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2、Official Edition USSR STATE COMMITTEE FOR PRODUCT QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND STANDARDS Moscow UDC 541.427.32:658.382.3:006.354 Group T58 U S S R S T A T E S T A N D A R D Occupational Safety Standards System. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD OF SUBSTANCES AND MATERIALS Range of indices and methods of their det

3、ermination OKSTU (All-Union Classification Code of Standards and Specifications) 0012 GOST 12.1.044-89 Date of introduction 01.01.91 This Standard applies to elementary substances, chemical compounds and their mixtures, in different aggregate states and combinations, including polymeric and composit

4、e materials (hereinafter referred to as substances and materials), used in branches of the national economy. This Standard does not apply to explosive and radioactive substances and materials. This Standard establishes the range of indicators for fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials

5、 and methods of their determination. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The indicators for fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials shall be determined with the purpose of obtaining source data for development of systems, providing fire and explosion safety according to the requirements of GOST

6、 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010, Construction Norms and Regulations, approved by the USSR Gosstroy (State Committee on Architecture and Construction); Electrical Equipment Construction Rules, approved by Gosenergonadzor (State Energy Inspectorate) of the USSR Ministry for the Power Generating Industry;

7、for classification of dangerous cargoes in accordance with GOST 19433; for choosing the category for premises and buildings according to the requirements of technological design norms; for engineering supervision over production of materials and items during construction and repair of vessels accord

8、ing to the rules of the USSR Register and the RSFSR River Register. Official Edition Reprinting is prohibited Standards Publishing House, 1990 p. 2 GOST 12.1.044-89 1.2. The fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials shall be determined by indicators, the choice of which depends on the ag

9、gregate state of the substance (material) and conditions of its application. The methods for determination of indicators shall be used for construction materials in accordance with established classification for these indicators and introduction of the normative requirements for them. 1.3. The follo

10、wing subdivisions shall be used for determination of the fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials: gases are substances, whose saturated steam pressure exceeds 101.3 kPa at a temperature of 25, and under a pressure of 101.3 kPa; fluids are substances, whose saturated steam pressure is l

11、ess than 101.3 kPa at a temperature of 25C, and under a pressure of 101.3 kPa. Solid melting substances, whose melting or dropping point is less than 50C, shall also be referred to as fluids; solid substances and materials are individual substances, and their mix compositions, with a melting or drop

12、ping point more than 50, and also substances without a melting point (for example, timber, fabrics, etc.); dusts are dispersed solid substances and materials with a particle size less than 850 microns. 1.4. The range of indicators and their applicability for characterizing fire and explosion hazard

13、of substances and materials are specified in table 1. Table 1 Aggregate state of substances and materials Indicator gases fluids solids dusts Combustibility group + + + + Flash point -+- Ignition point - + + + Self-ignition point+ Concentration limits of flame spreading (ignition) + + - + Temperatur

14、e limits of flame spreading (ignition) - + - - Smoldering point - - + + Conditions of thermal self- ignition - - + + Minimum ignition energy + + - + Oxygen index - - + - GOST 12.1.044-89 p. 3 Table 1 (cont.) Aggregate state of substances and materials Indicator gases fluids solids dusts Ability to e

15、xplode and burn upon interreaction with water, air oxygen and other substances + + + + Normal speed of flame spreading + + - - Burn-up speed - + - - Fume evolution coefficient - - + - Index of flame spreading - - + - Toxicity indicator of combustion products of polymeric materials - - + - Minimum ex

16、plosive contents of + oxygen + + - + Minimum retarding concentration of retarder +-+ Maximum explosion pressure + + - + Rate of explosion pressure rise + + - + Notes: 1. The sign “+” means applicability and the sign “-” means inapplicability of indicator. 2. It shall be allowed to use other indicato

17、rs, except for those indicated in table 1, for more detailed description of fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. 1.5. The number of indicators, indispensable and sufficient for characterizing of fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials in production conditions, process

18、ing, transportation and storage, shall be stipulated by the developer of the system for providing fire and explosion safety of the object, or the developer of the standard and specifications for the substance (material). 2. INDICATORS OF FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Fire and explosion hazard of substan

19、ces and materials are the summation of properties describing their ability to originate and spread combustion. The consequence of combustion, depending on its speed and conditions of proceeding, can be a fire (diffusion combustion) -,-,- p. 4 GOST 12.1.044-89 or explosion (deflagration combustion of

20、 fuel and oxidizing agent mixture, mixed beforehand). 2.1. Combustibility group 2.1.1. Combustibility group is the classification characteristic of ability of substances and materials to cause combustion. Combustion is an exothermal reaction proceeding in conditions of its progressive self-accelerat

21、ion. 2.1.2. Depending on combustibility, the substances and materials shall be subdivided into three groups: non-combustible (fire-resistant) substances and materials, which are not capable of combustion in the air. The non-combustible substances can be fire and explosion unsafe (for example, oxidiz

22、ing agents or substances extracting combustible products when interacting with water, air oxygen, or with each other); hard-to-ignite substances and materials, which are capable of combustion in the air under the effect of an ignition source, but not capable of independent ignition when it is remove

23、d; combustible substances and materials, which are capable of self-ignition, and also capable of ignition under the effect of an ignition source, and which can catch fire independently after it is removed. Flammable fluids with a flash point of no more than 61 in a closed crucible, or 66C in an open

24、 crucible, and stabilized mixtures, which have no flash in a closed crucible, shall be referred to as highly inflammable substances. Inflammable fluids with a flash point of no more than 28C shall be referred to as especially dangerous substances. 2.1.3. The evaluation result of the combustibility g

25、roup shall be used for combustibility classification of substances and materials, and this data shall be included into standards and specifications for substances and materials; for determination of premises category regarding the explosion and fire hazard in accordance with the requirements of norm

