DS-EN 1088-1988.pdf

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《DS-EN 1088-1988.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《DS-EN 1088-1988.pdf(69页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Dansk Standard DSIEN 1088 2. udgave Godkendt: 1998-1 2-1 1 Maskinsi kkerhed Tvangskoblingsanordninger i forbindelse med afskaermninger Konstrulctionsprincipper og udvaelgelse Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection DS/EN 1088 Kprbenhavn

2、 1999 DS projekt: 38903 ICS 13.110 Deskriptorer: maskinsikkerhed, ulykkesforebyggelse, sikkerhedsanord- ninger, Idseanordninger, definitioner, design, kategorier, adgange, farlige omrbder, principper Nationalt forord Denne publikation har status sorn dansk standard. Den engelske tekst er identisk rn

3、ed Europzisk Standard EN 1088:1995; ved tvivlstilflde om den danske oversttelses korrekthed henvises ti1 den engelske version. Denne standard erstatter DSIEN 1088:1996, sorn kun forelb i en engelsksproget version. Der er ikke foretaget tekniske zndringer i denne 2. udgave af DSIEN 1088. Erstatter DS

4、IEN 1088:1996. National foreword This publication is approved as a Danish standard. The Eng- lish text is identical with European Standard 1088:1995; in case of doubt with respect to the correctness of the Danish translation, the English language version should be consult- ed. This standard replaces

5、 DSIEN 1088:1996 which only existed in an English version. No technical changes have been made in this 2nd edition of DSIEN 1088. Replaces DS/EN 1088: 1996. EUROPEAN SIANDARD NORME E U R O P EUROP 1.3.8 Choice of protection means against risks related to moving parts; 1.4 Required characteristics of

6、 guards and protection devices. This standard is a type B2 standard in accordance with EN 414. According to the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations the following countries are bound to implement t h i s European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, h c e , Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, It

7、aly, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Contents Foreword 0 Introduction 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Defmitions 3.1 interlocking device (interlock) 3.2 interlocking guard 3.3 interlocking guard with guard lochg 3.4 guard locking device

8、3.5 automatic monitoring 3.6 positive mode actuation positive opening operation of a contact element stopping time (time for hazard elimination) access time (time for access to a danger zone) Operating principles and typical forms of interlocking devices associated with guards Interlocking principle

9、s Typical forms of interlocking devices Technological forms of interlocking devices Provisions for the design of interlocking devices (independent of the nature of the energy source) Actuation modes of mechanically actuated position detectors Arrangement and fastening of position detectors Arrangeme

10、nt and fastening of cams Reducing the probability of common cause failures Guard locking device Delay devices Design to minimize defeat possibhties Environmental considerations Additional technological requirements for electrical interlocking devices Compliance with EN 602041 Interlocking devices in

11、corporating mechanically actuated position switches Interlocking devices incorporating non-mechanically actuated position switches (proximity switches and magnetic switches) Selection of an interlocking device General Conditions of use and intended use Risk assessment Stopping time and access time F

12、requency of access Performance considerations 2 (en) Forord tvangsibning af kontaktelement (tvangsbrydning) stoptid tid ti1 at eliminere en fare adgangstid Itidsrum ti1 adgang eller indgreb ti1 et fareomridel Funktionsprincipper og typiske former for tvangskoblingsanordninger i forbindelse med afska

13、rmninger Principper for tvangskobling Typiske former for tvangskoblingsanordninger Tekniske udformninger af tvangskoblingsanordninger Denne europaiske standard er udarbejdet af den tekniske ko- mite CENFC 114, Safety of machinery, der har tysk sekretari- at (DIN). Standarden er udarbejdet af en arbe

14、jdsgruppe (WG 10) un- der CENRC 114. Denne europaiske standard skal inden juni 1996 have status som national standard, enten ved at der udgives en identisk tekst eller ved formel godkendelse, og modstridende natio- nale standarder skal vare trukket tilbage senest juni 1996. Denne europaiske standard

15、 er udarbejdet af CEN i henhold ti1 mandat fra Europa-Kommissionen og EFTA. Den under- bygger vasentlige sikkerhedskrav i Maskindirektivet, i sar- deleshed de krav, der er udtrykt i falgende punkter i anneks A i EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995: 1.3.7 “Forebyggelse af risici i forbin- delse med bevagelige dele

16、“, 1.3.8 “Valg af beskyttelse mod farer i forbindelse med bevagelige dele“, 1.4 “Krav ti1 af- skarmninger og beskyttelsesanordninger“. Bestemmelser vedr. udformning af tvangskoblingsanordninger (uafhngig af energikildens art) Aktiveringsmider for mekanisk aktiverede positionsaftastere Placering og f

