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1、IEEE Std C37.24-2003 (Revision of IEEE Std C37.24-1986) IEEE Standards C37.24 TM IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-Enclosed Switchgear Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA 26 Februa

2、ry 2004 IEEE Power Engineering Society Sponsored by the Switchgear Committee IEEE Standards Print: SH95149 PDF: SS95149 Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/3

3、0/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Copyright 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Elect

4、ronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Published 26 February 2004. Printed in the United States of America. IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent +1 978 750 8400. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through t

5、he Copyright Clearance Center. Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mat- ter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in conne

6、ction therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by an IEEE standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics En

7、gineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.iii Introduction (This introduction is not pa

8、rt of IEEE Std C37.24-2003, IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Out- door Metal-Enclosed Switchgear.) This guide is an outgrowth of a technical paper presented at the AIEE winter general meeting in New York, NY, January 1822, 1954. In October 1955, the paper was issued by the

9、AIEE Standards Committee as Pub- lication 955. In 1962, 3000 A ratings were added and the temperature data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were updated. Subsequently, it was revised and published as an IEEE guide in 1971. A new section was added in the 1986 guide discussing

10、color and finish of the metal-enclosed switch- gear and their impact on temperature due to solar radiation. This guide is a revision of IEEE Std C37.24-1986. Standards references have been updated and the latest temperature data (for 19611990) for the US and Canada has been included. This revision a

11、lso includes met- rification of English units and the additional bibliographical entries to cover broad geographic locations. Participants This guide was prepared by a working group operating under the Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee of the IEEE Switchgear Committee. At the time this guide was co

12、mpleted, the working group had the follow- ing membership: S. S. Gohil, Chair The Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee of the IEEE Switchgear Committee, which reviewed and approved this guide, had the following membership: D. J. Lemmerman, Chair D. J. Edwards A. F. Morgan P. J. Notarian G. R. Nourse E

13、. ODonnell T. W. Olsen S. H. Telander M. Wactor C. J. Ball T. A. Burse E. R. Byron J. J. Dravis D. J. Edwards S. S. Gohil R. K. Iyer J. M. Jerabek W. E. Laubach W. C. McKay A. F. Morgan P. J. Notarian G. R. Nourse T. W. Olsen G. O. Perkins E. A. Peters R. J. Puckett G. Sakats S. H. Telander M. Wacto

14、r Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ivCopyright 2004 IEEE. All r

15、ights reserved. This guide was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee on Power Switchgear C37. Committee approval of the guide does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time of its approval, the C37 Committee had

16、the following members: T. W. Olsen, Temporary Chair A.K. McCabe, Executive Vice Chair, HV Standards J. Scott, Executive Vice Chair, LV Standards D.L. Swindler, Executive Vice Chair, IEC Activities J. Collins, Secretary Organization RepresentedName of Representative Electric Light and Power GroupD. E

17、. Galicia Joseph L. Koepfinger G. J. Martuscello Y. Musa E. Worland Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. A. Dixon J. M. Jerabek D. Sigmon D. J. Lemmerman (Alt.) T. E. Royster R. W. Long (Alt.) J. G. Wood (Alt.) National Electrical Manufacturers Association.G. Jones W. Long T. W. O

18、lsen G. Sakats D. Stone International Electrical Testing AssociationA. Petersen National Electrical Contractors AssociationD. Harwood Testing Laboratory Group .P. J. Notarian E. Roseen Tennessee Valley Authority.J. Nelson US Dept. of Agriculture.H. L. Bowles US Dept. of the ArmyOffice of the Chief o

19、f Engineers J. A. Gibson US Dept. of the NavyNaval Construction Battalion CenterD. L. Mills Technical Liaison.W. E. Lauback C. Wagner Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not fo

20、r Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.v The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention. When the IEEE

21、-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 12 June 2003, it had the following membership: Don Wright, Chair Howard M. Frazier, Vice Chair Judith Gorman, Secretary *Member Emeritus Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons: Alan Cookson, NIST Representative Satish

22、K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative Noelle D. Humenick IEEE Standards Project Editor Chris Ambrose Stan J. Arnot Anne Bosma Dave Burns Ted Burse Tommy Cooper Guru Dutt Dhingra Alexander Dixon Denis Dufournet Doug Edwards Marcel Fortin David Gilmer S. (Dave) Gohil Randall Groves Erik Guillot Bob Hughes W

23、illiam Hurst Richard Jackson Jerry Jerabek Stephen R. Lambert Thomas Larose Ward Laubach R. W. Long Gregory Luri John Martin Kenneth Mcclenahan John Merando Gary Michel Daleep Mohla Georges Montillet Anne Morgan Frank Muench Paul Notarian George Nourse Edward ODonnell T. W. Olsen Miklos Orosz Edward

24、 Peters James Ruggieri Gerald Sakats Jordan Shikoski Shaun Slattery H. Melvin Smith David Stone Alan Storms Stanton Telander Shanmugan Thamilarasan Gerald Vaughn Charles Wagner James Wilson H. Stephen Berger Joe Bruder Bob Davis Richard DeBlasio Julian Forster* Toshio Fukuda Arnold M. Greenspan Raym

