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1、NORME CE1 IEC INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 60264-2-3 1990-07 AMENDEMENT 1 AMENDMENT 1 2003-1 2 Amendement 1 Conditionnement des fils de bobinage - Partie 2-3: Bobines de livraison ft de forme cylindrique - Spcification pour les bobines non rutilisables, faites de matriau thermoplastique Ame

2、ndment 1 Packaging of winding wires - Part 2-3: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools - Specification for non-returnable spools made from thermoplastic material O IEC 2003 Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved Intemational Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO B

3、ox 131, CH-I21 1 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 O0 E-mail: Web: C CODE PRIX Commission Electrotechnique Internationale PRICE CODE International Electrotechnical Commission MeXflyHaPOflHaR 3neKTpOTeXHtlW%CKaR KOMMCCMR Pourprix, voir c

4、atalogue en vigueur For price, see current catalogue Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

5、IHS -,-,- - 2 - 60264-2-3 Amend. 1 O CEI:2003 FDIS AVANT-PROPOS Rapport de vote Le prsent amendement a t tabli par le comit dtudes 55 de la CEI: Fils de bobinage. I 55/887/RV D I 55/87O/F D I S I Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti lap

6、probation de cet amendement. Le comit a dcid que le contenu de la publication de base et de ses amendements ne sera pas modifi avant 2009. A cette date, la publication sera reconduite; supprime; amende. remplace par une dition rvise, ou Page 6 I NTROD UCTI O N Remplacer le texte existant par ce qui

7、suit: Cette partie de la CE1 60264 constitue lun des lments dune srie traitant des fils isols utiliss dans les enroulements des appareils lectriques. Cette srie comporte trois groupes dfinissant respectivement: 1) les fils de bobinage - Mthodes dessai (CE1 60851); 2) les spcifications pour types par

8、ticuliers de fils de bobinage (CE1 60317); 3) le conditionnement de fils de bobinage (CE1 60264). Page 8 2 Rfrences normatives Remplacer la rfrence normative CE1 60264-4-1 : 1989 par CE1 60264-4-1 : 1997. 4 Dsignation du type Remplacer la dsignation du type 264-2-3/1 EC 2 0 0 par 60264-2-3/200. Copy

9、right International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 60264-2-3 Amend. 1 O IEC:2003 - 3 - FDIS FOREWO

10、RD Report on voting This amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 55: Winding wires. I 55/887/RV D I 55/87O/F D I S I Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. The committee has decided that the

11、contents of the base publication and its amendments will remain unchanged until 2009. At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed; withdrawn; amended. replaced by a revised edition, or Page 7 I NTROD UCTI O N Replace the existing text by the following: This part of IEC 60264 is one of a series

12、 that deals with insulated wires used for winding in electrical equipment. The series comprises three groups: 1) winding wires - Test methods (IEC 60851); 2) specifications for particular types of winding wires (IEC 60317); 3) packaging of winding wires (IEC 60264). Page 9 2 Normative references Rep

13、lace the normative reference ?I EC 60264-4-1 : 1989? by ?IEC 60264-4-1 : 1997?. 4 Type designation Replace the type designation ?264-2-3/1 EC 200? by ?60264-2-3/200?. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=lis

14、tmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 4 - 60264-2-3 Amend. 1 O CEI:2003 Page 10 5.2 Marquage des bobines En 5.2 a), remplacer la dsignation du type 264-2-3/IEC 2 0 0 par 60264-2-3/200. Le changement ne sapplique

15、pas au texte franais. Page 12 5.6 Tenue sous temprature leve Dans le premier alina, remplacer une temprature de 50 f 3 O C par une temprature de (60 f 3) OC. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, lis

16、tmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 60264-2-3 Amend. 1 O IEC:2003 -5- Page 11 5.2 Spool marking In 5.2 a), replace the type designation “264-2-3/IEC 200” by “60264-2-3/200”. In the last paragraph, penultimate line, replac

17、e “the weight” with “the mass”. Page 13 5.6 Behaviour at high temperature In the first paragraph, replace “at a temperature of 50 f 3 O C ” by “at a temperature of (60 f 3) OC”. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/111111100

