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1、- =: - -= - - ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS - = With The Permission Of IEEE Reproduced BY GLOBAL - - - - - - - Under Royalty Acreement IEEE Std 279-1971 (Reviaion of IEEE Sid 27B-lsAHi IEEE Standard: Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE Std 279-1971 (Reviiion of IEEE St

2、d 278-1988) IEEE Standard: Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations Sponsored by the Joint Committee on Nuclear Power Standards of the IEEE Group on Nuclear Science and the IEEE Power Engineering Society Copyright 1971 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engin

3、eers, Inc. Yo Dor o t h i s puMir .fion mov be reproduced in 0n.w form in an rlrrironic rrinriul sysirm or oihcru*iac. uvihrwi ihr prior uqrillrn prrmission o/ Ihr publishrr Approved Nov. 3, 1970 Joint Committee on Nuclear Power Standards of the IEEE Group on Nuclear Science and the IEEE Power Engin

4、eering Society ,I F Bates i ci Fitzgerald .I P Fitzgerald J M Gallauher E. R. Gasser I,. M. Johnson A. Kaplan ci. S. Keeley W. H. Klein V. A. Moore W. S. Morgan M. 1. Olken E. S. Patterson D. C . Pitcher H. A. Saya A *J Simmcins .J li Smith A -1 Spiiruin 1) ti. StcrlP W I Cticde I). F. Culliv;cri S

5、jepkernii (* S. Wiilkrr I-:. C. Wenziiiuer . I . V. Wernw (* .I. Wylir Approved June 3,1971 IEEE Standards Committee B. B. Barrow, Chairman J. Forster, Vice Chairman S. I. Sherr, Secretary S. J . Angello J. A. Goetz R. H. R a e . I l E. C. Barnes A. D. Harley S. V. Soanes F. K. Becker C. E . Hertig

6、L. Van Rooij W. H. Cook A. R. Hileman R. V. Wachter W. H. Devenish H. Lance B. O. Weinschel D. T. Michael C. J. Easel R. F. Ehtoppey J. B. Owens C. E. White W. T. Wintringham The IEEE will maintain this document current with the state of technology. Comments are invited on this document as well as s

7、uggestions for additional material that should be included. These should be addressed to: Secretary IEEE Standards Committee rhe Institute of Uectricai ano Electronics Engineers. Inc. 345 East 47 Street Scw York. S e u York 10017 -,-,- Foreword This Foreword IS not a part of the EEL Standard: Criter

8、ia for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power (;eneratina St at ions. ) The functional performance and reliability of nuclear power generating station protection systems is a matter of concern for manufacturers, for users, and for those who are responsible for licensinn and regulating nuclear power ge

9、nerating stations. With the increased volume of nuclear mwer generating stations planned or being designed. attention has focused on criteria and standards as mechanisms for promoting safe design practice and for evaluating the performance and reliability of proposed systems. These criteria are an i

10、ndustry consensus of an acceptahle approach to assessing the adequacy of protection system functional performance and reliability in meeting design requiremei,ts. As interpretation of the term “protection system“ seems to be evolving. this document should also include criteria for actuator systems.

11、Work to expand the scope of the document to this end is underway and will be reflected in a future revision. At that time, the system presently described herein can more appropriately be called a “protection signal system,“ which by definition includes both instrument and logic channels. The protect

12、ion system will then consist of the protective signal system and the actuator system. The user should recognize that neither the present nor the expanded scope includes all of the structures and equipment required for complete p I a n t protect ion . The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engin

13、eers (IEEE) undertook the development 0.f these criteria through the Standards Committee of the Nuclear Science Group in 1964 at the request of ASA Sectional Committee N6, Reactor Safety Standards. In 1966, the working Rroiip responRible for ncnerating these criteria waB made a subcommittee of the R

14、etictors und teiictor Controls Committee of thc IEKE Nuclear Science Group. Unanimous subcommittec ri;)provrii for the proposed criteria was obtained in June 1966, and in the Nuclear Science Group Standnrth Committee in September 1966. In addition, the proposed criteria were reviewed by other interm

