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1、NORME INTERNATIONALE CEI IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 60461 Troisime dition Third edition 2001-02 Code temporel de commande pour les magntoscopes Time and control code for video tape recorders Numro de rfrence Reference number CEI/IEC 60461:2001 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Prov

2、ided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Numrotation des publications Depuis le 1er janvier 1997, les publications de la CEI sont numrotes parti

3、r de 60000. Ainsi, la CEI 34-1 devient la CEI 60034-1. Editions consolides Les versions consolides de certaines publications de la CEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles. Par exemple, les numros ddition 1.0, 1.1 et 1.2 indiquent respectivement la publication de base, la publication de base

4、 incorporant lamendement 1, et la publication de base incorporant les amendements 1 et 2. Informations supplmentaires sur les publications de la CEI Le contenu technique des publications de la CEI est constamment revu par la CEI afin quil reflte ltat actuel de la technique. Des renseignements relati

5、fs cette publication, y compris sa validit, sont dispo- nibles dans le Catalogue des publications de la CEI (voir ci-dessous) en plus des nouvelles ditions, amendements et corrigenda. Des informations sur les sujets ltude et lavancement des travaux entrepris par le comit dtudes qui a labor cette pub

6、lication, ainsi que la liste des publications parues, sont galement disponibles par lintermdiaire de: Site web de la CEI ( Catalogue des publications de la CEI Le catalogue en ligne sur le site web de la CEI ( vous permet de faire des recherches en utilisant de nomb

7、reux critres, comprenant des recherches textuelles, par comit dtudes ou date de publication. Des informations en ligne sont galement disponibles sur les nouvelles publications, les publications rempla- ces ou retires, ainsi que sur les corrigenda. IEC Just Published Ce rsum des dernires publications

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9、ct avec le Service clients: Email: Tl: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 Publication numbering As from 1 January 1997 all IEC publications are issued with a designation in the 60000 series. For example, IEC 34-1 is now referred to as IEC 60034-1. Consolidated editions The IEC is

10、now publishing consolidated versions of its publications. For example, edition numbers 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication, the base publication incorporating amendment 1 and the base publication incorporating amendments 1 and 2. Further information on IEC publications The

11、technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information relating to this publication, including its validity, is available in the IEC Catalogue of publications (see below) in addition to new editions, ame

12、ndments and corrigenda. Information on the subjects under consideration and work in progress undertaken by the technical committee which has prepared this publication, as well as the list of publications issued, is also available from the following: IEC Web Site ( Catalogue of IEC publica

13、tions The on-line catalogue on the IEC web site ( enables you to search by a variety of criteria including text searches, technical committees and date of publication. On- line information is also available on recently issued publications, withdrawn and replaced publications,

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15、further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: Email: Tel: +41 22 919 02 11 Fax: +41 22 919 03 00 . Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/200

16、7 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- NORME INTERNATIONALE CEI IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 60461 Troisime dition Third edition 2001-02 Code temporel de commande pour les magntoscopes Time and control code for video tape recorders Commission Electrotechni

17、que Internationale International Electrotechnical Commission Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur For price, see current catalogue IEC 2001 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soi

18、t et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing

19、 from the publisher. International Electrotechnical Commission3, rue de Varemb Geneva, Switzerland Telefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site http:/ CODE PRIX PRICE CODEV Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS E

20、mployees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2 60461 CEI:2001 SOMMAIRE Pages AVANT-PROPOS8 1Domaine dapplication 10 2Rfrences normatives.10 3Dfinitions 12 4Reprsentation temporelle dans les systme

21、s 30 images 12 4.1Dfinitions du temps rel et du temps NTSC .12 4.2Adresse temporelle dune image12 4.2.1Non-suppression dimage Mode non compens 14 4.2.2Suppression dimage Mode compens temporel NTSC .14 4.3Identification dimage couleur dans les systmes de tlvision 525/60 14 5Reprsentation temporelle d

22、ans les systmes 25 images 14 5.1Dfinition du temps rel.14 5.2Adresse temporelle dune image14 5.3Identification dimages couleur dans les systmes de tlvision 625/50.14 5.3.1Relation logique.14 5.3.2Relation arithmtique.16 6Reprsentation temporelle dans les systmes 24 images 16 6.1Dfinition du temps re

