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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 14776-232 First edition 2001-11 Information technology Small computer system interface (SCSI) Part 232: Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) Reference number ISO/IEC 14776-232:2001(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 14776-232 First edition 2001-11 Information technology Small

2、computer system interface (SCSI) Part 232: Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) PRICE CODE ISO/IEC 2001 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, wit

3、hout permission in writing from the publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genve 20 Switzerland X For price, see current catalogue 2 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) CONTENTS FOREWORD 6 1Scope and object. 7 1.1Scope. 7 1.2Object 7 2Normative references 8 3Definitions and notation. 9 3.

4、1Definitions 9 3.1.1 Conformance. 9 3.1.2 Glossary 9 3.1.3 Abbreviations .12 3.2Notation 12 3.2.1 Numeric values 12 3.2.2 Bit, byte and quadlet ordering.12 3.2.3 Register specifications .13 3.2.4 State machines 15 4Model (informative).17 4.1Unit architecture17 4.2Logical units17 4.3Requests and resp

5、onses .17 4.4Data buffers 18 4.5Target agents20 4.6Ordered and unordered execution .21 5Data structures.22 5.1Operation request blocks (ORBs). .23 5.1.1 Dummy ORB 24 5.1.2 Command block ORBs .24 5.1.3 Management ORBs 26 5.2Page tables.33 5.2.1 Unrestricted page tables. .34 5.2.2 Normalized page tabl

6、es34 5.3Status block. .35 5.3.1 Request status .37 5.3.2 Unsolicited device status39 6Control and status registers40 6.1Core registers .40 6.2Serial Bus-dependent registers40 6.3MANAGEMENT_AGENT register.41 6.4Command block agent registers 41 6.4.1 AGENT_STATE register.42 6.4.2 AGENT_RESET register.

7、43 6.4.3 ORB_POINTER register .43 6.4.4 DOORBELL register .44 6.4.5 UNSOLICITED_STATUS_ENABLE register45 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 3 7Configuration ROM.46 7.1Power reset initialization .46 7.2Bus information block47 7.3Root directory48 7.3.1 Module_Vendor_ID entry48 7.3.2 Node_Capabilities entry .48

8、 7.3.3 Unit_Directory entry .48 7.4Unit directory.49 7.4.1 Unit_Spec_ID entry. .49 7.4.2 Unit_SW_Version entry 49 7.4.3 Command_Set_Spec_ID entry50 7.4.4 Command_Set entry.50 7.4.5 Command_Set_Revision entry50 7.4.6 Firmware_Revision entry51 7.4.7 Management_Agent entry.51 7.4.8 Unit_Characteristics

9、 entry 51 7.4.9 Reconnect_Timeout entry.52 7.4.10 Logical_Unit_Directory entry52 7.4.11 Logical_Unit_Number entry52 7.4.12 Unit_Unique_ID entry 53 7.5Logical unit directory .53 7.5.1 Command_Set_Spec_ID entry54 7.5.2 Command_Set entry.54 7.5.3 Command_Set_Revision entry54 7.5.4 Logical_Unit_Number e

10、ntry 54 7.6Unit unique ID leaf.54 8Access .56 8.1Access protocols .56 8.2Login.56 8.3Reconnection 57 8.4Logout.58 9Command execution.59 9.1Requests and request lists 59 9.1.1 Fetch agent initialization (informative) 59 9.1.2 Dynamic appends to request lists (informative) 60 9.1.3 Fetch agent use by

11、the BIOS (informative) .61 9.1.4 Fetch agent state machine .61 9.2Data transfer .64 9.3Completion status64 9.4Unsolicited status65 4 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 10Task management66 10.1 Task sets 66 10.2 Basic task management model66 10.3 Error conditions.67 10.4 Task management requests.67 10.4.1 Abo

12、rt task67 10.4.2 Abort task set 68 10.4.3 Logical unit reset.69 10.4.4 Target reset.69 10.5 Task management event matrix.70 Annex A (normative) Minimum Serial Bus node capabilities 71 Annex B (normative) SCSI command and status encapsulation.73 Annex C (normative) Security extensions78 Annex D (info

13、rmative) Sample configuration ROM.81 Annex E (informative) Serial Bus transaction error recovery85 Annex F (informative) SCSI Architecture Model conformance .87 Figure 1 Bit ordering within a byte13 Figure 2 Byte ordering within a quadlet13 Figure 3 Quadlet ordering within an octlet13 Figure 4 CSR s

