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《COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT - Algeria.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT - Algeria.pdf(31页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 1 OVERVIEW Catalyst This profile analyzes the political, economic, social, and technological structure in Algeria. Summary The National Liberation

2、 Party (FLN) played a major role in its war of independence against France. The Algerian military is a politically strong force and is the biggest powerbroker in its government. During the 1991 elections, the military had intervened and stopped the second rounds of poll foreseeing the victory of an

3、Islamist party. This move angered the Islamist voters and resulted in civilian unrests in the following years (199298). In 1999, the newly elected president Abdelaziz Bouteflika introduced laws to provide amnesty to the rebels which were largely successful in the disarmament of the militants. Mr Bou

4、teflika secured a third term in Algerias presidential election on April 9, 2009 without much competition. The incumbent president has continued with his efforts to centralize power, which has left the liberals and lslamists dissatisfied. The Algerian economy is blessed with huge reserves of oil and

5、natural gas which together contribute almost 30% of GDP and close to 90% of total exports of the country. The economic growth of Algeria, having grown at an average growth rate of 3.65% annually during 200408, largely stems from exports of these resources. Growth plunged to 2.2% in 2009 as a result

6、of the global economic crisis and the subsequent slash in production of hydrocarbons. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) ranked Algeria among the countries that achieved “high human development level” in 2010. COUNTRY ANALYSIS REPORT Algeria In-depth PEST Insights Publication Date: Novemb

7、er 2010 Overview Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 2 In September 2010, the government spelled out new regulations according to which the state has a right of pre- emption in the ev

8、ent of any foreign investor wishing to sell Algerian assets; the states right of pre-emption was invoked in early 2010 when Egypts Orascom Telecom was considering selling its Algerian mobile-phone business to MTN South Africa. Table of Contents Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights

9、Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 1 Catalyst 1 Summary 1 Key facts and geographic location 7 Key facts 7 Geographical location 8 Political landscape 9 Summary 9 Evolution 9 Structure and policies 11 Performa

10、nce 14 Outlook 15 Economic landscape 16 Summary 16 Evolution 16 Structure and policies 17 Performance 18 Outlook 24 Social landscape 25 Summary 25 Structure and policies 25 Performance 27 Outlook 28 Technological landscape 29 Summary 29 Evolution 29 Structure and policies 29 Performance 30 Outlook 3

11、0 APPENDIX 31 Ask the analyst 31 Table of Contents Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 4 Datamonitor consulting 31 Disclaimer 31 Table of Contents Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-d

12、epth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 5 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Map of Algeria 8 Figure 2: Algeria key political events timeline 10 Figure 3: Algeria Key political figures 11 Figure 4: Distribution of seats in National

13、 Peoples Assembly (elections last held May, 17, 2007) 13 Figure 5: Evolution of GDP growth in Algeria, 19912008 17 Figure 6: GDP and GDP growth rate of Algeria (constant prices), 200108 18 Figure 7: Sector specific GDP in Algeria, 2009 19 Figure 8: Agricultural output in Algeria, 200108 20 Figure 9:

14、 Industrial output in Algeria, 200108 21 Figure 10: Services output in Algeria, 200108 22 Figure 11: Unemployment in Algeria, 200108 24 Figure 12: Major religions in Algeria 26 Table of Contents Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a lic

15、ensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 6 TABLES Table 1: Algeria key facts 7 Table 2: Mid-year population by age (millions) in 2009 25 Key facts and geographic location Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and

16、 is not to be photocopied Page 7 KEY FACTS AND GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Key facts Table 1: Algeria key facts Country and capital Full name Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria Capital city Algiers Government Government type Presidential Republic President of the country Abdelaziz Bouteflika Prime minis

17、ter of the country Ahmed Ouyahia Population 34.1 million Currency Algerian dinar GDP per capita (PPP) $7,100 Internet domain .dz Demographic details Life expectancy 74.3 years (total population) 72.6 years (men) 76.0 years (women) Ethnic composition Arab-Berber 99%, European less than 1% Major relig

