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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISOAEC 14760 First edition 1997-12-15 Information technology - Data interchange on 90 mm overwritable and read only optical disk cartridges using phase change - Capacity: I,3 Gbytes per cartridge Technologies de /information - - the environments in which the cartridges are to

2、be operated, stored and transported; - the mechanical and physical characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide mechanical interchangeability between data processing systems; - the format of the information on the disk, both embossed and user-written; including the physical disposition of the

3、tracks and sectors, the error correction codes, and the modulation method used; - the characteristics of the etnbossed information on the disk; - the phase change overwritable characteristics of the disk, enabling processing systems to overwrite data onto the disk; - the minimum quality of user-writ

4、ten data on the disk, enabling data processing systems to read data from the disk. This International Standard provides for interchange between optical disk drives. Together with a standard for volume and file structure, it provides for full data interchange between data processing systems. 2 Confor

5、mance 2.1 Optical disk cartridge (ODC) A claim of conformance with this International Standard shall specify the Type implemented. An ODC shall be in conformance with this International Standard if it meets all mandatory requirements specified herein for that Type. 2.2 Generating system A claim of c

6、onformance with this International Standard shall specify which Type(s) is (are) supported. A system generating an ODC for interchange shall be in conformance with this International Standard if it meets the mandatory requirements of this International Standard for the Type(s) specified. Copyright I

7、nternational Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/03/2007 22:02:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC 14760:1997 (E) OISO/IEC 2.3 Receiving system

8、 A claim of conformance with this International Standard shall specify which Type(s) is (are) supported. A system receiving an ODC for interchange shall be in conformance to this International Standard if it is able to process any recording made on the cartridge in accordance with the Type(s) specif

9、ied. 2.4 Compatibility statement A claim of conformance by a generating or receiving system with this International Standard shall include a statement listing other International Standards supported, if any. This statement shall specify the number of the standard(s), the ODC type(s) supported (where

10、 appropriate) and whether support includes reading only or both reading and overwriting. 3 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was

11、 valid. All standards are subjected to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid Internationa

12、l Standards. IEC 950: 1991, Safety of information technology equipment. 4 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 4.1 band: A part of the Data Zone comprising a fixed number of consecutive physical tracks. 4.2 case: The housing for an optical dis

13、k, that protects the disk and facilitates disk interchange. 4.3 Channel bit: The elements by which the binary values ZERO and ONE are represented on the disk by either a space or a mark. NOTE - In this International Standard each input bit is represented by two Channel bits. Their sequence depends o

14、n that of the input bits. 4.4 clamping zone: The annular part of the disk within which the clamping force is applied by the clamping device. 4.5 control track: A track containing the information on media parameters and format necessary for overwriting and reading the remaining tracks on the optical

15、disk. 4.6 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): A method for detecting errors in data. 4.7 defect management: A method for handling the defective areas on the data. 4.8 disk reference plane: A plane defined by the perfectly flat annular surface of an ideal spindle onto which the clamping zone of the disk i

16、s clamped, and which is normal to the axis of rotation. 4.9 embossed mark: A mark so formed as to be unalterable by phase change optical means. 4.10 entrance surface: The surface of the disk onto which the optical beam first impinges. 4.11 Error Correction Code (ECC): An error-detecting code designe

17、d to correct certain kinds of errors in data. 4.12 field: A subdivision of a sector. 4.13 format: The arrangement or layout of information on the disk. 4.14 fully embossed disk: An optical disk in which all data fields in the Data Zone are embossed. 4.15 fully overwritable disk: An optical disk in w

18、hich the data in specified areas can be written using one-beam overwrite (see 4.22). 4.16 groove: See 4.19. 4.17 hub: The central feature on the disk which interacts with the spindle of the disk drive to provide radial centring and the clamping force. 4.18 interleaving: The process of allocating the

19、 physical sequence of units of data so as to render the data more immune to burst errors. 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/03/2007 22:02:04 MDTNo reproduction or n

20、etworking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 14760:1997 (E) 4.19 land and groove: A wench-like feature of the disk, applied before the recording of any information, and used to define the track location. The groove with which the land is to be paired to form a track is located

21、 nearer to the entrance surface than the land and the data is recorded in the grooves. 4.20 logical track: Either 16 contiguous sectors for 5 12-byte sector disks or 4 contiguous sectors for disks with 204%byte sector disks in less than one complete revolution of the disk. Sector number 0 is assigne

22、d to the first sector of each logical track. 4.21 mark: A feature of the recording layer which may take the form an amorphous spot, a pit, or any other type of form that can be sensed by the optical system. The pattern of marks represents the data on the disk. NOTE - Subdivisions of a sector which a

23、re named mark are not marks in the sense of this definition. 4.22 one-beam overwrite: A method by which the information is written by overwriting without prior erasing using a laser beam. 4.23 optical disk: A disk that will accept and retain information in the form of marks in a recording layer, tha

24、t can be read with an optical beam. 4.24 optical disk cartridge (ODC): A device consisting of a case containing an optical disk. 4.25 partially embossed disk: An optical disk which contains both overwritable and embossed data fields in the Data Zone. 4.26 phase change (PC): A physical effect in whic

25、h the laser beam irradiated area of a recording film is heated so as to reversibly change from an amorphous state to a crystalline state, and vice versa. 4.27 physical track: The path followed by the focus of the optical beam during one revolution of the disk. 4.28 physical track group: A fixed numb

26、er of consecutive physical tracks in the Data Zone. 4.29 pitch: The distance between adjacent physical track centrelines, measured in a radial direction. 4.30 polarization: The direction of polarization of an optical beam is the direction of the electric vector of the beam. NOTE - The plane of polar

