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2、Vocabulaire - Partie 05: Qualit these have been included at the request of IS0 Technical Committee TC 171 and are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany, F,R, (DIN). However, only the terms and definltions given in the official languages can be con- sidered as IS0 terms an

3、d definitions. 2 Principles and rules followed 2.1 Definition of an entry The vocabulary consists of a number of entries. The term entry is to be under- stood to have the following meaning. entry : A set of essential elements con- sisting of an an index number, one or, if necessary, more synonymous

4、terms, and a phrase defining one concept; in addition, a set may include examples, notes or illustrations to facilitate the understanding of the concept. NOTE - Terms such as vocabulary, con- cept, term and definition are used in this part and in the body of this International Standard with the mean

5、ings given in ISO/R 1087, Vocabulary of terminology. 2.2 Organization of an entry Each entry contains the essential elements as defined in 2.1 and if necessary some additional items; thus it may contain for each language at most the following items in the follow- ing order : a) an index number (comm

6、on for all languages); 6) the term or the generally pre- ferred term in the language (the absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a row of dots) ; c) the preferred term in a particular country (identified according to IS0 3166, Codes for the represen- tat

7、ion of names of countries) : d) the abbreviation for.the term; NOTE - En supplement aux termes don pour faciliter la comprbhen- sion de la dbfinition, cet ensemble peut btre complM par des exemples, par des notes, par des schemas ou des tableaux facilitant la comprehension de cette notion. NOTE - Le

8、s termes tels que vocabulaire, notion, terme et definition sont employ ainsi, il peut comprendre au maximum, pour chaque langue et dans Iordre, les BMments suivants : a) indice de classement (commun a) KllaCCUC#IuKal$4OHHbl B toutes les langues) ; (06qM AilR BCeX R3blKOe); b) le terme, ou le terme p

9、r6f 6) TepMuH unu HauGonee npeAnorlTu. TellbHblti TepMUH Ha AaHHOU R3blKe (OTCyTCTBue 06lQenpuHRTOrO UllU peKO- MeHAyeMOrO TepUuHa ARR BblpEiXeHUR TOrO UIlU UHOrO nOHRTUR Ha AaHHOM R3blKe 0603HaraeTCR MHOrOTOWeM); c) le terme prbf B) TepMuH, npeAnOWlTaeMb#l E KaKOA- nM6o OHOM cTpaHe (0603HareHHofi B

10、 COOTBeTCTBUU C MC0 3166, KOdbl dI7H npedcmasnetioa Hassatfuii cmpaH); nPMMECIAHI/IE - B AononHeHMe K TepMuHaM Ha TpeX OCt)MMWlbHblX R3blKaX MC0 B RpuilOXHuu K HaCTOflweM WCTU l%O 6196 npui3e OHU 6blnLi BKtllWeHbl no llpOCb63 TeXHuWCKorO KO. MuTeTa MCOITK 171 u ny6nuKyiOTCfl noA OTBev CTBeHHOCTb KoM

11、uTeTa-weHa 0eflepaTuetfoti Pecny6nMKM repMaHuu (/#lH). OflHaKO, TOllbKO TepMuHbl u Qnpe/$?neHuR Ha Ou 3TOT HaBOp MOXeT 6blTb TaKXe AononHeH npwe- paw npuMeqaHur4Mu unu MnnIooTpa- URMU, o6nerraIoquMu nOHuuaHue AaH- HOrO nOHRTUR. IlPMMEqAHME - TaKue TepMuHbl KaK cnosapb, noHTHe,TepmHHMonpeeneHHeHcnonb

12、ayKlTcfl B HaCToflUI qaCTu u B MeyHapOHOM cTaHpTe B L(WlOM B IlOHMMBHMH, AaHHOM B MCOIP 1087, TepMUHOnOZUYeOKUf? CnoBapO. 2.2 COCTaB CTaTbH KaXAaR CTaTbR COAepXuT 06R3aTeJlbHble 3JleMeHTbl, yKa3aHHble B npuBeAeHHOM B 2.1 onpeqeneHuu, a B HeKoTopbtx cnyrlaRx u HeO6R3aTellbHble 3JleMeHTbl; TaKuU o6pa3

