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1、STDeBSI DD ENV L2299-ENGL L999 - Lb24bb9 078943L 092 DRAFT FOR DEVELOPMENT Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation ICs 13.160 45.060.20 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW DD ENV 12299:1999 Copyright European Committee for St

2、andardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-BSI DD ENV L2299-ENGL 1999 Lb24bb9 0789432 T29 = Amd.No. Date DD ENV 122991999 Comm

3、ents National foreword This D r a f t for Development is the English language version of ENV 12299: 1939. This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard. It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications and is of a provisional nature because the subject matter is

4、still under technical development requiring wider exposure. It should be applied on t h i s provisional basis, so that information and experience of its practical application may be obtained. Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development are requested so that UK experience can be repor

5、ted to the European organization responsible for its conversion into a European Standard. A review of this publication will be initiated 2 years after i t s publication by the European organization so that a decision can be taken on its status at the end of its threeyear life. The commencement of th

6、e review period will be notified by an announcement in Update S h m , - taking into account, (as recommendation), the vibration exposure measured on the interfaces (the complete method for Mean Comfort evaluation); - taking into account, (as recommendation), the effects on Ride comfort for passenger

7、s of: - discrete evenis (Comfort on Discrete Events); - running on curve transitions (Comfort on Curve Transitions). The standard is published as European Prestandard (ENV), due to - the lack of experience in the applicatbn of the Mean Comfort measurement and evaluation criteria, based on UIC-leaet

8、513, up to now experimentally approved in UIC, both for the normative part (N,J and for the informative pari (N,. NJ; - the lack of experience in the application of the recommended P , , P , Comfort indexes, up to now based on the technical experience in studies and direct tests given mainly in Grea

9、t Britain and in indirect tests performed by Italy, Germany and Switzerland. Railway transport exposes passengers to vibrations related io the dynamic movements of the carbody. The movements of the carbody transmit their effects to the human body through the foliowing intedaces: - in the standing po

10、sition: - floor-feet - in the seated position: - headrest - neck - arm rest - upper arms - seat - hip - seat-back - floor-feet The type of transmission is whole-body transmission (see 3.4), which acts on the whole body through the interfaces (see 3.3 ). The effect produced by the carbody movements c

11、onsidered in this ENV is: - discomfort (eect on comfort, see 3 . 2 ) , associated with relatively low levels of acceleration, Other effects, not included in the standard, are associated with higher acceleration levels: - health risk effect: physical damage and psychological deterioration. This ENV a

12、pplies to passengers in good health. Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-BSI DD ENV

13、L229-ENGL 3999 = Lb24667 0787437 500 included Page 5 ENV 12299:1999 excluded b) Inclurions and exclusions The following table lists the items included or excluded from this ENV: - on whole body through interfaces - railway vehicles designed for carrying passengers - definitions tem - on single body

14、part - on whole surface - other types of railway vehicles, e.g. locomotives, freight wagons - notes or attributes related to service Effects of movements - measurement and evaluation rules - reportrules - standing - seated rranwnission I - lying - performing specific actions Type of vehicles - indir

15、ect measurements - simplified measurements of Mean Comfort rest procedure - direct measurements - combined measurements %sition of passenger rype of measurement - oncomfort - on health - on activities - reference system - requirements quality and/or passenger expectation - limiting values ) informat

16、ive Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-BSI DD ENV L2299-ENGL la997 Lb24667 0789436

17、447 Page 6 ENV 12299: 1999 c) Characteristics of rallway vehicle movemenh The basic typical characteristics, referred to the type of measurement and evaluation, are: - range of frequencies from O to 2 Hz for Comfort on Curve Transitions and for Discrete Events, from 0,4 to 80 Hz for Mean Comfort eva

18、luation. For the latter, Witti a large pari in the subrange: - 0,4 up to 3 . 0 Hz in the lateral direction, - 0,4 up to 20 Hz in the vertical direction; - relatively low level of amplitude; - different properties, depending on the type of evaluation: stationary (Mean Comfort). non-stationary (Discre

19、te Events), quasi-static (mean lateral acceleration on Discrete Events), dynamic with relevant transient components (peak-to-peak on Discrete Events, Comfort on Transitions), highly non-linear (on Curves, on Discrete Events), linear (Mean Comfort). d) Ride comfort for passengers The Ride Comfort for

20、 passengers is the complex sensation, produced on the passenger by the carbody movements of the raiiway vehkie, transmitted to the whde body through the interfaces. This sensation is classified as: - average sensation, based on the vibration applied on a iong-time basis (at least some minutes), - in

21、stantaneous sensation: a sudden modification of the average sensation, due to a short-basis event (change of mean lateral acceleration value, roll movement at significant speed, lateral jerk w i t h possible oscillation). Both the first and the second type of sensation are taken into account in the

22、Mean Comfort evaluation. The second type of sensation is taken into account in the Comfort on Cunre Transitions and in Comfort on Discrete Events. e) D I M and Indirect measurements The quantification of Ride comfort for passengers i s performed through indirect measurements, .e. measuring and post-

23、processing the relevant parameters (see 3.5). Other types of tests and evaluation, such as direct tests based on the direct assessment of the perceptions of tested passengers, and combined tests, including both direct and indirect tests, are not quantified in this European Prestandard. Copyright Eur

24、opean Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD.BSI DD ENV 32299-ENGL L999 3624669 07t49439 383 Caracteristic

25、s comfort index Procedure Measuring parameter Measuring position Page 7 ENV 12299:lWQ Mean Comfort Mean Comfort Comfort on Curve Comfort on Discrete simplified complete Transitions Events Nw N* pm p, N ” A normative informative informative informative accelerations accelerations lateral acceleration

