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1、T e - STD-IEC bOb2-ENGL 1980 4844891 0653337 314 NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CE1 IEC 60682 1980 AMENDEMENT 2 AMENDMENT 2 1997-04 Amendement 2 Mthode de mesure de la temperature au pincement des lampes a verre de quark Amendment 2 Method of measuring the pinch temperature of quartz gl

2、ass lamps O IEC 1997 Droits de reproduction reserves - Copyright - all rights reserved International Electrotechnical Commission Telefax: 4 1 22 919 0300 3, rue de Varemb Geneva, Switzerland IEC web site http: / e-mail: inmail C Commission Electrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIX

3、International Electrotechnical Commission PRICE CODE MemnyHaponnan 3nepoiexrecna KOMHCCHR O Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur For p i a . see current catalOgUe Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, B

4、ernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-IEC bOb82-ENGL 1780 4844873 Ob53318 2.50 = FDIS -2- 60682 amend. 2 O CEI:1997 Rapport de vote AVANT-PROPOS 34A1705lFDI S Le prsent amendement a t tabli par le sous-comit 34A: Lampe

5、s, du comit dtudes 34 de ia CE: Lampes et quipements associs. 34 A1733lV D Le rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti lapprobation de cet amendement. Modifier le titre de cette norme sur la page de couverture, la page de titre et sur les page

6、s 4 et 6 comme suit: MTHODE DE MESURE DE LA TEMPRATURE AU PINCEMENT DES LAMPES VERRE DE QUARTZ Page 6 1 Domaine dapplication Remplacer le texte du domaine dapplication par le suivant: La presente norme spcifie le type de thermocouple utiliser pour la mesure de la temperature au pincement des lampes

7、verre de quartz et trois mthodes de prparation de la lampe et du thermocouple ainsi que la mesure effectuer. 2 Dfinitions Remplacer le texte de larticle 2 par le suivant: Pour les besoins de la prsente norme, les dfinitions des publications de la CE1 correspondantes doivent sappliquer. Page 8 4.2.3

8、Pour la mthode 3: I Ajouter a la fin de la note le texte suivant: ou par larc. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted

9、 without license from IHS -,-,- STD-IEC b0b82-ENGL 1780 m 4844873 Ob53337 177 m FDIC 34A1705/FDIS 60682 Amend. 2 O IEC:1997 -3- Report on voting 34A/733/RVD FOREWORD This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 34A: Lamps, of IEC technical committee 34: Lamps and related equipment. . * b The tex

10、t of this amendment is based on the following documents: Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table. Amend the title of this standard on the cover page, the title page and on pages 5 and 7 as follo ws: METHOD OF

11、 MEASURING THE PINCH TEMPERATURE OF QUARTZ GLASS LAMPS Page 7 1 scope Replace the text of the scope by the following new text: This International Standard specifies details of the type of thermocouple to be used to measure the pinch temperature of quartz glass lamps, three methods of preparation of

12、the lamp and thermocouple, and the measurement to be made. 2 Definitions Replace the existing text by the following new text: For the purposes of this standard, the definitions in the relevant IEC lamp publications shall apply. Page 9 4.2.3 For method 3 Add at the end of the note the following words

13、: or arc. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD.IEC bObAZ-ENGL L 9 A O L(BqL(B9L

14、b53320 909 m - 4 - 60682 amend. 2 O CEI:1997 5 Mesure des temperatures Ajouter, aprs cet article, la nouvelle note suivante: NOTE - Si, pour effectuer certaines mesures, le rayonnement UV nest pas supprime, il convient de prendre des mesures de protection pour les personnes se trouvant proximit. Pag

15、e 10 Paragraphe 5.1 Remplacer le texte de la note par le suivant: Cela est gnralement atteint au bout de 0,5 h a 1 h, mais cela peut demander plus de temps dans le cas des lampes de trs forte puissance. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicense

16、e=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 60682 Amend. 2 O IEC:1997 - 5 - 5 Temperature measurement Add, at the end of this clause, the following new note: NOTE - If, for certain measure

17、ments, the UV radiation of the lamp is not suppressed, care should be taken to protect persons in the vicinity. Page 11 Cubclause 5.1 Replace the text of the note by the following: This is usually achieved within 0,5 h to 1 h but may be longer with very high wattage lamps. Copyright International El

18、ectrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- STD-IEC bOb8Z-ENGL Publications de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dEtudes no

19、 34 60061: - Culots 60061-1 (1969) 60061-1G (1977) 60061-1H (1977) 60061-1J (1980) 60061-1K (1983) 60061-1L (1987) 60061-1M (1989) 60061-1N (1992) 60061-1P (1994) 60061-1Q (1994) 60061-1R (1995) 60061-1s (1996) 60061-1T (1996) 60061-1U (1996) 60061-2 (1969) 6006 1 -2E (1 977) 60061-2F (1980) 60061-2

