Emerging Cancer Vaccines:Market Forecasts, New Developments and Pipeline Analysis, 3rd Edition.pdf

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1、Cancer Vaccines Rures adquireret umbraculi, etiam tremulus matrimonii libere senesceret app October 2008 Kalorama Information A division of MarketR 38 East 29th Street Sixth Floor New York, New York 10016 212.807 .2660 t 800.298.5603 t 212.807 .2676 f Copyright 2008 Kalorama Information Reproductio

2、n without written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, in whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited CANCER VACCINES: MARKETS, NEW DEVELOPMENTS, AND PIPELINE ANALYSIS A KALORAMA INFORMATION MARKET INTELLIGENCE REPORT Cancer Vaccine Markets has been prepared by Kalorama

3、 Information. We serve business and industrial clients in the United States and abroad with a complete line of information services and research publications. Kalorama Information Market Intelligence Reports are specifically designed to aid the action-oriented executive by providing a thorough prese

4、ntation of essential data and concise analysis. Author: Melissa Elder Publication Date: November 2008 38 East 29th Street New York, New York 10016 (800) 298-5699 Outside the U.S. (212) 807-2657 FAX: (212) 807-2676 www.KaloramaI E-MAIL: KLI1646591 Copyright 2008 Kalorama Information Reproduction wit

5、hout written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, in whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited BLANK iii Copyright 2008 Kalorama Information Reproduction without written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, in whole or in any part, is stri

6、ctly prohibited TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 Introduction.1 Scope and Methodology3 Size and Growth of the Market5 Issues and Trends Affecting Market8 Leading Competitors.9 CHAPTER TWO: INTRODUCTION.11 Introduction.11 History and Growth of the Cancer Treatment Market .12 Types of

7、 Vaccines 14 Antigen/Adjuvant Vaccines.16 Whole Cell Tumor Vaccines17 Dendritic Cell (DC) Vaccines.17 Viral Vectors and DNA Vaccines17 Idiotype Vaccines18 Types of Therapeutic Vaccines.18 Patient-Specific Vaccines .18 Prostate Specific Antigen19 Sialyl Tn19 Heat Shock Proteins19 Ganglioside Molecule

8、s .20 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)20 MART-1.20 Tyrosinase.20 Adjuvants 20 Industry Structure.22 Demographics and Statistics.23 Growing and Aging Population.28 Life Expectancy and Cancer .34 CHAPTER THREE: CERVICAL CANCER VACCINES.37 Overview.37 Description of Vaccines on the Market41 Gardasil/Silg

9、ard .41 Cervarix42 Table of Contents iv Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. Description of Vaccines in Development.42 TG 4001/R348442 HspE7.42 Lovaxin

10、 C .43 VGX-3100.43 CA-9 .44 Market Summary46 Current and Potential Competitors and Analysis, 201249 CHAPTER FOUR: COLON/RECTAL CANCER VACCINES.53 Overview53 Description of Vaccines on the Market.57 OncoVAX57 Description of Vaccines in Development.57 OncoVAX57 TroVAX.58 Avicine58 CEA VRP Vaccine59 Co

11、llidem.59 IMA910.59 Lapuleucel-T.59 Oncophage .60 CDX-1307-01.60 Tumor Associated Antigen Therapeutic Vaccine CEA DNA Cancer Vaccine 61 MKC1106-PP.61 Market Summary64 Potential Competitors and Analysis, 201267 CHAPTER FIVE: LUNG CANCER VACCINES69 Overview69 Description of Vaccines in Development.74

12、Lucanix.74 MAGE-A3 Peptide74 Stimuvax.74 EGF Cancer Vaccine75 GV-1001.75 HyperAcute Lung75 IDM 2101 (EP-2101)76 Oncophage .76 INGN 225 .77 TG 401077 LungVAX 77 Tumor Associated Antigen Therapeutic Vaccine CEA DNA Cancer Vaccine 78 v New Developments in the Cancer Vaccine Market Copyright 2006 Kalora