27、ization is the plane containing the electric vector and the direction of propagation of the beam. The polarization is circularly right- handed when, to an observer looking in the direction of propagation of the beam, the end point of the electric vector would appear to describe an circle in the cloc

28、kwise sense. 4.31 read power: The optical power, incident at the entrance surface of the disk, used when reading. 4.32 recording layer: A layer of the disk on, or in, which data is written during manufacture and/or use. 4.33 Reed-Solomon code: An error detection and/or correction code which is parti

29、cularly suited for the correction of errors which occur in bursts or are strongly correlated. 4.34 sector: The smallest addressable part of a track in the Information Zone of a disk that can be accessed independently of other addressable parts of the zone. 4.35 spindle The part of the disk drive whi

30、ch contacts the disk and/or hub. 4.36 substrate: A transparent layer of the disk, provided for mechanical support of the recording layer, through which the optical beam accesses the recording layer. 4.37 ZCAV: A disk format requiring Zoned Constant Angular Velocity operation, all tracks in the Data

31、Zone being logical tracks. 4.38 zone: An annular area of the disk. 5 Conventions and notations 5.1 Representation of numbers A measured value is rounded off to the least significant digit of the corresponding specified value. It implies that a specified value of 1,26 with a positive tolerance + O,Ol

32、, and a negative tolerance - 0,02 allows a range of measured values from 1,235 to 1,275. - Letters and digits in parentheses represent numbers in hexadecimal notation. - The setting of a bit is denoted by ZERO or ONE. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under lic

33、ense with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/03/2007 22:02:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC14760:1997(E) OISOAEC AM CRC DDS DMA ECC EDAC FAl FA2 ID LBA LSB MSB ODC O-ROM PA PC PDL PLL P-ROM L(2,7j R-S SDL VF

34、O ZCAV - Numbers in binary notation and bit combinations are represented by strings of 0 and 1. - Numbers in binary notation and bit combinations are shown with the most significant bit to the left. - Negative values of numbers in binary notation are given in TWOs complement. - In each field the dat

35、a is recorded so that the most significant byte (byte 0) is recorded first. Within each byte the least significant bit is number 0 and is recorded last, the most significant bit (numbered 7 in a guidance is given in annex P. 8.2 Temperature shock The optical disk cartridge shall withstand a temperat

36、ure shock of up to 20 “C when inserted into, or removed from, the drive. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/03/2007 22:02:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted

37、 without license from IHS -,-,- ISO/IEC 14760:1997 (E) OISO/IEC 8.3 Safety requirements The cartridge shall satisfy the safety requirements of IEC 950, when used in the intended manner or in any foreseeable use in an information processing system. 8.4 Flammability The cartridge and its components sh

38、all be made from materials that comply with the flammability class for HB materials, or better, as specified in IEC 950. 9 Reference Drive The Reference Drive is a drive several critical components of which have well defined properties and which is used to test overwrite and read parameters of the d

39、isk for conformance to this International Standard. The critical components vary from test to test. This clause gives an outline of all components; components critical for tests in specific clauses only are specified in these clauses. 9.1 Optical system The basic set-up of the optical system of the

40、Reference Drive used for measuring the overwrite and read parameters is shown in figure 1. Different components and locations of components are permitted, provided that the performance remains the same as that of the set-up in figure 1. The optical system shall be such that the detected light reflec

41、ted from the entrance surface of the disk is minimized so as not to influence the accuracy of the measurements. The optical beam emitted from a laser diode A shall be collimated by a collimator lens B, and the ellipticity of the collimated beam shall be corrected by the optical shaping prism C. Afte

42、r passing through the polarizing beam splitter D and the quarter-wave plate E, the p-polarized beam becomes a right- handed circularly polarized light. After being converted to circularly light, the light which is focused on the data recording surface of the optical disk G by the objective lens F .

43、The circularly polarized light reflected back from the optical disk G, which is polarized to the left-handed, is converted to a s- polarized light through the quarter-wave plate E, and all of the s-polarized light shall be reflected to the direction of the beam splitter H by the polarizing beam spli

44、tter D. One-half of the light intensity is then reflected by the beam splitter H, while the other half is transmitted. The polarizing beam splitter D shall have a p-s intensity reflectance ratio of at least 100. The output of Tracking Channel is the difference between currents I1 and 12 of a split p

45、hoto diode K (Kl and K2) and is used for the radial tracking of the optical beam. J is a quadrant photo diode. The output of Read Channel is the sum of the currents through photo diodes Jl, J2, J3, and J4, and is used for reading embossed marks and user-written marks with the reflective change. The

46、output of the Focusing Channel is the difference between the sum of currents through photo diodes J2 and J4 and the sum of current thorough photo diodes Jl and J3, and shall be used for the focusing. 6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Li

47、censee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 04/03/2007 22:02:04 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 14760: 1997 (E) G Read B 9 A 4 A B C D E F Tracking w I I 1 2 Laser diode G Optical disk Collimator lens H Beam splitter O

48、ptional shaping prism I Cylindrical/spherical lens Polarizing beam splitter J Quadrant-split photo diode for Read Channel and Focusing Channel Quarter-wave plate K Split photo diode for Tracking Channel Objective lens L1,2,3,4,5 d.c.-coupled amplifiers Figure 1 - Optical system of the Reference Driv

49、e 9.2 Optical beam The focused optical beam used for overwriting and reading data shall have the properties: a) Wavelength (a) 685nm+lOnm b) The numerical aperture of the objective lens (NA) 0,60 c) Wavelength (h) divided by NA /NA= 1,14pm*0,02/.tm d) Filling D/W of the aperture of the objective lens 0,8 max. e) Variance of the wavefront of the optical beam Otoh2/ 400 n


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