25、ond Hapeman Donald M. Heirman Laura Hitchcock Richard H. Hulett Anant Jain Lowell G. Johnson Joseph L. Koepfinger* Tom McGean Steve Mills Daleep C. Mohla William J. Moylan Paul Nikolich Gary Robinson Malcolm V. Thaden Geoffrey O. Thompson Doug Topping Howard L. Wolfman Copyright The Institute of Ele

26、ctrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- viCopyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. Contents 1.Overv

27、iew 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 Purpose. 2 2.References 2 3.Operating limitations . 2 4.External influences on internal operating temperatures 3 4.1 Ambient temperatures 3 4.2 Solar radiation 4 4.3 Wind influence. 5 5.Ventilation and condensation control 5 6.Enclosure color and finish consi

28、derations . 5 7.Current-carrying capabilities of switchgear. 6 7.1 Metal-clad switchgear 6 7.2 Metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear. 7 7.3 Metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear. 7 7.4 Control switchboards. 7 7.5 Metal-enclosed bus 8 8.Suggested modifications of standard design

29、s 8 9.Conclusion. 8 Annex A (informative) Figures 9 Annex B (informative) Tables. 11 Annex C (informative) Conversion tables. 27 Annex D (informative) Bibliography 30 Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1

30、111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved.1 IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-Enclosed Switchgear 1. Overview 1.1 Introductio

31、n Outdoor metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear, outdoor metal-clad switchgear, and outdoor metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear have reached a position of widespread application comparable to that of indoor switchgear. Outdoor switchgear has had a satisfactory operating recor

32、d for many years in cold, temperate, and hot climates that has contributed to this increased usage. However, there are conditions affecting the application of outdoor switchgear that are different from those for indoor switchgear and warrant special consideration. Realizing this situation, a study f

33、or metal-enclosed switchgear was undertaken by the Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee. It was soon established that temperature data were not available on fully loaded units in the field. Outdoor laboratory and field testing was then tried, and it became evident that, due to uncontrollable condition

34、s, accurate and complete data suitable for establishing the current-carrying capability of outdoor metal-enclosed switchgear could not be obtained. Metal-enclosed switchgear was then tested indoors with outdoor conditions simulated. While valuable data were accumulated, no reliable relationship betw

35、een results obtained indoors and conditions existing outdoors was found. However, based on these investigations, sufficient data were accumulated for the preparation of a guide for application of outdoor metal-enclosed switchgear in various climates. 1.2 Scope The general information in this guide i

36、s intended to assist in evaluating the effect of solar radiation on outdoor metal-enclosed switchgear and is applicable to outdoor metal-enclosed power switchgear, control switchboards, and metal-enclosed bus. Specific data are given in current-temperature relationship and tabulation form for outdoo

37、r metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear, outdoor metal- clad switchgear, and outdoor metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear. Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan

38、, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03:51:39 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IEEE Std C37.24-2003IEEE GUIDE FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECT OF 2Copyright 2004 IEEE. All rights reserved. 1.3 Purpose Switchgear will perform satisfactorily and have a reasonable life whe

39、n operated within the temperature limits established in IEEE Std C37.20.1-2002, IEEE Std C37.20.2-1999, IEEE Std C37.20.3-2001, IEEE Std C37.21-1985, and IEEE Std C37.23-1987. These standards specify the temperature rise limits above a standard (maximum) ambient temperature of 40 C. This is satisfac

40、tory for indoor applications where the temperature rise is due entirely to heat release (internal losses). In outdoor applications, the limiting temperatures result from the net effect of internal losses and external influences, principally the sun, wind, and local ambient temperatures. All of these

41、 must be considered in determining the current-carrying capacity of outdoor metal-enclosed switchgear. The magnitude of these factors will vary geographically and from season to season. The time relationship of maximum circuit loads with respect to maximum ambient temperature is important. It is not

42、 practical to design switchgear on the basis that all adverse factors reach their maxima coincident with maximum loads. If this does not occur, full current ratings may be realized. Recommendations will be made to point out the cumulative effect of these various influences. 2. References This guide

43、shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When these standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply. IEEE Std C37.20.1-2002, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear.1, 2 IEEE Std C37.20.2-1999, IEEE Standard for Me

44、tal-Clad Switchgear. IEEE Std C37.20.3-2001, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear. IEEE Std C37.21-1985, IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards. IEEE Std C37.23-1987, IEEE Guide for Metal-Enclosed Bus and Calculating Losses in Isolated-Phase Bus. IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2002, American Nat

45、ional Standard for Use of the International Systems of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System. 3. Operating limitations Temperature limitations for metal-enclosed switchgear are established to ensure a satisfactory life span of the insulation. Operation at higher temperatures than permitted by the app

46、ropriate standard will result in shortened life, but if the temperature of the insulation goes above normal for only a few hours during just a few days of the year, the effect on total life is hardly measurable. This is very different from the establishment of higher short-duration ratings that migh

47、t be repetitive on a day-to-day basis. The hazard of immediate breakdown is not increased unless extreme temperatures are reached. To exclude wind-blown dust and dirt, outdoor metal-enclosed switchgear is usually designed with more restricted ventilation than indoor switchgear. Because of this desig

48、n difference, outdoor switchgear has a 1The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorpo- rated. 2IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (http:/ Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Provided by IHS under license with IEEELicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Japan, IHS Not for Resale, 07/30/2008 03


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