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1、. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . CASE Data Interchange Format A Division of Electronic Industrig Association : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.:/ ; :. . I . . . CDIF Integrated Meta-model Data Flow Model Subject Area . . . ., f -. . . : . . . : y.: . :, . :. . . : .-, .: : . . : ; . . . . . . .

2、. . .,. : , . . ., . ?$ - . . . . . . . : :/ . : i . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 1995 Electronic Industries Association . :,. . i . . . i CDIF Tech cal Committee : -:t. . . i: 2. A relationship that has more than two participating entities. (Note that a single entity may par

3、ticipate several times in a single relationship.) Glossary Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted

4、 without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-inodcl - Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-115 December. 199.5 Page 2(H RELATIONSHIP SEMANTIC MODEL SURJECT AREA A real-world association among one or more entities. Where the association is between an entity and itself, the relationship is sa

5、id to be recursive. The portion of the CDIF Integrated Meta- model that defines how semantic (Le., non- graphical) information is represented. A related collection of meta-object instance definitions. Subject areas are used to define scoped areas of interest. Subject areas overlap to ensure the inte

6、gration of the overall Meta-model, but a tool need only use those subject areas relevant to the data to be exportedhmported. Glossary Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not

7、 for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-model - Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-115 December, 1995 Page 201 A Actual flows. 32 Alternate decompositions. 27 example. 27 Arrow alias for Flow. 83 Associative e

8、ntity glossary entry. 195 AtbibutableMetaObject fierarchy Definition, 9 Attribute definition. 54 glossary entry, 195 Atmbuted relationship glossary entry. 195 B Bidirectional Flows. 17.3 1 Binding FiowPorts. 34 Bold italic, 5 Bold type, 5 BriefDescription Broken line, 7 example, 3 1 in meta-entity S

9、emanticInfonnationObject, 128 C Cardinality glos& entry. 195 CDIF glossary entry. 195 CDIF Family of Standards, 1 glossary entry, 195 CDiF Identifier glossary entry. 195 CDIF Integrated Meta-model glossary entry, 195 CDIF Meta-Meta-Model glossary entry. 196 CDIF MetaIdentifier glossary entry. 196 CD

10、FIdentifier i n meta-entity Rootobject. 122 INDEX Characteristic entity Column Comment glossary entry. 196 alias for Atmbute, 54 alias for FuUDescnption in meta-entity SemantichformationObject, 128 Componentobject definition, 57 general structuring mechanism, 18 referencing in shared defintion. 23 e

11、xample. 23 Componentbject .References.DenitionObject defmition, 1 11 destination meta-entity definition, 66 source meta-entity definition, 58 Computable languages, 36 Computable values formats, 37 Constraint glossary entry, 196 Constraint Row, 36 Constraintport definition, 59 Context identifier, 23

12、ContextDescnption in meta-entity DFMProcess, 69 in meta-entity ExtemalAgent, 79 in meta-entity Flow, 4 in meta-entity Store, 102 example, 23 in meta-entity DFMProcess, 69 in meta-entity ExtedAgent, 79 in meta-entity Flow. 85 in meta-entity Store, 102 use of, 23 Control flow. 36 ControlPon definition

13、, 61 Conventions. 5 Context Identifier D Data Element Data How Model, 15 alias for Attribute, 54 index Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:3

14、5 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-model - Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-115 December. 1995 Page 202 Data Flow Model Subject Area definition. S3 description. 1.5 diagram. 38 overview. 15 Data Member alias for Attribute. 54 Data-mo

15、dei glossary entry. 196 DataFowMoJel definition. 63 DataFlow Model.HasRoot .DFMProcessDefinit ion definition. 1 12 destination ineta-entity definition. 72 source meta-entity definition. 64 in meta-entity Rootobject. 122 in meta-entity Rootobject. 123 in meta-entity Atmbute, 55 alias for FullDescript

16、ion Datecreated Dateupdated Default Value Definition in meta-entity Semantic InformationObject, 128 Overview Section, 6 Definition flows. 32 DefinitionObject allowed ComponentObjects, 20 definition, 65 general structuring mechanism. 18 De fini tionObjec t Contains.Component0bjeet definition. 1 13 de

17、stination meta-entity definition, 58 source meta-entity definition. 66 DefuitionObjec t .Incorporates.Semanticinformation Object DFD Set DFMProcess source meta-entity definition. 57 dias for DataFlowModel, 63 definition, 68 in decomposition. 20 DFMPrw essDefinition definition. 7 1 Diagram Notation.

