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1、NORME INTERNATIONALE CEI IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 598-2-6 1994 AMENDEMENT 1 AMENDMENT 1 1996-11 Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical Commission CODE PRIX PRICE CODE Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur For price, see current catalogue D Amendement 1 Luminaires

2、Partie 2: Rgles particulires Section 6: Luminaires transformateurs intgrs pour lampes filament de tungstne Amendment 1 Luminaires Part 2: Particular requirements Section 6: Luminaires with built-in transformers for filament lamps CEI 1996 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reserved

3、 Bureau central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3, rue de Varemb Genve Suisse Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or netw

4、orking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 2 598-2-6 amend. 1 CEI:1996 AVANT-PROPOS Le prsent amendement a t tabli par le sous-comit 34D: Luminaires, du comit dtudes 34 de la CEI: Lampes et quipements associs. Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants: FDISRapport de vote 34D/4

5、22/FDIS34D/440/RVD Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti lapprobation de cet amendement. _ Page de couverture, page de titre, pages 4 et 6 Modifier le titre comme suit: Section 6: Luminaires avec transformateurs ou convertisseurs incorpo

6、rs pour lampes filament Page 6 6.1 Domaine dapplication Insrer, dans le premier alina, la deuxime ligne, aprs transformateurs: ou convertisseurs. Insrer, dans le troisime alina, la premire ligne, aprs transformateurs: ou des convertisseurs TBTS et la deuxime ligne, aprs transformateurs: ou convertis

7、seurs. 6.1.1 Rfrences normatives Ajouter la liste le titre de la norme suivante: CEI 1046: 1993, Convertisseurs abaisseurs lectroniques, aliments en courant continu ou alternatif, pour lampes incandescence Prescriptions gnrales et de scurit Page 8 6.3 Dfinitions Ajouter dans les dfinitions 6.3.2 6.3

8、.7 (ou du convertisseur). 6.3.5 et 6.3.6 Insrer aprs frquence nominale le mot dalimentation. 6.5 Marquage Ajouter la fin de la note ou un convertisseur. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not

9、for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 598-2-6 Amend. 1 IEC:1996 3 FOREWORD This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 34D: Luminaires, of IEC technical committee 34: Lamps and related equipment. The text of this amendment is b

10、ased on the following documents: FDISReport on voting 34D/422/FDIS34D/440/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. _ Cover page, title page, pages 5 and 7 Amend the title as follows: Section 6: Luminaires

11、 with built-in transformers or convertors for filament lamps Page 7 6.1 Scope Insert, in the first paragraph, first line after the word “transformers”: “or convertors”. Insert in the third paragraph, first line after the word “transformers”: “or (SELV) convertors” and on the second line after the wo

12、rd “transformers”: “or convertors”. 6.1.1 Normative references Add to the list the title of the following standard: IEC 1046: 1993, DC or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps General and safety requirements Page 9 6.3 Definitions Add in definitions 6.3.2 to 6.3.7 “(or con

13、vertor)”. 6.3.5 and 6.3.6 Insert the word “supply” before the word “frequency”. 6.5 Marking Add at the end of the note “or convertor”. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/

14、2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 4 598-2-6 amend. 1 CEI:1996 Page 10 6.5.4 Modifier le premier alinea comme suit: Les transformateurs et les convertisseurs doivent tre . soit sur le luminaire, ou le transformateur, ou le convertisseur, soit dans

15、 les instructions du fabricant . Modifier le point b) comme suit: Si le transformateur ou le convertisseur est rglable . Modifier la deuxime phrase du point c) comme suit: Pour les transformateurs et les convertisseurs prises . Cependant, si le transformateur ou le convertisseur est prvu . Remplacer

16、 le paragraphe 6.5.5 par le suivant: Si une liaison fusible remplaable, est utilise afin de protger le transformateur ou le convertisseur, le calibre de la liaison fusible doit tre marqu sur, ou prs de son support. Si le transformateur ou le convertisseur incorporent une liaison fusible remplaable,

17、qui nest pas visible en service, le symbole fusible doit tre marqu sur le transformateur ou le convertisseur: (voir le symbole N 5016 de la CEI 417). 6.6.1 Modifier le point b) comme suit: b) en utilisant un transformateur double enroulement ou un convertisseur avec un transformateur double enroulem

18、ent au secondaire. Lisolation entre les enroulements de ces transformateurs doit tre une isolation principale ou renforce. NOTE Pour les luminaires de la classe II isolation fonctionnelle du transformateur ou du convertisseur . et le circuit secondaire du transformateur ou du convertisseur. Page 12

