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2、ustrie textile - Bobinage - Termes fondamentaux Premiere ddition - 1960-07-31 TeKCTMJlbH ble MUWlHbl I4 BCflOMOraTeJlbHOe 060pyOBt3Hkle - khMOTKa - OCHOBHble TePMHHbl nepeoe HaAanwe - 1960-07-31 UDC/CDU/Yj.JK 677.02323 : 001.4 Ref. NoJRBf. no : IS0 5239-1990 (E/F/RI CCblJlKa No : bdCO 5239-1960 (AMP

3、) Descriptors : textile machinery, winding, vocabulary./Descripteurs : mat these have been included for information at the request of Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, and the member bodies for Germany (DIN) and Switzerland NV) have verified their correctness for the German version, and the member body

4、 for Italy (UNI) for the Italian version. However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms and definitions. Elle sapplique Bgalement ?I des matieres textiles filiformes telles que filaments et lamelles plastiques. Dans la suite du texte, le mot c

5、tfil, designera aussi bien le fil pro- prement dit que les filaments ou lamelles plastiques. NOTE - En supplement aux termes definis dans les trois langues officielles de IS0 (anglais, francais, russe), la presente Norme internationale comprend kgalement, dans les annexes A et 8, les termes equivale

6、nts en allemand et en italien: ceux-ci ont et4 inclus, B titre informatif, B la demande du comlte technique lSO/TC 72, et les comites mem- bres de IAllemagne (DIN) et de la Suisse (SNV) ant v - HenOcpeACTBeHHO He BepeTeHO; MOWeT 6blTb MCnOnb30BeHe KeK nBKOBKe 6e3 narpona. 3.5 q HTOK, war, yron noAhB

7、ma LHTOBO JlHH#H 3.5.1 q HTOK (CM. repsen I) : c(acTb npflmu, HaMOTaHHaR B OpMe CrWlpanll 38 BpeMR OAHOro o6opora C/IOpMlrpylotuerO VCTpOkTEa MnM naKOBKH E npouecce HBMOTKIJ. Yarn layers . . . . . hOi HHTM I -I Stroke length of yarn guide Longueur de course du guide-fil g#llnHa XOAa HMTepaCKnaAqMKa

8、FIGURE l/LIEPTEX 1 3.5.2 pitch (see figures 2 and 3) : The 3.5.2 pas (voir figures 2 et 3) : Distance 3.5.2 ular (CM. qepsem 2 H 3) : b) a perpendicular (4) to the generator (2) in the plane containing the tangent (3) and the generator (2); the lead angle is the acute angle between the tangent (3) a

9、nd the perpendicular (4). The helix angle is the complement of the lead angle. The crossing angle is the angle between the helices of two consecutive layers. It is twice the lead angle. .+.-. . si . 3.5.2 FIGURE P/YEPTEX 2 FIGURE 3/YEPTEIK 3 3.5.3 angle deguidage (voir figures 4 et 5) : Angle determ

10、ine comme suit, gfkbfralement au point milieu de la course : au point de croisement de Ih8lice (de fil) (1) et dune gknkratrice (2) (du cylindre ou du cone) se presentent : a) une tangente (3) B Ihelice (1); b) une perpendiculaire (4) a la Iangle de guidage est Iangle compris entre la tangante (3) e

11、t la perpendiculaire (4). Langle de Ihelica est Iangle complemen- taire B Iangle de guidage. Langle de croisure est Iangle compris entre les helices de fil formees par deux spires depos4es au cows dun cycle de vaet-vient Yron cnbipanr4 - 370 gononkrewe yrna hoflb- eMa EMHTOBOti JIMHMM. Yron cKpeuuwa

12、wfl -yron Memny cnkrparuwn (et se croisant mutuellement). II vaut le AByX nocneAoaarenbribrx cnoee, egeoe 6onb- double de Iangle de guidage. tur4R yrna noAbr3Ma i3miroeoR nmiMM. 3.5i3 yron nowma fwioeoii nwiw (CM. 4epTeHI 4 M 6) : 06bNHO yron HaMOTKH Oflpe Aenflercfl 6 cepennne rpaeepca cnesyrorww o

