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1、 GEIA STANDARD EIA-836A Configuration Management Data Exchange and Interoperability EIA-836A March 2007 GOVERNMENT ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION A Sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance NOTICE GEIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public int

2、erest by eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications

3、 shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of GEIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than GEIA members, whether the standard

4、is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by GEIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, GEIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever t

5、o parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This GEIA Standard is considered to have International Standardization implications, but the ISO/IEC activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the GEIA Standard and the ISO/IEC document can be made. This Standard does no

6、t purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (Formula

7、ted under the cognizance of the GEIA G-33 Configuration and Data Management Committee.) This document is maintained under the ANSI/GEIA continuous maintenance program. Changes may be submitted at any time on any part of the standard using the GEIA Document Improvement Proposal at the back of this do

8、cument or a similar method containing the same information. These comments shall be acted on for revision of the standard at the first meeting following working group resolution of the comment. Published by 2007 Government Electronics and Information Technology Association Standards Version 1.2 has

9、the changes accepted. Unlike Version 1.0, where the Business Objects were located within the reference schema, the Business Objects in the interim versions 1.1 and 1.2 consist of individual schemas that relate to a Program or Project, a Product or an Instance of a Product. The elements used in the B

10、usiness Objects are defined in the Reference Schema, whis is linked to and accessible from each of the business objects. An XML schema language conversion of the Reference Schema DTD is included and is an exact equivalent. Jan 2004 A This revision provides significant technical changes: the data mod

11、el was restructured using a disciplined modeling language; the data model/data dictionary is now independent of implementation conventions; as opposed to separate Business Objects in the prior releases, CM objects that may be the subject of data exchange are now an integral part of the model; a meth

12、od of constructing exchange messages incorporating any model object is provided. Mar 2007 Table of Contents Introduction (Informative) . vii 1. Scope (Informative) 1 2. References (Normative) . 3 3. Terms and Definitions (Informative) . 5 3.1. General Terms and Definitions . 5 3.2. Data Dictionary S

13、tructural Terms and their Definitions 6 4. Symbols and Abbreviated Terms (Informative) . 9 4.1. Symbols . 9 4.2. Abbreviated Terms . 9 5. Data Dictionary Overview (Informative) . 11 5.1. Concepts Used in the Development of the Data Dictionary . 11 5.1.1. Configuration Management (CM) Concepts 11 5.1

14、.2. Namespace . 13 5.2. Data Dictionary Primer (Informative) . 14 5.2.1. Data Dictionary Concepts 14 5.2.2. Navigation . 14 5.2.3. Understanding the Data Dictionary . 15 5.2.4. Object, Part, Datatype . 15 5.2.5. Code Lists 16 5.2.6. Primary Datatype Elements . 18 6. Data Dictionary (Normative) . 21

15、A. Acknowledgements (Informative) 309 A.1. Acknowledgements 309 A.2. Background 309 B. References (Informative) . 311 C. Overview of the EIA-836 Standard (Informative) 315 C.1. Purpose 315 C.2. Terms and Definitions . 315 C.3. Creating and Using an Example Data Dictionary 315 C.3.1. Example Modeling

16、 Language 317 C.3.2. Example Data Dictionary 319 C.3.3. Example Reference Schema 327 C.3.4. Using the Example Reference Schema . 331 C.4. Additional Concepts Used in the Development of the Data Dictionary 336 C.4.1. Modeling Concepts 336 D. Description of Modeling Language (Informative) . 339 D.1. P

17、urpose 339 D.2. Terms and Definitions . 339 D.3. Modeling Language . 339 D.3.1. Overview . 339 D.3.2. Language Concepts . 340 D.3.3. Elements, Properties, Characteristics and Rules . 340 D.4. Modeling Language Implementation . 342 D.4.1. XML Schema . 342 D.4.2. Modeling Language Schema Diagrams 349

18、E. Reference Schema (Informative) 359 E.1. Purpose 359 E.2. Terms and Definitions . 359 E.3. Mapping Rules 359 E.3.1. General 359 E.3.2. Mapping Rules 360 v EIA-836 E.3.3. Implementing the Mapping Rules . 362 E.4. Reference Schemas 378 E.5. Tailoring the Reference Schema 379 F. Schema Diagrams (Info

19、rmative) . 381 F.1. Schema Diagrams List . 381 F.2. Schema Diagram Symbols 384 F.3. How to Understand the Schema Diagrams . 385 F.4. Element to Schema Diagram Cross-Reference 390 F.5. Referenced Object to Schema Diagram Cross-Reference 402 G. How to Use EIA-836 to Exchange Data (Informative) . 405 G