13、ma Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. DC Vax78 L523S78 Market Summary81 Potential Competitors and Analysis, 2012.82 CHAPTER SIX: LYMPHOMA VACCINES .83 Overview.83 Descriptio

14、n of Vaccines in Development.88 MyVax.88 BiovaxID.88 FavId.89 TG 104289 Market Summary91 Potential Competitors and Analysis, 2012.94 CHAPTER SEVEN: MELANOMA VACCINES.99 Overview.99 Description of Vaccines on the Market103 Description of Vaccines in Development.104 M-VAX 104 GMK .104 Allovectin-7.105

15、 MDX-1379 with Combination Treatment MDX-010 105 Oncophage106 MAGE-A3 ASCI107 Uvidem107 AGI-101H Vaccine108 ALVAC Vaccine 108 HyperAcute Melanoma.108 Market Summary111 Potential Competitors and Analysis, 2012.115 CHAPTER EIGHT: PROSTATE CANCER VACCINES119 Overview.119 Description of Vaccines in Deve

16、lopment.123 Provenge.123 DCVax-Prostate123 GVAX124 ProstAtak 124 TroVAX.125 Table of Contents vi Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. Telomerase Cancer

17、 Vaccine.125 MVA-BN Prostate.125 HyperAcute Prostate 126 MKC1106-PP.126 Market Summary129 Potential Competitors and Analysis, 2012133 CHAPTER NINE: BREAST CANCER VACCINES.137 Overview137 Description of Vaccines in Development.143 INGN 225 .143 CEA VRP Vaccine143 MVA-BN HER2.143 Lapuleucel-T.143 PX 1

18、04.1.144 CDX-1307-02.144 Tumor Associated Antigen Therapeutic Vaccine CEA DNA Cancer Vaccine 144 MKC1106-PP.145 Market Summary147 CHAPTER TEN: GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER VACCINES.149 Overview149 Description of Vaccines in Development.155 GV 1001155 GI-4000 155 Avicine155 GVAX156 HyperAcute Pancreas.156

19、 Oncophage .156 CDX-1307-01.157 CRS-100 .157 CRS-207 .157 DC Vax.157 MKC1106-PP.158 Market Summary161 CHAPTER ELEVEN: RENAL CANCER VACCINES163 Overview163 Description of Vaccines on the Market.166 Oncophage .166 Description of Vaccines in Development.166 vii New Developments in the Cancer Vaccine Ma

20、rket Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. Oncophage166 Reniale167 TroVAX.167 IMA901.167 AGS-003167 MDX-1106 168 MKC1106-PP168 Market Summary170 Potenti

21、al Competitors and Analysis, 2012.173 CHAPTER TWELVE: BRAIN CANCER VACCINES199 Overview.199 Glioblastoma.199 Neuroblastoma199 Description of Vaccines in Development.203 DCVax-Brain203 CDX-110.203 GliAtak203 Oncophage203 Market Summary206 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: BLADDER CANCER VACCINES207 Overview.207 Desc

22、ription of Vaccines on the Market211 BCG Therapy (OncoTICE- Organon Teknika) (Immucyst-Sanofi Pasteur)(Pacis- Shire Pharmaceuticals).211 Description of Vaccines in Development.211 Bexidem.211 CG0070.212 MDX-1307-01.212 Market Summary214 CHAPTER FOURTEEN: OVARIAN CANCER VACCINES.199 Overview.199 Desc

23、ription of Vaccines in Development.203 OVax Autologous Cell Vaccine.203 Lapuleucel-T.203 Tumor Associated Antigen Therapeutic Vaccine CEA DNA Cancer Vaccine.204 MKC1106-PP204 Market Summary206 Table of Contents viii Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, i

24、n any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: LEUKEMIA VACCINES.199 Overview199 Description of Vaccines in Development.204 GVAX204 PR1 Peptide Vaccine204 AGS-005.204 Market Summary206 CHAPTER SIXTEEN: ISSUES AND TRENDS AFFECTIN