17、astgarelse af positionsaftastere Placering og fastgarelse af kamme Nedsattelse af muligheden for fejl med samme irsag SkzrrnlBs Forsinkelsesanordninger Udformning, der skal minimere mulighederne for omgielse Miljahensyn Yderligere tekniske krav ti1 elektriske tvangskoblinger Overensstemmelse med EN

18、60204-1 Denne standard er en type B2-standard i henhold ti1 EN 414. I henhold ti1 CENICENELECs interne regler er falgende lande forpligtet ti1 at implementere denne europaiske standard: Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Grakenland, Holland, Irland, Island, Italien, Luxemburg, Norge, Portugal, Sch

19、weiz, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland og 0strig. Tvangskoblinger med mekanisk aktiverede positionsafbrydere Tvangskoblinger med ikke-mekanisk aktiverede positionsafbrydere (elektroniske og magnetiske afbrydere) lndholdsfortegnelse Side 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 Forord 0 lndledning 1 Emne- og

20、anvendelsesomride 2 Normative referencer 3 Definitioner 3.1 tvangskoblingsanordning tvangskobling 3.2 skarm med tvangskobling 3.3 tvangskobling med s k r m l i s 3.4 skarmlis 3.5 automatisk overvagning (selvovervigning) 3.6 tvangsfaring Valg af tvangskoblingsanordning Generelt Brugsbetingelser og be

21、regnet anvendelse Risikovurdering Stoptid og adgangstid Adgangshyppighed (hyppighed hvormed skarmen ibnes for adgang ti1 fareomridet) Overvejelser vedr. udfarelse Annexes A (informative) Guardaperated interlocking device with one single cam-operated position detector B (informative) Guardaperated in

22、terlocking device with tongue-operated switch C (informative) Direct (mechanical) interlocking between guard and start/stop manual control D (informative) Captivekey interlocking device E (informative) mped-key interlocking device F (informative) Plug and socket interlocking device lug/socket combin

23、ation) G (informative) Guard-operated interlocking device incorporating two cam-operated position detectors H (informative) Mechanical interlocking between a guard and a movable element J (informative) Electrical interlocking device incorporating magnetically actuated (magnetic) switches K (informat

24、ive) Electrical interlocking device incorporating two proximity detectors L (informative) Pneumatic/hydraulic interlocking devices M (informative) Interlocking device with spring appliedlpower released guard locking device N (informative) Interlocking device with guard locking, with manually operate

25、d delay device P (informative) Bibliography 3 (en) AnneksA (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned en enkelt kampAvirket positionsaftaster Anneks B (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned “noglen- betjent afbryder Anneks C (inforrnativt) Direkte (mekanisk) tvangskobling rnellern skzrrn og rnanuel startlstop-ano

26、rdning Anneks D (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned fast nogle Anneks E (informativt) Tvangskobling rned los nogle Anneks F (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned stikkontaktsystern kornbineret stikprop/stikkontaktl Anneks G (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned to karnpAvirkede positionsaftastere Anneks H (in

27、forrnativt) Mekanisktvangskobling rnellern en s k r r n og en bevzgelig del Anneks J (inforrnativt) Elektrisktvangskobling rned rnagnetisk aktiverede afbrydere Anneks K (inforrnativt) Elektrisktvangskobling rned to elektroniske afbrydere (fglere) Anneks L (informativt) Pneumatiskelhydrauliske tvangs

28、koblinger Anneks M (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned skzrrnlAs, der aktiveres af fjederlfrigores af effekt Anneks N (inforrnativt) Tvangskobling rned skzrrnlAs og rned rnanuelt betjent forsinkelsesanordning Anneks P (inforrnativt) Bibliografi Side 16 18 0 Introduction This standard has been prepared

29、 to be a harmonized standard to provide one means of conforming with the essential safety requirements of the Machinery Directive and associated EFTA Regulations. Its primary purpose is to give guidance to machinery designers and writers of type C standards on how to design or to select interlocking

30、 devices associated with guards with a view to complying with the relevant essential safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive (see foreword). It may also be used as guidance in controlling the risk where there is no type C standard for a particular machine. Relevant sections of t h i s stan

31、dard, used alone or in codunction with provisions from other standards, can be used as a basis for verification procedures for the suitability of a device for interlocking duties. A statement by a manufacturer that an interlocking device complies with EN 1088, without reference to specific clauses,

32、has no meaning. The annexes A, B., P are informative. Annexes A to N contain only examples complying with the principles set out in this standard, and the application of which has been validated by experience. Other solutions may be adopted, provided that they comply with the same principles. Annex