18、ions Sunni Muslim (state religion) 99%, Christian and Jewish 1% Country area 2,381,741 sq km Language Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects Exports Petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas Imports Capital goods, foodstuffs and consumer goods Source: CIA D A T A M O N I T O R Key facts and

19、geographic location Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 8 Geographical location Algeria is located in Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia. Fi

20、gure 1: Map of Algeria Source: CIA The World Factbook D A T A M O N I T O R Political landscape Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Published 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 9 POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Summary From the 16th century

21、, Algeria was a part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The country was conquered by the French in 1830 and was given the status of a “departement“. The Algerian peoples struggle for independence began in 1954 and it was spearheaded by the National Liberation Front, which came to power in 1962. The 1990

22、s was characterized by an intense struggle between the military and Islamist militants. The general elections in 1992 were annulled as it was won by an Islamist party. This resulted in a bloody civil war in which more than 150,000 people were slaughtered. Amnesty was granted in 1999 that led to the

23、laying down of arms by many rebels. Political violence in Algeria has declined since the 1990s, however, the country has witnessed bombings carried out by a group called Al-Qaeda in the Land of Islamic Maghreb (AQLIM). The group was formerly known as the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, and has i

24、ts roots in an Islamist militia involved in the civil war in the 1990s. There are doubts whether the AQLIM has direct operational links with Osama Bin-Laden, however, its methods such as suicide bombings and the fact that it has targeted foreign workers and the UN headquarters in Algiers, are though

25、t to be inspired by Al-Qaeda. Evolution During the nineteenth century, like a few other states in Northern Africa, Algeria was infamous for its pirates who attacked ships engaged in European maritime activities. Roughly around the same time, in the 1830s, the French occupation of Algeria began when

26、almost entire region of northern Algeria came under French control and was declared an integral part of France. Algerias dominant political party, the National Liberation Front (FLN), was a prominent force in the struggle for independence against France. Though its army managed to overcome attacks b

27、y the FLN-backed rebels, France faced growing opposition to the conflict among its electorate and severe international pressure to grant freedom to Algeria. Such aggravation forced the French authorities to conduct a referendum in 1962 wherein the French electorate approved the so- called Evian Acco

28、rds to end war and grant freedom to Algeria. In 1962, Algeria became independent from the French administration after being ruled by the latter for more than a century. Ever since its independence, the FLN has dominated the political scenario in Algeria. A new constitution was forced upon the countr

29、y in 1963 and the leaders never accepted any legislative or other institutional interference. Dissatisfied by the partys dominance, the electorate showed a strong support to the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), a party founded in the late 1980s, during the December 1991 elections. However, apprehensiv

30、e of an FIS win, the Algerian military intruded the electoral process stopping the second rounds of polls. It even banned the FIS from contesting in future polls. This move by the army led to civil unrest and violence which claimed lives of more than 100,000 people. To take control of the situation,

31、 the constitution of Algeria was modified in 1996 to enhance the powers of the president. Subsequently, in 2000, all Islamist parties, including the FIS were disbanded from participating in the electoral process. Presently, the three-party presidential coalition which comprises the FLN party, RND (N

32、ational Rally for Democracy) and MSP (Movement for the Society of Peace) governs Algeria. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who was elected as the president of Algeria in 1999 was re-elected for another five-year term in 2004. Though Algeria is a presidential republic with a democratically elected government, t

33、he military still acts as a dominant force in Algerian politics. President Bouteflika has enjoyed international fame for restoring stability and security in the previously strife-ridden country. Mr Bouteflika secured a Political landscape Algeria: Country Analysis ReportIn-depth PEST Insights Publis

34、hed 11/2010 Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 10 third term in Algerias presidential election on April 9, 2009 without much competition. The incumbent president has continued with his efforts to centralize power, which has left the liberals and lslamists

35、 deeply dissatisfied. Figure 2: Algeria key political events timeline Algeria gained independence from France in 1962. Ahmed Ben Bella was elected as first president in 1963. In 1965, Col Houari Boumedienne overthrew Ben Bella and pledged to end corruption. Boumedienne introduced a new constitution

36、which confirmed commitment to socialism and role of the National Liberation Front (FLN) as the sole political party in 1976. After Boumediennes death, Col Chadli Bendjedid was selected as the compromise candidate of the military establishment in 1978. Algeria gained independence from France in 1962.