19、6.8.1 Ajouter ou du convertisseuraprs du transformateur. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

20、IHS -,-,- 598-2-6 Amend. 1 IEC:1996 5 Page 11 6.5.4 Amend the first paragraph as follows: “Transformers and convertors shall be . or on the transformer or on the convertor or in the manufacturers instructions .”. Amend item b) as follows: “. if the transformer or convertor is adjustable .”. Amend th

21、e second sentence of item c) as follows: “If, for transformers and convertors with tapped . however, the transformer or convertor is designed .”. Replace subclause 6.5.5 by the following: If a replaceable fuse-link is used to protect the transformer or convertor, the rating of the fuse- link shall b

22、e marked on or adjacent to its holder. If the transformer or convertor incorporates a replaceable fuse-link which is not visible during servicing, the fuse symbol shall be marked on the transformer or convertor: (see symbol No. 5016 of IEC 417). 6.6.1 Amend item b) as follows: b) using a double-woun

23、d transformer or a convertor with a double-wound output transformer. The insulation between the windings of these transformers shall be basic insulation or reinforced insulation. NOTE For class II luminaires with basic insulation in the transformer or convertor . and the output circuit of the transf

24、ormer or convertor. Page 13 6.8.1 Add “or convertor” after “transformer”. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted with

25、out license from IHS -,-,- 6 598-2-6 amend. 1 CEI:1996 Page 14 6.8.2 Ajouter ou dun convertisseur aprs dun transformateur. 6.12 Essais dendurance et essais thermiques Modifier le point b) ainsi: b) Lors des essais en fonctionnement normal, un luminaire doit tre essay 1,06 fois la tension nominale da

26、limentation. Selon la CEI 1046, les convertisseurs avec marquage tc doivent tre essays 1,06 fois la tension nominale. Pour les transformateurs, llvation de temprature dans les enroulements, ne doit pas dpasser les valeurs, en rapport avec la classe disolation des enroulements, spcifie dans la CEI 74

27、2. _ Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 598-2-6 Amend. 1 IEC:1996 7 Page 15 6.8.2

28、Add “or convertor” after “transformer”. 6.12 Endurance tests and thermal tests Amend item b) to read: b) During the tests for normal operation, a luminaire shall be operated at 1,06 times the nominal supply voltage. Convertors according to IEC 1046 with tc marking are to be tested at 1,06 times nomi

29、nal voltage. For transformers, the temperature rise of the windings shall not exceed the values related to the class of winding insulation specified in IEC 742. _ Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, B

30、ernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo

31、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0UBLICATIONS?DE?LA?#%)?PRPARES?)%#?PUBLICATIONS?PREPARED PAR?LE?#OMIT?D %TUDES?Np?BY?4ECHNICAL?#OMMITTEE?.O? 61: Culots de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibres pour le contrle de linterchangeabilit et de la scurit. 61-1 (1969) Pre

32、mire partie: Culots de lampes. 61-1G (1977)Septime complment. 61-1H (1977)Huitime complment. 61-1J (1980)Neuvime complment. 61-1K (1983)Dixime complment. 61-1L (1987)Onzime complment. 61-1M (1989)Douzime complment. 61-1N (1992)Treizime complment. 61-1P (1994)Quatorzime complment. 61-1Q (1994)Quinzim

33、e complment. 61-1R (1995)Seizime complment. 61-1S (1996)Dix-septime complment. 61-1T (1996)Dix-huitime complment. 61-1U (1996)Dix-neuvime complment. 61-2 (1969) Deuxime partie: Douilles. 61-2E (1977)Cinquime complment. 61-2F (1980)Sixime complment. 61-2G (1983)Septime complment. 61-2H (1987)Huitime

34、complment. 61-2J (1989)Neuvime complment. 61-2K (1992)Dixime complment. 61-2L (1994)Onzime complment. 61-2M (1994)Douzime complment. 61-2N (1995)Treizime complment. 61-2P (1996)Quatorzime complment. 61-2Q (1996)Quinzime complment. 61-2R (1996)Seizime complment. 61-3 (1969) Troisime partie: Calibres.