18、1, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISBN 2-831 8-7323-1 ICs 29.060.10 Typeset and printed by the IEC Central Office GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by I

19、HS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ht ? IEC 264 PT*2-3 90 m 4844893 O302368 2 m NORME CE1 INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEC 264=2-3 Pre

20、mire dition First edition i 990-07 Conditionnement des fils de bobinage Partie 2: Bobines de livraison ft de forme cylindrique Section 3 - Spcification pour les bobines non rutilisables, faites de matriau thermoplastique Packaging of winding wires Part 2: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools Sectio

21、n 3 - Specification for non-returnable spools made from thermoplastic mat erial Numro de rfrence Reference number CEMEC 264-2-3: 1990 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/

22、06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IEC 264 PT*2-3 90 m 4844893 OL023b 4 m Rvision de la prsente publication Le contenu technique des publications de la C E I est cons- tamment revu par la Commission a f i m daasurcr qua reflte bien ltat actuel

23、de la technique. Les renseignements relatifs ce travail de rCvision, ltablissement des ditions xvises et aux mises jour peuvent - la Publication 617 de la C E I: Symboles graphiques pour schmas. Les symboles et signes contenus dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris des Publications 27 ou 617

24、de la C E I, soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication. Publications de la C E I tablies par le mme Comit dEtudes Lattention du lecteur est attire sur le deuxime feuiUet de la couvemUe. qui numre les publications de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dEudes qui a tabli la prsente publicatio

25、n. Revision of this publication The technical content of I E C publications is kept under con- stant review by the I E C, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information on the work of revision, the issue of revised cdi- tions and amendment sheets may be obtained from IEC Nat

26、ional Committees and from the following I E C sources: IECBulletin 0 IECYearbook Catalogue of I E C Pubications Published yearly Terminology F o r general terminology, readers are refemd to I E C Publi- cation 50: international Elwtrotechnical V o c a b u l a r y (IEV), which is issued in the form o

27、f separate chapters each dealing with a sp”nc field, the General Index being published as a separate booklet. Fuli details of the IEV will be supplied on request. The terms and definitions containcd in the present publication have either ben taken from the J W or have been specifically approved for

28、the purpose of this publication. Graphical and letter symbols For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the I E C for general use, readers arc refemd to: - I E C Publication 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; - I E C Publication 617: Graphical symbols for d

29、iagrams. The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either bn taken from IEC Publications 27 or 617, or have been pincaily approved for the pupse of t h i s publication. IE C publications prepared by the same Technical Committee The attention of readers is drawn to the back cove

30、r, which lists I E C publications issued by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo

31、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- . IEC 264 PT*2-3 70 I 4844873 0302370 O = c 6 c t. NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 2641213 Premire dition First edition . 1990-07 Conditionnement des fils de bobinage Partie 2: Bobines de livraison ft de forme c

32、ylindrique Section 3 - Spcification pour les bobines non rutilisables, faites de matriau thermoplastique Packaging of winding wires Part 2: Cylindrical barrelled delivery spools Section 3 - Specification for non-returnable spools made,from thermoplastic material CODE PRIX PRICECODE H Commission Elec

33、trotechnique Internstionale International Electroteohnlcal Commission MemnvHapomtm 3nemorex“ 0 1,6 2, o 5.9 Souplesse des joues Sous contrainte avec la charge spcifie dans le tableau 4, laccroissement de distance entre les deux joues “sous charge“ et aprs suppression de la charge ne doit pas dpasser

34、 la valeur donne dans le tableau 4. li ny a pas dexigences pour les autres bobines. Tableau 4 Accroissement maximal e distance entre joues mm 3 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for R

35、esale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- I E C 264 PT*Z-3 90 4844893 0302384 O M M i nimum t e n s i l e load kN Spool type 264-2-3 0 IEC - 15 - 5.8 Deformation under load , Maximum elongation mm When stressed with the load specified in tab