13、6paaoM : E rowe nepeccerlenwi cnnpann (1) (npnxw) M obpaayroutel (2) (uw-wwpa MII Kopnyca) Bbl6Hp3H)TCR : a) trecarenbtian (3) K cnnpann; 6) nepnaHnnKynflp (4) K o6paaytouleir (2) 6 nnowocru, coAepxraqeii Kacarenb- HYtC (3) M 06pasytouytc (2). yron noAbeMa q MTOBOi IlMHMM - 3TO OCTPblEi yron MeMAy K

14、acarenbuoii (3) u nepnennwtqk JlRpoM (4). Crossing angle Angle de croisure Yron cxpequsakilr FIGURE 4NEPTEX 4 Crossing angle Angle de croisure Yron cKpeuw3aHwi 3.5.3 Id- FIGURE SBEPTEX 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Tec

15、hnical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/20/2007 07:02:20 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 !5239-1990 (E/F/RI MC0 5239-1990 (A/P) 3.6 Traverse, stroke, cycle (to and fro), 3.6 Course du fil, course du guide-fil, cycle 3.6 rpaeepc, xon, qlrnn (snep

16、en n HaoaR), stroke length of yarn guide, constant tra- (de vaet-vient), longueur de course du LlJlHHa tIlera HHTepeCKnaAluK3, IlOCTORHHbl verse, traverse shortening or lengthening, guide-fil, course Constance decroissante, et spaeepc, ygnutrenne run4 conpauenne spa- and traverse displacement change

17、ments de position de course q epca, rxseutenne rpaeepca 3.6.1 traverse : The yarn movement in the 3.6.1 course du fil : Mouvement du fil dans 3.6.1 rpaeepc : M3MeHReTCn AaMHeHUe HHTepaCKnaAWKe, npurleM, AnuHa Tpaeepca 06blHHO OCTaeTCA tlOCTOFiHH0. HJIH - ,IOOepe,JHblM IlpUMeHeHueM ABYX BTMX - soit a

18、lternativement par Iapplication MaTOAOe. des deux systemes precedents. 3.7 yarn layer (see figure 1) : The total 3.7 alternance (ou s6quence) de bobinage 3.7 cno6 HWTH (repTern 1) : 06uree Konn- number of wraps wound during one traverse (voir figure 1) : Ensemble de spires bobinees qecreo BUTKB, HaM

19、oTaHHbix 38 epeMR 0A0r-0 (without change of the axial direction). durent une course (done sans changement Tpaeepca (6e3 H3MeHeHHfl oceeoro Hanpae- de direction axiale). neHHuA). 1) Appele aussi ctdaller et retour). Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under licens

20、e with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/20/2007 07:02:20 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5239-1980 (E/F/R) MC0 5239-1980 (A/P) 3.8 Wind ratio and package density 3.8 Rapport de bobinage et masse volu- 3.8 IIepeAaTOIHo

21、e OTHOUleHMe HaMOTKH I mique nnOTHOcTb llaKOBKH 3.8.1 wind ratio (R) : The ratio indicating 3.8.1 rapport de bobinage (R) : Rapport the number of wraps wound during one indiquant le nombre de spires bobinees stroke of the yarn guide. durant une course du guide-fil. Example : R = 3 : 1 means that 3 w

22、raps are wound during 1 stroke. Exemple : R = 3 : 1 signifie que 3 spires sont formbes pendant 1 course. In the case of constant pitch winding (see 4.1 .1.2) the value of R is constant. In the case of constant angle winding (see 4.1 .I .I) the value of R varies. For this type of cross winding, there

23、fore, the indication of the wind ratio R will refer to a distinct diameter of the package. Dans le cas du bobinage B pas constant (voir, I a valeur de R est constante. Dans le cas du bobinage B angle constant (voir 4.1 .l .l), la valeur de R varie. Pour ce type de bobinage crois6, Iindicati

24、on du rapport de bobinage R se rapporte B une Bpaisseur determinee de Ienroulement. 3.8.1 IlepeANOlHOe OTHOlUeHHe HaYOTKH U?) : OnpeAenfleT KonMqecTBo EMTKOB, HaMo- l3HHblX 3a BpeMR OAtlOrO XOAa HMlepacKnaA WIKe, M EblpamaeTCR KaK OTHOUIeHHe BMTKOQ K XOAaM. IlplrMep : R = 3 : 1, s-0 03HaqaeT, 90 3 e