20、.1. Introduction 405 G.2. Combined Effort between Sender and Receiver . 405 G.2.1. Identify Trading Partners 406 G.2.2. Identify Elements to Transfer . 406 G.3. Sender Efforts . 409 G.3.1. Create Message Schema . 409 G.3.2. Create Data File 411 G.3.3. Validate Data File 419 G.3.4. Transmit Data . 42

21、0 G.4. Receiver Efforts . 420 G.4.1. Receive Data 420 G.4.2. Data Validation . 420 G.4.3. Import Data 420 G.4.4. View Data 420 H. ANSI/EIA-649 Principles Cross Reference (Informative) . 421 I. Data Dictionary Index (Informative) 425 J. Alias Index (Informative) 471 K. Related GEIA Documents (Informa

22、tive) . 479 vi EIA-836 List of Figures 1. Canonical Model vii 5.1. Object, Part, or Datatype Details in the Data Dictionary . 15 5.2. Object, Part or Datatype Example in the Data Dictionary . 16 5.3. Unioned Code List Details in the Data Dictionary 17 5.4. Unioned Code List Example in the Data Dicti

23、onary 17 5.5. Enumerated Code List Details in the Data Dictionary 17 5.6. Enumerated Code List Example in the Data Dictionary . 18 5.7. Primary Datytype Details in the Data Dictionary 18 5.8. Primary Datatype Example in the Data Dictionary 19 C.1. Real Objects . 315 C.2. Pertinent Information about

24、Real Objects . 316 C.3. EIA-836 Creation and Use Processes . 317 C.4. Example Modeling Language . 318 C.5. Example Modeling Language Definition of Object . 319 C.6. Example Modeling Language Definition of Association 319 C.7. XML Representation of the Example Data Dictionary . 319 C.8. Structure of

25、Box View . 322 C.9. Example Reference Schema . 327 C.10. Schema Diagram for Book . 329 C.11. Schema Diagram for refBook . 330 C.12. Schema Diagram for Organization . 330 C.13. Schema Diagram for refOrganization . 330 C.14. Schema Diagram for Person . 331 C.15. Schema Diagram for refPerson . 331 C.16

26、. Example Message Schema . 332 C.17. Example Message Schema Diagram . 333 C.18. Message Document Example 333 C.19. Message View - Books by Publisher . 335 C.20. Message View - Books by Author 336 D.1. XML Schema Modeling Language 343 D.2. Modeling Language Schema Diagram . 349 D.3. Object Schema Dia

27、gram . 350 D.4. Part Schema Diagram . 351 D.5. Datatype Schema Diagram 352 D.6. Enumerated Code List Schema Diagram 352 D.7. Unioned Code List Schema Diagram . 353 D.8. Primary Datatype Schema Diagram . 353 D.9. Property: Generalization Schema Diagram 353 D.10. Property: Attribute Schema Diagram 354

28、 D.11. Property: Association Schema Diagram 354 D.12. Property: Component Schema Diagram 355 D.13. Property: Classified Object Schema Diagram 355 D.14. Property: Enumeration Schema Diagram 355 D.15. Property: Code List Name Schema Diagram 356 D.16. Property: Characteristic Schema Diagram . 356 D.17.

29、 Term Schema Diagram 357 E.1. XSL Stylesheet for Transforming the Data Dictionary into the Reference Schema 362 E.2. File Relationships of the Non Tailorable Reference Schema . 379 E.3. File Relationships of the Tailorable Reference Schema 380 F.1. Baseline Schema Diagram 386 F.2. Baseline Data Dict

30、ionary Example . 387 v EIA-836 -,-,- G.1. Data Exchange Steps 405 G.2. DoD Engineering Change Proposal long form ECP 4048 407 G.3. User Defined Other Domain 408 G.4. User Defined CM Domain . 409 G.5. Message Schema . 409 G.6. Message Schema Diagram . 411 G.7. XML Data File for ECP 4048 . 411 vi EIA-

31、836 Introduction (Informative) EIA-836 logically extends the Configuration Management (CM) principles of ANSI/EIA 649. It provides for interop- erability between trading partners by establishing a common language for the exchange of data between dissimilar databases. The Data Dictionary, which is th

32、e normative portion of this standard, identifies standard terms, their defin- itions, and relationships. It provides a comprehensive data model that can be implemented in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML schema language, as shown in Annex D, in EXPRESS as defined in ISO 10303-11, or through o

