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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 2162-3 First edition Premiere bdition 1993-1241 Corrected and reprinted Corrigee et reimprimee 1996-1041 Technical product documentation - Springs - Part 3: Vocabulary Documentation technique de produits - Ressorts Partie 3: Vocabulaire This material i

2、s reproduced from IS0 documents under International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Copyright License number IHSllCC11996. Not for resale. No part of these IS0 documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the coun

3、try of use, or with the prior written consent of IS0 (Case postale 66,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Fax +41 22 734 10 79), IHS or the IS0 Licenser s members. Reference number Num concave: waisted spring) or tapered. 2.10 helical extension spring: Extension spring normally made from wire of circular c

4、ross-section wound around an axis with or without spaces between .ts coils (open- or close-wound). 2.11 helical torsion spring: Torsion spring normally made from wire of circular cross-section wound around an axis and with ends suitable for transmit- ting a twisting moment. 2.12 helper spring: Addit

5、ional spring mounted above the main (suspension) spring which is acti- vated when its spring load is reached. The applied load will be carried mostly by the main spring and only to a small extent by the helper spring. 2.5 rondelle ressort (dite ccBellevilles): Rondelle Blastique en forme de tronc de

6、 c concaves: ressorts en diabolo) ou effilees. 2.10 ressort de traction hklicoidal: Resson de trac- tion normalement fait de fil de section circulaire, enroule autour d un axe a spires jointives ou non. 2.11 ressort de torsion h8licoi dal: Ressort de torsion normalement fait de fil de section circul

7、aire, enroule autour d un axe et ayant des extremites capables de transmettre un moment de torsion. 2.12 ressort d appoint: Ressort additionnel month au-dessus du ressort principal (ressort de suspen- sion) et qui entre en action quand la charge du res- sort est atteinte. La charge appliquee est pri

8、ncipalement supportee par le ressort principal et seulement pour une petite par-tie par le ressort d appoint. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction

9、or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2162-3: 1993(W) 2.13 leaf spring: Spring made from one or more 2.13 ressort permanent set in fatigue: Perma- nent distortion from the manufactured dimensions which occurs when a spring is stressed beyond the elastic limit of the material. 3.

10、13 spring rate (1) Force required to deflect a compression or ex- tension spring by one unit of length (axial spring rate). (2) Force (twisting moment) required to deflect a torsion spring by one angular unit (transverse spring rate). 3.14 stress correction factor: Factor expressing the fact that th

11、e distribution of torsion stress across the wire diameter is not symmetrical. NOT6 1 This stress is higher in the inside of the coil than it is on the outside. 3.5 sens d enroulement: Pour un observateur place a I une des extremites du ressort, sens dans lequel la spire s enroule. Le sens d enroulem

12、ent est 8 droite (RH) si la spire s enroule, en s eloignant, dans le sens d horloge et a gauche (LH) si la spire s enroule, en s eloignant, dans le sens contraire d horloge. 3.6 longueur a Wtat libre: Longueur hors tout d un ressort sur lequel aucune force extorieure n est appliquee. 3.7 longueur sp

13、ires jointives: Longueur hors tout d un ressort de compression dont toutes les spires sont completement comprimees. 3.8 essai de longueur: Essai d un ressort pour de- terminer sa longueur sous une force definie. 3.9 relaxation: Perte graduelle de la force du ressott en fonction du temps lorsqu il es

14、t deform6 a une position donnee. 3.10 charge du ressort: Force exercee par ou sur le ressott lorsqu il est dUormation perma- nente en fatigue: Deformation permanente par rapport aux dimensions realisees, qui se produit lorsqu un ressort est deform6 au-de18 de la limite Blastique du materiau. 3.13 ra

15、ideur (1) Force necessaire pour deformer un ressort de compression ou de traction d une unite de longueur (raideur axiale). (2) Force (moment de torsion) necessaire pour de- former un ressort de torsion d une unite d angle (raideur transversale). 3.14 facteur de correction de contrainte: Facteur exp

16、rimant le fait que la distribution de la contrainte au cisaillement autour du fil n est pas symetrique. NOTE 1 Cette contrainte est plus grande sur le c&e in& rieur de la spire que sur le c&5 extkrieur. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO L