25、MTKa HaMOTaHbl 38 epeMA 1 XOAa. 8 cnyqae, ecnti 8eJItItIHa uara HaMoTKM noc- TORHHa, /+ nOCTORHH0 AI-W BCeX CnOeB HHTH. B cnyrae nocroRHHor0 yrna naMoTKM R M3Me- HReTcR 0T cnoR K UIOIO. 0npeAeneHHe nepet(a- TOWOr OTHOllJeHMFi HaMOTKM /? AllFl 3TOrO In the case of winding having two different Tuna no

26、nepHtiol HaMotKM OTHOCHTCR K onpe- values, R and R” both are to be indicated, Dans le cas dun bobinage ayant deux AeneHHoMy rapports de bobinage, R et R”, deux va- WIOIO IleKOEKM, HanpHMep, one for the stroke “to” and one for the leurs doivent Btre indiquges, une pour la n0cnenHeMy HnH nepeoMy, Mnw

27、mo6oouy stroke “fro”. course dans un sens et une pour la course ApyroMy anfl AaHHOrO AMaMeTpa. Example : R= 30 : 1, f?“= 22 : 1 means en sens oppos6. B TOM Cnyqae, KOrAa HaMOTKa MMeeT ABe that 30 wraps are wound in the stroke “to” Exemple : R= 30 : 1 et R”= 22 : 1, signi- pasnclrtlble Benb4qHHbl R M

28、 R” cneAyeT onpe and 22 wraps in the stroke “fro”. fie que 30 spires sent bobinees pendant la AenMTb o6e 3TM BenHYMHbl, 0Ay AI-WI xoAa course dans un sens et 22 spires pendant “snepeA”, a Apyrytc nfl xoa “Ha3aA”. la course en sens oppos8. flpHh4ep:R=30:1; R=22:1.3TOosHa- IaeT, (TO 30 BllTKOB HaMOTaH

29、bl 38 EpeMR XOAe Bnepen, a 22 BMTKa HeMOElHbl BO BpeMR 06paTHOrO x0 les spires de deux allers et BLITKH ABX nocneAytoLuux cnoee cKpeuti- one another. retours successifs se croisent Iune sur BLIIOTCR. To secure an even distribution of the wraps of the layers all over the package, it is essential that

30、 the wraps of subsequent layers are not placed directly over one another. Otherwise a winding fault known as “ribbon winding” would result. To avoid this the wraps can be placed in two different ways : Iautre. Pour Btre assure davoir toujours une bonne distribution des spires dans toutes les couches

31、 de Ienroulement, il est essentiel que les spires de deux allers et retours suc- cessifs ne soient pas placees directement les unes au-dessus des autres. Sinon il en r in the case of constant pitch cross winding (precision cross winding, see head-wind or after- wind will remain constant dur

32、ing the whole winding process as originally defined. The process of eliminating “ribbon winding” is called “ribbon breaking”. The device for eliminating “ribbon winding” is known as an “anti-patterning device” (see IS0 477). constant angle cross winding bobinage crois6 B angle consta

33、nt (random cross winding) (see figure 8) : (bobinage crois6 au hasardj (voir figure 8) : Winding characterized by a constant ratio Bobinage caracterise par un rapport cons- between the velocity of the yarn movement tant entre la vitesse du mouvement de in the direction of a generator of the former t

34、ranslation du fil suivant la direction de la and the tangential velocity of the yarn winding.1 ) gWratrice du support et la vitesse tangen- tielle de Ienroulement.1) Each cycle, to and fro, of the yarn guide therefore corresponds to a constant length of wound yarn (except slight variations for the p

35、urpose of “ribbon breaking”). Chaque cycle de vaet-vient du guide-fil correspond par consequent B une longueur constante de fil enroule (aux variations pour ctbrouillage de zones) pr6s). The lead angle therefore remains constant, as long as the velocity of the yarn in the direction of the appropriat

36、e generator is constant. Langle de guidage reste done constant, pour autant que la vitesse du fil dans la direction de la gMratrice appropride reste constante. 1) The constant velocity of the yarn is generally obtained by tangential driving by means of a roller or “driving drum”. The surface speed o

37、f the package is that indicated by a tachometer the measuring roller of which is applied, preferably, to the driving shaft. Dans le cas du bobinage B angle constant (bobinage du type B entrainement tangen- tiel, voir les deux pr E cnysae KpeCTOeOti HaMOTKM C nOCTORHHblM UJBrOM (COMKtlyTaR

38、KpecTOBaR MOTKB) Ollepe- mai0uafl MUM oTc-rai0uafl HaMoTw 6yfly OCraBeTbCZfl rlOCTOFiHHblMM B TeleHMe BCerO npouecca, 6yAyqM BblfipawblMH sapanee. npouecc yCTpaHeHMR “JIeHTOVHOti MTKM” Ha3blBaeTCR “paCCeflHMe HIITeA”. YCTOCTBO, npMMewwueecfl nnfl 3Tofi uenw n3eecTtio KaK “ripblBaTeflb CKOPOCTM” (CM.

