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1、ANSIIEIA-5670000-1991 APPROVED: octom 7, iaai O O O O h 75,000 ohms) R Standard resistive (25oR175,000 ohms) F Forcing or strong resistive (&O ohms) C Capacitance with aModierforlevt1 of capacitance NSP Not specified or unknown Letters uscd for strengths wiU be upper case. Copyright Electronic Compo

2、nents, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IA-5670000 Page 12 1.3 TABLE OF LEVELS FOR USE W“ ANALOG

3、 FUNCTIONS: E 1 An integer number representing a voltage level An integer number representing a curent levei While either upper or lower case letters may be used to idenMied levels. the lower case i is shown to avoid confusion with a 1. 1.4 TABLE OF ADDITIONAL LffiIC STATES, STRENGTHS AND CONDONS US

4、ED MAINLY FOR TEST PURPOSES AND TO PROVIDE COMPATIBILITY W“ WAVES AND mss: T TF TR INT D C UR D I Do Transition, Le. not a O or a 1. This is a special form of A failing waveform from plus to minus voltage levels. A rising wavefonn from minus to plus voltage levels. X. This i s a further breakdown of

5、 T This is a further breakdown of T. Any integer number used in an aigorithm to define relative strength (algorithm must be available in my simuiation run to resolve contentions between . models) Dont Care. A relevancy factor. Can. Arelevancyfactor u w e d Relevance A Signai direction into a port. A

6、 S i g n a l direction out of a pon Ds A Drive and Sense/Monitor direaion DU Adirexionthatisunspecified JEDECStandardNumk lOOimher&nesTF andTR. Either upper or lowercase may be used for these temis. 2. FACTORS RELATED TOTHE LOGIC STATE-STRENGTH VALUE SYSTEM STANDARD: One of the majordiffeiences amon

7、g simuiatos patains t o the logic states, snnigths and k v & aocommodated Hence, those tenns identified i n Sections 3.4.2 and this Appendix an inocndebtobeaii-encompassing. whilediereissome - versus M a t is comiEXEsnenm the guidelines useci hen are to -astate a s being exclusively reiated t o a lo

8、gic conditiaii, M the absence of such a condition, wide smnghs n idcntied thmu their applicabiuty to formdas for resolving contentions among signais or nodes (once connected togeth#) far detemnnui * gfiMllogicvallles SincebsetsOftbestaresand. snaigthsazieallowed,modelseandardizaa onuponspecificenume

9、rationtype declarations and assoami * VHDLpackaga RefertotheBlanLDetailedSpei6cauonforspecic cI1IIlIIcrBtioll type declamions keyed to cach of the principal technologies used i n the processing of Commcrnal components. among simulator developers over what i s considue to be a state Copyright Electro

10、nic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- . . STDOEIA 5b70000-ENGL 1771 323Vb00 058Lib87

11、Tbb EIA-5670000 Page 13 Both the basic subsets for behavioral models and extensions were coordinated with the Waveform and Vector Exchange Specification (WAVES) in order to provide an integration path. WAVES i s responsible for establishing the Test Vector Language for the Tester Independent Support

12、 Software System (TISSS). Hence, the tables of extended terms are provided in order to communicate those additional states, smngths and levels that can be used i n conjunction with the testing of circuits incorporating commercial component models and to idenhfy cenain other t e m (i.e. Levels) that

13、wiii be needed for modeling such components as A-D and D-A converters. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking

14、permitted without license from IHS -,-,- EI A-5670000 Page 14 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ANSI: Amencan National Standards Institute. C e e d (or Validated) VHDL Simulators: Those full lu16 compatible VHDL simuiatm t h a t have been validated in accordance with a DoD sanctioned vaiidarion suit

15、e. Commercial Elecatmic Component: An electronic component sold commerciaily, i.e. a non-ASIC. It may be either mitary quaiied or non-military quaii- ned. while the specification can be applied to aii “Off-theahelf i n t e - grated circuits, it is most applicable to those for w h i c h s u d design