13、oM, Ha Ka)KAOM R3blKe e Hee MOryT BOATU B nopRAKe ux nepewcneHuR one- AylOuue 3JleMeHTbl: UHAeKC 2 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 19:46:10 MDTNo reproduction or

14、networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6166-5 : 1987 (E/F/R) MC0 6196-5 : 1987 (A/CD/P) e) permitted synonymous ferm or d) Iabr6viation pouvant employ Tpe6IlFITbCR BMeCTO TepMUHa; f) the text of the definition (see 2.4) ; e) le terme ou les termes syno- nymek) admis; a) flOnyCTUMblt

15、i CUHOHUMU-!Hbl Tep- MUH UllU TepMUHbl; g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of ap- plication of the concepts, with the heading “Note(s)“; i) a picture, a diagram or a table (these may be common to several entries). Item

16、s a) to e) in the list above are printed in bold typeface. Item d) in the list above, and in some entries one or more of the items b), c) and e), is (are) in each case followed by a qualifier. A qualifier is printed in normal typeface in parentheses after the term or abbrevi- ation and indicates : -

17、 a directive for the use of the term, such as “deprecated term”, “deprecated in this sense” or “strongly deprecated” ; - a particular field of application for the term, as defined; - the grammatictil form of the term or the like, such as “noun”, “adjective”, “verb” or “abbtevi- ation”. f) le fexte d

18、e la definition (voir 2.4); g) un ou plusieurs exemplek) pr6- cr!zdb(s) du titre ( Exemple(s) 1) ; h) une ou plusieurs note(s) p - un domaine dapplicafion parti- culier du terme, fel quil est d6fini; - des indications grammaticales QU analogues, telles que ctsubstan- tif D, ( adjectif D, ctverbe) ou

19、 ( abr A() OAUH UnU HeCKOJlbKO npUMepOB, KOTOpblM npeAWecTByeT yKa3aHUe ,rlpUMep(bl)“; 3) OAHO UIIU HeCKOllbKO npUMeqaHU U) pUCyHOK, cxeMa unu TaGnuqa, KOTOpble Moryr OTHOCUTbCR K pa3ilUrlHblM CTaTbRM. 3lleMeHTbl C a) /JO A) npUEIefleHHOr0 BblWe nepeqHfl ne9aTatoTcfl )KUpHblM wpU(t)oM. 3lleMeHT r),

20、a B HeKOTOpblX CTaTbRX Tawe OAUH MIIU HeGKOnbKO W3 3JleMeHTOB 6), B) u R), conpoBoKaloTGfI HaneqaTaHHblMn 06blqHblM WpU+TOM U nOMeeHHblMU B CK06KU -noMeTaMU, KOTOpble cnyKaT Anfl yKa3aHUR : - cTeneHu UCnOnb3oBaHuR Tep* MUHa, HanpuMep , .HepeKOMeH/JyeMblti TepMUH” , ,TepMUH, He PeKOMeHAyeMblfi B AaHH

21、OM 3HaleHUU” UJlU .HeAOnyCTU- Mblfi TepMUH”; - KOHKpeTHOfi 06naCTU UCnOnb30Ba. HUFI TepMUHB B TOM 3HarleHUU, KOTOpOe cneAyeT u3 ero 0npeAeneHuR; - TpaMMBTUqeCKUX UJlU nOAO6HblX MM KaTeropUti, TaKUX KaK ,CyWeOTBU- TenbHoe”, ,npUnaraTenbHoe”, ,rnaron” unU ,coKpau(eHue lC . 2.3 Classification of an ent

22、ry 2.3 Classification des articles 2.3 Knaccw#wKaqm cTaTeii A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this International Standard, beginning with 01 for general terms. EBC entry is assigned a four-digit serial number, the first two digits being those of the part. In any future revision o

23、r amendment of this International Standard, further entries will be added at the end of a part without altering the numbers of the existing entries. Chaque partie de la pr exprimee en valeur numerique, effectuee-sur une zone ayant recu une exposition. uni- forme. 05.03 polarity 05.03 polarit The dar

24、k-to-light relationship of lines and characters against a background. It is used for expressing the change in or retention of. the dark-to-light relation- ship of an image relative to that of the original, i.e. when a first-generation negative-appearing image gives a second-generation positive-appea