14、pecification example.14 Figure 5 State machine example16 Figure 6 Linked list of ORBs 18 Figure 7 Directly addressed data buffer .19 Figure 8 Indirectly addressed data buffer (via page table)19 Figure 9 Address pointer22 Figure 10 ORB pointer .22 Figure 11 ORB family tree23 Figure 12 ORB format23 Fi

15、gure 13 Dummy ORB 24 Figure 14 Command block ORB.25 Figure 15 Management ORB27 Figure 16 Login ORB .28 Figure 17 Login response 29 Figure 18 Query logins ORB 30 Figure 19 Query logins response format.30 Figure 20 Reconnect ORB .31 Figure 21 Logout ORB .32 Figure 22 Task management ORB .33 Figure 23

16、Page table element (unrestricted page table) .34 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 5 Figure 24 Page table element (when page_size equals four)34 Figure 25 Status block format 36 Figure 26 TRANSPORT FAILURE format for sbp_status38 Figure 27 MANAGEMENT_AGENT format .41 Figure 28 AGENT_STATE format.42 Figure 2

17、9 AGENT_RESET format 43 Figure 30 ORB_POINTER format.44 Figure 31 DOORBELL format.45 Figure 32 UNSOLICITED_STATUS_ENABLE format45 Figure 33 Configuration ROM hierarchy .46 Figure 34 Bus information block format47 Figure 35 Module_Vendor_ID entry format.48 Figure 36 Node_Capabilities entry format 48

18、Figure 37 Unit_Directory entry format 49 Figure 38 Unit_Spec_ID entry format .49 Figure 39 Unit_SW_Version entry format .49 Figure 40 Command_Set_Spec_ID entry format.50 Figure 41 Command_Set entry format50 Figure 42 Command_Set_Revision entry format.50 Figure 43 Firmware_Revision entry format.51 Fi

19、gure 44 Management_Agent entry format51 Figure 45 Unit_Characteristics entry format .51 Figure 46 Reconnect_Timeout entry format52 Figure 47 Logical_Unit_Directory entry format .52 Figure 48 Logical_Unit_Number entry format .52 Figure 49 Unit_Unique_ID entry format 53 Figure 50 Unit unique ID leaf f

20、ormat.54 Figure 51 Fetch agent initialization with a dummy ORB60 Figure 52 Fetch agent state machine .62 Figure B.1 SCSI command block ORB .73 Figure B.2 SCSI control byte73 Figure B.3 Status block format for SCSI sense data.74 Figure C.1 Set password ORB .79 Figure D.1 Basic configuration ROM 81 Fi

21、gure D.2 SCSI configuration ROM.83 Table 1 Data transfer speeds.26 Table 2 Management request functions27 Table F.1 SAM-2 Service responses 89 - 6 -14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SMALL COMPUTER SYSTEM INTERFACE (SCSI) Part 232: Serial bus protocol 2 (SBP-2) FOREWORD 1)ISO (Internat

22、ional Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by

23、the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. 2)In the field o

24、f information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the na

25、tional bodies casting a vote. 3)Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard ISO/IEC 14776-232 was pr

26、epared by subcommittee 25: Inter- connection of information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1: Information technology. This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. Annexes A, B and C form an integral part of this International Standa

27、rd. Annexes D, E and F are for information only. 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 7 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SMALL COMPUTER SYSTEM INTERFACE (SCSI) Part 232: Serial bus protocol 2 (SBP-2) 1 Scope and object 1.1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 14776 defines a protocol for the transport of commands and data over Hi

28、gh Performance Serial Bus. The transport protocol, Serial Bus Protocol 2 or SBP-2, requires implementations to conform to the requirements of this standard as well as to ISO/IEC 13213:1994 and permits the exchange of commands, data and status between initiators and targets connected to Serial Bus. 1

29、.2 Object Original development work for Serial Bus Protocol (SBP) was initiated out of a desire to adapt SCSI capabilities and facilities to a particular serial environment IEEE 1394. Serial interconnects offer a migration path for SCSI into the future because they may be better suited to cost reduc

30、tion and speed increases than the parallel interconnects first utilized by SCSI. As development of the standard progressed, it became evident that the solutions provided by SBP-2 were of general applicability to large classes of Serial Bus peripheral devices. With this in mind, the development work

