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1、- 9006379 0005004 192 GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Paint I SEALER-PREFORMED, EXPANDING, LOW BAKE, TACKY 9934527 1 SCOPE. This specification details the rcquircmcnts of a pmformcd, expanding, low bake, nontaclq sealer, The matc- rial is intended to seal interior an

2、d exterior body joints against water, dust and air intrusion. 3.1.5 Toxicity. The material must not adversely affect those personnel handling it. 3.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 1.1 Thematerialmustbeasmoothandhomogeneousmixtum f%ecofair,hlmps, unmixed pad&s and foreign materials. 1.2 The matuial must

3、adhere to production oily CBS, galva- nixed metal and ELPO substrates as detailed on the Sealer Substrate Compatibility Charts for each approving division It must have good weatherability and must not accelerate the rusting of steel over which it is applied 3.21 Adhesion. One set of sealer panels pe

4、r oily metal and ELPO substrate, as detailed on the Sealer Substrate Compatibility Chart, shall be prepared per GM98OlP and baked as follows: Low Bake Body Shop: 25 minutes 132 c + 25 minlltes 115 C 1.3 The material come in a variety of expansion ranges as 3.21.1 The sealer mate&l must not crack nor

5、 lose adhesion follows: to the panel during or after the following conditions: Illitiak Expadon Range, % A 100-200 B 200-308 C D 400-500 E 500-700 F 700-900 G 900+ After cooling at ambient conditions for a minimum of 24h Exterior Cycle (GM9505P Cycle P): 6 waks Heat Aging 336 h 7O C Humidity (GM4465

6、P, oily metal): 168 h 38 C/lOO% BH 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS. Cold Jmpact (GM9011P): Pvo1.7Jimpacts-3OC GM4298P GM4465P GM9OlOP GM9OllP GM9037P GM9505P GM964OP GM9753P GM9763P GM9764P GM9773P GM9801P Gh49828P QM983lP GM9832P ASTM D5 AsTMD92 ASTM D1475 3.22 Tensik/Shrink (GM9753P). The individual tensil

7、e and shrinkage ranges for each source will be set at the tim of approval to this specification. These ranges will becorn a requitementofthatmariaL 3 REQUIREMENIS. Spccitic mawkl requkmcnts and appq&tctestmcthodsarelistedunderproperties.(Allbakc. schcdulesarespaifkdintimcatmetaltempe.) 3.23 Corrosio

8、ri Resistana. Apply 2 beads of scaler, 3 mm high x 40 mm wide x 200 mm long, to the surface of a xinc phosphatcdCBSpanel(inspcctpanelfirsttobesumitisficc of surface corrosion). Bake per 3.21 followed by a 1 h bake 205 C. Rcnmve from oven and allow panel to cool to room tempcratprt. 3.1 PHYSJCAL# PRO

9、PERTIES. 3.1.1 Specific Gravity (ASTM D1475): 1.2 Typic.& An indi- vidualsp&icgravityrangeforeachapprovedsoutcewillbc setatthetimeofapprovaltothisspecification.Thisspcci& gmvitymngewillbecomcarq&mcntofthatmat&aL 3.23.1 Initial Adhesion. The material must exhibit good adhesion to the substrate with n

10、o cracking sepamtion, or other ddeteriousdlkts.Removeonesealerbeadtherurfaa of the panel. Them must not be any corrosion on the panel sur- faallndemeaththeseakrbead. 3.1.2 Solids Content (GM9OlOP)-.- 97% min by mass 3.1.3 Hardness (ASTM D5). Uncured material. needle pert& tromctc4to15mm25 cusing5ogt

11、otalload. 3.23.2 Humidity (GM4465P). Bxpose panel for 168 h 38 c/looRb RH. 3.1.4 odor (QM9832P). The sealer must not have a toxic or noxious odor. After curing the sealer must be mlativcly non- odorous. 3.23.3 Bemovethefinalsealerbeadfmmthesurfaceoftbc panel after humidity test. Them must not be any

