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1、 Code of Safe Practice for CARGO STOWAGE AND SECURING 2003 Edition Recueil de regles pratiques pour la ET DE LASSUJElTISSEMENT DES CARGAISONS Edition de 2003 SECURITE DE LARRIMAGE Codigo de practjcas de seguridad PARA LA ESTIBA Y SUJECION DE LA CARGA Edicion de 2003 Errata Page 63: Some of the numbe

2、rs in calculated example 2 within annex 13 are incorrect. In the table “Calculation of balance of forces:”, in the sixth row, replace “0.99” in the sixth column with “0.92” and replace “66.3” in the seventh column with “61.6”. Also on page 63, in the first line within the section “Transverse balance

3、 of forces (PORT arrangement) Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8:”, replace “66.3” with “61.6” and in the second line, replace “473” with “468”. Page 72 : Certains des chiffres de IExemple de calcul 2 qui figure a Iannexe 13 sont errones. Dans le tableau dalcul de Iequilibre des forces), a la sixieme ligne, dans la

4、 sixieme colonne, remplacer (t0,99) par (0,92 et dans la septieme colonne, 66,3) par (t61,6. Toujours a la page 72, a la premiere ligne de la section (Equilibre des forces transversales (dispositif biibord) Nos 5, 6, 7 et 8 : D, remplacer (66,3n par (61,6, et a la deuxieme ligne, (473) par (468). Pa

5、gina 70: Algunos de 10s numeros en el ejemplo de calculo 2 correspondiente al anexo 3 son incorrectos. En el cuadro “Calculo del equilibrio de fuerzas:”, en la sexta linea, reemplazar “0,99”, en la sexta columna, por “0,92” y “66,3”, en la septima columna, por “61,6”. Tambitn en la pagina 70, en la

6、primera linea de la secci6n “Equilibrio transversal de fuerzas (dispositivo utilizado a babor) Nos 5, 6, 7 y 8:” reemplazar “66,3” por “61,6” y en la segunda linea, reemplazar “473” por “468”. Printed in the United Kingdom by IMO, London. Copyright 0 International Maritime Organization 2005 (Sales n

7、umber IA292E/IA292F/lA294S) Code of Safe Practic.e for CARGO STOWAGE AND SECURING 2003 Edition INTERNATIONAL - E ORGANIZATION London, 2003 First published in I992 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR Second edition 2003 Printed in the United Kingdom by the I

8、nternational Maritime Organization, London 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 ISBN 92-801-5145-2 Copyright 0 International Maritime Organization 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission i

9、n writing from the lnterna tional Maritime Organization. Preface Upon instructions by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), the Sub- committee on Containers and Cargoes (which was later superseded by the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers) developed the Code of Safe Practi

10、ce for Cargo Stowage and Securing. The Code was approved by the Committee at its fifty-eighth session (May 1990) and was adopted by the Assembly at its seventeenth regular session (November 1991) by resolution A.714(17). The Assembly recommended that Governments implement the Code at the earliest po

11、ssible opportunity and requested the MSC to keep it under review and amend it as necessary. The Code has undergone subsequent changes through the years. The first major change was the amendments of MSC/Circ.664, adopted at the sixty- fourth session of MSC (5 to 9 December 1994), and MSC/Circ.691, ad

12、opted by the Committee at its sixty-fifth session (9 to 17 May 1995), both of which were issued as the 1994/1995 Amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing, introducing annex 13, which has subsequently been incorporated into this edition. The present edition also includes

13、 amendments on annex 12 on safe stowage and securing of unit loads, issued as MSC/Circ.740 on 14 June 1996 at the sixty-sixth session of the Maritime Safety Committee. It also contains amendments adopted by the Committee at its seventy-fifth session (15 to 24 May 2002), issued as MSC/Circ.l026, whic

14、h saw significant changes in the contents of annex 13. The circular includes an extension on the scope of application recommending all lashing assemblies to be fixed to strong or fixed points. It further introduces a new table on friction coefficients and new texts on an advanced calculation method

15、and an alternative method on balance of forces. The Code includes, as appendices, various texts which have been issued by the Organization and are considered relevant to cargo stowage and securing. Any amendments or revisions, which may be made in future, will be included in subsequent editions of t

16、his Code. iii Page Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing Foreword . 1 General principles 2 Chapter 1 . General . 3 Chapter 2 . Principles of safe stowage and securing of cargoes . 7 Chapter 3 . Standardized stowage and securing systems . 10 Chapter 4 . Semi-standardized stowage and se