39、 MCo/P 477). KpwTOBaF4 HaMOTKB C nOCTORHHblM yrnoM (6ecnopriaounafl KpeCTOEefl MOTKI) (CM. repTern 8) : MOTKe, xapaKTepM3yIoaRCR nOCTORHHblM OTHOLUeHMeM CKOpW.ZTM fleM)I(e- H#R npflw B tianpaenetw o6pa3ytoueR opuwpytOuero yCTpL$CTBa H TaHreHUHanb- HOR CKOpOCTM Ilpr-Wld. KalKnblfi UMKn, snepe

40、n M Ha3ap.,COOTBeTCTByeT, clleBOBeTeJlbH0, llOCTORHHOti NWlHe HBMOTeH- HOti npww (38 HcKrIIoeHHeM He6onbwx M3MeHeHld C UeJlblO “pa3pblOa IleHTbl”). CnenoBaTenbHo, yron HaMonw ocraexfl noc- TORHHLIM, nova nOCTOAHHa CKOpOCTb flBM- rneA npflw B HanpaeneHMw o6pa3ywtueA. 1) nOCTORHHaR CKOpOCTb AEIHXBHMR

41、IIpFIIW 06blJHO AOCTHrBeTCR TaHreHULlaJlbHblM ABM- metineM npw noMou(M pont4Ka w-it4 “aeflyuero 6apa6aHa”. nOBBpXHOCTHeR CKOpOCTb NIKOBKH OnpBAB- ,-,ReTCR TBXOMeTpOM, H3MepHTenbHblti pOJlMK Koroporo ycTaHaenMeaeTcfl rlpeAflOTTf?flbHO Ha eenyueu sane. Copyright International Organization for Standard

42、ization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/20/2007 07:02:20 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5239-1990 (E/F/R) MC0 5239-1980 (AMP) 4.1 .1.2 constant pitch cross winding (pre- cision cro

43、ss winding) (see figure 9) : Winding in which the rotation of the spindle and the movement of the yarn guide depend one on the other, ensuring that the wind ratio R (see 3.8.1) is constant for all the yarn layers. Each cycle, to and fro, of the yarn guide therefore corresponds to a constant given nu

44、mber of revolutions of the spindle. The pitch of the winding helix therefore remains constant, as long as the traverse length is constant. Precision cross winding can be subdivided into : 4.1 .1.2.1 closed precision cross winding : Winding characterized by adjacent wraps forming a herring bone patte

45、rn. 4.1 .I .2.2 open precision cross winding : The number of pitches is such that each wrap does not lie adjacently to the pre- ceding and to the following wrap produced by the same direction of stroke. Both closed and open precision winding can be executed with either head-wind or after-wind. 4.1.2

46、 parallel winding : Cross winding with constant pitch of small value, mostly effected onto double-flansd bobbins. Each wrap lies quasi-parallel to the previous wrap. 4.1.3 cop winding : Winding with traverse displacement (see 3.6.8) always in the same direction, the wind ratios (see 3.8.1) in the tw

47、o directions of the stroke being different or equal. The yarn layers have the shape of cones: they can all be identical. The cop package can be considered as being obtained by building up yarn layers superimposed in the axial direction of the former. Cop packages are formed : - either onto a former

48、with conical base, - or onto a former without conical base, but in this case the winding is started by forming a bunch, - or onto the bare spindle and an initial cone which may be removed after the winding process has been completed. bobinage croisd B pas constant (bobinage croid de prhcisio

49、n) (voir figu- re 9) : Bobinage dans lequel la rotation de la broche et le mouvement du guide-fil sont Ii les rapports de bobinage (voir 3.8.1) dans les deux sens de course elles peuvent ltre identiques. Lenroulement (type canette) peut ltre consid OHH BCe MOVT 6blTb MAeHMlHblMM. naKOBK3 nOWTKOM MOXEZT paCch43TpwsaTbcfl KaK naKoBKa, nony4eHHafl HaJlOW


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