33、ther model representations. This standard is used to formulate information exchanges that are correctly interpreted by all recipients and effectively mapped by each to their own database. In addition to providing a standard data exchange mechanism, this standard plays a significant role in mapping t

34、he content of two or more dissimilar databases. Rather than map each database to another database on a point to point basis, organizations will use this standard in the role of a canonical model, as graphically depicted in Figure 1 vii, to which all databases are mapped. This method significantly re

35、duces the cost and complexity of data mapping. Canonical Model EIA-836 Figure 1. Canonical Model All of the referenced images were created using Altovas XMLSpy Copyright 2003-2006 Altova GmbH and reprinted with permission of Altova. The following is a description of the standard and its content: Des

36、cription of ContentClause or Annex The reason for preparation of the standard and a synopsis of its tech- nical content. Introduction (Informative) vii The scope, purpose, and applicability of the standard.Scope (Informative) 1 A list of the normative references used by this standard.References (Nor

37、mative) 3 A list of the terms and definitions used by this standard.Terms and Definitions (Informative) 5 A list of symbols and abbreviated terms used by this standard.Symbols and Abbreviated Terms (Informat- ive) 9 An Overview of the Data Dictionary that includes a discussion of the key concepts us

38、ed in its development and a primer that explains its format and content. Data Dictionary Overview (Informative) 11 vii EIA-836 Description of ContentClause or Annex An alphabetical listing of all the terms used to define the data about the objects used in the configuration management of products. Da

39、ta Dictionary (Normative) 21 A list of the individuals and organizations involved in the preparation of this revision of the standard. Acknowledgements (Informative) 309 A list of the informative references used by this standard.References (Informative) 311 An overview of how the standard was develo

40、ped and how it could be used. It is illustrated by a simple example that depicts the data exchange process. Overview of the EIA-836 Standard (Informat- ive) 315 A description of the xml modeling language used to create the Data Dictionary. Description of Modeling Language (Informat- ive) 339 A descr

41、iption of the reference schema and a link to the actual xml schema files derived from the reference schema. Reference Schema (Informative) 359 The schema diagrams provided are the major terms of the standard. This Annex also includes a description of how to interpret and use the schema diagrams prov

42、ided. Schema Diagrams (Informative) 381 Instructions for using this standard to exchange CM data with another organization or trading partner. How to Use EIA-836 to Exchange Data (Inform- ative) 405 A list of the ANSI/EIA-649 configuration management principles with a hyperlink to the related EIA-83

43、6 terms. ANSI/EIA-649 Principles Cross Reference (Informative) 421 An alphabetical linked index of all data elements contained within the Data Dictionary. Data Dictionary Index (Informative) 425 An alphabetical linked index of all aliases contained within the Data Dictionary. Alias Index (Informativ

44、e) 471 Other GEIA documents related to configuration management.Related GEIA Documents (Informative) 479 A set of files are available along with this standard. They are XML files that are used in defining the Data Dictionary, the Reference Schemas and the Data Dictionary Modeling Language. The follo

45、wing table lists a use and its associated set of files. FilesUse data-dictionary.xmlData Dictionary in XML form cm-domain.xsd IC-ISM-v21.xsd other-domain.xsd primary-datatype.xsd securityclassification.xsd Non-tailorable representation of the Reference Schema cm-domain-non-redefineable.xsd cm-domain

46、-redefineable.xsd cm-domain-redefined.xsd IC-ISM-v21.xsd other-domain-non-redefineable.xsd other-domain-redefineable.xsd other-domain-redefined.xsd primary-datatype.xsd securityclassification.xsd Tailorable representation of the Reference Model Data-Exchange-Modeling-Language.xsdData Dictionary Mode

47、ling Language Schema viii EIA-836 -,-,- 1. Scope (Informative) The primary focus of this standard is information of interest to Configuration Management (CM) practitioners related to the performance of CM functions as products are conceived, proposed, defined, developed, produced, operated, maintain

48、ed, modified, and disposed. This information is stored when generated and, from time to time, must be moved or shared with others. This standard, through the use of the Data Dictionary, defines real world things of interest to the CM practitioner, which are the foundation of the following CM functio

49、nal areas, and are needed for effective data exchange and inter- operability: Configuration Management Planning and Management Configuration Identification Configuration Change Management Configuration Audit Configuration Verification Configuration Status Accounting The Data Dictionary 21 defines terms that are used to define these objects of interest, which are listed below. Some of terms are considered to flow from applying CM principles or perform


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