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2、ronef sans moteur 109 aircraft, winged aeronef a voilure 110 aircraft, wingless aeronef sans voilure fltigelloses Luftfahrzeug Flugzeug Frachtflugzeug ; Transport- flugzeug Luftschiff unstarres Luftschiff; Pralluftschiff starres Luftschiff halbstarres Luftschiff Autogiro; Tragschrauber 111 112 airpl

3、ane; aeroplane airplane, cargo; freighter aeroplane airship airship, non-rigid avion avion-cargo dirigeable dirigeable souple 113 114 dirigeable rigide dirigeable semi-rigide autogyre 115 116 117 airship, rigid airship, semi-rigid autogyre XeCTKvla AMpWKa6nb nOnyxeCTKI4U JIypWKadnb BBTONWID B balloo

4、n balloon, captive balloon, free biplane boat, flying ballon a3pocTaT Ballon ballon captif npCIBR3HOti a3pOCTaT Fesselballon ballon libre c060blA a3poCTaT Freiballon biplan 6HnW.H Doppeldecker hydravion 8 coque nerarolyaa noflka Flugboot 118 119 120 121 122 G 123 glider planeur 124 glider, cargo ; f

5、reight glider planeur de transport de fret; planeur-cargo Gleiter; Segelflugzeug rpy3osoM nnariep Frachtgleiter ; Transportsegler 125 glider, freight; cargo glider planeur de transport de fret; planeur-cargo rpy3osoti nnariep Frachtgleiter ; Transportsegler 126 glider, powered motoplaneur Moronnanep

6、 Motorgleiter; Motorsegler 127 128 128 130 131 glider, single-seat planeur monoplace oflHoMecTHblG4 nnaHep glider, sport-type planeur de sport cnopTmHbiG+ nnaHep glider, towed planeur remorque 6yKCXdpyeMbll? NlaHep glider, training planeur-ecole yqe6HbiA nnaHep glider, two-seat planeur biplace ByXMe

7、CTHblh nnatiep einsitziges Segelflugzeug Sportgleiter; Sportsegler Schleppgleiter; Schleppsegler Schulsegler; Schulgleiter zweisitziges Segelflugzeug 6 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not f

8、or Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5943-9 : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 5943-9 : 1999 (A/O/P) Deutsch English Franqais PyCCKHfi H helicopter helicopter, ambulance helicopter, amphibious helicopter, articulated-rotor 132 133 134 135 helic

9、optere h6licoptere-ambulance helicoptbre amphibie helicoptere a rotor articule Hubschrauber Sanitatshubschrauber Amphibienhubschrauber Hubschrauber mit Gelenkrotor sepToneT CaHklTapHblfi BepTOiJeT BepTOneT C L” apHHPHblM HeCy” ,HM BVlHTOM BepToneT c aBTocTa6ww3auwefi rpy30801il BepToneT helicoptere

10、autostabilise h6licoptere de transport (de fret) ; helicopt Transport- hubschrauber Bordhubschrauber; schiffs- gestijtzter Hubschrauber Zivilhubschrauber Hubschrauber mit koaxialen Rotoren Kombinationsflugschrauber Kranhubschrauber Gasturbinenhubschrauber 136 137 helicopter, auto-stabilized helicopt

11、er, cargot-carrying) 136 helicopter, carrier-based 139 140 helicopter, civil helicopter, coaxial (type) rotor helicopter, compound helicopter, crane helicopter, gas-turbine helicoptere civil holicoptere a rotors coaxiaux rpaxRawKnti 6epToneT BepTO” sT COOCHOh CXeMbl 141 142 143 helicoptitre combine

12、helicoptere-grue ; heligrue helicoptere a turbine(s) KOM6!AHL4pO8aHHbl Be,TOneT BepTOneT-KpaH sepTOneT C ra30Typ6 SAR- Hubschrauber Hubschrauber mit neben- einander angeordneten Rotoren einrotoriger Hubschrauber einsitziger Hubschrauber Hubschrauber mit Tandem- rotoren Transporthubschrauber nOk,CKOB