25、ring image there is a change in polarity; in contrast, when a first-generation nega- tive-appearing image gives a second- generation negative-appearing image the polarity is retained. Aspect du blanc au noir des traits et des caracteres par rapport au fond. Sert a exprimer le- changement ou le maint

26、ien de cet aspect sur Iimage par rapport b Ioriginal. Lorsquune image daspecf nbgatif de premiere g par contre, lorsquune image daspect negatif de premiere generation donne en seconde generation -une image daspect .negatif, le polarite est maintenue. 05.03 legibility The ability of an image to be in

27、ter- preted. 05.09 lisibilit6 Aptitude dime.iniage a etre interpretee. 05.10 05.10 confrast (of an image) contraste (dune image) The difference between the highest and Difference entre Ia-densite la-plus forte the lowest densities of an image. et la densite la plus faible done image. 05.11 net densi

28、ty 05.11 densit nette After conventional processing, the dif- ference between the image and the base-plus-fog densities. Apres un traitement conventionnel, difference entre la densite de Iimage et la densite du suppoq plus voile. 05.12 fog Unwanted photographic density. 05.12 voile Densite photograp

29、hique parasite. 05.13 fog level The difference between the base-plus- fog and the base densities. 05.13 valeur du voile Difference entre la densite de ensemble support plus voile et la densite du sup- port seul. 05.07 06beKTUBHO U3MepeHHaR HeOAHOpOfl- HOCTb CTpyKTypbl u306paxeHuH Ha paBHO- MepHO k H

30、anporus, ecnu c HerarMBHoro M306pWeHMR nep- aoro noxoneHr4ri nonyllaerca -raroke Hera- TUBHOe U306paxeHue BToporo noKone- HUR,. TO nOnFlpHOCTb COX-pBHReTCR. 05.03 WiaeMOCTb i-ipUrOAHOCTb U306psJKeHlM AllFl qTeHUR. 05.10 KOHTpaCTHOSTb (U306paxeHuR) PasHuqa Mexqy MaKcuuanbHoA U MuHr+ ManbHOU nllOTHOCT

31、RMU U306psXeHUfL 05.11 WlCTaR IlnOTHoCTb flonyretwae nocne 06bruHofi o6pa6omw pa3HUua MeKAy. IlnOTHOCTblO uso6paXe- HUR U CyMMapHOU nIloTHOCTbtC OOHOBbl Ll Byanu. 05.12. ayanb llapa3utHafl oTorpawecKas nno-r- HOCTb. 05.13 WlOTHOCTb q yallU Pa3HUua MeKAy CyMMapHOU nnOTHOcTblo OOHOBbl U Byanll U IlllO

32、THOCTbtO OAHOU TOllbKO OCHOBbl. 7 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 19:46:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6196-5 :

33、1967 (E/F/R) MC0 6196-5 : 1967 (A/P) 05,14 65.14 test chart mire 65.14 MHpa TeCT.O6%fJKT A target containing graphic patterns designed for evaluating the resolving power of a photographic system and its ability to produce legible images. Document-etalon comportant des elements graphiques, permettant

34、 deva- luer le pouvoir dparateur dun systeme photographique et son aptitude B pro- duire des images lisibles. 3ranoH, coAepmaquA rpacpuecxue 3ne- MeHTbl, llO3I3OnfltClQUe OL(eHUTb pa3peWe- toyylo OnOCO6HOCmb c#3ororpacirlecKoA CuCTeMbl U ee npUrO#HOCTb Anfi IlOnye- HUR WlTaeMblX u306paxeHufi. 65.15

35、IS0 character 65.15 caractbe IS0 05.15 3HeK MC0 Conventional graphical charactey, con- sisting of a regular octagon with two internal parallel fines. Caractere graphique. conventionnel, YCnOBHblfi rpEW4eCKUfi 3HaK B #OpMe constitue par un octogone regulier con- I-lpaBUnbHOr0 BOCbMUyrOJlbHUKa C AByMR

