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1、VND.GM 9984299-ENGL I,997 M 900b379 001,027 074 m I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Paint I CERAMIC COATING, HIGH TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE 9984294 1 SCOPE. This specification covers a high temperature Salt spray test requirements specified herein do not resista

2、nt, anti corrosion coating for cast iron and steel surfaces. apply to female threads except when agreed upon by supplier This material is intended to blacken and protect visible exhaust and purchaser. Female threaded areas may be masked off or system components. otherwise covered during salt spray t

3、esting. 1.1 The material shall be homogeneous, free of impurities, dry to a smooth fish and be capable of withstanding tempera- tures up to 75O C without a loss of corrosion resisting properties. 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS. 3.8 HUMIDITY 96 h (GM446SP). Panels as prepared and exposed in Section 4, shah w

4、ithstand 96 h humidity exposure when tested in accordance with GM446SP. After humidity, the coating shall not exhibit any blistering, wrinkling, etc. The coating shall also pass tape adhesion after humidity per GM9071P, Method A. GMlOOOM GM43SOM GM4298P GM4465P GM954OP GM9071P GM9508P 3.9 THERMAL CY

5、CLE TEST. Panels as prepared in Section 4 shall withstand 10 thermal cycles per 4.3.1 without loss of color or adhesion. 3 REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 RESTRICTED AND REPORTABLE CHEMICALS (GMlOOOM). All materials supplied to this specification must comply with the requirements listed in GMIOOOM, Restricted and

6、 Reportable Chemicals.” 3.10 GRAVELOMETER. Panels as prepared and exposed in Section 4 shall withstand gravelometer exposure when tested in accordance with GM9508P. The coating shall exhibit a gravelometer rating of 6 or better. 3.11 PENCIL HARDNESS. The pencil hardness shall be 8 H min on panels as

7、 prepared in 4.2. 3.2 COLOR AND GLOSS. This material shall be black in color and have a flat finish. 3.12 CYCLIC CORROSION (GM954OP, METHOD B). Consult with appropriate engineering personnel to determine length of test and desired performance. 3.3 SOLIDS CONTENT. The solids content shall be estab- l

8、ished at time of approval by the purchaser and set forth in the Material Safety Data Sheet. 3.4 DRY TIME. Air dry time before heat cure minimum of 15 minutes at a typical dry film thickness of 25 p. 4 TEST PANEL PREPARATION - MATERIAL. Standard size laboratory test panels 76 x 102 x 152 mm (.03 x 4

9、x 6 inch) cold rolled carbon steel, 6 x 102 x 152 mm (.25 x 4 x 6 inch) gray iron, sand mold surface. Panel preparation is as follows: 3.5 POST CURE. Dry coating will be cured 340C or higher for 45 minutes or longer. 4.1 Heat clean panels 34O C, for 30 minutes. Abrasive blast with 90 to 120 mesh alu

10、minum oxide grit. 3.6 FLASH POINT. The material will have no flash point. 3.7 NEUTRAL SALT SPRAY RESISTANCE (GM4298P). Test panels as prepared and exposed in Section 4, shall with- stand 168 h salt spray exposure when tested in accordance with GM4298P procedures. The coating shall not exhibit film b

11、reakdown, porosity, adhesion loss, blisters, wrinkles, etc. The material shah not show more than 10% surface rust excluding sharp edges and holes. 4.2 Spray a 15 to 25 p thick coating over the panels, speci- fied in 4.1. Air dry for 15 minutes. Cure 34O C for 45 minutes. 4.3 Panels from 4.2 shall be

12、 subjected to the following cycle test 4.3.1 Ten (10) cycles. (One (1) cycle consists of 6OO“C for 15 minutes, ice water quench 1 to 5C). 3.7.1 Part Performance Requirements. Finish durability shah meet GM43SOM Al68 except neutral salt spray exposure to be run on unscribed part, unless otherwise spe

13、cified on the Engineering Part Drawing. 4.3.2 After exposure to the above cycle test (4.3.1), the test panels are subjected to environmental exposures in 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10. Significant surfaces shall be defined as the surface or portion of the part that can be touched with a 13 mm ball unl

14、ess otherwise noted on the engineering drawing. On other surfaces where control of coating cannot be obtained under normal processing such as holes, recesses, threads etc., the above requirements do not apply. Acceptance or rejection of parts coated to this specification will be based on results on

15、significant surfaces. 5 INITIAL SOURCE APPROVAL. No shipment shall be made by any supplier until representative initial production samples have been approved by engineering as meeting the requirements of this specification. 5.1 Completed copies of the Material Safety Data Sheet meeting GM informatio

16、n requirements must be submitted with any new submissions or whenever a composition change has occurred 0 Copyight SEF TEMBER 1997 General Motors CowdOn All RWS Rsserved SEPTEMBER 1997 PAGE 1 9984294 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/

17、1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 19:53:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- VND.GM =i=l84294-ENGL I,997 - 900b379 0lllt027l1 TOO - 1 GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS 1 Materials and Processes - Paint I CERAMIC COATING, HIGH TEMPERATUR

18、E RESISTANCE 9984294 6 INSPECTION AND REJECTION. All shipments of material or parts under contract or purchase order manufac- tured to this specification shall be equivalent in every respect to the initial samples approved by engineering. There shall be no changes in either formulation or manufactur

19、ing processes permitted without prior notification and approval by engineer- ing. Lack of notification by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection of any shipment. While samples may be taken from incoming shipments and checked for conformance to this specification, the supplier shall accept th

20、e responsibility for incoming shipments meeting this specification without depen- dence upon purchaser s inspection. 6.1 REFEREE INSPECTION FOR THREADED PARTS. 6.1.1 The following referee threaded inspection procedure may be utilized if the specified go gage binds in the threaded holes. 6.1.2 Assemb

21、le a phosphate coated test bolt or screw manu- factured and qualified to the maximum allowable thread tolerance with the mating thread class for the total length of the threads. 6.1.3 The test bolt or screw must run freely for the total length without binding. This test is to be conducted on a mini-

22、 mum of 6 samples. One (1) failure constitutes a rejection. 7 APPROVED SOURCES. Engineering qualification of an approved source is required for this specification. Only sources listed in the GM Materials File under this specification number have been qualified by engineering as meeting the requireme

23、nts of this specification. Sources are available through the on-line MATSPC System. 8 GENERAL INFORMATION. This standard was origi- nated by the Applied Parts Specialist Team and approved by the Paint TDG in October 1996. The latest revisions include: Rev Date Description A 9/97 Revised 3.5, Added 3

24、.7.1,,, 6.1, 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. 0 Cmht SEPTEMBER 1937 General Motors Capration p)1 Rights Reserved 9984294 PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 1997 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 19:53:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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