13、O-CnaCaTeflbHblti sepToneT BepTOfleT nOne,erlHOlil CXeMbl 155 156 157 OflHOsklHTOBOti BepTOneT OAHOMeCTHblL? BepTOneT BepTOneT i,pOf,OflbHOlil CXeMbl helicoptare de transport TpaHCnOpTHblh BepTOneT 156 helicopter, transport 7 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS u

14、nder license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5943-9 : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 5943-9 : 1989 (A/P) English Francais PYCCKHiI 159 helicopter, twin-rotor helicoptere biroto

15、r ABYXBMHTOBOL? BepTOneT 160 helicopter, water bomber helicoptere anti-incendie npOTb,BOflOapHbl BepTOfleT 161 helicopter, winged helicoptere A voilure BllHTOKpblfl 162 kite cerf-volant BO3/Q UlHbIl? 3Meli L 163 laboratory, airborne bane d essai volant neraauafl na6opaTopnR 164 landplane avion terre

16、stre CYXOnYTHblfi CaMOfleT M 165 model, captive maquette entravee KOpOEaR MOflenb 166 model, flying maquette volante nerarou(afl Mopenb 167 model, free-flying maquette de vol libre cso60flHoneratotu,ae Moflenb 168 model, radio-controlled maquette radioguidee paflt4oynpasneeMaa MoAenb 169 model, room

17、-flying maquette de laboratoire KOMHaTHaR MO,!,eJIb 170 model, wind-tunnel maquette de soufflerie Tpy6HaR MORe!l b 171 monoplane monoplan MOHOnnaH 172 monoplane, cantilever monoplan cantilever CBO60HOHeCyldlMOHOnflaH 173 monoplane, high-wing monoplan a voilure haute BblCOKOnnaH 174 monoplane, low-wi

18、ng monoplan B voilure basse HH3KOnnaH 175 monoplane, mid-wing avion a voilure mediane cpepuennati 176 monoplane, strut-braced monoplan a voilure haubanee nOAKOCHblli h4oHonnaH 0 I77 ornithopter ornithoptbre OpHMTOnTe, P 178 plane, acrobatic ; acrobatic avion de voltige cnopTklBHonmloTaxtibll7 plane

19、caMone 179 plane, acrobatic; acrobatic avion de voltige CnOpTk,EHOnL4,OTaHblL? plane caMoner 180 plane, racing avion de course TOHOLIHblfi caMoneT 181 plane, rocket avion-fusee PaKeTHblli CaMOneT 182 rotorcraft giravion BMHTOKpb,“blL? ,eTaTe,IbHbIfi annaDaT Deutsch zweirotoriger Hubschrauber Feuerlo

20、schhubschrauber Flugschrauber; Hubschrauber . mit Tragfltigel Drachen fliegender Priifstand Landflugzeug Fesselmodell Flugmodell Freiflugmodell funkgesteuertes Model1 Saalflugmodell Windtunnelmodell Eindecker freitragender Eindecker Schulterdecker Tiefdecker Mitteldecker verstrebter Eindecker Schwin

21、genflijgler; Ornithopter Kunstflug-Flugzeug Kunstflug-Flugzeug Rennflugzeug Raketenflugzeug Drehflijgler Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproducti

22、on or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5843-g : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 5943-9 : 1999 (A/P) English ,FranFais S 183 sailplane 184 seaplane 185 seaplane, float 186 seaplane, single-float 187 seaplane, twin-float 188 sesquiplane T 189 taxi, air 190 trainer. basic 191 trainer, primary 1