36、 tenant deux bandes paralleles. napannenbHbmu nonocaw Hypu. Figure 1 - IS0 character Figure 1 - Caractere IS0 Mrypa 1 - 3HaK MC0 65.16 IS0 word 65.16 65.16 mot IS0 cnoso MC0 Group of at least four IS0 characters of the same size, randomly oriented. Groupe dau moins quatre caractkes /SO de meme dimen

37、sion oriented de facon aleatoire. rpynna, cocroeU(arr u3 He Mektee, qeM lreTblpex 3HaKoe MC0 oAHor0 paah4epa, OpUeHTUpOBaHHblX pa3nWHblM o6pa3ot.f. Figure 2 - Example of IS0 word Figure 2 - Exemple de mot IS0 Hrypa 2 - 06paseq cnoea-MC0 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provid

38、ed by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 19:46:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6196-5 : 1987 (E/F/R) MC0 6196-5 : 1987 (W/P) 0517 IS0 No. 1 test chart 0!517 mire IS0 no 1 05.17 rwpa MC0

39、 No1 TecT-06aeKT MC0 No 1 Test chart made up of IS0 words, spaced in a specified manner, whose heights,. measured in hundredths of a millimetre, form a series that conforms to the R 20 series of numbers, Mire constiti Xe wUpUHbi U BblCOTbl. IO . 05.20 rwpa MC0 No2 TeCFO6IeKT MC0 No 2 Mupa, cocToflU(

40、afl U3 3neMetfmoa upbr MC0 I% 2 C 0603HaeHHblMU HOMepaMU, BblptiXaK)lQUMU wcno paspeluaehlbrx nepuodoe Ha MunnuMeTpI u o6pa3yH)U(uMU pFI Lesbarkeit (f) Erkennbarkeit ist das deutliche Erkennen aller alphanumerischer Zeichen oder Symbole. Lesbarkeit liegt vor, wenn von acht alphanumerischen Zeichen o

41、der Symbolen sieben erkannt werden. 66.10 Kontrast (m1 eines Bildes Unterschied zwischen der hBchsten und der niedrigsten optischen Dichte eines Bildes. 1687 (WFIRI MC0 6166-5: 1967 (A/P) Deutsches alphabetisches Stichwortverzeichnis A L Aufliisung (f1 ,.,.,.,.,.* 05.02 Lesbarkeit (f) . 05.09 Auflij

42、sungsvermijgen (n) .I.,.,. 05.01 Llnienpaar bf) . 05.19 D Dichteumfang (ml ,.I,.,.,., 05.11 E Erkennbarkeit IfI . . . . . .l.i., 05.09 G Gamma (n) ,.,.,I,.,*,. 05.24 I ISO-Testfeld Nr. 1 (n) 05.17 ISO-Testfeld Nr. 2 (II) 05.20 ISO-Testzeichen Nr. 1 (n) . 05.15 ISOFTestzeichen Nr. 2 (n) . 05.16 ISO-T

43、estzeichengruppe If) 05.16 K M Mikro-Testkarte (f) . . , . . . , . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . . . 05.21 P Polaritat (f) . . *I.* 05.08 R Rest-Thiosulfat-Bestimmung f) . . o.r. 05.32 S Scharfeinstellung (f) . 05.30 Schlrfentiefe if) 05.31 Schleier (m) 05.12 Schleierdichte

44、 (f) ; . 05.13 Schw%zungskurve (f) 05.23 Steilheittf), mittlere . 05.25 T Testblatt (4 05.22 Testkarte (f) 05.14,05.21 U Uberbelichtung (f) . 05.29 Uberentwicklung (f) . 05.27 Unterbelichtung (f) 05.28 Unterentwicklung IfI . 05.28 24 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided

45、by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 19:46:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6166-5 : 1987 (E/F/R) MC0 6166-5 : 1987 (A/PI UDClCDUlYK 778.14 : 001.4 Descriptors : micrographics, quality

46、control, vocabulary./Descripteurs : micrographic, contr6le de qualif6, VOCabUlaire./&CKpMnTOpbl : MkiKporpacw, KotiTponb KaqecTaa, onoeapb. Price based on 24 pages/Prix base sur 24 pages/ueHa pacowTaHa Ha 24 CTP. Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/18/2007 19:46:10 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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