18、6 Document structure. 3 Double quotes. 5 E Entity Equivalenceset glossary entry. 196 definition, 76 general structuring mechanism. 18 use of. 25 use of in FiowPon Binding, 34 definition. 115 destination meta-entity definition, 58 source meta-entity definition, 77 use of. 25 External Agent concept. 1

19、7 defintion, 78 interface of, 32 representing, 17 representing processes. 17 ExtemaiAgentDefmition definition, 81 Equivalenceset .HasMember.ComponentObjec t F Flow actual vs.definition. 32 bidirectional. 17 concept in Data Flow Model Subject Area. 16 decomposition. 2 1 definition. 83 splits and merg

20、es. 28 structured, 17.21 unidirectional, 17 use as function control. 36 used as function constraint, 36 used as function mechanism. 36 Flow decomposition. 2 1 FiowDefmition definition. 86 sharing, 22 definition, 89 definition. 9 1 binding. 34 definition. 93 use of. 32 definition. 95 Flow Inpu tPon F

21、lowOutputPon FlowPon Flow ProducerConsumer index Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

22、icense from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-model- Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-115 December, 1995 Page 203 FlowProducerConsumer.Consumes .Flow definition. 116 destination meta-entity definition, 84 some meta-entity definition. 96 FlowProducerConsumer .Produces .Flow definition. 117 destinat

23、ion meta-entity definition. 84 source meta-entity definition, 96 definition, 1 18 destination meta-entity definition, 84 source meta-entity defuiition. 96 in meta-entity SemanticinformationObject, 128 concept in Data Flow Model Subject Area, 16 in meta-entity DFMRocessDefmition. 72 Flow roducerConsu

24、mer.ProducesrConsumes.Flow FullDescription Function Func tionalkea G General Stnictufing Mechanism, 17 alternate decompositions. 27 decomposition of objects. 17 diagram. 18 structuring of objects, 17 H HasConcurrentChildren HasRealTimeSemantics in meta-entity DFMProcessDefinition, 73 i n meta-entity

25、 DFMProcessDefinition, 73 I IDEFO Model alias for DataFlowModel, 63 Identical instances in Shared Definitions, 25 example, 25 Indented list, 9 information Content glossary entry, 197 Merited meta-attribute. 9. 10. 12 Instance glossary entry. 197 Instance Variable alias for Attribute. 54 Integrated M

26、eta-model glossary entry, 197 interface of processes. 32 of stores. 32 in meta-entity FlowDeftnition, 87 in meta-entity DFMProcessDefinition, 74 in meta-entity FlowDefrnition, 87 in meta-entity StoreDefinition, 105 use of, 36 in meta-entity DFMhocessDefinition, 74 in meta-entity FlowDeftnition, 88 i

27、n meta-entity StoreDefinition, 106 in meta-entity Port. 98 in meta-entity StoreDefinition, 106 in meta-entity DFMProcessDefinition, 75 in meta-entity FlowDeftnition, 88 in meta-entity StoreDefrnition, 106 in meta-entity Attribute, 56 in metaentity StoreDefinition. 107 aiias for IsMaterial IsAnalog I

28、sControl IsControl meta amibute IsDara IsFormal IsManual IsMateriai Isoptional IsPermanent Isphysical in meta-entity DFMprocessDefinition, 75 in meta-entity FlowDefinition, 88 in meta-entity StoreDefinition, 106 IsReadOnly in meta-entity StoreDefinition, 107 J Kernel Entity glossary entry, 197 L Lea

29、f process, 21 Local meta-atmbute, 9.10, 12 Location aiias for Functionah in meta-entity DFMProcessDefinition, 72 index Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03

30、/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-inodel - Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-l15 December. 199.5 Pape 204 M Mcchniiism Flow. 36 Merged Flows. 28 Mcta- Meta-attribute glossary entry. 197 descriptions. 11. 12 glossary e

31、ntry. 197 inherited. 9. 10, 12 local. 9. 10. 12 Meta-entity summary. 9 Meta-relationship summary. 9 glossary entry. 198 shaded. 6 specid notation. 6 subtypes. 9 suininary. 9 Meta-entity Summary, 9 Meta-layers glossuy entry. 198 Meta-meta-attribute glossary entry. 198 Meta-meta-entity glossary entry.