23、92 vehicle, aerospace PYCCKH i4 Deutsch planeur de voi a voile hydravion hydravion a flotteurs hydravion a un flotteur nnanep-nap Anderthalb- decker taxi aerien avion d entrainement avion-ecole vehicule aerospatial BO3YUfHOe TaKCH yre6HO-TpeHwpOBOrHbl caMoneT y Ae6Hbll;l caMone Lufttaxi Schulflugzeu

24、g Schulflugzeug BO3yLllHO-KOCMWeCKi4h annapaT Luft- und Raumfahrzeug 9 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without

25、 license from IHS -,-,- ISO 5843-g : 1999 (E/F/R) MCO 5943-9 : 1999 (A/Q/P) Index alphabbtique franqais A ADAC ADAV . aerodyne aeronef aeronef a fuselage porteur aeronef a voilure aeronef aerospatial aeronef hypersonique . aeronef pilot6 . . aeronef propulse aeronef sans moteur aeronef sans pilote .

26、 aeronef sans voilure aeronef teleguide . aerostat . . aile volante . autogyre . avion avion 8 atterrisseur avant avion 8 atterrisseur classique avion a atterrisseur escamotable avion a atterrisseur fixe avion 8 atterrisseur tricycle . avion a decollage et atterrissage classiques avion a decollage e

27、t atterrissage courts (ADAC) avion 8 decollage et atterrissage verticaux (ADAV) avion a empennage en T avion a faible allongement avion a fleche avant avion a fleche variable avion a fur78, 179 191 11 96 4 5 19, 58 181 28 90 88 87 9 23, 112 12 14 13 62 8 180 190 38 24 33 42 52 61 50 54 40 68 16 35 3

28、6 95 43 10 64 63 1 ” 41 44 45 39 21 56 29 77 79 75 70 71 164 17 83 ballon ballon captif ballon libre bancd essai volant 118 119 120 163 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19

29、/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- bimoteur biplan . 88 121 C cerf-volant 162 D dirigeable 113 dirigeable rigide . . 115 dirigeable semi-rigide 116 dirigeable souple . 114 G giravion , . . 182 H helicoptere . helicoptere a moteur(s) a pistons hel

30、icoptere a reaction helicoptere a rotor articule . helicoptere a rotor rigide helicoptere a rotors coaxiaux helicoptere a rotors cl RnaHep 129 B BepToneT BepToneT-aMcf6w EJepToneT-KpaH BepToneT noneperHofi cxerdbl eepToneT npoAonbHoG4 cxeh4bl BepToneTcaBTocTa6i4nw3aefi sepToneTC ra30Typ6LdHHblMI4 ,q

31、wraTenRMfl BepTOneT C XeCTKHM HeCyU(HM BYlHTOM BepToneT COOCHOA cXeMbl BepToneT c nepeKpeMBaioMMflcR BwTahw BepToneT c nopurHeeblM peHraTeneh4 BepTOneTC “IapHHpHblM HeCy”,vlM BHHTOM BHHTOOA caMoneT 132 BllHTOKpbln eMHTOKpblnblL?neTaTenbHbltia”“apaT BOeHHbllil i3epToneT 8oeHnblfi caMoneT BO3,L,ylJHOe

32、 TaKCH BO3yL”HO-KOCMM 4eCKL4 annapaT eOBflyL”H bl L? 3MeA BblCOKOlInaH BblCOTHblfiCaMOneT . 134 142 154 157 136 143 152 140 145 151 135 55 161 182 148 43 189 99,192 162 173 25 r rHppocauoneT ri4nepsByKoeoti neTaTenbHbtF4 annapaT rHnep3ByKoBoti caMoneT rOHOYHblfi caMoneT rpaxflaHcKMti BepToneT rpamAa

33、HcKt40 caMoneT rpy3OBOA BepToneT rpy3oeoA nnaHep rpy3oBoG4 caMoneT rpy30naccaxtipcKflfi caMoneT 184 101 28 180 139 12 137 124,125 23,112 10 Byx6anOHblGl CaMOneT J,ByXBLdHTOBOti BepTOneT RByXJ,BW-aTenbHblfi CaMOneT : flByxMecTHblt7 nnaHep ByXnOi-lnaBKOBblL? rflppOCaMOneT gByxto3enflHbltA catdoneT AHp