35、 61-3G (1977)Septime complment. 61-3H (1980)Huitime complment. 61-3J (1983)Neuvime complment. 61-3K (1987)Dixime complment. 61-3L (1989)Onzime complment. 61-3M (1992)Douzime complment. 61-3N (1994)Treizime complment. 61-3P (1994)Quatorzime complment. 61-3Q (1995)Quinzime complment. 61-3R (1996)Seizi

36、me complment. 61-3S (1996)Dix-septime complment. 61-3T (1996)Dix-huitime complment. 61-4 (1990Quatrime partie: Guide et information gnrale. 61-4A (1992)Premier complment. 61-4B (1994)Deuxime complment. 61-4C (1994)Troisime complment. 61-4D (1995)Quatrime complment. 64 (1993)Lampes filament de tungst

37、ne pour usage domes- tique et clairage gnral similaire. Prescriptions de performances. 81 (1984)Lampes tubulaires fluorescence pour lclairage gnral. Modification n 1 (1987). Modification n 2 (1988). Amendement 3 (1992). Amendement 4 (1993). Amendement 5 (1994). 155 (1993)Interrupteurs damorage lueur

38、 pour lampes fluorescence (starters). Amendement 1 (1995). 188 (1974)Lampes dcharge vapeur de mercure haute pression. Modification n 1 (1976). Modification n 2 (1979). Modification n 3 (1984). Modification n 4 (1988). Amendement 5 (1991). ? 61: Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the cont

39、rol of interchangeability and safety. 61-1 (1969) Part 1: Lamp caps. 61-1G (1977)Seventh supplement. 61-1H (1977)Eighth supplement. 61-1J (1980)Ninth supplement. 61-1K (1983)Tenth supplement. 61-1L (1987)Eleventh supplement. 61-1M (1989)Twelfth supplement. 61-1N (1992)Thirteenth supplement. 61-1P (1

40、994)Fourteenth supplement. 61-1Q (1994)Fifteenth supplement. 61-1R (1995)Sixteenth supplement. 61-1S (1996)Seventeenth supplement. 61-1T (1996)Eighteenth supplement. 61-1U (1996)Nineteenth supplement. 61-2 (1969) Part 2: Lampholders. 61-2E (1977)Fifth supplement. 61-2F (1980)Sixth supplement. 61-2G

41、(1983)Seventh supplement. 61-2H (1987)Eighth supplement. 61-2J (1989)Ninth supplement. 61-2K (1992)Tenth supplement. 61-2L (1994)Eleventh supplement. 61-2M (1994)Twelfth supplement. 61-2N (1995)Thirteenth supplement. 61-2P (1996)Fourteenth supplement. 61-2Q (1996)Fifteenth supplement. 61-2R (1996)Si

42、xteenth supplement. 61-3 (1969)Part 3: Gauges. 61-3G (1977)Seventh supplement. 61-3H (1980)Eighth supplement. 61-3J (1983)Ninth supplement. 61-3K (1987)Tenth supplement. 61-3L (1989)Eleventh supplement. 61-3M (1992)Twelfth supplement. 61-3N (1994)Thirteenth supplement. 61-3P (1994)Fourteenth supplem

43、ent. 61-3Q (1995)Fifteenth supplement. 61-3R (1996)Sixteenth supplement. 61-3S (1996)Seventeenth supplement. 61-3T (1996)Eighteenth supplement. 61-4 (1990) Part 4: Guidelines and general information. 61-4A (1992)First supplement. 61-4B (1994)Second supplement. 61-4C (1994)Third supplement. 61-4D (19

44、95)Fourth supplement. 64 (1993)Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. Performance requirements. 81 (1984)Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service. Amendment No. 1 (1987). Amendment No. 2 (1988). Amendment 3 (1992). Amendment 4 (1993). Amendment 5 (1

45、994). 155 (1993)Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps. Amendment 1 (1995). 188 (1974)High-pressure mercury vapour lamps. Amendment No. 1 (1976). Amendment No. 2 (1979). Amendment No. 3 (1984). Amendment No. 4 (1988). Amendment 5 (1991). ? Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by

46、 IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 02:28:18 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 0UBLICATIONS?DE?LA?#%)?PRPARES?)%#?PUBLICATIONS?PREPARED PAR?LE?#OMIT?D %TUDES?Np?SUITE?BY?4ECHNICAL?#OMMITTEE

47、?.O?CONTINUED? 192 (1973)Lampes vapeur de sodium basse pression. Modification n 2 (1988). Amendement n 3 (1992). Amendement n 4 (1993). Amendement n 5 (1994). 238 (1996)Douilles vis Edison pour lampes. 262 (1969)Ballasts pour lampes vapeur de mercure haute pression. Modification n 1 (1974). Modification n 2 (1976). Modification n 3 (1978). 357 (1982)Lampes tungstne-halogne (vhicule


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