23、l.16 6.2Adresse temporelle dune image16 7Structure des bits de ladresse temporelle de commande .16 7.1Code numrique16 7.2Adresse temporelle .18 7.3Bits drapeaux 18 7.3.1Drapeau de suppression dimage (systmes de tlvision 525/60 uniquement) 18 7.3.2Drapeau dimage couleur (systmes de tlvision 525/60 et

24、 625/50 uniquement) 18 7.3.3Drapeaux de groupe binaire 18 7.3.4Drapeau pour une mthode spcifique de modulation18 7.4Utilisation des groupes binaires.18 7.4.1Ensemble de caractres non spcifis et heure non spcifie (BGF2=0, BGF1=0, BGF0=0).20 7.4.2Ensemble de caractres huit bits et heure non spcifie (B

25、GF2=0, BGF1=0, BGF0=1).20 7.4.3Zone date/heure et heure non spcifie (BGF2=1, BGF1=0, BGF0=0).20 7.4.4Systme de multiplexage page/ligne et heure non spcifie (BGF2=1, BGF1=0, BGF0=1).20 7.4.5Heure spcifie et ensemble de caractres non spcifi (BGF2=0, BGF1=1, BGF0=0).22 7.4.6Utilisation dun groupe binai

26、re non affect et dune heure non affecte (BGF2=0, BGF1=1, BGF0=1) .22 7.4.7Zone date/heure et heure (BGF2=1, BGF1=1, BGF0=0) 22 7.4.8Heure spcifie et systme de multiplexage page/ligne (BGF2=1, BGF1=1, BGF0=1).22 7.5Rfrence de temps Combinaisons des drapeaux de groupes binaires.22 Copyright Internatio

27、nal Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 60461 IEC:2001 3 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD.9 1Scope.11 2Normative refe

28、rences11 3Definitions 13 4Time representation in 30-frame systems13 4.1Definitions of real time and NTSC time.13 4.2Time address of a frame13 4.2.1Non-drop frame Uncompensated mode .15 4.2.2Drop frame NTSC time compensated mode.15 4.3Colour frame identification in 525/60 television systems .15 5Time

29、 representation in 25-frame systems15 5.1Definition of real time.15 5.2Time address of a frame15 5.3Colour frame identification in 625/50 television systems .15 5.3.1Logical relationship15 5.3.2Arithmetic relationship .17 6Time representation in 24-frame systems17 6.1Definition of real time.17 6.2Ti

30、me address of a frame17 7Structure of the time address and control bits17 7.1Digital code .17 7.2Time address 19 7.3Flag bits 19 7.3.1Drop frame flag (525/60 television system only) .19 7.3.2Colour frame flag (525/60 and 625/50 television systems only).19 7.3.3Binary group flags19 7.3.4Modulation me

31、thod specific flag .19 7.4Use of the binary groups19 7.4.1Character set not specified and unspecified clock time (BGF2=0, BGF1=0, BGF0=0).21 7.4.2Eight-bit character set and unspecified clock time (BGF2=0, BGF1=0, BGF0=1)21 7.4.3Date/time zone and unspecified clock time (BGF2=1, BGF1=0, BGF0=0)21 7.

32、4.4Page/line multiplex system and unspecified clock time (BGF2=1, BGF1=0, BGF0=1).21 7.4.5Clock time specified and unspecified character set (BGF2=0, BGF1=1, BGF0=0).23 7.4.6Unassigned binary group usage and unassigned clock time (BGF2=0, BGF1=1, BGF0=1).23 7.4.7Date/time zone and clock time (BGF2=1

33、, BGF1=1, BGF0=0)23 7.4.8Specified clock time and page/line multiplex system (BGF2=1, BGF1=1, BGF0=1).23 7.5Clock time reference Binary group flag combinations.23 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, B

34、ernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 60461 CEI:2001 8Application du code temporel linaire .22 8.1Format du mot code 22 8.2Contenu des donnes du mot code .22 8.2.1Adresse temporelle24 8.2.2Bits drapeaux 24 8.2.3Groupes b

35、inaires .24 8.2.4Mot de synchronisation26 8.2.5Correction de la polarit du bit didentification biphase 28 8.3Mthode de modulation .28 8.4Dbit binaire30 8.5Synchronisation du mot code par rapport un signal de tlvision30 8.5.1Systmes de tlvision 525/60 30 8.5.2Systmes de tlvision 1125/60 30 8.5.3Systm