15、tcd persona. both within and outside the IEEE. In 1968, final approval of the proposed criteria was given by the IEEE Standards Committee and they were published on a trial-use basis BR IEEE No. 279. Proponed IEEE Criteria for Nuclear Power Plant Protection Systems. effective AuKuat 80. 1968. At the

16、 time of thin piiblicution a full nationnl connennus in the U.S.A., necennary for the ridoption of the criteriri by the American National Standards Institute. did not exist. This WIIR hIHiCl1lly becriuse of II feeling in nome quarters that paragraph 4.7 should be more strinnent in i t H rcciuiremcnt

17、s for ncprirrition of control nnd protection functions. In order to resolve thin question tint1 to renpond to comments on rind ruggentions for additional material that diould be included ti thc! criteriti, Yiibcommittcc 6. hnctor trotcction Syntemn, wan formed under the Nuclcnr Science (;roui) Strin

18、drirdn (hmmittee. In ,Jrinunry, 1970, the IEEE cstahlished *J(:N IS (the Joint (:ommittee on Niicierir Iower Strindrirdr) nr on instrument of the Power iind Niiclciir Science (;rOtipH, to f)lriii, oryririi7. expedite. rind coordinnte nil Nuclerir lowcr Sliintirirdn work iintler one ril)provuI I)rocc

19、tcliirc!. Jhe rictiviticr of W - B were incliiclctl unclcr thin Joint (:omrnittw. In 1!)70. S(:-6, with ii)rovril frorri ttic JCNiS memborihip, proporad ncvcrril ctiiiiiycw ri tlic Originril (lociimcnt. Mcmbcrn of the rubcommittcc pnrtcpritnlt in th ycncrritiori of the rcwincd (:ritc!riIi rit ttie t

20、ime of firiril J(:NIS ripr)rovnl were: J . M. ( ;rillriyticr, J r., t huirmti/r .I I Ilcirmrt (i. Pl. Krrlry 1 . : I : (IirloIlL A. J. Plpiiraln .I II (rivrulio . 1 Pltrnlry li I( ( ;riearc W I, Htlnlr (i. II. Pllions .I. It. Wnril J. V. Wrrtiir E. (:. WrIliiluri ( H. Wnlkrc Following the approval o

21、f IEEE Std 279-1971 by the Joint Committee on Nuclear Power Standards of the IEEE Group on Nuclear Science and the IEEE Power Engineering Society. the standard was reviewed and approved by American National Standards Committee N42 on Radiation Instrumentation. On approval by the IEEE Standards Commi

22、ttee. the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. as Secretariat for N42. has submitted this standard to ANSI for approval-as an American National Standard. At the time it ballotted on IEEE Standard: Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. American National

23、Standards Committee N42 had the following personnel: Louis Costreil. Chairman David C. Cook, Secrefary Oruonizafton HPI -pscnfpd American Chemical Society American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists American Industrial Hygiene Association American Nuclear Society American Society of Me

24、chanical Engineers American Society of Safety Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials Atomic Industrial Forum Electric Light and Power Croup Health Physics Society Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Instrument Society of America Manufacturinu Chemists Association National

25、 Electrical Manufacturers Association Oak Ridne National Laboratory Scientific Apparatus Makers Asmiation Underwriters Laboratories U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Division of Biology U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Reactor and Medicine Development and Technolow U. S. Department of the A

26、rmy, Materiel Command U S. Department of the Army, Office of Civil U. S. Department of Commerce. National Bureau of U. S. Department of Health. Education. and Welfare. Defense Mobilization Standards Public Health Service U. S. Naval Research Laboratory Members-at-Large Name of R p r r s c n i a i i

27、t v Louis P. Hemsbera. *Jr Jesne Lieberman W . H. Hay W . C . Lipinski Thomas Mulcahey (Alii R. C. Austin Represe ri /u f i on L u chunnel ilwiild he coni rnrprisurutc with ihe probability of failure of the “one-ou-of- two“ system during its normal interval be- iiiieen tests. 4.12 Operating Bypasses

