD on matters concerning overall international military RSI policy. The Office of the Assistant Secretary

34、of Defense for International Security Affairs (OASD(ISA), acting for OUSD(P) and in coordination with the Director of the Joint Staff and the Office of the DOD General Counsel, will ensure that international military RSI agreements comply with policy. (4) Represents the Department of Defense on the

35、NATO Committee for Standardization (NCS). b. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff encourages and monitors U.S. participation in international military RSI activities and initiatives by: (1) Promoting international military RSI as a positive instrument to f

36、oster improved military cooperation between allied nations, Coalition partners, and other friendly nations. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 B-2 Enclosure B (2) Advising the Secretary of Defense on interaction between international interoperability efforts and national military force goals, planning,

37、and programs. (3) Consulting with DOD components to identify opportunities for, and impediments to, improving interoperability of the Armed Forces of the United States with those of allied nations, Coalition partners, and other friendly nations. (4) Participating as directed in preparation of bilate

38、ral or multilateral plans for military activity with other nations. (5) Monitoring DOD international cooperative programs that promote U.S., allied, and other multinational interests. (6) Exercising responsibility for the interface of U.S. joint doctrine with agreements concerning multinational doct

39、rine in cases where the latter impacts the former. c. Joint Staff Elements (1) J-2/Joint Staff will review, analyze, and evaluate multinational joint intelligence doctrine and procedures and serve as LA to multinational working groups as designated in Enclosure E. (2) J-3/Joint Staff will review, an

40、alyze, and evaluate multinational joint doctrine in the areas of operations, special operations, information operations, and other areas as specified in JSM 5100.01 and serve as LA as to multinational councils and working groups as designated in Enclosure E. (3) J-4/Joint Staff will review, analyze,

41、 and evaluate multinational joint doctrine for logistics, engineering, and medical operations and serve as LA to multinational working groups as designated in Enclosure E. (4) J-5/Joint Staff will serve as the office of primary responsibility (OPR) for security assistance and peacetime engagement ac

42、tivities. J-5 will also coordinate with Joint Staff/J-7 and Services, DOD agencies, and any other appropriate DOD components on matters of international policy that may affect the development or execution of U.S. and multinational joint doctrine and serve as LA to multinational working groups as des

43、ignated in Enclosure E. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 B-3 Enclosure B (5) J-7/Joint Staff will, in its capacity as OPR: (a) In collaboration with Joint Staff directorates, Services, and selected combatant commands, coordinate and manage the U.S. contribution to multinational joint doctrine to ensur

44、e optimal consistency between U.S. joint doctrine and emerging multinational joint doctrine. (b) Serve as Joint Staff doctrine sponsor (JSDS) for NATO Allied joint doctrine (AJD). Establish procedures to ensure effective U.S. participation in the development and management of NATO joint doctrine and

45、 other multinational joint doctrine. Set and manage internal U.S. milestones (and Alliance-wide milestones when the United States is the project custodian or leader) for projects including new AJPs and AJP revisions. (c) Ensure U.S. positions on multinational joint doctrine are based on current U.S.

46、 joint doctrine. (d) Furnish or appoint the U.S. heads of delegation for international forums on joint doctrine. (e) Periodically review the assignment of LAs identified in Enclosure E in coordination with the U.S. Delegation to the NATO Military Committee (USDELMC); the U.S. Delegation to the NATO

47、Standardization Agency; the Office of the USD(AT and other applicable DOD components. (f) Monitor the LA staffing process and assist as required. (6) J-8/Joint Staff will serve as OPR for the following: (a) Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) review and validation of Acquisition Category 1/A

48、 Programs and JROC-designated special interest programs for applicability of allied or Coalition non- materiel and materiel alternatives to satisfy the stated mission need. (b) Performance parameters contained in joint capability integration and development system documents. (c) Assessing internatio

49、nal military RSI between U.S. and allied or Coalition programs. CJCSI 2700.01E 18 January 2012 B-4 Enclosure B (d) Communications systems in support of joint and multinational information-sharing activities (former J-6 role). (e) Coordinate C2 and communications system issues and positions forwarded from OSD-coordinated international activities, and serve as the principal coordinating organization to work with OSD offices (e.g., networks information integration; acquisition, technology, and logistics; and policy) to ensure the effective exchange of information and resolution


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