25、G THE CANCER VACCINE MARKET199 Introduction.199 Early Detection and Screening.200 Monoclonal Antibodies and Therapeutic Vaccines209 Political and Social Pressure209 Insurance and Reimbursement Issues.210 Personalized Medicine214 Pharmacogenomics.215 Vaccine Strategies.216 New Genetic Technique220 Fu

26、ture Growth in Vaccines221 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: THE CANCER VACCINE MARKET: MARKET FORECASTS .223 Overview223 Total Market Size and Forecast.224 Market and Competitor Analysis229 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: CANCER VACCINE CORPORATE PROFILES.231 Introduction.231 Antigenics, Inc.232 Avax Technologies, Inc.234 Biov

27、est International, Inc.236 Cell Genesys, Inc.238 Dendreon Corporation .240 Genitope Corporation.242 ix New Developments in the Cancer Vaccine Market Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in

28、 any part, is strictly prohibited. GlaxoSmithKline plc.244 Merck Colon/Rectal Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline.62 Table 4-3: The Emerging Colon/Rectal Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-201265 Figure 4-2: The Emerging Colon/Rectal Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-201266 Figure 4-3: Anticipated Product Sales by Y

29、ear for Emerging Colon/Rectal Cancer Vaccines, 2008-201268 CHAPTER FIVE: LUNG CANCER VACCINES Table 5-1: Types of Primary Lung Cancer.71 Table 5-2: Estimated World Incidence of Lung Cancer by Country, 2007.72 Figure 5-1: Estimated World Incidence of Lung Cancer by Country, 200773 Table 5-3: Lung Can

30、cer Vaccines in the Pipeline79 CHAPTER SIX: LYMPHOMA VACCINES Table 6-1: Classification of Non-Hodgkins Lymphomas .84 Table 6-2: Estimated World Incidence of Lymphoma by Country, 200786 Figure 6-1: Estimated World Incidence of Lymphoma by Country, 200787 xi New Developments in the Cancer Vaccine Mar

31、ket Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. Table 6-3: Lymphoma Vaccines in the Pipeline .90 Table 6-4: The Emerging Lymphoma Vaccine Market, 2008-201292

32、Figure 6-2: The Emerging Lymphoma Vaccine Market, 2008-201293 Table 6-5: The Emerging Lymphoma Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012.95 Figure 6-3: The Emerging Lymphoma Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012.96 Figure 6-4: A

33、nticipated Product Sales by Year for Emerging Lymphoma Vaccines, 2010-2012.97 CHAPTER SEVEN: MELANOMA VACCINES Table 7-1: Malignant Condidtions of the Skin100 Table 7-2: Estimated World Incidence of Melanoma by Country, 2007101 Figure 7-1: Estimated World Incidence of Melanoma by Country, 2007102 Ta

34、ble 7-3: Melanoma Vaccines in the Pipeline.109 Table 7-4: The Developing Melanoma Vaccine Market, 2008-2012.113 Figure 7-2: The Developing Melanoma Vaccine Market, 2008-2012114 Table 7-5: The Developing Melanoma Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012.116 Figure 7

35、-3: The Developing Melanoma Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012117 Figure 7-4:Anticipated Product Sales by Year for Developing Melanoma Vaccines, 2010-2012 118 CHAPTER EIGHT: PROSTATE CANCER VACCINES Table 8-1: Estimated World Incidence of Prostate Cancer by C

36、ountry, 2007 121 Figure 8-1: Estimated World Incidence of Prostate Cancer by Country, 2007.122 Table 8-2: Prostate Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline127 Table 8-3: The Emerging Prostate Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-2012131 Figure 8-2: The Emerging Prostate Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-2012 132 Table 8-4:

37、 The Emerging Prostate Cancer Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012134 Figure 8-3: The Emerging Prostate Cancer Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012135 Figure 8-4: Anticipated Product Sales by Year for Emerging | Prostate V

