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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 6100-1.8: 1990 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Glossary of Building and civil engineering terms Part 1: General and miscellaneous Section 1.8 Environment and physical planning Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

2、 BS 6100-1.8:1990 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Basic Data and Performance Criteria for Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 28 September 1990 BSI

3、07-1999 The Committees responsible for this British Standard are shown in Part 0 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference BDB/3 Draft for comment 87/15677 DC ISBN 0 580 18483 8 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.Date of issueComments 7249August 1

4、992Indicated by a sideline in the margin Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 BSI 07-1999i Contents Page Forewordii 180 1 Base terms1 180 2 General principles1 180 3 Land use and settlement types2 180 4 Planning p

5、olicies and problems4 180 5 Persons and organizations6 Index7 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 ii BSI 07-1999 Foreword This Section of Part 1 of BS 6100 has been prepared under the direction of the Basic Data

6、and Performance Criteria for Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee. This Section of BS 6100 is not intended to be comprehensive. A general introduction to and explanation of this glossary is given in Part 0 of BS 6100 which itemizes the Parts and Sections into which th

7、is glossary is divided and provides a general alphabetical index of all the terms in the Sections and Subsections already published. Those using individual Parts, Sections and Subsections of this glossary are urged to consult Part 0 when doing so. The other Sections of this Part are as follows: 1.0

8、General 1.1 Types of building 1.2 Spaces 1.3 Parts of construction works 1.4 Materials 1.5 Operation; associated plant and equipment 1.6 Persons 1.7 Characteristics and performance Terms are listed alphabetically in the index and are referred to by numbers which are found against the term in the bod

9、y of the Section. They are arranged in a classified order, each term having an individual number consisting of seven digits in two parts, the first of three digits, the second of four. The first three digits represent the number of the Part, Section and Subsection (in this case, the third digit is 0

10、 as there is no division into Subsections). The fourth digit represents the group of terms, the fifth digit represents the subgroup of terms (in this case, the fifth digit is 0 as there is no division into subgroups), and the last two digits represent the place within the subgroup. Alternative terms

11、 are given in medium type below the preferred terms with their status indicated, e.g. “deprecated”. These terms are not individually numbered, but are included in the index with a reference to the preferred term. Terms of more than one word, e.g. “physical planning” are written in a direct style, no

12、t as “planning, physical”. The inverted term is included in the index with a reference to the direct term. It has been considered necessary to repeat in this Section certain terms from Section 1.0 “General”. Where this occurs, the definitions of such terms are preceded by an asterisk (a). Italicized

13、 words indicate terms that are defined elsewhere in this Section. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

14、 from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 8 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the in

15、side front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 BSI 07-19991 180 1 Base terms No.TermDefinition 180 1001physical planningPreparation of proposals for the use of land within a geographical area and the contr

16、ol of development. 180 1002environmentAll external physical conditions that may influence performance and use. 180 1003landArea of the earths surface excluding the ocean, usually marked off by political or natural boundaries or boundaries of ownership. 180 1004developmentBuilding, engineering, minin

17、g or other operations on, under or over land, or making change in the use of buildings or land. NOTEOperations and changes of use that constitute development are defined under legislation. 180 2 General principles 180 2001urban planning town planning deprecated Physical planning within a built-up ar

18、ea. 180 2002regional planningPhysical planning for a region of the country. 180 2003rural planning country planning deprecated Physical planning outside a built-up area. 180 2004transport planningPhysical planning for transport. 180 2005civic amenityItem or provision that improves the appearance of

19、the environment, such as the protection and improvement of buildings, the preservation and planting of trees and the disposal of disused vehicles and other waste material. 180 2006means of accessPublic or private way of approach or entrance for pedestrians or vehicles. 180 2007deleted 180 2008adapti

20、ve useUse of a building for a different purpose from that for which it was designed and that involves alterations to suit the new use. 180 2009deleted 180 2010deleted 180 2011deleted 180 2012deleted 180 2013deleted 180 2014deleted 180 2015deleted 180 2016deleted 180 2017deleted 180 2018deleted Licen

21、sed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 2 BSI 07-1999 No.TermDefinition 180 2019site (1)Area of land or water where construction work or other development is undertaken. 180 2020site (2)Area of land designated by a planni

22、ng application for a specific development. 180 2021caravan siteLand designated for siting one or more caravans. 180 2022nature reserveLand managed for the conservation and study of flora, fauna, geological and physiographical features. 180 2023temporary premisesPremises that are not intended to be o

23、ccupied permanently for the use in question. 180 3 Land use and settlement types 180 3001infrastructurePhysical facilities and services required to support development together with associated land uses. 180 3002environmentally sensitive area Area where the environment is especially important and a

24、planning application is considered with reference to a defined policy. 180 3003backlandLand that is to the rear of existing development along a road frontage. 180 3004area of special controlArea defined by a local planning authority as being an area where there is to be special control; e.g. over th

25、e display of advertisements and signs. 180 3005assisted areaPart of the country that receives regional selective assistance from the government to encourage the growth and proper distribution of business. 180 3006built-up areaLand that is developed with largely uninterrupted buildings and building p

26、lots and related infrastructure. 180 3007conurbation metropolitan region deprecated Coalescence of built-up areas. 180 3008townscapeVisual quality of all the elements of a built-up area. 180 3009green field siteSite for development on which there are no existing buildings, usually at the periphery o

27、f a built-up area. 180 3010action areaArea selected by a local planning authority within the context of a local plan that is given priority for development, redevelopment or improvements. 180 3011commercial improvement area Business area in need of rehabilitation and regeneration. 180 3012simplified