16、infomation is not normaiiy provided. CMOS: CPU DID: E m EIA: F I F O : Em JEDEC Level: LRM: mos: m: RAD: ROM Complementary Metai Oxide Semiconductor Central procesSor UNt. Data item Description. A description of data i t e m requirements which is iisted in t h e DD1423 Fom included in Department of

17、Defense solicita- tions. A U DIDS use the standard DD Fom 1664 f i r s t page. Emiaer coupled Logic. Electtonic Industries Association. F i r s t in First Out. A form of register. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineen. Joint Election Device Engineering Council (an EM organization). A numer

18、ical quantity which together with units represents an electrical position, such as a voltage levei or a cunent level, Language Reference Manuai. Specifically, the IEEE Standard 1076-1987. N-channelMetaiOxideSemiconductor programmable Logic Device. T h e t e m PLD includes PALs and other semiconducto

19、r devices that are programmable. Radiationasinradiationhardnessorrelaaveresistancetoradiation fmm aipha particles. ReadonlyMew. scaling Factor: Areai number used as amultipiieir to modify t i m e s for derating purposes. The Scaling Factor, which defaults to 1.0, is used in the T i m i n g Module to

20、 aiter times based upon speciai system design quire- men6 withoutchangngthetabulated times in the timing table t h a t a under congudon ConmL It should be noted that the T i m i n g M o d u l e has provisions for scaling times due to voltage and temperaam variations without making use of the separat

21、e Scaling F a c t o r variable. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,

22、- EIA-5670000 Page 15 State: Strength: The logicai condition of a signai appearing a t a node or port in a digitai circuit or s y s t e m . The power or force attribute of a signai used to resolve contentions a t nodes that are connected together, such as in a wired-Or or a wired-And configuration.

23、A Subset model refers to one that does not incorporate aU functions defned in the data sheet. Subset as applied to simuiators m e a n s that not a of the VHIIL language is implemented, or cenain VHDL constructs are missing in accordance with the Language Reference Manual. Test Bench: All test requir

24、ements and test facilities other than the t e s t vectors and the model itelf. TISSS: T e s t e r independent Support Software System. Throughput Time: The time delay from input port to output pon. Subset: m Transistor-Transistor Logic Value: VHDL: Quality or wonh, generaly ddved from the combinatio

25、n of states, strengths and attributes, which relate to usefuiness or desirabiiity. VHSIC Hardware Description L a n g u w . This language is described i n r e f m n d E E E Standard 10761987. VHSIC: Very H i g h Speed Integrated circuits. WAVES. Waveform and Vector Exchange Specincation. Copyright E

26、lectronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- . Standard or Generic Specification Stand

27、ard Prefix for all Numbers Sectional Specification Designator Blank Detail Specification Designator 3 STD-EIA 5b7000O-ENGL 1991 323ibUU 0584b90 550 = EIA STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING . STANDARD A document that establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, prac

28、tices and methods that have been decreed by authorQ or adopted by consensus. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design criteria for material. Standards and other documents not in the specification format use only the EIA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-123 Origin

29、al Standard EIA-123-1 Addendum to Original Standard EIA-123-A First Revision of original Standard incorporating all Addenda SPECIFICATION A document prepared specifically to facilitate procurement which clearly and accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Pro

30、cedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced or included. IA Specifications use the following system: Detail Specification Designator A - EIA 123oooO EIA 123AOOO EIA 123AAOO EIA 123AAAA EIA 123OOAA

31、 is a Generic Specification is a Sectional Specification is a Blank Detail Specification is a Detail Specification is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specification was issued. NOTES: 1. Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. 2. S

32、ee EP-11 “Guide for the Preparation of Specification Using IECQ-System Format,“ for more detail. Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo r

33、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-EIA 5b70000-ENGL 1771 3234b00 OSdLib7I I77 9 4 Copyright Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association Provided by IHS under license with ECA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 00:15:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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