12、 corrosion on thepanelsur&celmdemcaththeseakrbead. 3.24 Expansion. Mat&al when baked as described in 3.21 must have all expansion of: APRIL 1993 PAGE 1 9934527 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resa

13、le, 06/23/2008 20:37:20 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- m 9006379 0005005 029 I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Paint 1 SEALER-PREFORMED, EXPANDING, LOW BAKE, TACKY 9984527 Volumchic (GM9037P): Expandon Range, % 109-2

14、00 200-300 400-500 580-700 700-900 900+ 33.43 Horizontal Btidging (GM965OP). An individual hori- zontalbridgingrangeforeachapprovedsourcewillbepetat thetimcofapprovaltothisspecification.Thismngewillthen becoamquimofthatmat&al. Vertical Ramp Expansion (GM9764P). An individual ramp expansion r

15、ange for each approved soura will be set at thetinaeofapprovaltothisoThisrangewillthen becomcarcquimofthatmat&aL 3.25 Water Absorption (GM964OP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” . . . . . . 5% max 3.3 PROCESS REQumEMENTs. 3.3.1 Smoke (GM9828P). The sealer must not smoke up to 19oC. 3.3.2 Blocking. se

16、alant, as packaged, must not stick together whenstackdoneontopofanotherafter72h55 Cwitha 500 g load applied. 3.33 Flame Resistance (GM983lP). Must resist 50 passes withanopenflamc. 3.4 STABILITY REQ WREMENTS (GM9763P). Material conditioned as described below must be able to pass all leqa of this spe

17、cification. 3.4.1 Elevated Temperanrr StSibll.ThCSlXk mustbecapableofwithstanding72h54C. 3.4.2 Low Temperatae Stability. The sealer, as shped, must be capable of withstanding 3 cycles as detaikd in 3.1.23 of GM9763R 3.4.3 storage stability. The shelf life of the mat&al shall be 9odaysattemperanntsno

18、ttoexceed35 CTheshelflifeof themamial commemXsuponreceiptofthematmialfrcfmthe man-. 4 SOURCE SHIPMENT RESPONSIBIIJTY. It will bc the nsponsibility of the supplier to insure that the matuial is not exposed to temperatums during shipment which would cause the mat&al to fail to meet any of the mquire-

19、lmmts of this specification. 5 INlTlAL SOURCE APPROVAL No shipment shall be made by any supplier mil xepxesentative initial production samples have been approved by engineering as meeting the leqlilemults of this specification 5.1 Completed copics of the GM Material Safety Data Sheet and Critical Ma

20、t&al Register (available from the enginaring dqartmat or laboratory), or equivalent, must be submitted with any new submissions or where a composition change has occurred. 6 INSPECTlON AND RWECTION. All shipmcllts of mated or parts under contract or purchase order manufac- tured to this specificatio

21、n shall be equivalent in evety mspcct to the initial samples approved by engineering. There shall bt no changes in either formulation or manufacturing processes pmitted without prior notification and approval by engineer- ing. Lack of notification by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection of

22、 any shipment. While samples may be taken klm illcoming shipments and checked for conformance to this specXcation, the supplier shall acoept the responsibility for incoming shipmum mating this specification without depen- dence upon purchaser s inspection. In addition the supplier shall bc responsib

23、le for submitting a CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS with each batch of matetial atriving at a plant Thisdocumentshallbepmpatedandpmvidedatainaccord- ana with the tq- dctaikd in GM4389M. 7 APPROVED SOURCES. Engineering qualification ofanapprovedsouraismquimdforthisspecification.Gnly sourceslistedintkGMcorpor

24、ateMateri&Fileunderthis specification number have been qualified by engkering as meeting the requirements of this specification. Sources are avaihbk through the online MATSPC! system. 8 GENERAL INPORMATION. This specification was originated by NAO Paint Gperations and approved by the PaiutMaterialSp

25、&kationsCommitkseinJuly1992.Thelat- estrevisions itlcl I Rev I Date I IhSdDtlOIt I Dlv I 1 A 1 8/92 1 Revised 3.3.1 IPTI 9984527 PAGE 2 APRIL 1993 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 20:37:20 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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