17、curing 11 Chapter 5 . Non-standardized stowage and securing . 13 Chapter 6 . Actions which may be taken in heavy weather . 14 Chapter 7 . Actions which may be taken once cargo has shifted . 15 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Annex 11 Annex 12 Annex 13

18、 . Safe stowage and securing of containers on deck of ships which are not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers . 16 . Safe stowage and securing of portable tanks 20 . Safe stowage and securing of portable . Safe stowage and securing of wheel-based . Safe stowage and s

19、ecuring of heavy cargo items receptacles 24 (rolling) cargoes . 27 such as locomotives, transformers, etc 29 . Safe stowage and securing of heavy metal products 37 . Safe stowage and securing of coiled sheet steel . 33 . Safe stowage and securing of anchor chains . 39 . Safe stowage and securing of

20、metal scrap . Safe stowage and securing of flexible . General guidelines for the under-deck stowage in bulk 41 intermediate bulk containers 42 of logs 44 . Safe stowage and securing of unit loads . 47 . Methods to assess the efficiency of securing arrangements for non-standardized cargo . 50 Resolut

21、ion A.714(17) adopted 6 November 7 99 7 . 67 Previous page is blank V Page Appendices Appendix 1 - Resolution A.489(Xll): Safe stowage and securing of cargo units and other entities in ships other than cellular containerships (adopted 19 November 198 1) 69 Appendix 2 - MSC/Circ. 745: Guidelines for

22、the preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual (13 lune 1996) 73 Appendix 3 - Resolution A.533(13): Elements to be taken into account when considering the safe stowage and securing of cargo units and vehicles in ships (adopted 17 November 1983) . 83 Appendix 4 - Resolution A.581(14): Guidelines for Se

23、curing Arrangements for the Transport of Road Vehicles on Ro-Ro Ships (adopted 20 November 1985) as amended by MSC/Circ. 81 2 of 16 June 1997 89 Appendix 5 - Resolution A.864(20): Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (adopted 27 November 7 997) 97 vi -,-,- CQ these are listed he

24、reunder: e Safe stowage and securing of cargo units and other entities in ships other than cellular containerships, resolution A.489(Xll) see appendix I; e a Guidelines for the preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual, MSC/Circ. 745 see appendix 21; o Elements to be taken into account when consideri

25、ng the safe stowage and securing of cargo units and vehicles in ships, resolution A.533(13) see appendix 31; 8 Guidelines for securing arrangements for the transport of road vehicles on ro-ro ships, resolution A.581(14), as amended see appendix 41; 8 IMO/ILO/UN ECE Guidelines for packing of cargo tr

26、ansport units see the Supplement to the IMDG Code (sales number ID21 OE); o Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships, resolution A.864(20) see appendix 51. The accelerations acting on a ship in a seaway result from a combination of longitudinal, vertical and predominantly transverse

27、 motions. The forces created by these accelerations give rise to the majority of securing problems. The hazards arising from these forces should be dealt with by taking measures both to ensure proper stowage and securing of cargoes on board and to reduce the amplitude and frequency of ship motions.

28、1 Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing The p,urpose of this Code is to provide an international standard to promote the safe stowage and securing of cargoes by: o drawing the attention of shipowners and ship operators to the need to ensure that the ship is suitable for its intended p

29、urpose; o providing advice to ensure that the ship is equipped with proper cargo securing means; o providing general advice concerning the proper stowage and securing of cargoes to minimize the risks to the ship and personnel; o providing specific advice on those cargoes which are known to create di

30、fficulties and hazards with regard to their stowage and securing; o advising on actions which may be taken in heavy sea conditions; and o advising on actions which may be taken to remedy the effects of cargo shifting. In proyiding such advice, it should be borne in mind that the master is responsibl

31、e for the safe conduct of the voyage and the safety of the ship, its crew and its cargo. General principles All cargoes should be stowed and secured in such a way that the ship and persons on board are not put at risk. The safe stowage and securing of cargoes depend on proper planning, execution and

32、 supervision. Personnel commissioned to tasks of cargo stowage and securing should be properly qualified and experienced. Personnel planning and supervising the stowage and securing of cargo should have a sound practical knowledge of the application and content of the Cargo Securing Manual, if provi

33、ded. In all cases, improper stowage and securing of cargo will be potentially hazardous to the securing of other cargoes and to the ship itself. Decisions taken for measures of stowage and securing cargo should be based on the most severe weather conditions which may be expected by experience for th