26、; lateral acceleration roll speed floor floor floor floor fluor and interfaces 9 SlmplHled and complete measurements for Mean Comfort The indirect measurements are classified as simplified or complete if the measurements are taken respectively on relevant points of the carbody floor or also on the i

27、nterfaces. g) Summary t a b k of procadurns The evaluation of Ride comfort for passengers is taken into account in this European Prestandard by: - normative procedure for the quantification of Mean Comfort through indirect simplified measurements, described in the normative part, see 4.1 to 4.2, - i

28、nformative procedure for the quantification of Mean Comfort through indirect complete measurements, described in the informative part, see Annex E, - informative procedure for the quantification of Comfort on Curve Transitions through indirect simplified measurements, described in the informative pa

29、rt, see Annex K, - informative procedure for the quantification of Comfort on Discrete Events through indirect simplified measurements, described in the informative part, see Annex M. The use of an informative procedure in addition is appropriate in situations where these aspects are of particular i

30、nterest, as for example for the evaluation of behaviour of tilting vehicles running in curves. Table 2 presents an overview of different characteristics for measurement and evaluation procedures. Table 2 A table of possible applications, and the list of corresponding information needed, is given in

31、6.2. Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Page 8 ENV 12299:1999 1 scope This European Pre

32、standard specifies a method for quantifying the effects of carbody movements on Ride comfort for passengers (“omforut). The scope of the standard is limited to public railway services; the standard includes railway vehicles designed for carrying passengers travelling on railway lines, including seco

33、ndary and suburban lines: this document can be used as a guide for other railway vehicles, for example locomotives, metros, trams, etc. The standard applies to passengers in good health. 2 Normative references This European Prestandard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from othe

34、r publications. These normave references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European prestandard only when incorporated in it by amendment or

35、 revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. IS0 2631-1 IS0 5348 IS0 8002 UIC 513 E) UIC 518 Vf?) 6 153 - Rp 10) 6 153 - Rp 12) B 153 - Rp 16) B 153 - Rp 171) C 116 - Rp 3 and Rp62) Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whol

36、e-body vibration - Patt 1 : General requirements Mechanical vibration and shock - Mechanical mounting of accelerometers Mechanical vibrations - Land vehicles - Method for reporting measured data Guidelines for evaluating passenger comfort in relation to vibration in railway vehicles - 1 st edition O

37、1 47-94 Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic behaviwr - Safety - Track fatigue - Ride quality - 1 st edition 01-07-95 Vibratory comfort: Drawing up weighting curves Influence of the low frequency components on the evaluation of comfort Tests on comfort in

38、standing position Comfort in seated position Geometry of the contact between wheelset and track - Part 1: Methods of measurement and analysis - Part 2: Equivalent conicity values for wheelsets in s e M c e 3 Definitions For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply: 3.1 Passenger

39、s People travelling in a railway vehicle, without specific activities related to the transport. 3.2 Comfort This is the complex sensation produced during the application of oscillations and/or inertia forces, via whole-body transmission (see 3.4) caused by the railway vehicles carbody movements. It

40、is defined and measured through Comfort indexes? as: - Mean Comfort: a mean feeling, continuously adjusted, as evaluated through measurement following the procedures indicated in clause 4 and Annexes A, B, C, O for Comfort index N , and the procedure indicated in Annexes E, F, G, H for Comfort indic

41、es NvA, N , . ) The quantification of Ride Quality and the corresponding evaluation rules will b 3 covered by a separate European Standard. 3 To be purchased from: UIC, Direction Gnrale, 16, rue Jean Rey, F - 7501 5 Park 7 The base of the derivation of the comfort indexes is experimental. Copyright

42、European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD.BSI DD ENV 12299-ENGL 19qq 1b24bb9 0789441 “33 Page 9 ENV

43、12299: 1 999 - Comfort on Curve Transition: discomfort, due to a perceived curve entry or reverse transition, quantified by the recommended procedure indicated in Annex K and Annex L, as Comfort index P , . - Comfort on Discrete Events: discomfort, due to a perceived transient oscillation on straigh

44、t track, curves and curve transitions, quantified by the recommended procedure indicated in Annex M and Annex N, as Comfort index PE. 3.3 Interfaces They are the contact parts between t h e carbody and the passenger with the function of sustaining and guiding the passenger and of transmitting the we

45、ight of the same to the carbody itself. In standing position: - floor-feet In seated position: - headrest-neck - arm rest - upper arms - seat - hip - seat-back - floor-feet. 3.4 Whoie-body transmisslon This is an action transmitted to the whole body through the interfaces, 3.5 Indirect rneasurementd

46、bsts This is a measurement or test or part of test based on measurement and post-processing of the relevant parameters (acceleration and roll speed measured in the carbody). 3.6 Characteristics of indirect measummentdtests - Complete measurements: composed of measurements at the positions defined in

47、 G.3.2: - measurements on interfaces (see 3.3), - measurements on carbody floor, near to the seat. - Simplified measurements: composed of measurements on the carbody floor at the positions defined in A.3.2 . Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CENLicen

48、see=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 01/16/2008 18:21:39 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STDmBSI DD ENV L2299-ENGL 2999 Lb24bb9 0789442 978 = Page 10 ENV 12299:1999 4 Mean Comfort - Simplified method NOTE: Two methods are available for the assessment of the passenger perception of Mean Comfort: - A simplified method based on measurement of acceleration on the floor (Nw). - A complete method based on measurement of acceleration at the interface between passengers and the vehicle (Nvl, NJ. Th


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