17、icensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2162-3:1993(E/F) 3.15 stress relief: Removal of residual stresses caused during the forming operation by applying a low-temperature heat treatment a

18、fter coiling or bending. Depending on the heat treatment applied, stress relief is also known as “strain relief”, “stress equalizing”, “tempering”, “blueing” and “baking”. 3.16 tension, initial: Force wound into helical exten- sion springs during the coiling operation. It keeps the coils tightly clo

19、sed and must be ex- ceeded by an applied force before the coils begin to open. 3.15 revenu de dktente: Suppression des contrain- tes residuelles causees par I operation de formage, a I aide d un traitement thermique a basse tempera- ture apr&s I enroulement ou la flexion. En fonction du traitement t

20、hermique applique, le revenu de detente est egalement appele ccrel&chement des contrainteslp, ccstabilisations, ccrevenw, ccbleuissemenb) ou (cuissom). 3.16 tension initiale: Force introduite dans les res- sorts de traction au tours de I operation d enroule- ment. Elle maintient les spires solidemen

21、t jointives et une force superieure doit etre appliquee avant que les spires commencent a se &parer. 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction or netw

22、orking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2162-3:1993(E/F) A auxiliary spring 2.2 B baking (see stress relief) blueing (see stress relief) C coils, active 3.1 coils, total 3.2 compression spring 2.3 constant force spring 2.4 D deflection, total 3.3 disc spring (Belleville) 2.5 E extension

23、spring 2.6 F flat spring 2.7 Alphabetical index force 3.4 G garter spring 2.8 H helical compression spring 2.9 helical extension spring 2.10 helical torsion spring 2.11 helix, direction of 3.5 helper spring 2.12 L leaf spring 2.13 length, free 3.6 length, solid 3.7 length test 3.8 P permanent set in

24、 fatigue 3.12 R relaxation 3.9 S spiral spring 2.14 spring 2.1 spring load 3.10 spring pitch 3.11 spring rate 3.13 spring set 3.12 strain relief (see stress relief) stress correction factor 3.14 stress equalizing (see stress relief) stress relief 3.15 T tempering (see stress relief) tension, initial

25、 3.16 torsion bar spring 2.16 torsion spring 2.15 v volute spring 2.17 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

26、 from IHS -,-,- IS0 2162-3:1993(E/F) 6 barre de torsion 2.16 bleuissement (voir revenu de detente) charge du ressort 3.10 cuisson (voir revenu de detente) deformation permanente en fatigue 3.12 deformation du ressort 3.12 E essai de longueur 3.8 F facteur de correction de contrainte 3.14 fleche maxi

27、male 3.3 fndex alphabktique force 3.4 L longueur a Mat libre 3.6 longueur spires jointives 3.7 N nombre de spires utiles 3.1 nombre total de spires 3.2 P pas du ressort 3.11 R raideur 3.13 relachement des contraintes (voir revenu de detente) relaxation 3.9 ressott 2.1 ressort d appoint 2.12 ressort

28、auxiliaire 2.2 ressort abracelet) 2.8 ressort de compression 2.3 ressort de compression helicoidal 2.9 ressort B force constante 2.4 ressort a lames 2.13 reSsOrt plat 2.7 ressort spiral 2.14 ressort de torsion 2.15 ressort de torsion htYico idal 2.11 ressort de traction 2.6 ressort de traction helic

29、oTdal 2.10 ressort en volute 2.17 revenu (voir revenu de detente) revenu de detente 3.15 rondelle ressort (dite ccBelleville) 2.5 S sens d enroulement 3.5 stabilisation (voir revenu de detente) T tension initiale 3.16 7 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under l

30、icense with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 2162-3:1993(E/F) UDCKDU 744.42:62-272:001.4 Descriptors: drawings, technical drawings, springs, vocab.ulary. / Descripurs: &ssin, &

31、Ssin in&!&id, resso& vCacXbulaire. Price based on 7 pages / Prix base sur 7 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=Defense Supply Ctr/9960866100 Not for Resale, 04/24/2007 10:06:55 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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