20、6 (1983) 60061-2H (1987) 60061-27 (1989) 60061-2K (1992) 60061-2M (1994) 60061-2L (1994) 60061-2N (1995) 60061-2P (1996) 60061-24 (1996) 60061-2R (1996) 60061-3 (1969) 60061-36 (1977) 60063-3H (1980) 60061-3J (1983) 60061-3K (1987) 60061-3L (1989) 60061-3M (1992) 60061-3N (1994) 60061-3P (1994) 6006

21、1-34 (1995) 60061-31 (1996) 60061-3s (1996) 60061-3T (1996) 60061-4 (1990 60061-4A (1992) 60061-4B (1994) 60061-4C (1994) 60061-4D (1995) 60064 (1993) 60081 (1984) 60155 (1993) de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibres pour le contrle de linterchangeabilit et de la scurit. Premire partie: Culots de l

22、ampes. Septime complment. Huitime complment. Neuvime complment. Dixime complment. Onzime complment. Douzime complment. Treizime complment. Quatorzime complment. Quinzime complment. Seizime complment. Dix-septime complment. Dix-huitime complment. Dix-neuvime complment. Deuxime partie: Douilles. Cinqu

23、ime complment. Sixime complment. Septime complment. Huitime complment. Neuvime complment. Dixime complment. Onzime complment. Douzime complment. Treizime complment. Quatorzime complment. Quinzime complment. Seizime complment. Troisime partie: Calibres. Septime complment. Huitime complment. Neuvime c

24、omplment. Dixime complment. Onzime complment. Douzime complment. Treizime complment. Quatorzime complment. Quinzime complment. Seizime complment. Dix-septime complment. Dix-huitime complment. Quamme partie: Guide et information gnraie. Premier complment. Deuxime complment. Troisime complment. Quahme

25、 complment. iampes filament de tungstne pour usage domestique et clairage gnral similaire. Prescriptions de performances. Lampes tubulaires fluorescence pour lclairage Modification no 1 (1987). Modification no 2 (1988). Amendement 3 (1992). Amendement 4 (1993). Amendement 5 (1994). htemipteurs damor

26、age lueur pour lampes fluorescence (starters). Amendement 1 (1995). gnral. 1980 M 4844893 b53322 781 M IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No. 34 60061 : - Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. 60061-1 (1969) 60061-1H (1977) 60061-1

27、5 (1980)7 60061-1K (1983) 60061-1G (1977) 60061-1L (1987) 60061-1M (1989) 60061-1N (1992) 60061-1P (1994) 60061-14 (1994) 60061-1R (1995) 60061-1s (1996) 60061-1U (1996) 60061-1T (1996) 60061-2 (1969) 6006 1 -2E (1 977) 60061-2F (1980) 60061-2G (1983) 60061-2H (1987) 60061-27 (1989) 60061-2K (1992)

28、60061-2L (1994) 6006 1 -2M (1 994) 60061-2N (1995) 60061-2P (1996) 60061-2Q (1996) 60061-2R (1996) 60061-3 (1969) 6006 1 -3G ( 1977) 60061-3H (1980) 60061-3J (1983) 60061-3K (1987) 60061-3L (1989) 60061-3M (1992) 60061-3N (1994) 60061-3P (1994) 6006 1-34 (1 995) 60061-3R (1996) 60061-35 (1996) 6006

29、1 -3T (1 996) 60061-4 (1990) 60061-4A (1992) 60061-4B (1994) 60061-4C (1994) 60061-4D (1995) 60064 (1 993) 60081 (1984) 60155 (1993) Part 1: Lamp caps. Seventh supplement. Eighth supplement. Ninth supplement. Tenth supplement. Eleventh supplement. Twelfth supplement. Thirteenth supplement. Fourteent

30、h supplement. Fifteenth supplement. Sixteenth supplement Seventeenth supplement. Eighteenth supplement. Nineteenth supplement. Part 2: Lampholders. Fifth supplement. Sixth supplement. Seventh supplement. Eighth supplement. Ninth supplement. Tenth supplement. Eleventh supplement. Twelfth supplement.

31、Thirteenth supplement. Fourteenth supplement. Fifteenth supplement. Sixteenth supplement. Part 3: Gauges. Seventh supplement. Eighth supplement. Ninth supplement. Tenth supplement. Eleventh supplement. Twelfth supplement. Thirteenth supplement, Fourteenth supplement. Fifteenth supplement. Sixteenth

32、supplement. Seventeenth supplement. Eighteenth supplement. Part 4: Guidelines and general information. First supplement. Second supplement. Third supplement. Fourth supplement. Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. Performance quirements. Tubular fluorescent lam

33、ps for general lighting service. Amendment No. 1 (1987). Amendment No. 2 (1988). Amendment 3 (1992). Amendment 4 (1993). Amendment 5 (1994). Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps. Amendment 1 (1995). (suie) (continued) Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license w