34、Hma6nb 113 #ICTaHl4OHHO-flI4nOTL4pyeMbl annapaT 107 AOJByKOBOL? caMoneT 70 WeCTKVllil flvlpwKa6nb 3 sanpasnfleMblt2 e noneTe caMoneT K KOM6LWMpOBaHHblti BepTO”eT KOMMepqeCKMfi CaMOneT KOMHaTHaFl MOAenb KOHBepTLApyeMblti CaMOneT Koposafl Monenb KpblnaTbltineTaTenbHblfianlYapaT J-l nerKHA BepToneT ner

35、KHA caMoneT nerKOMOTOpHblI8 CaMOneT neTaTenbnblAannapaT6e3AwraTenn neTaTenbHblli annapaT nerve Bosfiyxa neTaTenbHblti annapaT c ABMraTeneM neTaTenbtiblfi annapaT Tflxenee Bosnyxa neTatotqaFl na60paTOpwi neTatouafl noRKa neTatotqafl Mopenb M MHOrOMraTenbHblL? CaMOneT MHOrOMeCTHbIti CaMOneT MHoroqenes

36、ofi BepToneT MHoroqeneBot? caMoneT, MOHOflnaH MOPCKOW naTpynbHbrt7 caMoneT MoTonnaHep MRrKVllil IpWKa6nb H HV13KOnnaH 0 87 159 OAHOBMHTOBOti BepTOneT 88 O/JHOflBMraTenbHblfi CaMOneT 131 O,i,HOMeCTHbllilBepTOneT . 187 OflHOMeCTHbIL? “naHep 89 OflHOnOflnaBKOBblti WIApOCaMOneT 115 29 141 13 169 17 165

37、109 147 35 38 108 97,103 106 100 163 122 166 1 44 45 149 46 171 40 126 114 174 155 63 156 127 186 12 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction o

38、r networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Ol lblTHblli CaMOneT 56 OpHHTOnTep 177 rl flany6H blA BepTOfleT nafly6Hblli caMoneT naccaxwpcwti aepToneT * naccawcMpcKMfi caMoneT 8wnoTupyeMbtti neTaTenbHblti annapaT nnaHep . . nnaHep-napMTenb . . . . nOfiKOCHbll CTpenOB!AAHOCTl-l CaMOneT C Kpb

39、lnOM ONWBanbHOfi OpMbl caMoneT c nbwwblM uaccu CaMOneT C HerepMeTR3llpOBaHHOl;l Ka6HHOfi cah4oneT c ney6upacewcfl uacw caMoneT c oAHoKi4neBblh4 onepewehd . cah4oneT c nepegHeG4 onopol;l cah4oneT c nepeflHw4 roplrl3oHTanbHblM 0nepeweM CaMOneT C i7OBOpOTHblM KpblnOM . .I . . . 138 11 150 49 104 . 123

40、183 176 153 61 116 188 185 51 52 . 119 . 160 50 36 79 93 . 96 16 77 66 21 62 39 . 14 15 95 53 2 90 26 . 92 37,67 72 48 66 91 20 64 47 9 78 caMoneT C IlOBOpOTOM Tflwl caMone c nof+eMHbtMu seHTwwTopahni4 CaMOneTC RpRMblM K,blnOM caMoneT c paKeTHblh4 ycKopMTenef.4 CaMOneT C PeeKTHBHOlil IIOAbeMHOti Cln