33、P is entitled Bibliography. 1 Scope This standard specifies principles for the design and selection - independent of the nature of the energy source - of interlocking deblces associated with guards (as defined in 3.23.1 interlocking device (interlock), 3.22.4 interloclang guard and 3.22.5 interlocki

34、ng guard with guard locking of EN 292-1 : 1991). It also provides requirements specifically intended for electrical interlocking devices (see clause 6). This standard covers the parts of guards whch actuate interlocking devices. Requirements for guards are given in prEN 953. The processing of the si

35、gnal from the interlocking device to stop and immobilize the machine is dealt with in prEN 954-1. 2 Normative references T h i s European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the te

36、xt and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to appli

37、es. EN 292-1 : 1991 Safety qf machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1 : Ba,sic terminology, methodology EN 292-2 : 1991 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2 : Technical principles and specifications EN 294 : 1992 Safety of machinery

38、- Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs prEN 953 Safety of machinery - General requirements for the design and construction of guards w e d , movable) prEN 954-1 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1 : General principles for design

39、 prEN 999 Safety of machinery - The positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach speed of parts of the huma,n body prEN 1037 Safety of machinery - Prevention of unexpected start-up prEN 1050 Safety of machinery - Principles for risk assessment EN 602041 : 1992 Safety of machinery - Ele

40、ctrical equipment of machines - Part 1 : General requirements EN 60947-51 : 1991 Low-voltuge switchgear and controlgear - Part 5 : Control circuit dewices and switching elements - Section 1 : Electromechanical control circuit devices (IEC 947-51 : 1990) 3 Definitions For the purposes of ttus standar

41、d the following defmitions apply. 3.1 interlocking device (interlock) Mechanical, electrical or other type of device, the purpose of which is to prevent the operation of machine elements under specified conditions (generally as long as a guard is not closed). (3.23.1 of EN 292-1 : 1991) 4 (en) 0 lnd

42、ledning Denne standard er udarbejdet som en harmoniseret stan- dard med det formbl, at den skal vzre et middel ti1 at opfylde de vzsentlige sikkerhedskrav i Maskindirektivet og tilhoren- de EFTA-bestemmelser, Hovedformblet er at vejlede maskinkonstruktorer og forfatte- re af type C-standarder i, hvo

43、rdan tvangskoblingsanordnin- ger i forbindelse med afskzrmninger konstrueres eller ud- vzlges med henblik pb at opfylde de relevante vsentlige sikkerhedskrav i Maskindirektivet (se forordet). Den kan ogsb anvendes som vejledning ti1 at kontrollere risikoen i tilfslde, hvor der ikke findes en type C-

44、standard for en bestemt maski- ne. Relevante afsnit i denne standard kan enten alene eller sam- men med besternmelser fra andre standarder danne bag- grund for procedurer ti1 verifikation af, at en anordning er eg- net ti1 tvangskoblingsformbl. Er erklzring fra en fabrikant om, at en tvangskoblingsa

45、nord- ning er i overensstemmelse med EN 1088 uden henvisning ti1 bestemte punkter, har ingen mening. Anneks A, B . P er informative. Anneks A ti1 N indeholder kun eksempler, der stemmer overens med principperne i denne standard, og hvis anvendelse er blevet afprovet gen- nem erfaring. Der kan vzlges

46、 andre Iosninger, forudsat at de er i overensstemmelse rned de samme principper. Anneks P har titlen Bibliografi. 1 Emne- og anvendelsesomrdde Denne standard fastlzsgger principper for konstruktion og udvzlgelse af tvangskoblingsanordninger i forbindelse med afskzrrnninger, uafhzngig af energiforsyn

47、ingens art (ifolge definitionen i 3.23.1 “Tvangskoblingsanordning“, 3.22.4 “Skzrm med tvangskobling“ og 3.22.5 “Tvangskobling med aflbsning af skzrm“ i EN 292-1:1991). Den indeholder ogsb krav specielt beregnet ti1 elektriske tvangskoblingsanordninger (se pkt. 6). Denne standard ornhandler de dele a

48、f afskzrmninger, der aktiverer tvangskoblingsanordningerne. Krav ti1 afskzrmnin- ger er indeholdt i EN 953. Bearbejdningen af signalet fra tvangskoblingsanordningen for at standse maskinen og hol- de den standset er behandlet i EN 954-1. 2 Normative referencer EN 292-1 :I991 Safety of machinery - Ba

49、sic concepts, general principles for design - Part I: Basic terminology, methodology EN 292-2:1991 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles and specifications EN 294:1992 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs EN 953: 1997 Safety of machinery - General requirements for the design and construction of guards (fixed, movable) EN 954-1 : I 996 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part I: General principles for design EN 999:


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