34、ith IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Publications de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dEtudes no 34 (suite) 60188 (1974) 60192 (1973) 60238 (1 996) 60262 (1 969) 60357 (198

35、2) 60360 (1987) 60399 (1972) 60400 (1996) imqm dcharge vapeur de mercure haute pression. Modification no 1 (1976). Modification no 2 (1979). Modification no 3 (1984). Modification no 4 (1988). Amendement 5 (1991). Lampes vapeur de sodium basse pression. Modification no 2 (1988). Amendement no 3 (199

36、2). Amendement no 4 (1993). Amendement no 5 (1994). Douilles vis Edison pour lampes. Amendement 1 (1997). Ballasts pour lampes vapeur de mercure haute pression. Modification no i (1974). Modification no 2 (1976). Modification no 3 (1978). iampes tungstne-halogne (vhicules excepts). Modification no 1

37、 (1984). Modification no 2 (1985). Modification no 3 (1987). Modification no 4 (1989). Amendement no 5 (1992). Amendement no 6 (1993). Amendement 7 (1 994). Amendement 8 (1995). Amendement 9 (1996). Amendement 10 (1996). Mthode normalise de mesure de lchauffement dun culot de lampe. Amendement i (19

38、93). Amendement 2 (1996). Feuilles de normes pour filetage filets ronds pour douilles Ei4 et E27 avec bague support dabat- jour. Douilles pour lampes tubulaires fluorescence et douilles pour starters. Amendement 1 (1997). 60432: - Prescriptions de scurit pour lampes incandescence. 60432-1 (1993) Par

39、tie i: Lampes filament de tungstne pour usage domestique et clairage gnrai similaire. Amendement 1 (1995). Partie 2: h p e s tungstne-halogne pour usage domestique et clairage gnral similaire. Amendement i (1996). Lampes lectriques filament pour les aronefs. Modification no 1 (1981). Modification no

40、 2 (1984). 60459 (1974) Ballasts pour lampes vapeur de sodium basse pression. 60570(1995) Systmes dalimentation lectrique par rail pour luminaires. 60570-2-1 (1994) Systtmes dalimentation lectrique par rail pour luminaies - Partie 2 Systmes dalimentation mixte -Section i: Classes I et III. Amendemen

41、t i (1996). Partie 1: Prescriptions gnrales et essais. 60432-2 (1994) 60434 (1973) 60598: - Lmihaires. 60598-1 (1996) 60598-2: - Deuxime partie: Rgles particulires. 60598-2-1 (1979) Section un - Luminaires fixes usage gnral Modification no 1 (1987). IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee N

42、o. 34 (continuad) 60188 (1974) 60192 60238 60262 60357 1973) 1996) i 969) 1982) 60360 (1987) 60399 (1972) 60400 (1996) High-pressure mercury vapour lamps. Amendment No. 1 (1976). Amendment No. 2 (1979). Amendment No. 3 (1984). Amendment No. 4 (1988). Amendment 5 (1991). Low-pressure sodium vapour la

43、mps Amendment No. 2 (1988). Amendment No. 3 (1992). Amendment No. 4 1993). Amendment No. 5 (1994). Edison screw lampholders. Amendement i (1997). Ballasts for high pressure mercury vapour lamps. Amendment 1 (1974). Amendment 2 (1976). Amendment 3 (1978). Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle). Amendme

44、nt No. 1 (1984). Amendment No. 2 (1985). Amendment No. 3 (1987). Amendment No. 4 (1989). Amendment No. 5 (1992). Amendment No. 6 (1993). Amendment 7 (1994). Amendment 8 (1 995). Amendment 9 (1996). Amendment i O (1996). Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise. Amendment i (1993).

45、 Amendment 2 (1996). Standard sheets for baiTel thread for Ei4 and E27 lampholden with shade holder ring. Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterhoiders. Amendment l(1997). 60432: - Safety specifications for incandescent lamps. 60432-1 (1993) Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domesti

46、c and similar general lighting purposes. Amendment 1 (1995). Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. Amendment i (1996). Aircraft electrical filament lamps. Amendment No. 1 (1981). Amendment No. 2 (1984). Ballasts for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps. 60432

47、-2 (1994) 60434 (1973) 60459 (1974) 60570 (1995) Electrical supply track systems for luminaires. 60570-2-1 (1994) Electrical supply aack systems for luminaires - Part 2 Mixed supply systems - Section i : Classes I and m. Amendment l(1996). 60598: - Luminaires. 60598-1 (1996) Part 1: General requirem

48、ents and tests. 60598-2: - Part 2: Particular requirements. 60598-2-1 (1979) Section One - Fixed general purpose luminaires. Amendment No. 1 (1987). (suite) (continued) Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECLicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/10/2007 01:31:45 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted


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