41、nOti caMoneT cpeAHer0 Beca CaMOneT CpeAHeGl panbHocTH . . caMoneT co cKnagbleatoqvlh+cfl KpblnoM . . CaMOneT CO CTpenOWlAHblM KpblnOM . . . CaMOneT CO CTpyAHblMH 3aKpblnKaMM caMoneT c T-06pa3HblM onepeHHeh4 CaMOneT C TOnKaloUHM BHHTOM . . CaMOneT C TpeyrOflbHblM K,blnOM . cah4oneT c TpexKHnesbiM one

42、peHMet4 . . CaMOneT C TpeXOnOpHblM UlaCCH CaMOneT C Typ60BeHTHnRTOpHblMIA flE+lraTellRM!A . CaMOneT C Typ60peaKTtEiHblMLl BtiraTenRML4 cat4oneT c TnHyqHM BHTOM . CaMOneT c y6IdpalOqMMCR UJaCCH cah4oneT c xsocosoU 0nopoU . . . 94 . 34 69 60 IS0 5843-g : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 5843-g : 1999 (A/P) . . 73 31

43、. . . 32 42 41 22 . . 74 . . . . . 57 . . . . . 18 . . . . 83 . . 82 . . 84 . . 85 80 59 . . . . 76 . . . . 75 . . . 133 . . 6 . . . 167 . . 172 . . . 120 . . . . 71 caMoneT CXeMbl ,6eCXBOCTKa“ CaHHTapHblti BepTOneT . . . CaHwTapHbll? CaMOneT . CBO60AHOneTalOqafi MOpenb CB060AHOHeCyU,Mti MOHOnnaH C8

44、060AHblUa3pOCTaT . . . CBe,X3ByKOBOil caMoneT . CBRBHO cat4oneT CenbCKOX03AL%STBeHHbllil CaMOneT cepIlUHblcaMoneT . CKBll . . . . . . . . . 33 3 . 54 CKOpOCTHOLil CaMOneT . Cnyxe6HblA CaMOneT cnopTBHonl4noTaHblGl CaMOneT . cnopTweHbl nnatdep CnOpTMBHblfi CaMOfleT . . . . cpeAHennaH CyXOllyTH bl l? c

45、ah4oneT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 . . 27 .8 178,179 . . 128 . . 68 . 175 . 164 T TpaHCnOpTHblliBepTOneT TpaHCnOpTHbl,? CaMOneT . . . Tpy6HaR MOAenb Typ6OBHHTOBOlA CaMOneT TwKenblA BepToneT . TwKenblU caMoneT . . . 158 . . 81 170 . 86 . . 144 24 Y ye6HO-lpeHl4pOBOHbl CaMOneT yqe6tibilil nnaHep .

46、 yre6Hbllil caMoneT . . . 190 . . 130 191 . . . 4 . 5 3 3KCnepMMeHTanbHblCaMOnf?T . 19,58 13 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 23:51:29 MDTNo reproduction or networ

47、king permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 5943-9 : 1999 (E/F/R) MC0 !%43-9 : 1999 (A/O/P) Deutsches alphabetisches Stichwortverzeichnis Amphibienflugzeug Amphibienhubschrauber Anderthalbdecker Auftriebskorper Autogiro . . 7 . . . . 134 L. . . 188 102 . . . 117 B Ballon Betankter, im Flug Bil

48、daufklarer Bordflugzeug Bordhubschrauber . . . . 118 . . . . 29 . . 50 . . 11 138 D Deltaflugzeug Doppeldecker Doppelrumpfflugzeug . Drachen . . Drehfltigler Druckpropellerflugzeug t 18 . 121 . . . 90 162 . 182 . 67 E Eindecker . Eindecker, freitragender . Eindecker, verstrebter Eineinhalbdecker Einschwimmerflugzeug Entenflugzeug . 171 172 176 188 . 186 . . . . 9 F 107 . . . . . 119 . . 165 . 160 . . . 122 . . 166 . . 161 1, 111 . . 29 . . 11 . . 63 . . 63 Fernlenkluftfahrzeug Fesselballon . Fesselmodell Feuerlij


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