28、. Where operating requirements necessitate automatic or manu- al bypass of a protective function, the design shall be such that the bypass will be removed automatically whenever permissive condi- tions are not met. Devices used to achieve automatic removal of the bypass of a protec- tive function ar

29、e part of the protection system and shall be designed in accordance with these criteria. 4.13 Indication of Bypasses. If the protective action of some part of the system has been bypassed or deliberately rendered inoperative for any purpose, this fact shall be continu- ously indicated in the control

30、 room. 4.14 Access to Means for Bypassing. The de- sign shall permit the administrative control of the means for manually bypassing channels or protective functions. 4.15 iAultiple Set Points. Where it is iieces- sary,to change to a more restrictive set point to provide adequate protection for a par

31、ticular * . mode of operation or set of operating condi- tions, the design shall provide positive means of assuring that themore i estrictive set point is used. The devices used to prevent improper use of less restrictive set points shall be consici- ered a part of the protection system and shall be

32、 designed in accordance with the other provisions of these criteria regarding perform- ance and reliability. 4.16 Completion of Protective Action Once It Is Initiated. The protection system shall be so designed that, once initiated. a protective action at the system level shall g o to com- pletion.

33、Return to operation shall require subsequent deliberate operator action. 4.17 Manual Initiation. The protection sys- tem shall include means for manual initiation of each protective action at the system cvel (for example. reactor trip, containment isola- tion, safety injection. core spray, etc). No

34、single failure, as defined by the note following Section 4.2, within the manual, automatic. or common portions of the protection system shall prevent initiation of protective action by manual or automatic means. Manual initia- tion should depend upon the operation of a minimum of equipment. 4.18 Acc

35、ess to Set Point Adjustments, Culi- bration, and Test Points. The design shall permit the administrative control of access to all set point adjustments. module calibration adjustments, and test points. 4.19 Identification of Protective Actions. Pro- tective actions shall be indicated and identi- fie

36、d down to the channel level. 4.20 Information Read-Out. The protection system shall be designed to provide the oyer- ator with accurate, complete. and timely in- formation pertinent to its own status and to generating station safety. The design shall minimize the development of conditions which woul

37、d cause meters, annunciators. recorders, alarms. etc, to give anomalous in- dications confusing to the operator. 4.21 System Repair. The system shall be de- signed to facilitate the recognition, location. replacement, repair, or adjustment of mal- functioning components or modules. 4.22 Identificati

38、on. in order to provide assur- ance that the requirements given in this doc- . - . ._ -,-,- urnent can be applied during the design, con- distinctively as being in the protection SYS- struction. maintenance, and operation of the tem. This identification shall distinguish be- plant. the protection sy

39、stem equipment (for tween redundant portions of the protection example. interconnecting wiring. com- system. In the installed equipments. com- ponents. modules. etc). shall be identified2 ponents, or modules mounted in assemblies - 1 s in prowess to establish a criterion for identi- fication of prot

40、ection system-equipment or drawings and other documentation and the extent to which such identi- that are clearly identified as being in the protection system do not require fication should he required. identification. 11 , -,-,- IEEE Standards of Particular Interest to Nuclear Engineers and Scienti

41、sts IEEE Std Title i59 Methods of Testing Gas-Filled Radiation Counter Tubes 1952) 278 Cuide for Classifying Electrical Insulating Materials Ex- posed to Neutron and Gamma Radiation (1967) (ANSI N4.1) 279 Criteria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Gener- ating Stations (1971) :i00 Iest Proced

42、ure for Semiconductor Radiation Devices (1969) (ANSI N42.1) 30 i lest Procedure for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Seini- conductor Hadiation Detectors (1969) (ANSI N42.2) :i08 Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1970) 309 Test Procedure for Geiger-Muller

43、Counters ( 1970) (ANSI N42.3) 3 1 7 Electrical Penetration Assemblies in Containment Struc- tures for Nuclear Generating Stations (1971) :i23 General Guide for Qualifying Class I Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1971) 325 Test Procedure for Germanium Gamma-Hay Lletectors (1971) For a free catalog of IEEE Standards write the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 East 47th Street, New York, N. Y. 10017, U.S.A. -,-,-


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