31、was redirected to provide mechanisms for the delivery of commands, date and status independent of the command set or device class of the peripheral. SBP-2 provides a generic framework that may be referenced by other documents or standards that address the unique requirements of a particular class of

32、 devices. The enhanced goals set for the design of SBP-2 are ranked below: the protocol should permit the encapsulation of commands, data and status from a diversity of command sets, legacy as well as future, in order to preserve the investment in an existing application and operating system softwar

33、e base; the protocol should allow the initiator to dynamically add tasks to this set while the target is active in execution of earlier tasks. The addition of new tasks should not interfere with the targets processing of tasks currently active; although the protocol should enable varying levels of f

34、eatures and performance in target implementations, strong focus should be kept on a minimal set deemed adequate for entry- level environments; within the constraints posed by the preceding goal, the hardware and software design of the initiator should not be unduly affected by variations in target c

35、apabilities; in order to promote the scalability of aggregate system performance, the protocol should distribute the DMA context from the initiator adapter to the target devices. Although SBP-2 has been designed for Serial Bus as currently specified by IEEE 1394, it is believed that it will be appro

36、priate for use with future extensions to Serial Bus as they are standardized. 8 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, th

37、e latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming Languages C ISO/IEC 13213:1994, Information technology Microprocessor systems Control and Status Register (CSR) Architecture for Microcomputer Buses ANSI/IEEE 1394:1995, IEEE Standard for H

38、igh Perfomance Serial Bus IEEE P1394a, Draft Standard for High Perfomance Serial Bus (Supplement)1) BSR X3 PN 1157-D, Information technology SCSI Architecture Model 2 (SAM-2)2) BSR NCITS PN 1236-D, Information technology SCSI Primary Commands 2 (SPC-2)2) 1) Under development. Available from the Inst

39、itute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 2) Under development. Available from the National Committee for Information Technology Standards, 1250 Eye Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005-3922 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 9 3 Definitions

40、 and notation 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 Conformance Several keywords are used to differentiate levels of requirements and optionality, as follows: expected: A keyword used to describe the behavior of the hardware or software in the design models assumed by this standard. Other hardware and softw

41、are design models may also be imple- mented. ignored: A keyword that describes bits, bytes, quadlets, octlets or fields whose values are not checked by the recipient. may: A keyword that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference. reserved: A keyword used to d

42、escribe objectsbits, bytes, quadlets, octlets and fieldsor the code values assigned to these objects in cases where either the object or the code value is set aside for future standardization. Usage and interpretation may be specified by future extensions to this or other standards. A reserved objec

43、t shall be zeroed or, upon development of a future standard, set to a value specified by such a standard. The recipient of a reserved object shall not check its value. The recipient of an object defined by this standard other than reserved shall check its value and reject reserved code values. 3.1.1

44、.5 shall: A keyword that indicates a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement all such mandatory requirements to assure interoperability with other products conforming to this standard. should: A keyword that denotes flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternati

45、ve. Equivalent to the phrase “is recommended.” 3.1.2 Glossary The following terms are used in this standard: byte: Eight bits of data. command block: Space reserved within an ORB to describe a command intended for a logical unit that controls device functions or the transfer of data

46、to or from device medium. The format and meaning of command blocks are outside the scope of SBP-2 and are command set- or device- dependent. device server: A component of a logical unit responsible to execute tasks initiated by command blocks that specify data transfer or other device operat

47、ions. initial node space: The 256 terabytes of Serial Bus address space that may be available to each node. Addresses within initial node space are 48 bits and are based at zero. The initial node space in- cludes initial memory space, private space, initial register space and initial units s

48、pace. See either ISO/IEC 13213 or ANSI/IEEE 1394 for more information on address spaces. initial register space: A two kilobyte portion of initial node space with a base address of FFFF F000 000016. Core registers defined by ISO/IEC 13213 are located within initial register space as are Seri

49、al Bus-dependent registers defined by ANSI/IEEE 1394. 14776-232 ISO/IEC:2001(E) 10 initial units space: A portion of initial node space with a base address of FFFF F000 080016. This places initial units space adjacent to and above initial register space. The CSRs and other facilities de- fined by unit architectures are expected to lie within this space. initiator: A node that ori


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