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1、I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Adheslves I ADHESIVE-SEALER, SILICONE RUBBER, ONE PART RTV 9985557 1 SCOPE. This specification details the requirements and Properties of RTV silicone rubber compositions that arc suitable to use as supplied as an adhesive or scaler.

2、 U s e s include: polycarbonate lens to reflectors (composite head- iamps), acrylic or polycarbonate lenses to reflectors in exterior signai lighting, anachmnt of fiber optics t o reflcctors, etc. 1.1 Catalyst, heat or pressure are n o t needed to initiate vuica- nization. Once applied, the material

3、 begins to react with atmosphcric naoishue and immediately begins curing to a mb- ber like product. 1.2 Adhesion of the matcrial is excelleni to most plastics. In som extreme cascs, a primer h m he sam supplier may be needed to give maximum performance. 1.3 The RTVs m compatible with most plastics,

4、however, new applications should rcconfimi that the new substrate arc not crazed, dcgradcd, or ohcrwise atackcd by the RTV. 1.4 The cure mechanism is a non-acidic, or neutral sue. By- products of the curing process sha not corrode, stain., o r oth- erwise adversely affect decorated second surface ac

5、rylic or other plastic inserts. 15 Various cult systems mixcd in the sar pumping system could cause cure inhibition. This can be rtsolvcd by purging the system with the new material and monitoring the appear- ance, color, odor and tack time to insurt uniformity of the adhesive. 1.6 Qpicai uses for t

6、he RTVs rn bonding second surface auylic, adhering cast urethane xtnision Rate 620.5 kPa ExInision Rate 0.33 cm Orifice 6205 kPa TackFrctTii SC, 50% RH Cure Through 3.2 mm 5 w RH dia Bead ZC, Flowability, 3 min, I13ax 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS. GMlOOOM GM9763P ASTM M92 GM3601P GM9828P ASTMD903 GM901OP

7、ASTM C679 ASTM D2240 GM919P ASTM C1193 SAE J243 GM9021P ASTM D412 SAE J1864 3 REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 RESTRICTED AND REPORTABLE CHEMICALS (GMlOOOM). By 1W start of saleable vehicles, all matrrials suppiied to this specification must comply with the require- ments listed in GMlOOOM, “Restricted and Reporta

8、ble chemicas.“ 3.2 IDXICITY. The toxicity shali be disclosed in kind and magnitude, as q u i d , by the GM Mamiai Safety D a t a Sheet. In addition, the material must have full approval of the appro- priate medicai department prior to production W. 3.3 STABILITY (GM9763P). Material conditioned using

9、 potential storage conitions must be capable of passing a the quixcmcnts of this specication. 3.3.1 ELEVATED TEMPERATURE STABXUTY. As shipped, the adhesive must be capable of withstanding a temperature of 55C for 72 h, without separation or caking 3.3.2 LOW TEMPERATURE STABILITY. As shipped, the adh

10、esive must be capable of withstanding 3 cycles of the applicable cycle schedule outlimd in A2 of GM9763P. 3.3.3 STORAGE STABILITY. The shelf life of the adhesive in closed containers shali be 180 days at temperarums not to exceed 3 5 C . Shelf life of the materiai cnnmnccs upon the receipt of the ma

11、tcriai fmm the manufacturer. 3.4 ImTERuL PROPERTES - UNCURED ADHESIVE. Sec Table 1. TABLE 1 values Translucent 24 secmin 1.5 4 max 72 h max 7.6 mm hII Silver - Black 175 f 75 l h 72 h 7.6 mm h I I I Blaclr 75 f 35 l h 72 h 6nmi Test Methods GM9021P Method B ASTM C1193 GM9010P ASTM C679 SAE i243 ADS-

12、10 et e NOVEMBER 1994 PAGE 1 9985557 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 22:55:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 9006377 0000029 TOb Prope

13、rtics sptcific Gravity 2 5 C Durometer, Shorc “A“ min ElOngatiOIcments of this specificaton. 6.1 Completed copies of the Material Safety Data Sheet matingGMinfonntsmustbesumittcdwith any new submissions or whert a composition change has occolbd. 7 INSPECTION AND REJECTION. Ail shipxxm#s of matcriai

14、or parts under contract or purchase ordcr mannfac- turedto this specification shall be quivaicnt in evcry respea to the initiai samples approved by cnginming. nicrc shal be no changes in either formulation or manufacturing processes pcrdtcd Without prior notifcation and approval by engineer- ing. La

15、ck of notification by the supplier constitutes grounds for rejedon of any shipment. while samples may be taken from incoming shipments and checkcd for conformance to t h i s spacification, the supplier shall accept the responsibility for incoming shipments mcting this spccincation without &pen- denc

16、e upon puxchascrs inspection. 8 APPROVED SOURCES. Engincering qualification of an approved s o m is required for t h i s spccifcation. Only sounxs listtd in the GM corporatt Materials nIe under t h i s specification number have been qualifica by the com1 divi- sion as mcting the nguiramnts of this s

17、pecificatioa Soarces are available through the on-line MATSPC System. 9985557 PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 1994 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 22:55:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking perm

18、itted without license from IHS -,-,- W 9006379 0000030 728 9 GENERAL INFORMATION. This standard was ongi- natcd by Qievrolet i n 1985. “he latest revisions include: I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materlals and Processes - Adheslves i Rev Date Description rnv B 4/89 Editoriaichanges ADHESIV

19、E-SEALER, SILICONE RUBBER, ONE PART RTV 9985557 NOVEMBER 1994 PAGE 3 9985557 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 06/23/2008 22:55:52 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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