37、 Ahmed Ben Bella was elected as first president in 1963. In 1965, Col Houari Boumedienne overthrew Ben Bella and pledged to end corruption. Boumedienne introduced a new constitution which confirmed commitment to socialism and role of the National Liberation Front (FLN) as the sole political party in

38、 1976. After Boumediennes death, Col Chadli Bendjedid was selected as the compromise candidate of the military establishment in 1978. The ban on new political parties was revoked, which allowed them to contest future elections in 1989. In 1989, the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) was founded. In the f

39、irst round of general elections, the FIS won 188 seats and it seemed certain to obtain an absolute majority in the second round in December 1991. The National Peoples Assembly was dissolved by presidential decree and a five-member Higher State Council, chaired by Mohamed Boudiaf, took over in Januar

40、y 1994. The ban on new political parties was revoked, which allowed them to contest future elections in 1989. In 1989, the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) was founded. In the first round of general elections, the FIS won 188 seats and it seemed certain to obtain an absolute majority in the second roun

41、d in December 1991. The National Peoples Assembly was dissolved by presidential decree and a five-member Higher State Council, chaired by Mohamed Boudiaf, took over in January 1994. Former foreign minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika elected as president after all opposition candidates withdrew from race i

42、n 1999. Referendum approved Bouteflikas law on civil concord in 1999 and thousands of the armed wing of the FIS and the Islamic Salvation Army (AIS) surrendered. Scores were killed in violent clashes between security forces and Berber protestors in 2001. Former foreign minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika

43、elected as president after all opposition candidates withdrew from race in 1999. Referendum approved Bouteflikas law on civil concord in 1999 and thousands of the armed wing of the FIS and the Islamic Salvation Army (AIS) surrendered. Scores were killed in violent clashes between security forces and

44、 Berber protestors in 2001. President Bouteflika said that the Berber language, Tamazight, was to be recognized as a national language in 2002. President Bouteflika was re-elected to a second term in a landslide poll victory in April 2004. It was reported that security forces were responsible for th

45、e disappearances of more than 6,000 citizens during the 1990s civil conflict in March 2005. Leader of the banned Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) Rabah Kebir returned from self- imposed exile and urged rebels still fighting the state to disarm in September 2006. President Bouteflika said that the Berbe

46、r language, Tamazight, was to be recognized as a national language in 2002. President Bouteflika was re-elected to a second term in a landslide poll victory in April 2004. It was reported that security forces were responsible for the disappearances of more than 6,000 citizens during the 1990s civil

47、conflict in March 2005. Leader of the banned Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) Rabah Kebir returned from self- imposed exile and urged rebels still fighting the state to disarm in September 2006. President Bouteflika brought back former premier Ahmed Ouyahia as new prime minister, replacing Abdelaziz Be

48、lkhadem in June 2009. President Bouteflika was re-elected for the third term in April 2009. In July 2009, Nigeria, Niger and Algeria signed an agreement to build a $13 billion pipeline to take Nigerian gas across the Sahara to the Mediterranean. In April 2010, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger set

49、 up joint command to tackle threat of terrorism. President Bouteflika brought back former premier Ahmed Ouyahia as new prime minister, replacing Abdelaziz Belkhadem in June 2009. President Bouteflika was re-elected for the third term in April 2009. In July 2009, Nigeria, Niger and Algeria signed an agreement to build a $13 billion pipeline to take Nigerian gas across the Sahara to the Mediterranean. In April 201


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