26、s of technological design; for development of measures for providing fire safety in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004. 2.1.4. The essence of the experimental method of combustibility determination shall be creation of temperature conditions promoting combustion, and evaluation of the

27、 behavior of the investigated substances and materials in these conditions. 2.2. Flash point 2.2.1. Flash point is the minimum temperature of condensed substance, at which steam is generated above its surface in special test conditions, and this steam is capable of flashing in the air from an igniti

28、on source; steady combustion in this case does not arise. Flash is the rapid combustion of an air-steam-and-gas mixture above the surface of a combustible substance, accompanied by a short-term visible luminescence. -,-,- GOST 12.1.044-89 p. 5 2.2.2. The flash point value shall be used for character

29、izing the fire hazard of a fluid, including these data into standards and specifications for substances; for determination of the premises category regarding explosion and fire hazard in accordance with the requirements of norms of technological design, for development of measures for providing fire

30、 and explosion safety in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010. It shall be allowed to use experimental and calculated flash point values. 2.2.3. The essence of the experimental method of flash point determination shall be in heating of a particular mass of substance at

31、 a preset speed, with periodic ignition of extracting steam, and determination of flash presence or absence at a fixed temperature. 2.3. Ignition point 2.3.1. The ignition point is the minimum temperature of a substance, at which the substance, in special test conditions, extracts combustible steams

32、 and gases at such speed, that it ignites under the effect of a source of ignition. Ignition is the flame combustion of a substance, caused by a source of ignition and prolonging after it is deleted. 2.3.2. The value of the ignition point shall be used for determination of the combustibility group o

33、f a substance, evaluation of the fire hazard of equipment and manufacturing processes connected with processing of combustible substances, for development of fire safety measures in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010, and shall be included into standards and specific

34、ations for a fluid. It shall be allowed to use experimental and calculated ignition point values. 2.3.3. The essence of the experimental method of ignition point determination shall be in heating a particular mass of substance at a preset speed, periodic ignition of extracted steams, and determinati

35、on of ignition presence or absence at a fixed temperature. 2.4. Self-ignition point 2.4.1. The self-ignition point is the minimum environmental temperature, at which the self-ignition of a substance can be observed in special test conditions. Self-ignition is a sharp increase in the speed of exother

36、mic volume reactions, accompanied by flame combustion and/or by explosion. 2.4.2. The value of the self-ignition point shall be used for determination of the explosion-dangerous mixture group in accordance with GOST 12.1.011, -,-,- p. 6 GOST 12.1.044-89 for type selection of explosion-proof electric

37、al equipment, for development of measures providing fire and explosion safety for manufacturing processes in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010, and shall also be included into standards or specifications for substances and materials. 2.4.3. The essence of the method

38、 for determination of self-ignition temperature consists of inserting a particular mass of substance into a heated volume, and evaluation of the test data. The minimum temperature value, at which self-ignition of the substance arises, shall be found by changing the test temperature. 2.5. Concentrati

39、on limits of flame spreading (ignition) 2.5.1. The lower (upper) concentration limit of flame spreading is the minimum (maximum) content of combustible substance in a homogeneous mixture with an oxidizing medium, for which flame spreading is possible along the mixture at any distance from the source

40、 of ignition. 2.5.2. The values of concentration limits of flame spreading shall be included into standards or specifications for gases, individual inflammable fluids and azeotropic mixtures of fluids, and for solid substances that are capable of generating explosion- dangerous dust-air mixtures (on

41、ly lower concentration limit shall be determined for dusts). The values of concentration limits shall be used for determination of premises category regarding the explosion and fire hazard in accordance with the requirements for norms of technological design, for calculation of explosion-proof conce

42、ntrations of gases, steams and dusts inside process equipment and pipe lines, for designing vent systems, for calculation of maximum permissible explosion-proof concentrations of gases, steams and dusts in the air of a working area, with potential sources of ignition according to the requirements of

43、 GOST 12.1.010, and for development of measures providing for the fire safety of the object according to the requirements of GOST 12.1.004. It shall be allowed to use experimental and calculated values of concentration limits of flame spreading. 2.5.3. The essence of the method for determination of

44、concentration limits of flame spreading is in igniting of gas-, steam-, or dust-air mixtures of the given concentration of the examined substance in the volume of a reactionary vessel, and determination of the presence or absence of flame spread. By changing the fuel concentration in the mixture, it

45、s minimum and maximum values shall be determined, between which the flame spreading takes place. 2.6. Temperature limits of flame spreading (ignition) -,-,- GOST 12.1.044-89 p. 7 2.6.1. The temperature limit of flame spread is the temperature of a substance, at which its saturated steam generates in

46、 an oxidizing medium concentrations equal to the lower (lower temperature limit) and upper (upper temperature limit) concentration limits of flame spreading. 2.6.2. The values of temperature limits of flame spreading shall be used for development of measures for providing fire and explosion safety o

47、f the object according to the requirements of GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.1.010; for calculation of fire- and explosion-proof temperature modes of operation of process equipment; for evaluation of emergencies, connected with overflow of flammable fluids; for calculation of concentration limits of flam

48、e spread; and shall be included into standards or specifications for flammable fluids. 2.6.3. The essence of the method for determination of temperature limits of flame spreading is in thermostatting the investigated fluid at a given temperature in a closed reactionary vessel containing air; in igni

49、tion testing of a steam-air mixture, and determination of presence or absence of flame spreading. By changing the test temperature, its values (minimum and maximum) shall be determined, between which the saturated steam generates with air a mixture capable of ignition from an ignition source, and to spread the flame in the volume of reactionary vessel. 2.7. Smoldering point 2.7.1


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