28、 planning zoneArea in which certain types of development are specified, so that a developer will know with certainty the types of development that may be carried out, without having to make a planning application. 180 3013conservation areaArea designated under legislation as being of special archite

29、ctural or historical significance, so that its character may be preserved or enhanced. 180 3014enterprise zoneUrban area where special measures are taken to encourage industrial and commercial activity by relaxing or speeding up the application of certain statutory or administrative controls. 180 30

30、15inner cityAreas around the centre of a city. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 BSI 07-19993 No.Term Definition 180 3016town centreCentral business, civic, entertainment and shopping area of a town. 180 3017ci

31、ty centreCentral business, civic, entertainment and shopping area of a city. 180 3018neighbourhoodArea of a town or city that forms a relatively self-contained social unit. 180 3019new townTown developed in accordance with a master plan either on a green field site or in an area containing existing

32、villages or smaller towns. 180 3020suburbPredominantly residential area on the outskirts of a city or town. 180 3021overspillPopulation or commercial or industrial activity of an area that cannot be accommodated when the area is redeveloped. 180 3022retail parkArea designated for a number of large s

33、upermarkets and department stores with parking. 180 3023Crown landLand in which the Crown, the Duchies of Cornwall or Lancaster, or a government department have an interest. 180 3024vacant landLand that has no obvious current use and is in a state of neglect. 180 3025waste landVacant land that is no

34、t being put to use, and for which reclamation measures are necessary if it is to be used. 180 3026derelict landVacant land so damaged by industrial or other development that it cannot be beneficially used without treatment. 180 3027white landUndeveloped land that has no particular use allocated to i

35、t on a development plan. 180 3028common land common deprecated Open space, registered under legislation, that is normally accessible to the public. 180 3029village greenPublic open space in a village, usually in the centre. 180 3030public open spaceLand used for public recreation other than national

36、 parks and areas of open country. 180 3031court yard court deprecated Open space surrounded by contiguous buildings. 180 3032area of outstanding natural beauty Area of open country, whose beauty is recognized as being of national importance and that is designated under legislation so that steps can

37、be taken to protect it. 180 3033national parkArea of open country, other than an area of outstanding natural beauty, designated under legislation as being of such beauty and value that it should be conserved for the nation. 180 3034site of special scientific interest area of special scientific inter

38、est Northern Ireland Area of special interest designated under legislation on account of its flora, fauna, or geological or physiographical features. 180 3035green beltDefined area of open country that surrounds an urban area, intended to prevent the spread of urban development. 180 3036open country

39、 countryside deprecated Land outside a built-up area that is largely free of buildings. 180 3037agricultural landLand used for agriculture. 180 3038agricultural unitPortion of agricultural land, farmed as a unit, that may include buildings associated with its use. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffiel

40、dun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 4 BSI 07-1999 No.TermDefinition 180 3039amenity grasslandExtensive areas of grass with recreational, functional or aesthetic value, where agricultural production is not the primary aim. 180 3040ancient monumentA

41、ncient building, structure or earthwork of historic, architectural, traditional, artistic or archaeological interest recognized by legislation so that it is protected. 180 3041historic buildingBuilding of historic or architectural interest. 180 3042listed buildingHistoric building recorded under leg

42、islation so that it is afforded a measure of protection against demolition, alteration and neglect. 180 3043redundant buildingDisused building no longer needed for its former purpose. 180 3044road aSurfaced way mainly for vehicles. 180 3045highwayWay over which the public has the right to pass. The

43、right may be restricted to specific classes of traffic. 180 3046streetRoad that is partly or wholly flanked by buildings established along one or both frontages, and which may not be a highway. 180 3047avenueWide street lined with trees. 180 3048boulevardWide street laid out with grassed areas betwe

44、en road and footways, usually with a central reservation. 180 3049cul-de-sacStreet accessible from only one end. 180 3050closeShort residential cul-de-sac. 180 3051crescentStreet and flanking buildings laid out in the form of an arc. 180 3052terraceRow of adjoining buildings. 180 3053squareRectangul

45、ar open space, surrounded by buildings, with streets around its perimeter. 180 3054bridleway driftway, drove way, packway, non-preferred bridle path, bridle road, deprecated Highway for use on foot, on horseback or leading a horse. There may be private rights for vehicular use or for driving animals

46、. 180 3055cycle trackWay or separate part of a road for use only by pedal cycles. 180 3056precinctUrban area within a recognized boundary for particular pedestrian use such as shopping. 180 3057180 3057 deleted. 180 3058pedestrian zoneArea intended primarily for pedestrians but which prescribed vehi

47、cles may use at prescribed times. 180 4 Planning policies and problems 180 4001development controlProcess by which a planning authority exercises control over development by granting or refusing planning permission, and by enforcement of planning legislation. 180 4002aesthetic controlDevelopment con

48、trol related to appearance. 180 4003development planProposals by a planning authority that gives its policy on development for its area. 180 4004local planDevelopment for a limited area or subject, for example a district local plan or a minerals local plan. 180 4005design guidanceAdvice from a plann

49、ing authority on how development should be carried out in a specific area, usually with emphasis on the physical appearance of buildings. a Repeated from Section 1.0 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Tue Dec 05 01:09:04 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 6100-1.8:1990 BSI 07-19995 No.TermDefinition 180 4006general development order Statutory Instrument that specifies classes of permitted development. 180 4007special development order Statutory Instrument that grants planning permission for the development of the land specified. 180 4008use classes orde


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