34、e intended voyage. Ship-handling decisions taken by the master, especially in bad weather conditions, should take into account the type and stowage position of the cargo and the securing arrangements. 2 I li Chapter 1 General 1.1 Application This Code applies to cargoes carried on board ships (other

35、 than solid and liquid bulk cargoes and timber stowed on deck) and, in particular, to those cargoes whose stowage and securing have proved in practice to create difficulties. 1.2 For the purposes of this Code: Cargo unit means a vehicle, container, flat, pallet, portable tank, packaged unit, or any

36、other entity, etc., and loading equipment, or any part thereof, which belongs to the ship but is not fixed to the ship as defined in Assembly resolution A.489(Xll). lntermediate bulk container (IBC) means a rigid, semi-rigid or flexible portable bulk container packaging of a capacity of not more tha

37、n 3 m3 (3,000 l), designed for mechanical handling and tested for its satisfactory resistance to handling and transport stresses. Portable tank means a tank which is not permanently secured on board a ship, and has a capacity of more than 450 1 and a shell fitted with external stabilizing members an

38、d items of service equipment and structural equipment necessary for the transport of gases, liquids or solids. Road tank-vehicle means a vehicle with wheels and fitted with a tank or tanks intended for the transport of gases, liquids or solids by both road and sea modes of transport, the tank or tan

39、ks of which are rigidly and permanently attached to the vehicle during all normal operations of loading, transport and discharge and are neither filled nor emptied on board. Definitions of the terms used Road vehicle means a commercial vehicle, semi-trailer, road train, articulated road train or a c

40、ombination of vehicles, as defined in Assembly resolution A.581(14). Roll-trailer means a low vehicle for the carriage of cargo with one or more wheel axles on the rear and a support on the front end, which is towed or pushed in the port to and from its stowage on board the ship by a special tow-veh

41、icle. Ro-ro ship means a ship which has one or more decks either closed or open, not normally subdivided in any way and generally running the entire length of the ship, carrying goods which are loaded and unloaded normally in a horizontal manner. 3 Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securin

42、g Unit load means that a number of packages are either: .1 .2 .3 placed or stacked, and secured by strapping, shrink-wrapping or other suitable means, on to a load board such as a pallet; or placed in a protective outer packaging such as a pallet box; or permanently secured together in a sling. 1.3

43、Forces 1.3.1 Forces which have to be absorbed by suitable arrangements for stowage and securing to prevent cargo shifting are generally composed of components acting relative to the axes of the ship: o longitudinal; o transverse; and o vertical. Remark; For the purpose of stowage and securing cargo,

44、 longitudinal and transverse forces are considered predominant. 1.3.2 Transverse forces alone, or the resultant of transverse, longitudinal and vertical forces, normally increase with the height of the stow and the longitudinal distance of the stow from the ships centre of motion in a seaway. The mo

45、st severe forces can be expected in the furthest forward, the furthest aft and the highest stowage position on each side of the ship. 1.3.3 The transverse forces exerted increase directly with the metacentric height of the ship. An undue metacentric height may be caused by: o improper design of the

46、ship; o unsuitable cargo distribution; and o unsuitable bunker and ballast distribution. 1.3.4 Cargo should be so distributed that the ship has a metacentric height in excess of the required minimum and, whenever practicable, within an acceptable upper limit to minimize the forces acting on the carg

47、o. 1.3.5 In addition to the forces referred to above, cargo carried on deck may be subjected to forces arising from the effects of wind and green seas. 1.3.6 Improper shiphandling (course or speed) may create adverse forces acting on the ship and the cargo. 1.3.7 The magnitude of the forces may be e

48、stimated by using the appropriate calculation methods as contained in the Cargo Securing Manual, if provided. 1.3.8 Although the operation of anti-roll devices may improve the behaviour of the ship in a seaway, the effect of such devices should not be taken into account when planning the stowage and

49、 securing of cargoes. 4 -,-,- Chapter I 1.4 Behaviour of cargoes 1.4.1 Some cargoes have a tendency to deform or to compact themselves during the voyage, which will result in a slackening of their securing gear. 1.4.2 Cargoes with low friction coefficients, when stowed without proper friction-increasing devices such as dunnage, soft boards, rubber mats, etc., are difficult to secure unless tightly stowed across the ship. 1.5 1.5.1 considered: Criteria for estimating the ri


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