36、es de tlvision 625/50 32 8.6Caractristiques lectriques et mcaniques de linterface du code temporel linaire32 8.6.1Temps de monte/descente.32 8.6.2Distorsion damplitude .32 8.6.3Synchronisation des transitions .32 8.6.4Connecteur dinterface 32 8.6.5Impdance de sortie 32 8.6.6Amplitude du signal de so

37、rtie.32 9Application aux trames Systmes de tlvision42 9.1Format du mot code 42 9.2Contenu des donnes du mot code .42 9.2.1Adresse temporelle50 9.2.2Bits drapeaux 50 9.2.3Groupes binaires .50 9.2.4Drapeau dindication de trame .52 9.2.5Bits de synchronisation52 9.2.6Code de vrification de redondance c

38、yclique.52 9.3Mthode de modulation .54 9.4Synchronisation des bits54 9.5Synchronisation du mot code par rapport au signal de tlvision.56 9.5.1Systmes de tlvision 525/60 56 9.5.2Systmes de tlvision 1125/60 56 9.5.3Systmes de tlvision 625/50 56 9.6Position du signal correspondant au code dadresse dans

39、 la trame .56 9.6.1Systmes de tlvision 525/60 56 9.6.2Systmes de tlvision 1125/60 56 9.6.3Systmes de tlvision 625/50 56 9.7Redondance56 9.8Caractristiques de la forme donde du code temporel de trame58 9.8.1Niveau logique.58 9.8.2Temps de monte/descente.58 9.8.3Distorsion damplitude .58 Copyright Int

40、ernational Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 60461 IEC:2001 5 8Linear time code application23 8.1Code wor

41、d format 23 8.2Code word data content.23 8.2.1Time address.25 8.2.2Flag bits 25 8.2.3Binary groups 25 8.2.4Synchronization word.27 8.2.5Biphase mark polarity correction 29 8.3Modulation method 29 8.4Bit rate 31 8.5Timing of the code word relative to a television signal 31 8.5.1525/60 television syst

42、ems 31 8.5.21125/60 television systems 31 8.5.3625/50 television systems 33 8.6Linear time code interface electrical and mechanical characteristics.33 8.6.1Rise/fall time33 8.6.2Amplitude distortion .33 8.6.3Timing of the transitions.33 8.6.4Interface connector33 8.6.5Output impedance33 8.6.6Output

43、amplitude .33 9Vertical interval application Television systems 43 9.1Code word format 43 9.2Code word data content.43 9.2.1Time address.51 9.2.2Flag bits 51 9.2.3Binary groups 51 9.2.4Field mark flag.53 9.2.5Synchronization bits.53 9.2.6Cyclic redundance check code.53 9.3Modulation method 55 9.4Bit

44、 timing .55 9.5Timing of the code word relative to the television signal .57 9.5.1525/60 television system57 9.5.21125/60 television system 57 9.5.3625/50 television system57 9.6Location of the address code signal in the vertical interval .57 9.6.1525/60 television system57 9.6.21125/60 television s

45、ystem 57 9.6.3625/50 television system57 9.7Redundancy 57 9.8Vertical interval time code waveform characteristics.59 9.8.1Logic level .59 9.8.2Rise/fall time59 9.8.3Amplitude distortion .59 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employe

46、es/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/08/2007 22:23:59 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 6 60461 CEI:2001 10Relation entre le code LTC et le code VITC58 10.1 Donnes dadresse temporelle 58 10.2 Donnes de groupe binaire .58 10.2.1 Transfert de donn

47、es de groupe binaire de trame vers des donnes de groupe binaire linaire 60 10.2.2 Transfert de donnes de groupe binaire linaire vers les donnes de groupe binaire de trame.60 10.3 Comparaison des mot du code VITC et du code LTC.60 Annexe A (informative) Notes explicatives .64 A.1 Prcision temporelle.

48、64 A.2 Corrections des changements de secondes64 Bibliographie.66 Figure 1 Forme donde du signal de sortie de la source de code temporel linaire.30 Figure 2a Exemple de code temporel linaire 30 images (systme de tlvision 525/60) .34 Figure 2b Exemple de code temporel linaire 30 images (systme de tlvision 1


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