32、 198 Meta-meta-model glossary entry, 198 Meta-meta-object name. 5 Meta-meta-relationship glossary entry, 198 Meta-model glossary entry. 198 Meta-object glossary entry. 199 name. 5 Meta-relationship broken line. 7 glossary entry. 199 special notation. 7 subtypes. 9 Meia-entit y Meta-relationship Summ

33、ary. 9 Model Model layers Modifier glossary entry. 195, glossary entry. 199 alias for ContextDescription in ineta-entity Flow. 84 N N-ary relationship Name glossary entry. 199 in meta-entity Attribute. 56 in meta-entity DataFlowModel, 64 in meta-entity DefinitionObject, 66 in meta-entity DFMProcess,

34、 70 in meta-entity ExtemaiAgent, 80 in meta-entity Flow. 85 in meta-entity Port, 98 in meta-entity Store, 103 meta-meta-object. 5 meta-object. 5 O Operator in meta-entity DefinitionObject. 66 Operator meta-attribute use of, 27 Overview Section definition. 6 P POIT Prerequisites, 3 Process definition

35、. 97 concept in Data Flow Model Subject Area, 16 interface of, 32 leaf. 21 example, 20 Process decomposition, 20 Process decomposition hierarchy, 15 Process Model alias for DataFlowModel, 63 Q Quotes, 5 R Real-time Extensions. 36 index Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Associ

36、ation Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - integrated Meta-mcdel- Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/S-115 December, 1995 Referen

37、ceelement definition, 99 general structuring mechanism, 18 use of. 23.25 use of in FlowPort Binding. 34 definition. 119 destination meta-entity definition, 58 source meta-entity definition, 100 use of, 23 Relationship glossary entry, 200 Role dias for ContextDescription defuition, 12.5 definition. 1

38、29 destination metaentity definition. 126 source metaentity definition, 126 definition, 121 Reference.Element.DefinesPath.ComponentObject in meta-entity Flow, 84 RoorEntity RootEntity .IsRelatedTo.RootEntity Rootobject, 9 Speci ficationTex t Split Flow, 28 Store in meta-entity Definitionobject, 67 e

39、xample, 29 concept in D a t a Flow Model Subject Area, 17 decomposition, 22 defuition, 101 interface of, 32 Store decomposition. 22 S toreDefinition definition. 104 Structured flow, 17 structured Flows, 21 example, 2 1 Subject Area glossary entry, 200 Subtyping, 9 summary dias for BnefDescription in

40、 meta-entity SemanticInformationObject, 128 supportport definition. 109 S T Semantic M o d e l SemanticinformationObjec t defuiition, 127 SequenceNumber in meta-relationship DefinitionObjectContains.CompontOb 114 in meta-relationship ReferencedE1ementDefnesPath.Componentbje ct, 120 use of, 23 Shaded

41、 Box, 6 Shaded Meta-entity, 6 Shared defuiitions, 23 identical instances in, 25 Sharing o f FiowDefuiitions, 22 Size Sizeunits Speci ficationLanguage glossary enny, 200 example, 25 in meta-entity StoreDefinition, 108 in meta-entity StoreDefinition. 108 in meta-entity DefuiitionObject, 67 TheCRUed Ti

42、meupdated in meta-entity Rootbject, 123 in meta-entity Rootobject, 124 in metaentity DataFiowModel, 64 Type U Unidirectional Flows, 17 V W X Y Z Index Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User

43、=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- CDIF - Integrated Meta-model - Data Flow Model Subject Area EIA/IS-1 IS December. 1995 Page 206 This page is intentionally blank Copyright Government Electronics & Information

44、Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- RELATED EIA STANDARDS EIA/S-iO CDIF - CASE Data Interchange Format - Overv

45、iew EIAdS-1 O 7 CDIF - Framework for Modeling and Extensibilig EIALIS-i I i CDIF - Integrated Meta-mode1 - Foundation Subject Area EIMS- I I2 CDIF - Integrated Meta-model - Common Subject Area EIALIS-113 CDIF - Integrated Meta-model - Data DeJinition Subject Area Copyright Government Electronics & I

46、nformation Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - , . 2500 Wilson Blvd., Arhgton, VA 22201 (703) 907-7545 O FAX: (703) 907-7501 Copyright Government Electronics & Information Technology Association Provided by IHS under license with GEIA Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/30/2007 22:33:35 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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