38、accines, 2010-2012 .136 Table of Contents xii Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. CHAPTER NINE: BREAST CANCER VACCINES Table 9-1: Estimated World Inci

39、dence of Breast Cancer by Country, 2007.141 Figure 9-1: Estimated World Incidence of Breast Cancer by Country, 2007142 Table 9-2: Breast Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline146 CHAPTER TEN: GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER VACCINES Table 10-1: Estimated World Incidence of Gastrointestinal Cancer by Country, 20071

40、53 Figure 10-1: Estimated World Incidence of Gastrointestinal Cancer by Country, 2007154 Table 10-2: Gastrointestinal Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline159 CHAPTER ELEVEN: RENAL CANCER VACCINES Table 11-1: Estimated World Incidence of Renal Cancer by Country, 2007164 Figure 11-1: Estimated World Incide

41、nce of Renal Cancer by Country, 2007.165 Table 11-2: Renal Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline .169 Table 11-3: The Developing Renal Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-2012 .171 Figure 11-2: The Developing Renal Cancer Vaccine Market, 2008-2012172 Table 11-4: The Developing Renal Cancer Vaccine Market, Leading

42、 Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012174 Figure 11-3: The Developing Renal Cancer Vaccine Market, Leading Suppliers Shares by Market Revenues, Projected 2012174 Figure 11-4: Anticipated Product Sales by Year for Renal Cancer Vaccines, 2008-2012.175 CHAPTER TWELVE: BRAIN CANCER VACCINE

43、S Table 12-1: Estimated World Incidence of Brain Cancer by Country, 2007 201 Figure 12-1: Estimated World Incidence of Brain Cancer by Country, 2007.202 Table 12-2: Brain Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline205 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: BLADDER CANCER VACCINES Table 13-1: Estimated World Incidence of Bladder Can

44、cer by Country, 2007 209 Figure 13-1: Estimated World Incidence of Bladder Cancer by Country, 2007.210 Table 13-2: Bladder Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline213 xiii New Developments in the Cancer Vaccine Market Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any m

45、edia now in existence or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: OVARIAN CANCER VACCINES Table 14-1: Estimated World Incidence of Ovarian Cancer by Country, 2007 201 Figure 14-1: Estimated World Incidence of Ovarian Cancer by Country, 2007.202 Table 14

46、-2: Ovarian Cancer Vaccines in the Pipeline205 CHAPTER FIFETEEN: LEUKEMIA VACCINES Table 15-1: TYPES OF LEUKEMIA200 Table 15-2: Estimated World Incidence of Leukemia by Country, 2007.202 Figure 15-1: Estimated World Incidence of Leukemia Cancer by Country, 2007203 Table 15-3: Leukemia Vaccines in th

47、e Pipeline205 CHAPTER SIXTEEN: ISSUES AND TRENDS AFFECTING THE CANCER VACCINE MARKET Table 16-1: Cancer Detection Tests.202 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: THE CANCER VACCINE MARKET: MARKET FORECASTS Table 17-1: Cancer Vaccines: Developing and Emerging Cancer Vaccine Markets, 2008-2012.226 Figure 17-1: Cancer Va

48、ccines: Developing and Emerging Cancer Vaccine Markets, 2008-2012.227 Figure 17-2: Cancer Vaccines: Developing and Emerging Cancer Vaccine Markets by Percent and Vaccine Indication, 2012 228 Copyright 2006 Kalorama Information Reproduction without prior written permission, in any media now in existe

49、nce or hereafter developed, In whole or in any part, is strictly prohibited. CHAPTER ONE Executive Summary INTRODUCTION Worldwide cancer affects more than 10 million people each year. This number is expected to increase by 2.4% by 2020 to 14 million each year. Worldwide approximately 22 million people are living with cancer and nearly 7 million people die. The most common cancers affecting the world include lung, breast, colon/rectum, stomach, liver, p


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