36、le 3, the elongation shall not exceed the value given in table 3. There are no requirements for other spools. Table 3 100 125 16 O 200 10 I r 0 l r 6 2. o 5.9 Flexlblllty .zst on flanges When stressed with the load specified in table 4, the increase in distance between the flanges during and after s

37、tressing shall not exceed the value given in table 4. There are no requirements for other spools. Table 4 Spool type 100 125 160 200 Load kN I r 6 2, o 2, 5 3r15 Maximum increase i n distance between flanges During s t ressi n g 2, o 2r5 3r15 4 r O mm After c t resci ng Or25 0,315 O r 4 01 5 Copyrig

38、ht International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=listmgr, listmgr Not for Resale, 03/06/2007 09:55:23 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IEC 264 PT*2-3 90 9 444893 O302385 2 9 Publication

39、s de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dlhudes no 55 IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No. 55 172 (1987) 182: - Dimensions de bue des fils de bobinage. Mthode dessai pour la dtermination de lindice de temprahm dei fils de bobinage maills. 172 (1987) . 182: -Buk dimensions of winding wires.

40、Test procedure for the determination of the tempera- tureiridex of enuneiied winding wires. 182-1 (1984) 182-2 (1987) 182-3 (1972) 182-4 (1971) Premitre putie: DiamCrni de conducteun pour fils de bobinage de section circulaire. Deuxibme partie: DiamCtrea extrieun maximaux der fils de bobinage de sec

41、tion circulaire, maill&. Troisieme putie: Dimensions der conducteun pour ka fils de bobinage de section rectangulaire. Modification no 1 (1977). QuatdCme partie: Diuntrcs de conducteurs pour fils de rnistance de section circulaire. 182-1 (1984) Put 1: Dimeters of conductors for round winding wires.

42、182-Z(1987) Put 2: MuMum overall diuneters of enamelled round winding wires. 182-3(1972) Put 3: Dimensions of conductors for rectangular winding wires. Amendment No. 1 (1977). Put 4: Diameters of conductors for round resistance Wires. 182-4 (1971) 264: -Conditionnement dei fils de bobinage. 264: - P

43、ackaging of winding w h . 264-1 (1%8) 264-2 (1968) 264-2-1 (1989) 264-2-2 (1990) 264-2-3 (1990) 264-3 (1973) 264-3-1 (1989) 264-3-2 (1990) 264-3-3 (1990) 264-3-4 (1990) 26441 (1989) &mitre p d c : Fata demballage pour fils de bobi- P d e 2: Bobiner de livraium A ft de forme cyiin- Section I - Dimens

44、ions de bue. Section 2 - Spcification pour les bobines rutili- sables, faites de matriau thennoplutique. Section 3 - Spcification pow lei bobines non rutili- sables, fritei de matriau themioplutique. P d e 3: Bobines de livraison A ft de forme conique. Section 1 - Dimensions de bue. Section 2 - Spci

45、fication pour lea bobines rutili- sabler, faites de matriau themioplutique. Section 3 - Spcification pour les bobiner non rutili- sables. faites de matriau thennoplutique. Section 4 - Dimensions de bue dei conteneurs pour lea bobiner de livraiion A ft de forme conique. QuhiCme putie: Mthodes d d - S

46、ection un: Bobiner de livraison faites de matriau themioplutique. nage de WC6On CrCdUlC. drique. 264-1 (1968) 264-2 (1968) 264-2-1 (1989) 264-2-2 (1990) 264-2-3 (1990) 264-3 (1973) 264-3-1 (1989) 264-3-2 (1990) 264-3-3 (1990) 264-3-4 (1990) 26441 (1989) Put 1: Containers for round winding wires, Put

47、 2 Cylindrical barelled delivery spools. Section One: Buic dimensions. Section 2 - Specificition for rehumable spools made f r o m thennoplutic material. Section 3 - Specification for non-returnable spools mde f r o m thermoplastic material. Put 3: Taper buclled delivery i p l s . Section One: Buic dimensions. Section 2 - Specification for returnable spools made from thennoplutic material. Section 3 - Specificition for non-returnable spools m d e f r o m themioplutic material. Section 4 - Buic dimensions of containers for taper budled delivery spools. Pert 4: Methods o


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